Here is a list of all functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the files they belong to:
- o -
- ob_apply()
: ob_methods.c
, libproto.h
- ob_blocked()
: libproto.h
, map.c
- ob_count
: global.h
- ob_describe()
: ob_methods.c
, libproto.h
- ob_methods
: ob_methods.h
: define.h
- ob_move_on()
: ob_methods.c
, libproto.h
- ob_move_on_recursion_depth
: common_apply.c
- ob_process()
: ob_methods.c
, libproto.h
: object.h
: object.h
- ob_trigger()
: ob_methods.c
, libproto.h
: define.h
- obj_count_in_map()
: decor.c
, rproto.h
: config.h
- objarray
: object.c
, object.h
- object
: object.h
- object_assoc_table
: cfpython_object.c
- object_create_arch()
: arch.c
, libproto.h
- object_create_clone()
: object.c
, libproto.h
- object_get_env_recursive()
: libproto.h
, object.c
- Object_GetAbove()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetAC()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetAlive()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetAnim()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetAnimated()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetAnimSpeed()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetApplied()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetArchetype()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetArchName()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetAttackMovement()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetAttackType()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetBeenApplied()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetBelow()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetBlind()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetBlocksView()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanCastSpell()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_GetCanSeeInDark()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanSeeInvisible()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanUseArmour()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanUseBow()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanUseHorn()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanUseRing()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanUseRod()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanUseScroll()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanUseSkill()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanUseWand()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCanUseWeapon()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCha()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCon()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetConfused()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCount()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetCursed()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetDam()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetDamned()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetDex()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetDirection()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetDM()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetDuration()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetEnemy()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetEnv()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetExists()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetExp()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetExpMul()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetFace()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetFacing()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetFloor()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetFood()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetFriendly()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_GetGenerator()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetGlowRadius()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetGod()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetGodGiven()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetGrace()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetHasXRays()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetHitBack()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetHP()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetIdentified()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetInt()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetInventory()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetInvisible()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetIsPet()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetKnownCursed()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetKnownMagical()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetLastEat()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetLastGrace()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetLastSP()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetLevel()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetLifesaver()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetLuck()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMakeInvisible()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMap()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMaxGrace()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMaxHP()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMaxSP()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMessage()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMoney()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMonster()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMoveAllow()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMoveBlock()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMoveOff()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMoveOn()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMoveSlow()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMoveSlowPenalty()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetMoveType()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetName()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetNamePl()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetNoDamage()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetNoSave()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetOnlyAttack()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetOwner()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetPermExp()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetPickable()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetPow()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetQuantity()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetRace()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetRandomMovement()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetReflectMissiles()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetReflectSpells()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetRollable()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetRunAway()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetScared()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_getseters
: cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetSkill()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetSlaying()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetSleeping()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetSP()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetSpeed()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetSpeedLeft()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetSplitting()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetStandStill()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetStealthy()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetStr()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetSubtype()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetThrown()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetTitle()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetTurnable()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetType()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetUnaggressive()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetUndead()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetUnique()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetUnpaid()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetUsedUp()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetValue()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetWasDM()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetWC()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetWeight()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetWeightLimit()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetWis()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetX()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_GetY()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetAC()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetAnim()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetAnimated()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetAnimSpeed()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetApplied()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetAttackMovement()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetAttackType()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetBlind()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetBlocksView()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetCanPassThru()
: cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetCanSeeInDark()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetCanSeeInvisible()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetCha()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetCon()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetConfused()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetCursed()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetDam()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetDamned()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetDex()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetDirection()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetDuration()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetEnemy()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetExp()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetFace()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetFacing()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetFood()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetFriendly()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetGlowRadius()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetGod()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetGodGiven()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetGrace()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetHasXRays()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetHitBack()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetHP()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetIdentified()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetInt()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetInvisible()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetIsPet()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetKnownCursed()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetKnownMagical()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetLastEat()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetLastGrace()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetLastSP()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetLifesaver()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetMakeInvisible()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetMap()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetMaxGrace()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetMaxHP()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetMaxSP()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetMessage()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetName()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetNamePl()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetNoDamage()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetNoSave()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetOnlyAttack()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetOwner()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetPickable()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetPow()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetQuantity()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetRace()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetRandomMovement()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetReflectMissiles()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetReflectSpells()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetRollable()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetRunAway()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetScared()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetSkill()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetSlaying()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetSleeping()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetSP()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetSpeed()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetSpeedLeft()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetStandStill()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetStealthy()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetStr()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetTitle()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetTurnable()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetUnaggressive()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetUndead()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetUnique()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetUnpaid()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetUsedUp()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetValue()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetWC()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetWeight()
: cfpython_object_private.h
, cfpython_object.c
- Object_SetWeightLimit()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- Object_SetWis()
: cfpython_object.c
, cfpython_object_private.h
- object_suite()
: check_object.c
: define.h
- ObjectConvert
: cfpython_object_private.h
- objectlink
: object.h
- ObjectMethods
: cfpython_object_private.h
- objects
: object.h
, object.c
: c_object.c
- oblinkpt
: object.h
- obsolete_parties()
: sproto.h
, c_party.c
: mapper.c
: mapper.c
- offsetof
: shstr.h
- ok_to_put_more()
: spell_util.c
, sproto.h
- on_same_map()
: map.c
, libproto.h
: random_map.h
- onoff_value()
: sproto.h
, c_misc.c
- op_on_battleground()
: sproto.h
, player.c
- open_and_uncompress()
: libproto.h
, porting.c
- open_and_uncompress_file()
: porting.c
- opendir()
: win32.h
, win32.c
- operate_altar()
: libproto.h
, button.c
: random_map.h
: random_map.h
: random_map.h
: random_map.h
: random_map.h
: random_map.h
: random_map.h
: random_map.h
: random_map.h
- options
: init.c
: special.c
- orcknuckle
: c_chat.c
- ordered_commands
: cfanim.c
- out_of_map()
: libproto.h
, map.c
: define.h
: map.h
- output_extensions
: mapper.c
- output_format
: mapper.c
- output_format_type
: mapper.c