Crossfire Server, Trunk
mapper.cpp File Reference
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "sproto.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "quest.h"
#include <gd.h>
#include <gdfonts.h>
#include <gdfontl.h>
#include <gdfontg.h>
#include "inja.hpp"
#include <map>
#include <set>
+ Include dependency graph for mapper.cpp:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

class  pageToRender
struct  struct_equipment
struct  struct_map_in_quest
struct  struct_map_in_quest_list
struct  struct_map_info
struct  struct_map_list
struct  struct_npc_info
struct  struct_quest
struct  struct_race
struct  struct_race_list
struct  struct_region_info
struct  struct_slaying_info


#define S_CONNECT   4
#define S_CONTAINER   2
#define S_DETECTOR   3
#define S_DOOR   0
#define S_KEY   1
#define S_MAX   5
#define SIZE   50
#define size_large   sizes[0]
#define size_small   sizes[1]


typedef std::vector< struct_npc_info * > npc_list


enum  output_format_type { OF_PNG = 0, OF_JPG = 1 }


void account_char_free (Account_Chars *)
Account_Charsaccount_char_load (const char *)
void account_char_save (Account_Chars *)
void account_logout (const char *)
static void add_map (struct_map_info *info, struct_map_list *list)
static void add_map_to_quest (struct_map_info *map, const char *name, const char *description)
static void add_map_to_region (struct_map_info *map, region *reg)
static void add_map_to_slaying (struct_slaying_info *info, int item, struct_map_info *map)
static void add_monster (object *monster, struct_map_info *map)
static void add_npc_to_map (npc_list *list, const object *npc)
static void add_one_item (object *item, struct_map_info *map)
static void add_race_to_list (struct_race *race, struct_race_list *list, int check)
static void add_region_link (mapstruct *source, mapstruct *dest)
static void add_slaying (struct_map_info *map, object *item)
void add_template_to_render (const std::string &template_name, const std::string &output_name, const std::string &param)
static void add_to_struct_map_in_quest_list (struct_map_in_quest_list *list, struct_map_in_quest *item)
static void append_map_list (struct_map_list &dest, struct_map_list &src)
int apply_auto (object *op)
void apply_auto_fix (mapstruct *)
static void check_equipment (object *item, struct_map_info *map)
static void check_slaying_inventory (struct_map_info *map, object *item)
void clean_tmp_files (void)
void command_help (object *, const char *)
static int compare_map_info (const struct_map_info *left, const struct_map_info *right)
static void create_destination (void)
static nlohmann::json create_map_in_quest_array (struct_map_in_quest_list &list)
static struct_map_infocreate_map_info (void)
static nlohmann::json create_map_object (struct_map_info *map, const std::string &key)
static nlohmann::json create_maps_array (struct_map_list &maps)
static nlohmann::json create_npc_array (npc_list &list)
static struct_npc_infocreate_npc_info (const object *npc)
static nlohmann::json create_quest_object (struct_quest *quest, const std::string &key)
static nlohmann::json create_race_array (struct_race_list &list)
static nlohmann::json create_region_array (const std::set< region * > &regions)
static struct_map_infocreate_tiled_map (void)
static void define_quest (const char *name, struct_map_info *mainmap, const char *description)
void do_auto_apply (mapstruct *m)
static void do_exit_map (mapstruct *map)
static void do_help (const char *program)
static void do_parameters (int argc, char **argv)
static void do_tiled_map_picture (struct_map_info *map)
void dragon_ability_gain (object *, int, int)
void draw_ext_info (int, int, const object *, uint8_t, uint8_t, const char *txt)
void draw_ext_info_format (int, int, const object *, uint8_t, uint8_t, const char *format,...)
static void dump_unused_maps (void)
void emergency_save (int)
static struct_equipmentensure_unique (struct_equipment *item)
void esrv_del_item (player *, object *)
void esrv_send_item (object *, object *)
void esrv_update_item (int, object *, object *)
void esrv_update_spells (player *)
void ext_info_map (int, const mapstruct *, uint8_t, uint8_t, const char *str1)
static void fill_json (nlohmann::json &json)
static void fill_reverse_maps (struct_map_list &list)
static struct_map_infofind_map_by_key (const std::string &key)
static void find_maps (const char *from)
playerfind_player_partial_name (const char *)
static struct_questfind_quest_info (const char *name)
static regionfind_region_by_key (const std::string &key)
objectfind_skill_by_number (object *, int)
static void fix_exits_for_map (struct_map_info *current, struct_map_list *from, int is_from)
static void fix_exits_to_tiled_maps (void)
static void fix_map_names (void)
static void fix_tiled_map (void)
static void fix_tiled_map_monsters (void)
static void free_equipment (struct_equipment *equip)
static nlohmann::json generate_page_and_link (inja::Arguments &args)
static nlohmann::json generate_picture_link (inja::Arguments &args)
static void generate_picture_path (const char *path, size_t pic_size, char *out, size_t len)
static int get_elevation_color (int elevation, gdImagePtr elevationmap)
static struct_equipmentget_equipment (void)
static struct_map_infoget_map_info (const char *path)
static struct_questget_quest_info (const char *name)
static struct_raceget_race (const char *name)
static struct_slaying_infoget_slaying_struct (const char *slaying)
static inja::Template get_template (const std::string &filename)
static void init_map_list (struct_map_list *list)
static void init_race_list (struct_race_list *list)
static void init_renderer_env ()
static void init_struct_map_in_quest_list (struct_map_in_quest_list *list)
static int is_blocking (object *item)
static int is_road (object *item)
static int is_slaying (object *item)
static int is_special_equipment (object *item)
static void list_map (const char *path)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
static void merge_tiled_maps (struct_map_info *map, struct_map_info *tiled_map)
void move_firewall (object *)
static std::string path_from_current (const std::string &path)
SockListplayer_get_delayed_buffer (player *)
static void process_map (struct_map_info *info)
static void process_map_lore (struct_map_info *map)
static void quest_callback (const quest_definition *quest, void *)
static void relative_path (const char *from, const char *to, char *result)
void rod_adjust (object *)
static void save_picture (FILE *file, gdImagePtr pic)
void set_darkness_map (mapstruct *)
static bool sort_equipment (const struct_equipment *l, const struct_equipment *r)
static int sort_map_info (const void *left, const void *right)
static int sort_race (const void *a, const void *b)
static int sort_region (const void *left, const void *right)
static int sort_slaying (const void *left, const void *right)
static int sort_struct_map_in_quest (const void *left, const void *right)
static int sort_struct_quest (const void *left, const void *right)
static std::vector< std::string > split (const std::string &field, const std::string &by)
static std::string templates_root ("templates/")
static int tiled_map_need_pic (struct_map_info *map)
static void write_pictures_from_real_size (const char *path, gdImagePtr real, int width, int height)
static void write_tiled_map_page (struct_map_info *map)
static void write_tiled_maps (void)
static void write_world_info (void)
static void write_world_map (void)
static const char * yesno (int value)


static nlohmann::json all_data
static int cached_pics = 0
static int color_blocking
static int color_linked_exit
static int color_road
static int color_slowing
static int color_unlinked_exit
static int created_pics = 0
static bool detail_quests = false
static bool display_rendered_template = false
static bool do_regions_link = false
static int ** elevation_info
static int elevation_max
static int elevation_min
static std::shared_ptr< inja::Environmentenv
static int force_pics = 0
static std::vector< char * > found_maps
static gdImagePtr * gdfaces
static int generate_pics = 1
static const char * ignore_name []
static const char * ignore_path []
static gdImagePtr infomap
static int jpeg_quality = -1
static bool list_system_quests = false
static int list_unused_maps = 0
static int map_limit = -1
static struct_map_list maps_list
static const int num_sizes = sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(int)
static const char * output_extensions []
static enum output_format_type output_format = OF_PNG
static std::vector< pageToRenderpages
static std::vector< std::string > path_stack
static int pics_allocated
static struct_quest ** quests = NULL
static int quests_allocated = 0
static int quests_count = 0
static struct_race_list races
static int rawmaps = 0
static size_t region_allocated = 0
static size_t region_count = 0
static std::map< region *, std::set< region * > > region_links
static struct struct_region_info ** regions = NULL
static std::set< std::string > rendered_templates
static std::set< std::string > reset_groups
static std::map< struct_map_info *, std::string > reverse_maps
static std::map< region *, std::string > reverse_regions
static char root [500]
static int show_maps = 0
static int sizes [] = {32, 16, 8, 4, 2}
static size_t slaying_allocated = 0
static size_t slaying_count = 0
static struct_slaying_info ** slaying_info = NULL
static std::vector< struct_equipment * > special_equipment
static std::vector< quest_definition * > system_quests
static inja::TemplateStorage templateCache
static std::vector< std::string > templates
static struct_map_list tiled_map_list
static int tileset = 0
static int warn_no_path = 0
static int world_exit_info = 1
static int world_map = 1

Detailed Description

This program generates, by default, map browsing web pages (but it can be customized for other things).

Quick run: without arguments, will make sensible choices.

For help, try the -help option.

Since this program browses maps from the first map, only maps linked from there will be processed. A command line parameter, "-addmap=", allows to specify more maps.

Maps are generated as the server sees them, that is with weather effects, treasures instead of markers, and things like that.

Generated files use "templates", stored (by default) in "templates/" subdirectory. A list of files to process is specified on the command line (by default "index.html"), and from there the program will generate all requested pages.

Templates use the inja C++ template engine, found at Provided templates should give much samples of use, see "index.html" for entry point.

The following objects exist:

  • map: identified by a unique key, the following fields are defined:
    • _key: unique map key
    • name: map name as defined in the map itself
    • path: map path from the map root
    • region: key of the region this map is part of
    • level: map level as defined in the map
    • reest_group: reset group of the map, empty if not specified
    • lore: map lore as defined in the map
    • exits_to: array of map keys that this map contains exits to
    • exits_from: array of map keys that link to this map
    • npcs: array of npc objects that are on this map
    • readables: array of npc objects that represent books on this map
    • monsters: array of monster objects
    • quests: array of quest_in_map objects that this map is part of
  • region: identified by a unique key, the following fields are defined:
    • _key: unique region identifier
    • name: region short name
    • longname: region long name
    • description: region description
    • maps: array of map keys that are part of the region
    • links: array of region keys this region has exits to
  • item: contains the following fields:
    • name: item name as found on the map
    • power: item power as found on the map
    • calc_power: item power as computed by the game
    • diff: item specific fields, as an (CF) object difference with the archetype
    • maps: array of map keys the item is found on
  • monster: contains the following fields:
    • name: monster's name
    • count: how many are found in the world
    • maps: array of map keys the monster is found on
  • system_quest: information about a quest, with the following fields:
    • code: unique quest code
    • title: quest title as seen by the player
    • description: long description, as seen by the player
    • steps: only filled if the command-line parameter "-details-quests" is specified, array of steps:
      • description: step description
      • is_completion: true if this step completes the quest, false else
  • slaying: information about a key, detector and such, with the following fields:
    • slaying: unique code
    • doors: array of map keys that contain a door with this slaying
    • keys: array of map keys that contain a key with this slaying
    • containers: array of map keys that contain a container with this slaying
    • detectors: array of map keys that contain a detector with this slaying
    • connections: array of map keys that contain a connection with this slaying
  • quests: information about a quest as defined in map parameters, with the following fields:
    • _key: unique quest key
    • number: unique quest number
    • name: quest name, may be empty
    • description: quest description, may be empty
    • main_map: key of the main map of the quest, may be empty
    • maps: array of quest_in_map objects
  • quest_in_map: information about a link between a map and a quest
    • map: map key
    • description: relationship between the quest and the map
    • quest: quest name
    • number: unique quest number *
  • npc: information about a NPC or a readable (book, sign, message...), fields:
    • name: NPC or readable name as defined in the map
    • x: coordinate in the map
    • y: coordinate in the map
    • message: NPC or readable message
  • monster: information about a monster, fields:
    • name: monster name
    • count: number on the map

The following variables are available to the templates:

  • maps: list of maps
  • regions: list of regions
  • items: list of special equipment
  • monsters: list of monster objects
  • system_quests: list of system quest objects
  • slaying: list of slaying information objects
  • quests: list of quests defined in map objects

As well as default callbacks provided by inja, mapper adds the following ones:

  • link_to_page(page_name[, param]): process the "page_name" template, and return a link to the file. "param" is an optional string that the template will be able to access via the "param" variable. Pages with the same "page_name" and "param" are considered equal.
  • substr(what, start[, length]): return the substring from "start", of a specified length or the end of the string.
  • picture(item_key[, size]): return the path to the picture of the specified item. "size" is 1 to 5, with 1 real size and 5 the smallest size. Only map keys are allowed for now.
  • pad(val, digits): pad "val" to a string of "length" characters, adding 0 in front if needed.
  • path_to_root: return the relative path, without final /, to the output root of generated files.
  • sort(list, keys[, invert[, ignore_case]]): sort the specified list by the value of 'keys', which may include multiple field names separated by a comma. If 'invert' is true then invert order. Strings are compared in a case-unsensitive manner unless 'ignore_case' is false.
  • get_by_field(list, field, value): return the first item in the list having a field 'field' with value 'value'.
  • get_list_by_field(list, field, value): return all items in the list having a field 'field' with a value in the list 'value' (if value a list) or the value 'value' (if value a single value).

For maps, 5 pictures are generated, with sizes of 32, 16, 8, 4 and 2 pixels for tiles.

To build this program, add the '–enable-mapper' flag to 'configure' then run 'make' at the server root. It requires the GD library and its development files.

  • split this file in multiple ones for easier maintenance
  • add missing documentation on variables / functions
  • add command line argument for large / small picture size
  • add maximum width/height for small picture
  • add slaying information to maps themselves
  • shop catalog
  • treasure list use

Definition in file mapper.cpp.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define S_CONNECT   4

Definition at line 390 of file mapper.cpp.


#define S_CONTAINER   2

Definition at line 388 of file mapper.cpp.


#define S_DETECTOR   3

Definition at line 389 of file mapper.cpp.


#define S_DOOR   0

Connection/slaying information.

Definition at line 386 of file mapper.cpp.


#define S_KEY   1

Definition at line 387 of file mapper.cpp.


#define S_MAX   5

Definition at line 391 of file mapper.cpp.


#define SIZE   50

◆ size_large

#define size_large   sizes[0]

Definition at line 314 of file mapper.cpp.

◆ size_small

#define size_small   sizes[1]

Definition at line 315 of file mapper.cpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ npc_list

typedef std::vector<struct_npc_info *> npc_list

List of NPCs with a custom message.

Definition at line 186 of file mapper.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ output_format_type

Map output formats.


PNG, default value.



Definition at line 330 of file mapper.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ account_char_free()

void account_char_free ( Account_Chars )

This frees all data associated with the character information.

charsData to free. The caller should make sure it no longer uses any data in this list.

Definition at line 3414 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by account_add_player_cmd(), free_newsocket(), init_connection(), key_confirm_quit(), kill_player_permadeath(), send_account_players(), set_player_socket(), and START_TEST().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ account_char_load()

Account_Chars* account_char_load ( const char *  )

For a given account name, load the character information and return it. It is the responsibility of the caller to call account_char_free() on the returned value to free it.

account_nameName of the account. The name should be validated before this routine is called (eg, passed checks for legitimate characters and logged in)
Character data.

Definition at line 3407 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by account_add_player_cmd(), send_account_players(), and START_TEST().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ account_char_save()

void account_char_save ( Account_Chars )

Saves the character information for the given account.

charspreviously loaded/generated list of character information for this account.

Definition at line 3411 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by account_add_player_cmd(), free_newsocket(), key_confirm_quit(), kill_player_permadeath(), save_player(), and START_TEST().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ account_logout()

void account_logout ( const char *  )

Remove 'account_name' from the list of logged in accounts.

Definition at line 3420 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by free_newsocket().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_map()

static void add_map ( struct_map_info info,
struct_map_list list 

Adds a map to specified array, if it isn't already.

infomap to add.
listlist to add to.
will allocate memory and update variables when required.

Definition at line 1167 of file mapper.cpp.

References guildoracle::list, and disinfect::map.

Referenced by add_map_to_region(), add_map_to_slaying(), add_monster(), add_one_item(), append_map_list(), CREMapInformationManager::checkItem(), create_tiled_map(), do_parameters(), fix_exits_for_map(), fix_exits_to_tiled_maps(), fix_tiled_map_monsters(), get_map_info(), merge_tiled_maps(), and process_map().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_map_to_quest()

static void add_map_to_quest ( struct_map_info map,
const char *  name,
const char *  description 

Links a map to a quest.

mapmap to link.
namequest name.
descriptionassociated link description. Must not be NULL.

Definition at line 963 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_to_struct_map_in_quest_list(), struct_map_in_quest::description, get_quest_info(), disinfect::map, struct_map_in_quest::map, give::name, and struct_map_in_quest::quest.

Referenced by process_map_lore().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_map_to_region()

static void add_map_to_region ( struct_map_info map,
region reg 

Links a map to a region.

Will not readd the map if already linked.

mapmap name.
regregion to link the map to.

