Improve package sending help text in the IPO
Submitted by: DraugTheWhopper (patch #391)
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
Some changes to Ali's Cave near Navar
- No_spells area is expanded a little, and has a new floor to indicate
something might be different.
- Unholy_ground area no longer covers the whole cave, instead only the
same area as the no_spells.
- A little more treasure in the intermediate room
- Reworked entrance area to look nicer, and move exits to the edge of
the map.
- Swapped positions of the rats and tigers, to scale difficulty
correctly as you push further into the cave This should help deter
low-level characters without instantly killing them when they
encounter tigers
- The djinn is now a vanilla major djinn, and no longer has special
Submitted by: DraugTheWhopper (patch #389)
741 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Add no_magic on exits to prevent dimension door to a blocked place.
Fix exits coordinates for smoother transitions.
89 lines of code changed in 5 files:
Add pedestals under the grates to not crush players. Move pedestals under the ground.
21 lines of code changed in 2 files: