- About - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc
The about dialog.
- About(Component) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.About
Creates a new instance.
- about() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.About
Action method for about.
- AboveFloorInsertionMode - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Insert right above the topmost floor square.
- AboveFloorInsertionMode(GameObjectMatcher) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AboveFloorInsertionMode
Initializes the class.
- AbsoluteMapPath - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
that is absolute, that is, it starts with a "/".
- AbsoluteMapPath() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AbsoluteMapPath
Creates a new instance.
- AbsoluteMapPath(AbsoluteMapPath, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AbsoluteMapPath
Creates a new map path based on a parent map path.
- absoluteToRelative(String, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.PathManagerUtils
Converts an absolute path to a relative path.
- AbstractAnimationObjects - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.anim
- AbstractAnimationObjects(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AbstractAnimationObjects
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractArchetype<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype
Abstract base class for
- AbstractArchetype(String, FaceObjectProviders, AnimationObjects) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractArchetypeAttributeInvSpell - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- AbstractArchetypeAttributeInvSpell(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AbstractArchetypeAttributeInvSpell
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractArchetypeAttributeList - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- AbstractArchetypeAttributeList(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AbstractArchetypeAttributeList
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractArchetypeAttributeSpell - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- AbstractArchetypeAttributeSpell(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AbstractArchetypeAttributeSpell
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractArchetypeBuilder<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype
- AbstractArchetypeBuilder(GameObjectFactory<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetypeBuilder
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractArchetypeParser<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,B extends AbstractArchetypeBuilder<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
- AbstractArchetypeParser(B, AnimationObjects, ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.AbstractArchetypeParser
Creates an ArchetypeParser.
- AbstractArchetypeSetCollectable<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable
Abstract base class for
that create the
"archetypes" file.
- AbstractArchetypeSetCollectable(ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable.AbstractArchetypeSetCollectable
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractBaseObject<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,T extends BaseObject<G,A,R,T>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject
Default implementation for
implementing classes.
- AbstractBaseObject(FaceObjectProviders, AnimationObjects) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractCollectedResourcesReader<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.resource
- AbstractCollectedResourcesReader(File, String, ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>, AbstractArchetypeParser<G, A, R, ?>, AnimationObjects, FaceObjects, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.resource.AbstractCollectedResourcesReader
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractConfigSource - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource
- AbstractConfigSource() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.AbstractConfigSource
- AbstractDefaultProjectSettings - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.settings
- AbstractDefaultProjectSettings(EditorSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractEditorSettings - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.settings
- AbstractEditorSettings() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractEditorSettings
- AbstractExitConnectorModel - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector
Stores information needed by the exit connector.
- AbstractExitConnectorModel() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- AbstractFaceObjects - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.face
- AbstractFaceObjects(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.AbstractFaceObjects
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractFaceProvider - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.face
Abstract Base class for FaceProviders which implements a memory sensitive
- AbstractFaceProvider() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.AbstractFaceProvider
- AbstractFilesResourcesReader<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.resource
- AbstractFilesResourcesReader(File, ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>, AbstractArchetypeParser<G, A, R, ?>, ArchFaceProvider, File, String, AnimationObjects, FaceObjects) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.resource.AbstractFilesResourcesReader
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractFilterConfig<F extends Filter<F,C>,C extends FilterConfig<F,C>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.filter
Abstract base class for filter configurations.
- AbstractFilterConfig(F) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.AbstractFilterConfig
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractFlatMapRenderer - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer
This is the default renderer of a map.
- AbstractFlatMapRenderer(MapViewSettings, MapModel<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, MapGrid, int, GridMapSquarePainter, GameObjectParser<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.AbstractFlatMapRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractGameObject<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
Abstract base class of
- AbstractGameObject(R, FaceObjectProviders, AnimationObjects) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes
- AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab(GameObjectAttributesModel<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractGameObjectFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
- AbstractGameObjectFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObjectFactory
- AbstractGameObjectParser<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
- AbstractGameObjectParser(GameObjectFactory<G, A, R>, ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.AbstractGameObjectParser
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractIndex<V extends java.io.Serializable> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.index
Abstract base class for
- AbstractIndex() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- AbstractIsoGameObjectFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
- AbstractIsoGameObjectFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractIsoGameObjectFactory
- AbstractIsoMapRenderer<G extends DefaultIsoGameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
- AbstractIsoMapRenderer(int, MapViewSettings, MapModel<G, A, R>, MapGrid, int, int, MultiPositionData, IsoMapSquareInfo, GridMapSquarePainter, GameObjectParser<G, A, R>, Icon) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractIsoMapRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractMapArchObject<A extends MapArchObject<A>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject
Base implementation of
that covers similarities between
Crossfire maps and Daimonin maps.
- AbstractMapArchObject() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractMapArchObject(AbstractMapArchObject<A>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
Creates a new instance as a copy of another map arch object.
- AbstractMapArchObjectParser<A extends MapArchObject<A>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
- AbstractMapArchObjectParser() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.AbstractMapArchObjectParser
- AbstractMapCursorAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
Abstract base class for actions that have to track the current map cursor.
- AbstractMapCursorAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
- AbstractMapManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager
Abstract base class for
- AbstractMapManager(MapReaderFactory<G, A>, ProjectSettings, FaceObjectProviders, PathManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
Creates a instance.
- AbstractMapMenuPreferences - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
- AbstractMapMenuPreferences(String, PathManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.AbstractMapMenuPreferences
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractMapRenderer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
Abstract base class for classes implementing
- AbstractMapRenderer(MapModel<G, A, R>, GameObjectParser<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractMapRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractMapsizeNewMapDialog<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap
- AbstractMapsizeNewMapDialog(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractMapsizeNewMapDialog
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractMapTilePane<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane
A Panel for managing the tiling of maps.
- AbstractMapTilePane(MapManager<G, A, R>, ProjectSettings, MapModel<G, A, R>, MapLink[][], Direction[], int[], FileFilter) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.AbstractMapTilePane
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractMapView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview
Abstract base class for
- AbstractMapView(MapModel<G, A, R>, MapGrid, MapCursor<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.AbstractMapView
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractMapViewSettings - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings
- AbstractMapViewSettings() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- AbstractMoveSquareAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- AbstractMoveSquareAction(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMoveSquareAction
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractNamedObject - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.data
An AbstractNamedObject
has a name and tree position source and
provides an icon for display.
- AbstractNamedObject(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObject
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractNamedObjects<E extends NamedObject> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.data
This class manages NamedObjects, managing their tree as well as providing a
method for showing a dialog for browsing their tree and selecting one from
- AbstractNamedObjects(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObjects
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractNewMapDialog<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap
Dialog used to ask the user the properties for the new level.
- AbstractNewMapDialog() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
Constructs a new map dialog.
- AbstractPathParameter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
- AbstractPathParameter(File) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPathParameter
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractPerMapDialogManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,D> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map
Maintains (dialog) instance associated to map view instances.
- AbstractPerMapDialogManager(MapViewManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.AbstractPerMapDialogManager
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractPickmapSettings - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings
- AbstractPickmapSettings() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings.AbstractPickmapSettings
- AbstractPluginParameter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,V> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
Parameter for a Plugin.
- AbstractPluginParameter() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPluginParameter
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractProjectSettings - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.settings
- AbstractProjectSettings() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractProjectSettings
- AbstractResources<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.resource
Maintains resources.
- AbstractResources(GameObjectParser<G, A, R>, ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.resource.AbstractResources
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractResourcesReader<G extends GameObject<G,?,?>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.resource
Abstract base class for archetype set loader classes.
- AbstractResourcesReader(File, String, AnimationObjects, FaceObjects) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.resource.AbstractResourcesReader
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractScriptArchUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts
- AbstractScriptArchUtils(Iterable<Pair<Integer, String>>, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.AbstractScriptArchUtils
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractScriptedEvent<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts
Class which stores information about one scripted event.
- AbstractScriptedEvent() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.AbstractScriptedEvent
- AbstractScriptedEventFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts
- AbstractScriptedEventFactory(ScriptArchUtils, GameObjectFactory<G, A, R>, ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.AbstractScriptedEventFactory
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractSelectionAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
Abstract base class for actions that change the current selection.
- AbstractSelectionAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractSelectionAction
- AbstractServerActions<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.actions
Actions that require a connection to a game server.
- AbstractServerActions(FileControl<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.actions.AbstractServerActions
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractShopSquareChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
to detect shop squares which allow magic or prayers,
or which have adjacent squares that allow magic or prayers.
- AbstractShopSquareChecker(ValidatorPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.AbstractShopSquareChecker
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractSimpleIsoMapRenderer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
- AbstractSimpleIsoMapRenderer(MapModel<G, A, R>, IsoMapSquareInfo) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractSimpleIsoMapRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractStringPluginParameter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,V> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
Abstract base class for
implementations for which the
value is calculated from the string representation.
- AbstractStringPluginParameter(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractStringPluginParameter
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractSuspiciousMsgError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors
A validation error that's used when the
detected a possible error on a game object.
- AbstractSuspiciousMsgError(G, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.AbstractSuspiciousMsgError
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractTool<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools
Base class for tools.
- AbstractTool() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.AbstractTool
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractValidator<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation
This is the base class for validators.
- AbstractValidator(ValidatorPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.AbstractValidator
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractValidator(ValidatorPreferences, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.AbstractValidator
Creates a new instance.
- AbstractValuePluginParameter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,V> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
Abstract base class for
implementations for which the
string representation of the value is calculated from the value.
- AbstractValuePluginParameter(V) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractValuePluginParameter
Creates a new instance.
- accept(FilterConfigVisitor) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.FilterConfig
- accept(FilterConfigVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilterConfig
- accept(FilterConfigVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedGameObjectMatcherFilterConfig
- accept(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.HideFileFilterProxy
First checks whether the file should be hidden, if not,
checks the other FileFilter.
- accept(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.MapFileFilter
- acquire() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.DefaultMapControl
- acquire() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.MapControl
Increases the use counter.
- ActionBuilderUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Utility class for ActionBuilder
related functions.
- ActionFactory - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
- ActionFactory(MapViewsManager<?, ?, ?>, FileControl<?, ?, ?>, MapImageCache<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.ActionFactory
Creates a new instance.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.MaskChangeAL
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.ViewTreasurelistAL
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.viewaction.ViewAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapdesktop.WindowAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTreeAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AnimTreeChooseAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.FaceTreeChooseAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.TabButtonAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.TreeChooseAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.SetEnabledAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Backspace
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.BackspaceWord
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Copy
Copy current selection into the system clipboard.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Cut
Copy current selection into the system clipboard, then
delete the selected text.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Delete
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.DeleteWord
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.DocumentEnd
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.DocumentHome
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.End
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Find
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.FindAgain
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.FunctionMenu
Get content of the system clipboard and insert it at caret
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Home
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InsertBreak
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InsertChar
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InsertTab
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.NextChar
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.NextLine
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.NextPage
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.NextWord
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Overwrite
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Paste
Get content of the system clipboard and insert it at caret
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.PrevChar
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.PrevLine
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.PrevPage
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.PrevWord
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Repeat
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Replace
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Save
Save the currently active tab
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.ToggleRectangle
- Actions - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor
Actions used by the script editor.
- Actions(ScriptEditControl) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Creates a new instance.
- ActionUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Utility class implementing Action
related functions.
- activate(GoLocationDialog<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation.GoLocationDialogManager
- activate(D) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.AbstractPerMapDialogManager
Activates an existing instance.
- activate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.DefaultMapView
- activate() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Activate this map view.
- activate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.ArchTab
- activate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.EventsTab
- activate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.FaceTab
- activate() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesTab
Sets the focus to this component.
- activate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.MsgTextTab
- activate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.TextEditorTab
- activate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor.GameObjectTextEditor
Activates this component.
- activateMapView(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManager
Activates a map view.
- activateTextField() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.TilePanel
Activates the text input field.
- activeMapFolderChanged(MapFolder<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTreeListener
The active folder has changed.
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AddBookmarkAction
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.GrowSelectionAction
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShrinkSelectionAction
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.actions.AbstractServerActions
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.exitconnector.ExitConnectorController
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManagerListener
This event handler is called when the current map view has changed.
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
- activeMapViewChanged(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
- activePickmapChanged(PickmapState<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserModelListener
Notifies that the active pickmap has changed.
- add(MutableTreeNode) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.ErrorEntry
- add(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.TableModel
Add an archetype to the model.
- add(Tool<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.ToolSelector
Adds a tool to this tool selector.
- add(ArchetypeAttributeDefinition) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributesDefinition
- add(ArchetypeAttribute) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSection
- add(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeList
Adds an entry.
- add(V, long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- add(V, long) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
Adds a value to the cache.
- add(SmoothFace) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface.SmoothFaces
- add(S) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.Spells
Add a spell.
- add(int, String, String, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.AttributeRangeChecker
Adds an attribute to check.
- add(GameObjectMatcher, String, String, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.AttributeRangeChecker
Adds an attribute to check.
- add(String, String, Range) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.Type
Add an attribute to check.
- add(CharSequence, byte) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.KeywordMap
Adds a key-value mapping.
- addAction(JComponent, Action) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.SwingUtils
Adds an accelerator key for a component.
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxEditor
- addActiveEditType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- addActiveEditType(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Add edit type to the bitmask of active types.
- addAll(ArchetypeAttributeSection) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSection
- addAllowedValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.UnsetSlayingChecker
Adds a value which does not trigger a warning.
- addAnimationObject(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AbstractAnimationObjects
Adds a new animation object.
- addAnimationObject(String, String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AnimationObjects
Add an animation object.
- addArchetype(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserFolder
- addArchetype(String, String, R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
- addArchetype(String, R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanel
- addArchetype(R) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
Adds an Archetype to this Set.
- addArchetype(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
- addArchetypeAttribute(String, ArchetypeAttribute) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSections
- addArchetypeAttribute(String, ArchetypeAttribute) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
- addArchetypeChooserFolderListener(ArchetypeChooserFolderListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserFolder
Adds a listener to be notified of changes.
- addArchetypeChooserModelListener(ArchetypeChooserModelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
Adds a listener to be notified of changes.
- addArchetypeChooserPanelListener(ArchetypeChooserPanelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanel
Adds a listener to be notified of changes.
- addArchetypeSetListener(ArchetypeSetListener<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
- addArchetypeSetListener(ArchetypeSetListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
Registers an ArchetypeSetListener.