Definition at line 1308 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), struct_region_info::is_world, disinfect::map, maps_list, struct_region_info::reg, region_allocated, region_count, regions, struct_region_info::sum, struct_region_info::sum_x, struct_region_info::sum_y, diamondslots::x, and diamondslots::y.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_map_to_slaying()

static void add_map_to_slaying ( struct_slaying_info info,
int  item,
struct_map_info map 

Adds the specified map to the slaying information if not already present.

infostructure to add to.
itemone of the S_xxx values specifying what type of slaying this is.
mapmap to add.

Definition at line 1419 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), disinfect::map, and struct_slaying_info::maps.

Referenced by add_slaying().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_monster()

static void add_monster ( object monster,
struct_map_info map 

Adds a monster to the monster list.

monstermonster to add. Can be any part.
mapmap to add the monster to.

Definition at line 626 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), add_race_to_list(), get_race(), object::head, object::level, disinfect::map, MAX, MIN, object::name, and struct_race::origin.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_npc_to_map()

static void add_npc_to_map ( npc_list list,
const object npc 

Add the specified NPC to the list.

listwhere to add the NPC.
npcNPC to add. Must have a name and message.

Definition at line 1151 of file mapper.cpp.

References create_npc_info(), guildoracle::list, and npc_dialog::npc.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_one_item()

◆ add_race_to_list()

static void add_race_to_list ( struct_race race,
struct_race_list list,
int  check 

Appends a race to a race list.

racerace to add.
listlist to add to.
checkif 0, don't check if race is already on the list ; else don't make duplicated entries.

Definition at line 285 of file mapper.cpp.

References bigchest::check, and guildoracle::list.

Referenced by add_monster(), fix_tiled_map_monsters(), and get_race().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_region_link()

static void add_region_link ( mapstruct source,
mapstruct dest 

Creates a link between two maps if they are on different regions.

sourcemap from.
destmap to.

Definition at line 1356 of file mapper.cpp.

References convert::dest, get_region_by_map(), and region_links.

Referenced by CREMapInformationManager::checkItem(), and process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_slaying()

static void add_slaying ( struct_map_info map,
object item 

Adds the item's information to the map.

mapmap containing the item.
itemitem which slaying field we're considering.

Definition at line 1431 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map_to_slaying(), CONTAINER, DETECTOR, get_slaying_struct(), LOCKED_DOOR, disinfect::map, S_CONNECT, S_CONTAINER, S_DETECTOR, S_DOOR, S_KEY, and SPECIAL_KEY.

Referenced by check_slaying_inventory(), and process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_template_to_render()

void add_template_to_render ( const std::string &  template_name,
const std::string &  output_name,
const std::string &  param 

Push the specified template, with optional param, on the list of files to process.

template_nametemplate name to use.
output_nameoutput file name.
paramadditional parameter to the template.

Definition at line 2591 of file mapper.cpp.

References pages, ring_occidental_mages::r, and rendered_templates.

Referenced by generate_page_and_link(), and main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_to_struct_map_in_quest_list()

static void add_to_struct_map_in_quest_list ( struct_map_in_quest_list list,
struct_map_in_quest item 

Definition at line 904 of file mapper.cpp.

References say::item, and guildoracle::list.

Referenced by add_map_to_quest().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ append_map_list()

static void append_map_list ( struct_map_list dest,
struct_map_list src 

Append the contents of src to dest.

destwhere to put items.
srcwhat to append to dest, unchanged.

Definition at line 2336 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), struct_map_list::count, convert::dest, disinfect::map, and struct_map_list::maps.

Referenced by fill_json().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ apply_auto()

int apply_auto ( object op)

Map was just loaded, handle op's initialization.

Generates shop floor's item, and treasures.

opobject to initialize.
1 if object was initialized, 0 else.

Definition at line 3344 of file mapper.cpp.

References BOOK, CLEAR_FLAG, create_treasure(), FLAG_AUTO_APPLY, FLAG_CURSED, FLAG_DAMNED, FLAG_IS_A_TEMPLATE, FLAG_UNPAID, FOR_INV_FINISH, FOR_INV_PREPARE, generate_treasure(), HAS_RANDOM_ITEMS, identify(), MAX, object_free_drop_inventory(), object_insert_in_map_at(), object_insert_in_ob(), object_remove(), give::op, QUERY_FLAG, SET_FLAG, SHOP_FLOOR, Ice::tmp, and TREASURE.

Referenced by do_auto_apply().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ apply_auto_fix()

void apply_auto_fix ( mapstruct )

Go through the entire map (only the first time when an original map is loaded) and performs special actions for certain objects (most initialization of chests and creation of treasures and stuff). Calls apply_auto() if appropriate.

mmap to fix.

Those are dummy functions defined to resolve all symboles. Added as part of glue cleaning. Ryo 2005-07-15

Definition at line 3396 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by enter_unique_map(), generate_random_map(), mapfile_load(), and START_TEST().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_equipment()

static void check_equipment ( object item,
struct_map_info map 

Checks if item and its inventory are worthy to be listed.

itemitem to check.
mapmap the item is on.

Definition at line 580 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_one_item(), FOR_INV_FINISH, FOR_INV_PREPARE, commongive::inv, is_special_equipment(), and disinfect::map.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_slaying_inventory()

static void check_slaying_inventory ( struct_map_info map,
object item 

Recursively checks if the object should be considered for slaying information.

mapmap containing the items.
itemitem to consider. Must not be NULL.

Definition at line 1459 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_slaying(), FOR_INV_FINISH, FOR_INV_PREPARE, commongive::inv, is_slaying(), and disinfect::map.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clean_tmp_files()

void clean_tmp_files ( void  )

Save unique maps and clean up temporary map files unless recycling temporary maps. The function name is somewhat misleading.

Definition at line 3312 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fatal(), and LOG().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ command_help()

void command_help ( object ,
const char *   

Player is asking for some help.

opplayer asking for information.
paramswhat kind of help to ask for.

Definition at line 3417 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by command_knowledge(), command_party(), command_quest(), command_shutdown(), and commands_init().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compare_map_info()

static int compare_map_info ( const struct_map_info left,
const struct_map_info right 

Compares struct_map_info according to the map name or the path if equal.

leftfirst item.
rightsecond item.
comparison on name, and if equal then on whole path.

Definition at line 822 of file mapper.cpp.

References c, struct_map_info::name, struct_map_info::path, strcasecmp(), and struct_map_info::tiled_group.

Referenced by sort_map_info().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_destination()

static void create_destination ( void  )

Ensures destination directory exists.

Definition at line 2980 of file mapper.cpp.

References make_path_to_file(), and root.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_map_in_quest_array()

static nlohmann::json create_map_in_quest_array ( struct_map_in_quest_list list)

Return an array of map-in-quest items.

listitems to return the JSON of.

Definition at line 2255 of file mapper.cpp.

References nlohmann::basic_json::array, guildoracle::list, m, nlohmann::basic_json::push_back(), item::q, and reverse_maps.

Referenced by create_map_object(), and create_quest_object().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_map_info()

static struct_map_info* create_map_info ( void  )

◆ create_map_object()

static nlohmann::json create_map_object ( struct_map_info map,
const std::string &  key 

Return a JSON map object.

mapmap to return the JSON of.
keymap unique identifier.
JSON object.

Definition at line 2278 of file mapper.cpp.

References create_map_in_quest_array(), create_maps_array(), create_npc_array(), create_race_array(), castle_read::key, disinfect::map, and reverse_regions.

Referenced by fill_json().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_maps_array()

static nlohmann::json create_maps_array ( struct_map_list maps)

Return an array of map identifiers.

mapsitems to return the JSON of.

Definition at line 2203 of file mapper.cpp.

References nlohmann::basic_json::array, m, disinfect::map, maps, rotate-tower::result, and reverse_maps.

Referenced by create_map_object(), and fill_json().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_npc_array()

static nlohmann::json create_npc_array ( npc_list list)

Return an array of NPC information.

listitems to return the JSON of.

Definition at line 2219 of file mapper.cpp.

References guildoracle::list, npc_dialog::npc, and rotate-tower::result.

Referenced by create_map_object().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_npc_info()

static struct_npc_info* create_npc_info ( const object npc)

Create the struct_npc_info from the specified NPC. It must have a name and message.

npcNPC to gather info for.
structure with info.

Definition at line 1133 of file mapper.cpp.

References struct_npc_info::message, struct_npc_info::name, npc_dialog::npc, struct_npc_info::x, and struct_npc_info::y.

Referenced by add_npc_to_map().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_quest_object()

static nlohmann::json create_quest_object ( struct_quest quest,
const std::string &  key 

Return a JSON quest object.

questquest to return the JSON of.
keyquest unique key.
JSON object.

