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- Re: CF: Re: Gameplay issues,
Brian Thomas
- Re: CF: Experience awards with skills, map design,
Brian Thomas
- CF: cf: A list of servers would be fine?,
- CF: readable.c part 2,
Brian Thomas
- CF: public servers,
Bob Tanner
- CF: Crossfire.,
Jason Largen
- CF: 0.92.6 - spell bug?,
Samuli Tursas
- CF: spell casting bug (minor patch),
Brian Thomas
- CF: colors 2,
Jason Largen
- Re: party system (was: CF: colors 2),
Brian Thomas
- CF: Question about the Wizard Tower,
Charles Walden, 266E, x-7753
- CF: Wizard Tower,
Charles Walden, 266E, x-7753
- CF: 1 thought on new spell,
Kundi Xue
- CF: Casting time & spellcasting monsters,
Samuli Tursas
- CF: bug in map?,
John R. Murray
- CF: Re: bug in map?,
John R. Murray
- CF: Bug in that damned Kundi's map,
Kundi Xue
- CF: the creator object, i don't think i ever documented it.,
Peter Mardahl
- CF: throwing skill patch,
Brian Thomas
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