- addArchetypeType(ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
- addArchObjectMatcher(GameObjectMatcher) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.MutableOrGameObjectMatcher
- addArchObjectMatcher(GameObjectMatcher) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.ViewGameObjectMatcherManager
- addAttribute(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesTableModel
Adds a column for an attribute to the table.
- addAttributeOrder(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
Adds an attribute name for attribute ordering when saving.
- addAttributeSection(ArchetypeAttributeSection) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
- addAutoApply(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab
Registers a component that auto-applies when the focus is lost.
- addAutojoinList(AutojoinList<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinLists
Adds a new autojoin list.
- addBitmask(String, AttributeBitmask) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
Adds a bitmask definition.
- addBitName(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AttributeBitmask
Defines a bit name for a bit value.
- addBookmark() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AddBookmarkAction
Action method for "addBookmark".
- AddBookmarkAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that creates a new bookmark for the current map.
- AddBookmarkAction(AbstractMapMenuPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.AddBookmarkAction
Creates a new instance.
- addButton(AbstractButton) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonList
Adds a button.
- addButton(AbstractButton, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.DoubleButtonList
Adds a button.
- addButtonListListener(ButtonListListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonList
- addButtonListListener(ButtonListListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.DoubleButtonList
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserView
Adds a ChangeListener
to be notified when the selected pickmap
tab changes.
- addChecks(ArchetypeTypeSet, AttributeRangeChecker<G, A, R>, EnvironmentChecker<G, A, R>) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.ArchetypeTypeChecks
Adds attribute range checks for all defined attributes.
- addCollectable(Collectable) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.resource.CollectedResourcesWriter
- addComponent(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.PreferencesHelper
Adds a component to the container.
- addConfigChangeListener(FilterConfigListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.AbstractFilterConfig
- addConfigChangeListener(FilterConfigListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.FilterConfig
- addConfigListener(FilterConfigListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.DefaultFilterControl
- addConfigListener(FilterConfigListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterControl
- addConnection(K, GameObject<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.View
- addDefaultKeyBindings() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.DefaultInputHandler
Sets up the default key bindings.
- addDefaultKeyBindings() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.InputHandler
Adds the default key bindings to this input handler.
- addDelayedMapModelListener(DelayedMapModelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.delayedmapmodel.DelayedMapModelListenerManager
- addDocument(Document) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditUndoActions
Adds a document.
- addDocumentListener(JTextComponent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
Watches for text changes in a text component and enables the "OK" button
- addDocumentListener(DocumentListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.JFileField
Adds a DocumentListener
to the text input field.
- addEditorSettingsListener(EditorSettingsListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractEditorSettings
- addEditorSettingsListener(EditorSettingsListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
- addEntry(MapMenuEntryMap) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.BookmarksMapMenuPreferences
- addEntry(MapMenuEntryMap) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuPreferences
Adds a new entry to the menu.
- addEntry(MapMenuEntryMap) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.RecentMapMenuPreferences
- addError(ErrorViewCategory, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.ConsoleErrorView
- addError(ErrorViewCategory, int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.ConsoleErrorView
- addError(ErrorViewCategory, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.DefaultErrorView
- addError(ErrorViewCategory, int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.DefaultErrorView
- addError(ErrorViewCategory, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorView
Adds an error message.
- addError(ErrorViewCategory, int, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorView
Adds an error message.
- addError(ErrorViewCategory) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorViewCollector
Adds an error message.
- addError(ErrorViewCategory, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorViewCollector
Adds an error message.
- addError(ErrorViewCategory, int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorViewCollector
Adds an error message.
- addErrorListViewListener(ErrorListViewListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.ErrorListView
- addEventScript(G, ScriptArchData<G, A, R>, Frame) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ScriptArchEditor
A popup is opened and the user can create a new scripting event which
gets attached to this gameObject.
- addEventsToJList(JList<String>, Iterable<? extends GameObject<?, ?, ?>>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.AbstractScriptArchUtils
- addEventsToJList(JList<String>, Iterable<? extends GameObject<?, ?, ?>>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptArchUtils
Set all ScriptedEvents to appear in the given JList This method should be
fast because it may be executed when user clicks on map objects.
- addExitConnectorModelListener(ExitConnectorModelListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- addExitConnectorModelListener(ExitConnectorModelListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
- addExiterListener(ExiterListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.DefaultExiter
- addExiterListener(ExiterListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.utils.Exiter
- addFaceObject(String, String, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.AbstractFaceObjects
- addFaceObject(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjects
Adds a new face object.
- addFaceObjectProvidersListener(FaceObjectProvidersListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjectProviders
- addFields(JPanel, GridBagConstraints, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractMapsizeNewMapDialog
- addFields(JPanel, GridBagConstraints, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
Adds additional fields to the dialog.