Definition at line 2302 of file mapper.cpp.

References create_map_in_quest_array(), castle_read::key, and reverse_maps.

Referenced by fill_json().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_race_array()

static nlohmann::json create_race_array ( struct_race_list list)

Return an array of monster information.

listitems to return the JSON of.

Definition at line 2238 of file mapper.cpp.

References guildoracle::list, and rotate-tower::result.

Referenced by create_map_object().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_region_array()

static nlohmann::json create_region_array ( const std::set< region * > &  regions)

Return an array of region identifiers.

regionsregions to process.
JSON object.

Definition at line 2346 of file mapper.cpp.

References nlohmann::basic_json::array, nlohmann::basic_json::push_back(), ring_occidental_mages::r, regions, and reverse_regions.

Referenced by fill_json().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ create_tiled_map()

static struct_map_info* create_tiled_map ( void  )

Create a new tiled map and link it to the tiled map list.

new tiled map.

Definition at line 1210 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), create_map_info(), and tiled_map_list.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ define_quest()

static void define_quest ( const char *  name,
struct_map_info mainmap,
const char *  description 

Sets the main map for a quest.

namequest name.
mainmapmain map to associate.
descriptionquest description. Must not be NULL.

Definition at line 1029 of file mapper.cpp.

References get_quest_info(), give::name, and struct_map_info::path.

Referenced by process_map_lore().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ do_auto_apply()

◆ do_exit_map()

static void do_exit_map ( mapstruct map)

Proceses exit / road / blocking information for specified map into the global infomap map.

If map isn't a world map, won't do anything.

mapmap to write info for.

Definition at line 726 of file mapper.cpp.

References color_blocking, color_linked_exit, color_road, color_slowing, color_unlinked_exit, elevation_info, elevation_max, elevation_min, EXIT, FOR_MAP_FINISH, FOR_MAP_PREPARE, HEAD, infomap, is_blocking(), is_road(), disinfect::map, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_WIDTH, MAX, MIN, object::move_slow, object::slaying, TELEPORTER, object::type, diamondslots::x, and diamondslots::y.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ do_help()

static void do_help ( const char *  program)

Prints usage information, and exit.

programprogram path.

Definition at line 2861 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ do_parameters()

static void do_parameters ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Handles command-line parameters.

argcnumber of parameters, including program name.
argvarguments, including program name.

Definition at line 2898 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), detail_quests, display_rendered_template, do_help(), do_regions_link, force_pics, generate_pics, get_map_info(), jpeg_quality, list_system_quests, list_unused_maps, map_limit, maps_list, OF_JPG, output_format, python_init::path, rawmaps, root, show_maps, templates, templates_root(), tileset, warn_no_path, world_exit_info, and world_map.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ do_tiled_map_picture()

static void do_tiled_map_picture ( struct_map_info map)

Generates the large and small pictures for a tiled map. This uses the large/small pictures made during process_map(), so having a map limit could lead to maps not found and invalid results.

maptiled map to make the picture of.
add a field to struct_map_info to remember if pic was updated or not, and update the tiled map only if one map has changed / the pic doesn't exist.

Definition at line 2033 of file mapper.cpp.

References disinfect::count, replace::current, generate_pics, generate_picture_path(), disinfect::map, OF_PNG, make_face_from_files::out, output_format, size_large, tiled_map_need_pic(), and write_pictures_from_real_size().

Referenced by write_tiled_map_page().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dragon_ability_gain()

void dragon_ability_gain ( object ,
int  ,

When a dragon-player gains a new stage of evolution, he gets some treasure.

whothe dragon player.
atnrthe attack-number of the ability focus.
levelability level.

Definition at line 3318 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by dragon_level_gain().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ draw_ext_info()

void draw_ext_info ( int  ,
int  ,
const object ,
uint8_t  ,
uint8_t  ,
const char *  txt 

Dummy functions to link the library.

Definition at line 3290 of file mapper.cpp.

References logfile.

Referenced by adj_stealchance(), adjust_sign_msg(), alchemy_failure_effect(), animate_weapon(), apply_builder_floor(), apply_builder_item(), apply_builder_remove(), apply_builder_wall(), apply_builder_window(), apply_by_living(), apply_check_apply_restrictions(), apply_check_item_power(), apply_check_owner(), apply_manual(), apply_map_builder(), apply_sign(), apply_special(), armour_improver_type_apply(), attack_hth(), attack_melee_weapon(), attack_message(), attack_ob_simple(), attempt_do_alchemy(), attempt_jump(), attempt_recipe(), attempt_steal(), basic_emote(), blocked_link(), book_type_apply(), can_pay(), cast_bless(), cast_cause_disease(), cast_change_ability(), cast_change_map_lightlevel(), cast_cone(), cast_consecrate(), cast_create_food(), cast_create_obj(), cast_create_town_portal(), cast_curse(), cast_heal(), cast_identify(), cast_invisible(), cast_item_curse_or_bless(), cast_light(), cast_raise_dead_spell(), cast_smite_spell(), cast_spell(), cast_transfer(), cast_word_of_recall(), cf_handle_type_apply(), cfapi_player_message(), change_abil(), change_spell(), charge_mana_effect(), check_heal_and_mana(), check_login(), check_name(), check_pick(), command_abil(), command_accountpasswd(), command_addexp(), command_afk(), command_arrest(), command_banish(), command_body(), command_bowmode(), command_brace(), command_create(), command_delete(), command_diff(), command_drop(), command_dropall(), command_dump(), command_empty(), command_face(), command_fire(), command_follow(), command_forget_spell(), command_free(), command_freeze(), command_goto(), command_gsay(), command_insert_into(), command_inventory(), command_invisible(), command_kill_pets(), command_language(), command_learn_spell_or_prayer(), command_list(), command_loadplugin(), command_loadtest(), command_lock_item(), command_mark(), command_mon_aggr(), command_nowiz(), command_overlay_reset(), command_overlay_save(), command_party(), command_passwd(), command_patch(), command_peaceful(), command_pickup(), command_possess(), command_purge_quest(), command_purge_quest_definitions(), command_quest(), command_quit(), command_remove(), command_rename_item(), command_reply(), command_reset(), command_resistances(), command_rskill(), command_run(), command_save(), command_search_items(), command_setgod(), command_settings(), command_showpets(), command_shutdown(), command_sound(), command_stack_clear(), command_stack_list(), command_statistics(), command_stats(), command_strings(), command_style_map_info(), command_summon(), command_swap(), command_take(), command_teleport(), command_tell_all(), command_title(), command_toggle_shout(), command_unloadplugin(), command_use(), command_uskill(), command_whereabouts(), command_wimpy(), command_wizcast(), command_wizpass(), confuse_living(), create_aura(), create_bomb(), cure_disease(), current_map_info(), dimension_door(), dispel_rune(), display_help_file(), display_motd(), display_new_pickup(), display_who_entry(), dm_stack_peek(), dm_stack_pop(), dm_stack_push(), do_dump(), do_hidden_move(), do_shutdown(), do_skill(), do_skill_attack(), do_skill_by_number(), do_tell(), do_throw(), do_turn(), do_wizard_dm(), do_wizard_hide(), dragon_ability_gain(), dragon_eat_flesh(), drain_specific_stat(), drop(), drop_object(), eat_common(), emergency_save(), enter_map(), examine(), examine_fluff(), examine_monster(), examine_rod_charge_level(), examine_wand_charge_level(), exit_type_apply(), exit_type_move_on(), find_or_create_connection_for_map(), find_traps(), fire(), fire_arch_from_position(), fire_bow(), fire_misc_object(), food_type_apply(), get_other_player_from_name(), god_enchants_weapon(), god_intervention(), god_removes_curse(), handle_newcs_player(), help_topics(), hide(), hiscore_check(), hiscore_display(), hole_type_move_on(), identify_altar_type_move_on(), improve_armour(), improve_weapon(), improve_weapon_magic(), improve_weapon_stat(), infect_object(), inscribe_scroll_cmd(), inventory(), jump(), key_change_class(), key_confirm_quit(), key_roll_stat(), kill_object(), kill_player(), kill_player_not_permadeath(), kill_player_permadeath(), knowledge_add_probe_monster(), knowledge_alchemy_attempt(), knowledge_display(), knowledge_do_attempt(), knowledge_do_display(), knowledge_item_can_be_used_alchemy(), knowledge_show(), knowledge_write_player_data(), lighter_type_apply(), list_players(), lock_item_cmd(), look_at(), look_at_cmd(), magic_wall(), map_info(), mark_item_cmd(), meditate(), mimic_type_apply(), monster_can_see_enemy(), monster_communicate(), move_marker(), move_player_attack(), move_symptom(), paralyze_living(), party_send_message(), perceive_self(), pets_follow_owner(), pets_move(), pets_move_golem(), pets_summon_golem(), pets_summon_object(), pick_lock(), pick_up(), pick_up_object(), player_attack_door(), player_lvl_adj(), plugins_display_list(), poison_living(), poison_type_apply(), poisoning_type_process(), potion_type_apply(), power_crystal_type_apply(), pray(), pray_at_altar(), prayer_failure(), prepare_weapon(), print_los(), probe(), put_object_in_sack(), quest_info(), quest_set_state(), quest_write_player_data(), receive_party_password(), receive_play_again(), receive_player_name(), receive_player_password(), recharge(), remove_curse(), remove_depletion(), remove_force(), restore_player(), ring_bell(), save_player(), scroll_failure(), scroll_type_apply(), send_rules(), set_pickup_mode(), shop_describe(), shop_inventory_type_apply(), shop_mat_type_move_on(), show_commands(), show_matching_spells(), show_skills(), skill_attack(), skill_ident(), slow_living(), spell_failure(), spellbook_type_apply(), spring_trap(), tailor_god_spell(), town_portal_destroy_existing(), town_portal_find_force(), trap_disarm(), trapdoor_type_move_on(), treasure_type_apply(), trigger_type_apply(), unapply_for_ob(), unhide(), use_alchemy(), use_oratory(), weapon_improver_type_apply(), write_mark(), write_note(), write_on_item(), write_rune(), write_scroll(), and wrong_password().

