March 2017 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
rjtanner 2017-03-26 23:46 Rev.: 20342

Update Frost Shield (armour/shield/frostshield.arc) to take up a body slot when applied

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

rjtanner 2017-03-25 23:35 Rev.: 20340

Moved bloodreaver axe and Order Sword to the artifact directory, as they are not standard weapons

74 lines of code changed in 9 files:

rjtanner 2017-03-19 01:26 Rev.: 20339

Patch #270 New Items - 6 different items (with some changes for clarity and item property conflicts as noted in the patch summary on SourceForge.)

168 lines of code changed in 13 files:

rjtanner 2017-03-17 18:28 Rev.: 20338

Patch #267 New Items - 7 different items (with some changes to weapon attack types as noted in the ChangeLog and patch summary on SourceForge.)

186 lines of code changed in 15 files:

February 2017 »

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