- addFields(JPanel, GridBagConstraints, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialog
- addFields(JPanel, GridBagConstraints, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewPickmapFolderDialog
- addFilter(String, Filter<?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.DefaultFilterControl
- addFilter(String, FilterConfig<?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterComponent
- addFilter(String, Filter<?, ?>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterControl
- addFilter(String, Filter<?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilter
- addFilterListener(NamedFilterListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilter
- addFirst(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Adds the given
at the beginning of this Container.
- addFirst(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Adds the given game object at the end of this container.
- addFirst(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Add the given GameObject at the beginning of this Container.
- addFirst(GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
- addFirst(GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
- addFolderListener(MapFolderListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolder
- addGameObject(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.Connection
Adds a game object.
- addGameObject(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.DoubleLayerError
- addGameObject(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.DoubleTypeError
- addGameObject(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ValidationError
- addGameObjectAttributesControlListener(GameObjectAttributesControlListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControl
- addGameObjectAttributesModelListener(GameObjectAttributesModelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesModel
Adds a listener to be notified.
- addGameObjectAttributesTabListener(GameObjectAttributesTabListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab
- addGameObjectAttributesTabListener(GameObjectAttributesTabListener<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesTab
Adds a listener.
- addGameObjectMatcher(NamedGameObjectMatcher) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.GameObjectMatchers
- addGameObjectToMap(G, Point, InsertionMode) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- addGameObjectToMap(G, Point, InsertionMode) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Add a gameObject to the map.
- addIgnore(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.CustomTypeChecker
Adds an allowed type change.
- addIgnore(int, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.CustomTypeChecker
Adds an allowed type change.
- addIndexListener(IndexListener<V>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- addIndexListener(IndexListener<V>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
- addInfo(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.ArchFaceProvider
Report position of a face for loading it later.
- addInfo(String, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.CollectedFaceProvider
Report position and size of a face for loading it later.
- addInv(ArchetypeType, int[]) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.EnvironmentChecker
Sets the allowed environment game object types for an
- addKeyStrokeListener(KeyStrokeFieldListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.KeyStrokeField
- addLast(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetypeBuilder
- addLast(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Adds the given
at the end of this Container.
- addLast(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Adds the given game object at the end of this container.
- addLast(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Add the given GameObject at the end of this Container.
- addLast(GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
- addLast(GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.StackLayout
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.DirectionLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.DirectionLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.ScrollLayout
- addLightSource(MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Adds a light emitting game object that affects this map square.
- addLine(Document, AttributeSet, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttribute
Appends a line to a Document
- addList(String, ArchetypeTypeList) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
Adds a list definition.
- addListMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.View
Registers a MouseListener
for the connection list.
- addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.View
Registers a ListSelectionListener
for the connection list.
- addLore(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Appends text to the map lore.
- addMapArchObjectListener(MapArchObjectListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- addMapArchObjectListener(MapArchObjectListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Registers an event listener.
- addMapControlListener(MapControlListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.DefaultMapControl
- addMapControlListener(MapControlListener<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.MapControl
- addMapCursorListener(MapCursorListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Register a MapCursorListener.
- addMapFile(PickmapState<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserModel
Adds a map file.
- addMapFolder(MapFolder<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTree
Adds a map folder to this model.
- addMapGridListener(MapGridListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Registers a MapGridListener.
- addMapImageCacheListener(MapImageCacheListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCache
- addMapManager(MapManager<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapuserlistener.MapUserListenerManager
- addMapManagerListener(MapManagerListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
- addMapManagerListener(MapManagerListener<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManager
- addMapMenuEntry(String, MapMenuEntry) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
- addMapMenuEntry(String, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
Adds a DefaultMutableTreeNode
to this menu.
- addMapModelListener(MapModelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.copybuffer.CopyBuffer
Adds a
to be notified about changes of the
cut/copied game objects.
- addMapModelListener(MapModelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- addMapModelListener(MapModelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Register a map listener.
- addMapSquare(MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ValidationError
- addMapTransactionListener(MapTransactionListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- addMapTransactionListener(MapTransactionListener<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Registers a map transaction listener.
- addMapView(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManager
Adds a map view.
- addMapViewManagerListener(MapViewManagerListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManager
Adds a listener to be notified.
- addMapViewSettingsListener(MapViewSettingsListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- addMapViewSettingsListener(MapViewSettingsListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Register a MapViewSettingsListener.
- addMapViewsListener(MapViewsListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViews
- addMapViewsListener(MapControl<G, A, R>, MapViewsListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsManager
- addMatcher(GameObjectMatcher, Pattern) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.SlayingChecker
Adds a matcher to check.
- addModelListener(MapFolderTreeListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTree
- addModifiedFields(G, Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.AbstractGameObjectParser
- addModifiedFields(G, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.io.GameObjectParser
Adds the modified fields of a
to a map.
- addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.MapRenderer
- addMouseMotionListener(MouseMotionListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.MapRenderer
Adds a MouseMotionListener
to be notified about mouse events.
- addMsgTextLine(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- addMsgTextLine(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Adds a line of message text.
- addName(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AttributeBitmask
Adds a readable name for a bit value.