◆ draw_ext_info_format()

void draw_ext_info_format ( int  ,
int  ,
const object ,
uint8_t  ,
uint8_t  ,
const char *  format,

Definition at line 3294 of file mapper.cpp.

References logfile.

◆ dump_unused_maps()

static void dump_unused_maps ( void  )

Writes the list of unused maps, maps found in the directories but not linked from the other maps.

Definition at line 2778 of file mapper.cpp.

References dump(), found_maps, disinfect::map, python_init::path, and root.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ emergency_save()

void emergency_save ( int  )

Save all players.

flagif non zero, it means that we want to try and save everyone, but keep the game running. Thus, we don't want to free any information.

Definition at line 3309 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fatal(), and LOG().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ensure_unique()

static struct_equipment* ensure_unique ( struct_equipment item)

Searches the item list for an identical item, except maps.

itemitem to search. The variable may be freed, so must not be used after calling this function.
item guaranteed to be unique in the item list.

Definition at line 482 of file mapper.cpp.

References free_equipment(), say::item, and special_equipment.

Referenced by add_one_item().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ esrv_del_item()

void esrv_del_item ( player ,

Tells the client to delete an item. Uses the item command with a -1 location.

Definition at line 3328 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by object_remove(), and transmute_item_to_flower().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ esrv_send_item()

void esrv_send_item ( object ,

Sends item's info to player.

Definition at line 3315 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by apply_container(), cast_detection(), dragon_ability_gain(), object_insert_in_ob(), and transmute_item_to_flower().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ esrv_update_item()

◆ esrv_update_spells()

void esrv_update_spells ( player )

This looks for any spells the player may have that have changed their stats. It then sends an updspell packet for each spell that has changed in this way.

Definition at line 3334 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fix_player().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ext_info_map()

void ext_info_map ( int  ,
const mapstruct ,
uint8_t  ,
uint8_t  ,
const char *  str1 

Writes to everyone on the specified map

colorThe color of the message
mapThe map where the players receiving the message are located
typeThe message type
subtypeThe message subtype
str1The message to be sent

Definition at line 3302 of file mapper.cpp.

References logfile.

Referenced by cfapi_map_message(), change_map_light(), command_me(), monster_do_say(), monster_do_talk_npc(), operate_altar(), and trigger_connected().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fill_json()

◆ fill_reverse_maps()

static void fill_reverse_maps ( struct_map_list list)

Fill the reverse_maps array with the provided list.

listmaps to put.

Definition at line 2317 of file mapper.cpp.

References buf, guildoracle::list, disinfect::map, reverse_maps, sort_map_info(), and sort_race().

Referenced by fill_json().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_map_by_key()

static struct_map_info* find_map_by_key ( const std::string &  key)

Get the map with the specified key, nullptr if not found.

keykey of the map to find.
map, nullptr if not found.

Definition at line 2179 of file mapper.cpp.

References c, is_valid_types_gen::found, castle_read::key, and reverse_maps.

Referenced by generate_page_and_link(), and generate_picture_link().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_maps()

static void find_maps ( const char *  from)

Recursively find all all maps in a directory.

frompath to search from, without trailing /.

Definition at line 2738 of file mapper.cpp.

References closedir(), Settings::datadir, mad_mage_user::file, found_maps, HUGE_BUF, ignore_name, ignore_path, Settings::mapdir, opendir(), python_init::path, readdir(), settings, and takeitem::status.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_player_partial_name()

player* find_player_partial_name ( const char *  )

Find a player by a partial name.

plnamename to match.
matching player if only one matching, or one perfectly matching, NULL if no match or more than one.

Definition at line 3403 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by cfapi_player_find(), command_follow(), command_quest(), command_stats(), command_teleport(), do_follow(), and do_tell().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_quest_info()

static struct_quest* find_quest_info ( const char *  name)

Gets the information for a quest if it exists.

namequest's name.
quest information, NULL if no match.

Definition at line 917 of file mapper.cpp.

References give::name, quests, and quests_count.

Referenced by fill_json(), and get_quest_info().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_region_by_key()

static region* find_region_by_key ( const std::string &  key)

Get the region with the specified key, nullptr if not found.

keykey of the region to find.
region, nullptr if not found.

Definition at line 2191 of file mapper.cpp.

References c, is_valid_types_gen::found, castle_read::key, and reverse_regions.

Referenced by generate_page_and_link().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_skill_by_number()

object* find_skill_by_number ( object ,

This returns the first skill pointer of the given subtype (the one that accumulates exp, has the level, etc).

It is presumed that the player will be needing to actually use the skill, so a skill tool will be equipped if one if found to benefit from its bonuses.

This code is basically the same as find_skill_by_name() above, but instead of a skill name, we search by matching subtype.

Warning: skill subtypes are not unique to skills, various skills (eg harvesting-like) will share the same subtype, so this function should only be used if the skill's subtype is known to be used only by one skill.

whoplayer applying a skill.
skillnoskill subtype.
skill object if player can use it, NULL else.

Definition at line 3324 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by compute_price_variation_with_bargaining(), cost_approx_str(), do_skill_by_number(), examine_autoidentify(), god_enchants_weapon(), monster_can_detect_enemy(), object_check_move_on(), price_approx(), and scroll_type_apply().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fix_exits_for_map()

static void fix_exits_for_map ( struct_map_info current,
struct_map_list from,
int  is_from 

Changes for the list all maps to the tiled map they are part of, if applicable.

currentmap currently being processed.
fromlist that contains the exits to/from map to be fixed.
is_fromif non zero, from is exit_from field, else it is an exit_to.

Definition at line 1929 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), struct_map_list::count, replace::current, struct_map_info::exits_from, struct_map_info::exits_to, disinfect::map, struct_map_list::maps, say::max, and struct_map_info::tiled_group.

Referenced by fix_exits_to_tiled_maps().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fix_exits_to_tiled_maps()

static void fix_exits_to_tiled_maps ( void  )

Changes all exits to maps in a tiled map to point directly to the tiled map. Same for region lists.

Definition at line 1948 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), struct_map_list::count, struct_map_info::exits_from, struct_map_info::exits_to, fix_exits_for_map(), disinfect::map, struct_map_list::maps, maps_list, struct_region_info::maps_list, say::max, region_count, regions, and struct_map_info::tiled_group.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fix_map_names()

static void fix_map_names ( void  )

Ensures all maps have a name (if there was a limit to map processing, some maps will have a NULL name which causes issues).

Definition at line 1842 of file mapper.cpp.

References struct_map_list::count, struct_map_info::filename, disinfect::map, struct_map_list::maps, maps_list, and struct_map_info::name.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fix_tiled_map()

static void fix_tiled_map ( void  )

Ensures all tiled maps have a name, a region, a filename and a path. Will try to find a suitable name and region from the maps in the group.

use a better filename, try to get the start of the map filenames.

Definition at line 1860 of file mapper.cpp.

References struct_map_info::cfregion, struct_map_list::count, struct_map_info::filename, disinfect::map, struct_map_list::maps, give::name, struct_map_info::name, region::name, struct_map_info::path, create-tower::tile, tiled_map_list, and struct_map_info::tiled_maps.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fix_tiled_map_monsters()

static void fix_tiled_map_monsters ( void  )

Makes all monsters point to tiled maps instead of map when appliable, and merge map monster to tiled map.