- addNamedValue(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AttributeBitmask
Adds a name for external encoding of a value.
- addNewPickmap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
Invoked when user wants to open a new pickmap.
- addNoMap(ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.EnvironmentChecker
- addObjectChooserListener(ObjectChooserListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.DefaultObjectChooser
- addObjectChooserListener(ObjectChooserListener<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooser
Adds a listener to be notified.
- addObjectListToMap(Iterable<G>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- addObjectListToMap(Iterable<G>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
- addObjectText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetypeBuilder
- addObjectText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- addObjectText(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Appends text
to the object text of this GameObject.
- addObjectText(String, AbstractBaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectText
Appends a line to the object text.
- addParameter(PluginParameter<G, A, R, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Adds a plugin parameter to this plugin.
- addParameter(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.StringParameterBuilder
Adds a parameter key/value pair.
- addPart(T) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Adds a part to this multi-part object.
- addPickmap(String, MapReaderFactory<G, A>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolder
- addPickmapChooserListener(PickmapChooserModelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserModel
- addPickmapSettingsListener(PickmapSettingsListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings.AbstractPickmapSettings
- addPickmapSettingsListener(PickmapSettingsListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings.PickmapSettings
- addPlugin(Plugin<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginModel
Add a new plugin.
- addPlugin(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginModel
- addPluginListener(PluginListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
- addPluginModelListener(PluginModelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginModel
Adds a listener to be informed of changes.
- addPluginParameter(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginParameters
Defines a variable to be passed to plugins.
- addPluginParameterListener(PluginParameterListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPluginParameter
- addPluginParameterListener(PluginParameterListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
- addPNGFace(String, String, String, ErrorView, ArchFaceProvider) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.resource.AbstractResourcesReader
Loads a png from the file, convert it to IconImage and attach it to the
face list.
- addProjectSettingsListener(ProjectSettingsListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractProjectSettings
- addProjectSettingsListener(ProjectSettingsListener) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
- addSection(ArchetypeAttributeSection) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSections
- addSelectedSquareListener(SelectedSquareModelListener<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareModel
- addTab(String, Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.CloseableTabbedPane
- addTab(Tab) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.MainView
Adds a tab.
- addTab(GameObjectAttributesTab<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControl
Adds a tab.
- addTab(Tab) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonLists
Adds a
to the button list associated with the tab's
- addTab(Tab) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.TabbedPanel
Adds a tab.
- addTab(String, File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
Adds a new TextArea Panel to the TabbedPane.
- addTabListener(TabListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
- addTailPart(T) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- addTailPart(T) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Appends a tail to this GameObject.
- addText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- addText(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Appends 'text' to the map text.
- addTextFieldActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.TilePanel
Adds an ActionListener
to the text input field.
- addToCache(String, ImageIcon) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
Add an image to the cache.
- addToken(int, byte) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.TokenMarker
Adds a token to the token list.
- addToPanel(boolean, String, R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.AbstractArchetypeParser
Returns whether an archetype should be added to the archetype chooser.
- addToPanel(boolean, String, Archetype) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.io.ArchetypeParser
- addToPanel(boolean, String, Archetype) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.io.ArchetypeParser
- addToPanel(boolean, String, Archetype) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.io.ArchetypeParser
- addToSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AddToSelectionAction
Adds the current pre-selection to the selection.
- AddToSelectionAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that adds the current pre-selection to the
- AddToSelectionAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.AddToSelectionAction
- addUndoableEdit(UndoableEdit) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxDocument
Adds an undoable edit to this document's undo list.
- addValidator(Validator<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.DelegatingMapValidator
- addWarning(ErrorViewCategory, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.ConsoleErrorView
- addWarning(ErrorViewCategory, int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.ConsoleErrorView
- addWarning(ErrorViewCategory, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.DefaultErrorView
- addWarning(ErrorViewCategory, int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.DefaultErrorView
- addWarning(ErrorViewCategory, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorView
Adds a warning message.
- addWarning(ErrorViewCategory, int, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorView
Adds a warning message.
- addWarning(ErrorViewCategory) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorViewCollector
Adds a warning message.
- addWarning(ErrorViewCategory, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorViewCollector
Adds a warning message.
- addWarning(ErrorViewCategory, int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.errorview.ErrorViewCollector
Adds a warning message.
- addWindowAction(JMenu, MapView<G, A, R>, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapdesktop.MapDesktop
Adds an action for selecting this window to a menu.
- ALIGN - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
The name of the "align" attribute.
- allocate(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation.GoLocationDialogManager
- allocate(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.AbstractPerMapDialogManager
Creates a new instance.
- allowsChildren() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntry
Returns whether this entry is a directory.
- allowsChildren() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntryDir
- allowsChildren() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntryMap
- ALPHA - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
The name of the "alpha" attribute.
- ALPHA_FILTER - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AlphaImageFilterInstance
- AlphaImageFilter - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
An image filter creating transparent images.