Definition at line 1976 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), add_race_to_list(), struct_race_list::count, struct_map_list::count, disinfect::map, struct_map_list::maps, maps_list, say::max, struct_map_info::monsters, struct_race::origin, struct_race_list::races, races, and struct_map_info::tiled_group.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ free_equipment()

static void free_equipment ( struct_equipment equip)

Frees a struct_equipment.

equipitem to free.

Definition at line 448 of file mapper.cpp.

References struct_equipment::diff, and struct_equipment::name.

Referenced by add_one_item(), and ensure_unique().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generate_page_and_link()

static nlohmann::json generate_page_and_link ( inja::Arguments args)

Create a link to a page, generating it if needed.

argslink arguments.
link to the page.

Definition at line 2527 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_template_to_render(), make_face_from_files::args, find_map_by_key(), find_region_by_key(), disinfect::map, and path_from_current().

Referenced by init_renderer_env().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generate_picture_link()

static nlohmann::json generate_picture_link ( inja::Arguments args)

Return the link to the picture of the specified item.

argsfunction arguments.
link, empty string if invalid.

Definition at line 2557 of file mapper.cpp.

References make_face_from_files::args, find_map_by_key(), disinfect::map, output_extensions, output_format, and path_from_current().

Referenced by init_renderer_env().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generate_picture_path()

static void generate_picture_path ( const char *  path,
size_t  pic_size,
char *  out,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 1467 of file mapper.cpp.

References make_face_from_files::out, output_extensions, output_format, python_init::path, and root.

Referenced by do_tiled_map_picture(), process_map(), tiled_map_need_pic(), and write_pictures_from_real_size().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_elevation_color()

static int get_elevation_color ( int  elevation,
gdImagePtr  elevationmap 

Gets the color for an elevation.

elevationelevation to get color for.
elevationmappicture that will get the color.

Definition at line 711 of file mapper.cpp.

References elevation_max, and elevation_min.

Referenced by write_world_info().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_equipment()

static struct_equipment* get_equipment ( void  )

Gets an empty struct_equipment.

new item.

Definition at line 435 of file mapper.cpp.

References init_map_list(), and struct_equipment::origin.

Referenced by add_one_item().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_map_info()

static struct_map_info* get_map_info ( const char *  path)

Gets or creates if required the info structure for a map.

pathmap to consider.
associated structure.

Definition at line 1260 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), struct_map_list::count, create_map_info(), struct_map_info::filename, disinfect::map, struct_map_list::maps, maps_list, python_init::path, struct_map_info::path, and Ice::tmp.

Referenced by CREMapInformationManager::checkItem(), do_parameters(), main(), and process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_quest_info()

static struct_quest* get_quest_info ( const char *  name)

Gets the information for a quest, create the field if needed.

namequest's name.
information, never NULL.

Definition at line 934 of file mapper.cpp.

References find_quest_info(), init_struct_map_in_quest_list(), struct_quest::maps, give::name, struct_quest::name, struct_quest::number, quests, quests_allocated, and quests_count.

Referenced by add_map_to_quest(), and define_quest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_race()

static struct_race* get_race ( const char *  name)

Returns the race for specified name.

namemonster's name.
race structure.

Definition at line 597 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_race_to_list(), struct_race_list::count, struct_race::count, init_map_list(), say::item, give::name, struct_race::name, struct_race_list::races, and races.

Referenced by add_monster().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_slaying_struct()

static struct_slaying_info* get_slaying_struct ( const char *  slaying)

Returns a struct_slaying_info for specified slaying. Creates a new one if required.

slayingvalue to get the structure of.
structure for slaying. Never NULL.

Definition at line 1388 of file mapper.cpp.

References init_map_list(), banquet::l, struct_slaying_info::maps, S_MAX, struct_slaying_info::slaying, slaying_allocated, slaying_count, and slaying_info.

Referenced by add_slaying().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_template()

static inja::Template get_template ( const std::string &  filename)

Definition at line 3001 of file mapper.cpp.

References env, npc_dialog::filename, and templateCache.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_map_list()

static void init_map_list ( struct_map_list list)

Initialises a list structure.

listlist to blank.

Definition at line 408 of file mapper.cpp.

References guildoracle::list.

Referenced by create_map_info(), fill_json(), get_equipment(), get_race(), get_slaying_struct(), and main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_race_list()

static void init_race_list ( struct_race_list list)

Blanks a struct_race_list.

listlist to blank.

Definition at line 269 of file mapper.cpp.

References guildoracle::list.

Referenced by create_map_info(), and main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_renderer_env()

static void init_renderer_env ( )

Initialize env and set various callbacks and options.

Definition at line 2623 of file mapper.cpp.

References make_face_from_files::args, nlohmann::basic_json::array, buf, replace::current, env, is_valid_types_gen::found, generate_page_and_link(), generate_picture_link(), path_stack, ring_occidental_mages::r, relative_path(), root, make_face_from_files::str, templates_root(), and autojail::value.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_struct_map_in_quest_list()

static void init_struct_map_in_quest_list ( struct_map_in_quest_list list)

Definition at line 898 of file mapper.cpp.

References guildoracle::list.

Referenced by create_map_info(), and get_quest_info().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_blocking()

static int is_blocking ( object item)

Checks if item blocks movement or not.

itemobject to test.
1 if item blocks all movement, 0 else.

Definition at line 697 of file mapper.cpp.

References MOVE_ALL.

Referenced by do_exit_map().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_road()

static int is_road ( object item)

Checks if object is considered a road or not.

itemobject to check.
1 if object is a road, 0 else.

Definition at line 661 of file mapper.cpp.


Referenced by do_exit_map().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_slaying()

static int is_slaying ( object item)

Is the slaying field relevant for this item?

itemitem to check.
1 if relevant, 0 else.

Definition at line 1375 of file mapper.cpp.


Referenced by check_slaying_inventory(), and process_map().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_special_equipment()

static int is_special_equipment ( object item)

Definition at line 416 of file mapper.cpp.


Referenced by check_equipment().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ list_map()

static void list_map ( const char *  path)

Marks specified path as processed.

pathmap to remove.

Definition at line 1287 of file mapper.cpp.

References found_maps, disinfect::map, and python_init::path.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 3011 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_template_to_render(), all_data, all_regions, cached_pics, color_blocking, color_linked_exit, color_road, color_slowing, color_unlinked_exit, struct_race_list::count, struct_map_list::count, create_destination(), created_pics, create-tower::current_map, Settings::debug, detail_quests, display_rendered_template, do_parameters(), do_regions_link, dump_unused_maps(), elevation_info, elevation_max, elevation_min, env, nlohmann::basic_json::erase(), region::fallback, mad_mage_user::file, fill_json(), find_faceset(), find_maps(), first_map_path, fix_exits_to_tiled_maps(), fix_map_names(), fix_tiled_map(), fix_tiled_map_monsters(), force_pics, found_maps, gdfaces, generate_pics, get_faces_count(), get_map_info(), get_region_struct(), get_template(), infomap, init_globals(), init_gods(), init_library(), init_map_list(), init_race_list(), init_readable(), init_renderer_env(), is_valid_faceset(), jpeg_quality, list_system_quests, list_unused_maps, llevError, region::longname, map_limit, struct_map_list::maps, maps_list, say::max, region::name, OF_JPG, output_extensions, output_format, pages, path_stack, pics_allocated, process_map(), quest_callback(), quest_for_each(), quests, quests_count, struct_race_list::races, races, rawmaps, region_count, regions, root, settings, show_maps, slaying_count, slaying_info, sort_equipment(), sort_map_info(), sort_race(), sort_region(), sort_slaying(), sort_struct_quest(), special_equipment, strdup_local, system_quests, guildbuy::temp, templates, templates_root(), tiled_map_list, tileset, warn_no_path, world_exit_info, world_map, write_tiled_maps(), write_world_info(), write_world_map(), and yesno().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ merge_tiled_maps()

static void merge_tiled_maps ( struct_map_info map,
struct_map_info tiled_map 

Merge two tiled maps groups. This can happen if based on processing we do one map with tiled maps, another with tiled maps, and later figure out the tiles are actually linked.

mapthe map that being processed has a tiling to a map in another group. Its group will be the final merging group.
tiled_mapthe map tiled to another group. Its group will disappear.

Definition at line 1226 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), struct_map_list::count, Ice::g, disinfect::map, struct_map_list::maps, struct_map_info::tiled_group, tiled_map_list, and struct_map_info::tiled_maps.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ move_firewall()

void move_firewall ( object )

Move for FIREWALL.

firewalls fire other spells. The direction of the wall is stored in op->direction. walls can have hp, so they can be torn down.