- AlphaImageFilter() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AlphaImageFilter
- AlphaImageFilterInstance - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
- alphaTypeChanged(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettingsListener
This event handler is called when the alpha type setting has changed.
- AndGameObjectMatcher - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
- AndGameObjectMatcher(Collection<GameObjectMatcher>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.AndGameObjectMatcher
Creates an AndGameObjectMatcher
- ANIM_FILE_FILTER - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.FileFilters
Swing FileFilter for .anim files.
- ANIM_SPEED - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
The name of the "anim_speed" attribute.
- ANIMATION - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
The attribute name of the object's animation.
- AnimationComponent - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils
A JPanel
that allows the user to select an animation name.
- AnimationComponent(String, AnimationObjects, FaceObjectProviders, ImageIcon, ImageIcon) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AnimationComponent
Creates a new instance.
- AnimationObject - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.anim
An AnimationObject reflects the animation ("anim\n
" ...
- AnimationObjects - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.anim
- AnimationObjectsCollectable - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable
- AnimationObjectsCollectable(AnimationObjects, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable.AnimationObjectsCollectable
Creates a new instance.
- AnimationObjectsReader - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
- AnimationParseException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.model.anim
This exception is thrown when parsing an animation definition file (arch/animations
and arch/**.anim
) revealed that such a file contains
an error.
- AnimationParseException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AnimationParseException
Creates a new instance.
- AnimationValidator - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.anim
- AnimationValidator(FaceObjects, ErrorView) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AnimationValidator
Creates a new instance.
- ANIMTREE_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.IGUIConstants
File to store the animation tree information after arch collection.
- ANIMTREE_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.IGUIConstants
File to store the animation tree information after arch collection.
- ANIMTREE_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.IGUIConstants
File to store the animation tree information after arch collection.
- AnimTreeChooseAction - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils
- AnimTreeChooseAction(String, JTextComponent, AbstractButton, AnimationObjects, FaceObjectProviders, ImageIcon, ImageIcon) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AnimTreeChooseAction
Creates a new instance.
- APP_ICON - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
Application icon definitions (icon-dir).
- append(NamedObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
Append a node.
- append(AbsoluteMapPath, MapPath) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapPathUtils
Appends a map path to another map path.
- append(RelativeMapPath, RelativeMapPath) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapPathUtils
Appends a map path to another map path.
- append(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.WrappingStringBuilder
Appends a word.
- append(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.WrappingStringBuilder
Appends an integer value.
- appendGameObject(G, boolean, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.ToolTipAppender
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttribute
Appends a summary line for this attribute to a Document
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeAnimationName
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBitmask
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBool
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBoolSpec
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeFaceName
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeFloat
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeInt
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeInvSpell
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeList
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeList2
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeLong
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeMapPath
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeScriptFile
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeSpell
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeString
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeText
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeTreasure
- appendSummary(Document, Style) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeZSpell
- appendToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.ArchTreasureObj
- appendToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.FolderTreasureObj
- appendToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.NoTreasureObj
- appendToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureListTreasureObj
- appendToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Appends a description of this treasure object to a StringBuilder
- appendToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.YesTreasureObj
- appendValidationError(ValidationError<G, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.ToolTipAppender
- appExitNotify() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.utils.ExiterListener
Called when the application exits.
- apply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.AppPreferences
- apply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.DevPreferences
- apply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.GUIPreferences
- apply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.MapValidatorPreferences
- apply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.MiscPreferences
- apply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.NetPreferences
- apply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.ResPreferences
- apply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.UpdatePreferences
- apply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab
- apply(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab
Applies settings to the given game object.
- apply(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.ArchTab
- apply(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.EventsTab
- apply(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.FaceTab
- apply() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesTab
Applies the current settings.
- apply() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesTabListener
Makes the listener apply all tabs.
- apply(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.MsgTextTab
- apply(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.TextEditorTab
- applyChanges(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor.GameObjectTextEditor
Updates a
's attributes from the input field.
- applyChanges(MapModel<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.SavedSquares
Applies the saved squares to the given map model.
- applyMassChange(Integer[], Integer[], String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Applies mass changes to the specified object if all the match conditions
are met.
- applyMassChange(Integer[], Integer[], String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
- applyMassChange(Integer[], Integer[], String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
- applyMassChange(Integer[], Integer[], String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
- AppPreferences - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs
Preferences Module for application preferences.
- AppPreferences(AppPreferencesModel) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.AppPreferences
Creates a new instance.
- AppPreferencesModel - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Maintains the application preferences state.
- AppPreferencesModel(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Creates a new instance.
- ARC_FILE_FILTER - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.FileFilters
Swing FileFilter for .arc files.
- ARCH_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.IGUIConstants
- ARCH_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.IGUIConstants
- ARCH_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.IGUIConstants
- archAttributes() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
Action method for "arch attributes".
- ArchAttributesAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that opens the game object attributes dialog for the
currently selected game object.