Definition at line 3306 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by legacy_ob_process(), and trigger_connected().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ path_from_current()

static std::string path_from_current ( const std::string &  path)

Compute the relative path from the specified file to the current file.

pathpath to get from.
relative path to the current page.

Definition at line 2510 of file mapper.cpp.

References replace::current, python_init::path, path_stack, and relative_path().

Referenced by generate_page_and_link(), and generate_picture_link().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ player_get_delayed_buffer()

SockList* player_get_delayed_buffer ( player )

Get a delayed socket buffer, that will be sent after the player's tick is complete. Will fatal() if memory error.

plplayer to get a buffer for.
buffer, never NULL.

Definition at line 3399 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by draw_ext_info(), and quest_set_state().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ process_map()

static void process_map ( struct_map_info info)

Processes a map.

Generates the map pictures (big and small), and exit information.

infomap to process.

Definition at line 1499 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map(), add_map_to_region(), add_monster(), add_npc_to_map(), add_region_link(), add_slaying(), add_string(), archininventory::arch, BOOK, cached_pics, struct_map_info::cfregion, check_equipment(), check_slaying_inventory(), create_pathname(), create_tiled_map(), created_pics, face_info::data, face_info::datalen, delete_map(), do_auto_apply(), do_exit_map(), do_regions_link, EXIT, EXIT_PATH, struct_map_info::exits_from, struct_map_info::exits_to, face_sets::faces, struct_map_info::filename, find_archetype(), find_faceset(), FLAG_FRIENDLY, FLAG_MONSTER, FLAG_UNAGGRESSIVE, FOR_MAP_FINISH, FOR_MAP_PREPARE, force_pics, gdfaces, generate_pics, generate_picture_path(), get_face_fallback(), get_map_info(), get_region_by_map(), struct_map_info::height, mapstruct::in_memory, is_slaying(), struct_map_info::level, list_map(), list_unused_maps, struct_map_info::lore, m, MAP_HEIGHT, MAP_IN_MEMORY, MAP_WIDTH, MAX_BUF, merge_tiled_maps(), struct_map_info::name, struct_map_info::npcs, num_sizes, object_get_multi_size(), struct_map_info::path, path_combine_and_normalize(), struct_map_info::pic_was_done, pics_allocated, PLAYER_CHANGER, process_map_lore(), QUERY_FLAG, rawmaps, struct_map_info::readable, ready_map_name(), struct_map_info::reset_group, reset_groups, mapstruct::reset_time, show_maps, SIGN, size_large, TELEPORTER, struct_map_info::tiled_group, struct_map_info::tiled_maps, struct_map_info::tiles, tileset, warn_no_path, struct_map_info::width, write_pictures_from_real_size(), diamondslots::x, and diamondslots::y.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ process_map_lore()

static void process_map_lore ( struct_map_info map)

Extracts from the map's lore quest information if found. May modify map->lore.

mapmap to process.

Definition at line 1048 of file mapper.cpp.

References add_map_to_quest(), define_quest(), disinfect::map, give::name, and give::next.

Referenced by process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ quest_callback()

static void quest_callback ( const quest_definition quest,
void *   

Definition at line 2162 of file mapper.cpp.

References list_system_quests, and system_quests.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ relative_path()

static void relative_path ( const char *  from,
const char *  to,
char *  result 

Computes the shortest path from one file to another.

resultstring that will contain the calculated path. Must be large enough, no test done.
from and to must be absolute paths (starting with /).

Definition at line 783 of file mapper.cpp.

References rotate-tower::result.

Referenced by init_renderer_env(), and path_from_current().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rod_adjust()

void rod_adjust ( object )

Adjusts rod attributes. This function must be called after a new rod has been created.

rodthe rod to update

Definition at line 3337 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fix_generated_item().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ save_picture()

static void save_picture ( FILE *  file,
gdImagePtr  pic 

Saves a map to a file, based on jpg/png settings.

fileopened file to which to save.
picpicture to save.

Definition at line 1342 of file mapper.cpp.

References mad_mage_user::file, jpeg_quality, OF_PNG, and output_format.

Referenced by write_pictures_from_real_size(), write_world_info(), and write_world_map().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_darkness_map()

void set_darkness_map ( mapstruct )

Set the darkness level for a map, based on the time of the day.

mmap to alter.

Definition at line 3321 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by generate_random_map(), and ready_map_name().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sort_equipment()

static bool sort_equipment ( const struct_equipment l,
const struct_equipment r 

Sort 2 struct_equipment.

ritems to compare.
true if l is before r, false else

Definition at line 462 of file mapper.cpp.

References banquet::l, ring_occidental_mages::r, and strcasecmp().

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sort_map_info()

static int sort_map_info ( const void *  left,
const void *  right 

Sorts the struct_map_info according to the map name or the path if equal.

leftfirst item.
rightsecond item.
comparison on name, and if equal then on whole path.

Definition at line 852 of file mapper.cpp.

References compare_map_info(), banquet::l, and ring_occidental_mages::r.

Referenced by fill_json(), fill_reverse_maps(), and main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sort_race()

static int sort_race ( const void *  a,
const void *  b 

Sort 2 struct_race.

bitems to compare.
-1, 0 or 1.

Definition at line 648 of file mapper.cpp.

References disinfect::a, Ice::b, banquet::l, ring_occidental_mages::r, and strcasecmp().

Referenced by fill_reverse_maps(), and main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sort_region()

static int sort_region ( const void *  left,
const void *  right 

Sorts an array of struct_region_info by region name.

leftfirst region.
rightsecond region.
result of strcmp() for names.

Definition at line 868 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sort_slaying()

static int sort_slaying ( const void *  left,
const void *  right 

Helper function to sort an array of struct_slaying_info.

leftfirst item.
rightsecond item.
sort order.

Definition at line 2848 of file mapper.cpp.

References banquet::l, ring_occidental_mages::r, and strcasecmp().

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sort_struct_map_in_quest()

static int sort_struct_map_in_quest ( const void *  left,
const void *  right 

Sorts 2 struct_map_in_quest, on the map's name or path.

rightitems to compare.
-1, 0 or 1.

Definition at line 985 of file mapper.cpp.

References c, banquet::l, struct_map_info::name, struct_map_info::path, ring_occidental_mages::r, strcasecmp(), and struct_map_info::tiled_group.

Referenced by fill_json().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sort_struct_quest()

static int sort_struct_quest ( const void *  left,
const void *  right 

Sorts 2 struct_quest, on the map's name or path.

rightitems to compare.
-1, 0 or 1.

Definition at line 1013 of file mapper.cpp.

References banquet::l, ring_occidental_mages::r, and strcasecmp().

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ split()

◆ templates_root()

static std::string templates_root ( "templates/"  )

Directory to get templates from, with a leading /.

Referenced by do_parameters(), init_renderer_env(), and main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tiled_map_need_pic()

static int tiled_map_need_pic ( struct_map_info map)

Definition at line 2003 of file mapper.cpp.

References generate_picture_path(), disinfect::map, and num_sizes.

Referenced by do_tiled_map_picture().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_pictures_from_real_size()

static void write_pictures_from_real_size ( const char *  path,
gdImagePtr  real,
int  width,
int  height 

Definition at line 1471 of file mapper.cpp.

References generate_picture_path(), make_path_to_file(), MAX_BUF, num_sizes, make_face_from_files::out, python_init::path, save_picture(), size_large, and sizes.

Referenced by do_tiled_map_picture(), and process_map().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_tiled_map_page()

static void write_tiled_map_page ( struct_map_info map)

Writes the page for a tiled map group.

: do a real page, with the various levels, maps and such.

Definition at line 2141 of file mapper.cpp.

References do_tiled_map_picture(), and disinfect::map.

Referenced by write_tiled_maps().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_tiled_maps()

static void write_tiled_maps ( void  )

Outputs all tiled map pages.

Definition at line 2151 of file mapper.cpp.

References struct_map_list::count, disinfect::map, struct_map_list::maps, tiled_map_list, and write_tiled_map_page().

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_world_info()

static void write_world_info ( void  )

Writes the exit information world map.

Definition at line 2796 of file mapper.cpp.

References elevation_info, elevation_max, elevation_min, mad_mage_user::file, get_elevation_color(), infomap, output_extensions, output_format, python_init::path, root, save_picture(), world_exit_info, diamondslots::x, and diamondslots::y.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_world_map()

static void write_world_map ( void  )

Generates a big world map.

Definition at line 1739 of file mapper.cpp.

References smoking_pipe::color, mad_mage_user::file, infomap, give::name, OF_PNG, make_face_from_files::out, output_extensions, output_format, region_allocated, regions, root, save_picture(), SIZE, struct_region_info::sum, struct_region_info::sum_x, struct_region_info::sum_y, world_map, diamondslots::x, and diamondslots::y.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ yesno()

static const char* yesno ( int  value)

Helper to write yes/no.

valuevalue to print.
"no" if value == 0, "yes" else.

Definition at line 2996 of file mapper.cpp.

References autojail::value.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ all_data

nlohmann::json all_data

All JSON data available to templates.

Definition at line 2169 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by main().

◆ cached_pics

int cached_pics = 0

Non recreated pics.

Definition at line 327 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and process_map().

◆ color_blocking

int color_blocking

Block all movement.

Definition at line 373 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_exit_map(), and main().

◆ color_linked_exit

int color_linked_exit

Exit leading to another map.

Definition at line 371 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_exit_map(), and main().

◆ color_road

int color_road

Road or equivalent.

Definition at line 372 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_exit_map(), and main().

◆ color_slowing

int color_slowing

Slows movement.

Definition at line 374 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_exit_map(), and main().

◆ color_unlinked_exit

int color_unlinked_exit

Color for exits without a path set.

Definition at line 370 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_exit_map(), and main().

◆ created_pics

int created_pics = 0

Picture statistics. Total created pics.

Definition at line 326 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and process_map().

◆ detail_quests

bool detail_quests = false

Whether to show all quests details or not.

Definition at line 321 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), fill_json(), and main().

◆ display_rendered_template

bool display_rendered_template = false

Whether to display the template to be rendered or not.

Definition at line 323 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), and main().

◆ do_regions_link

bool do_regions_link = false

Definition at line 381 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by CREMapInformationManager::checkItem(), do_parameters(), main(), and process_map().

◆ elevation_info

int** elevation_info

All elevation spots in the "world_" maps.

Definition at line 376 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_exit_map(), main(), and write_world_info().

◆ elevation_max

int elevation_max

Lowest elevation found.

Definition at line 378 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_exit_map(), get_elevation_color(), main(), and write_world_info().

◆ elevation_min

int elevation_min

Maximal elevation found.

Definition at line 377 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_exit_map(), get_elevation_color(), main(), and write_world_info().

◆ env

◆ force_pics

int force_pics = 0

To force picture regeneration even if map didn't change.

Definition at line 311 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and process_map().

◆ found_maps

std::vector<char *> found_maps

Maps found in directories.

Definition at line 366 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by dump_unused_maps(), find_maps(), list_map(), and main().

◆ gdfaces

gdImagePtr* gdfaces

Definition at line 176 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and process_map().

◆ generate_pics

int generate_pics = 1

Whether to generate the picture or not.

Definition at line 310 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), do_tiled_map_picture(), main(), and process_map().

◆ ignore_name

const char* ignore_name[]
Initial value:
= {

File names to ignore for map search.

Definition at line 2724 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by find_maps().

◆ ignore_path

const char* ignore_path[]
Initial value:
= {

Directories to ignore for map search.

Definition at line 2713 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by find_maps().

◆ infomap

gdImagePtr infomap

World map with exits / roads / blocking / ...

Definition at line 369 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_exit_map(), main(), write_world_info(), and write_world_map().

◆ jpeg_quality

int jpeg_quality = -1

Quality for jpg pictures.

Definition at line 345 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and save_picture().

◆ list_system_quests

bool list_system_quests = false

Whether to show 'system' quests or not.

Definition at line 322 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and quest_callback().

◆ list_unused_maps

int list_unused_maps = 0

If set, program will list maps found in directory but not linked from the first maps.

Definition at line 365 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and process_map().

◆ map_limit

int map_limit = -1

Maximum number of maps to browse, -1 for all.

Definition at line 316 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), and main().

◆ maps_list

struct_map_list maps_list

◆ num_sizes

const int num_sizes = sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(int)

Definition at line 313 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by process_map(), tiled_map_need_pic(), and write_pictures_from_real_size().

◆ output_extensions

const char* output_extensions[]
Initial value:
= {

Extensions depending on output format.

Definition at line 336 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by generate_picture_link(), generate_picture_path(), main(), write_world_info(), and write_world_map().

◆ output_format

enum output_format_type output_format = OF_PNG

◆ pages

std::vector<pageToRender> pages

List of pages to render.

Definition at line 2583 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by add_template_to_render(), and main().

◆ path_stack

std::vector<std::string> path_stack

Path, relative to output root, of pages being generated.

Definition at line 2501 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by init_renderer_env(), main(), and path_from_current().

◆ pics_allocated

int pics_allocated

Number of created pictures for GD.

Definition at line 307 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by main(), and process_map().

◆ quests

struct_quest** quests = NULL

◆ quests_allocated

int quests_allocated = 0

Allocated items in quests.

Definition at line 896 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by get_quest_info().

◆ quests_count

int quests_count = 0

Count of quests.

Definition at line 894 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fill_json(), find_quest_info(), get_quest_info(), main(), and quest_display().

◆ races

struct_race_list races

Monsters found in maps.

Definition at line 260 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fill_json(), fix_tiled_map_monsters(), get_race(), and main().

◆ rawmaps

int rawmaps = 0

Whether to generate raw pics or instancied ones.

Definition at line 348 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and process_map().

◆ region_allocated

size_t region_allocated = 0

Allocated size of regions.

Definition at line 363 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by add_map_to_region(), and write_world_map().

◆ region_count

size_t region_count = 0

Count of regions.

Definition at line 362 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by add_map_to_region(), fill_json(), fix_exits_to_tiled_maps(), and main().

◆ region_links

std::map<region *, std::set<region *> > region_links

Definition at line 383 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by add_region_link(), and fill_json().

◆ regions

struct struct_region_info** regions = NULL

Found regions.

Definition at line 361 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by add_map_to_region(), create_region_array(), fill_json(), fix_exits_to_tiled_maps(), main(), and write_world_map().

◆ rendered_templates

std::set<std::string> rendered_templates

List of generated files, to not generate multiple times.

Definition at line 2170 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by add_template_to_render().

◆ reset_groups

std::set<std::string> reset_groups

All defined reset groups.

Definition at line 262 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fill_json(), and process_map().

◆ reverse_maps

std::map<struct_map_info *, std::string> reverse_maps

Link between a map and its unique identifier.

Definition at line 2171 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by create_map_in_quest_array(), create_maps_array(), create_quest_object(), fill_json(), fill_reverse_maps(), and find_map_by_key().

◆ reverse_regions

std::map<region *, std::string> reverse_regions

Link between a region and its unique identifier.

Definition at line 2172 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by create_map_object(), create_region_array(), fill_json(), and find_region_by_key().

◆ root

◆ show_maps

int show_maps = 0

If set, will generate much information on map loaded.

Definition at line 317 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and process_map().

◆ sizes

int sizes[] = {32, 16, 8, 4, 2}

Definition at line 312 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by write_pictures_from_real_size().

◆ slaying_allocated

size_t slaying_allocated = 0

Allocated size of slaying_info.

Definition at line 401 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by get_slaying_struct().

◆ slaying_count

size_t slaying_count = 0

Count of items in slaying_info.

Definition at line 400 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fill_json(), get_slaying_struct(), and main().

◆ slaying_info

struct_slaying_info** slaying_info = NULL

Found slaying fields.

Definition at line 399 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fill_json(), get_slaying_struct(), and main().

◆ special_equipment

std::vector<struct_equipment *> special_equipment

Special equipment list.

Definition at line 250 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by ensure_unique(), fill_json(), and main().

◆ system_quests

std::vector<quest_definition *> system_quests

Definition at line 2160 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by fill_json(), main(), and quest_callback().

◆ templateCache

inja::TemplateStorage templateCache

Definition at line 3000 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by get_template().

◆ templates

std::vector<std::string> templates

List of template files to start processing from.

Definition at line 2618 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), and main().

◆ tiled_map_list

struct_map_list tiled_map_list

Pseudo-maps grouping other maps.

Definition at line 239 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by create_tiled_map(), fill_json(), fix_tiled_map(), main(), merge_tiled_maps(), and write_tiled_maps().

◆ tileset

int tileset = 0

Tileset to use to generate pics.

Definition at line 320 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and process_map().

◆ warn_no_path

int warn_no_path = 0

Whether to warn of exits without a path

Definition at line 351 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and process_map().

◆ world_exit_info

int world_exit_info = 1

If set, will generate a world map of exits.

Definition at line 319 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and write_world_info().

◆ world_map

int world_map = 1

If set, will generate a world map.

Definition at line 318 of file mapper.cpp.

Referenced by do_parameters(), main(), and write_world_map().