- ArchAttributesAction(GameObjectAttributesDialogFactory<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
Creates a new instance.
- ArchComboBoxCellRenderer - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype
- ArchComboBoxCellRenderer(FaceObjectProviders) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxCellRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- ArchComboBoxEditor<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype
- ArchComboBoxEditor(JComboBox<Archetype<G, A, R>>, ArchComboBoxModel<G, A, R>, ObjectChooser<G, A, R>, GameObjectAttributesModel<G, A, R>, FaceObjectProviders) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxEditor
Creates a new instance.
- ArchComboBoxModel<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype
- ArchComboBoxModel(ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxModel
- ARCHDEF_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.IGUIConstants
- ARCHDEF_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.IGUIConstants
- Archetype<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype
Reflects an Archetype.
- Archetype - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.archetype
Implements Atrinik archetypes.
- Archetype - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype
Implements Crossfire archetypes.
- Archetype - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.archetype
Implements Daimonin archetypes.
- ArchetypeAttribute - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
This Class contains the data of one archetype attribute.
- ArchetypeAttribute(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttribute
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeAnimationName - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeAnimationName(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeAnimationName
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeBitmask - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeBitmask(String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeBitmask
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeBool - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeBool(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeBool
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeBoolSpec - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
for selecting boolean values having specific
"true" and "false" values.
- ArchetypeAttributeBoolSpec(String, String, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeBoolSpec
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeDefinition - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
Holds the key/value pair of an archetype attribute definition.
- ArchetypeAttributeDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeDefinition
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeFaceName - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeFaceName(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeFaceName
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeFactory - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeFixed - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeFixed(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeFixed
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeFloat - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeFloat(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeFloat
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeInt - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeInt(String, String, String, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeInt
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeInvSpell - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeInvSpell(boolean, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeInvSpell
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeList - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeList(String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeList
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeList2 - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeList2(String, String, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeList2
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeLong - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeLong(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeLong
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeMapPath - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeMapPath(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeMapPath
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeParser(ArchetypeAttributeFactory) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeParser
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeScriptFile - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeScriptFile(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeScriptFile
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributesDefinition - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributesDefinition() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributesDefinition
- ArchetypeAttributeSection - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeSection(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSection
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeSections - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeSections() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSections
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeSpell - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeSpell(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSpell
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeString - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeString(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeString
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeText - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeText(String, String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeText
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeTreasure - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeTreasure(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeTreasure
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeAttributeVisitor - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeZSpell - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeAttributeZSpell(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeZSpell
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeChooserControl<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser
That control of the archetype chooser.
- ArchetypeChooserControl(ArchetypeChooserModel<G, A, R>, ArchetypeChooserView<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserControl
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeChooserFolder<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser
- ArchetypeChooserFolder(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserFolder
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeChooserFolderListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser
- ArchetypeChooserModel<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser
The view of the archetype chooser.
- ArchetypeChooserModel() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
- ArchetypeChooserModelListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser
- ArchetypeChooserPanel<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser
- ArchetypeChooserPanel(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanel
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeChooserPanelListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser
- ArchetypeChooserView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser
The view of the archetype chooser.
- ArchetypeChooserView(boolean, ArchetypeChooserModel<G, A, R>, FaceObjectProviders, Action, Action, Action, DisplayMode<G, A, R>, DisplayMode<G, A, R>, DisplayMode<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserView
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype
- ArchetypeIconCellRenderer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser
- ArchetypeIconCellRenderer(FaceObjectProviders) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeIconCellRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeNameCellRenderer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser
showing archetypes as images and archetype name.
- ArchetypeNameCellRenderer(FaceObjectProviders) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeNameCellRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeNameMatchCriteria<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.select
- ArchetypeNameMatchCriteria(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.select.ArchetypeNameMatchCriteria
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypePanel<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser
A panel showing a set of archetypes.
- ArchetypePanel(ArchetypeChooserModel<G, A, R>, ArchetypeChooserPanel<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypePanel
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeParameter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
- ArchetypeParameter(ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.ArchetypeParameter
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeParameterView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype
- ArchetypeParameterView(ArchetypeParameter<G, A, R>, GameObjectAttributesModel<G, A, R>, ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>, ObjectChooser<G, A, R>, FaceObjectProviders) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchetypeParameterView
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeParser<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
Common interface for ArchetypeParsers.
- ArchetypeParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.io
Handles the parsing of arches.
- ArchetypeParser(GameObjectParser<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, AnimationObjects, ArchetypeSet<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, GameObjectFactory<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, MultiPositionData) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.io.ArchetypeParser
Creates an ArchetypeParser.
- ArchetypeParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.io
Handles the parsing of arches.
- ArchetypeParser(GameObjectParser<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, AnimationObjects, ArchetypeSet<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, GameObjectFactory<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, SmoothFaces) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.io.ArchetypeParser
Creates an ArchetypeParser.
- ArchetypeParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.io
Handles the parsing of arches.
- ArchetypeParser(AnimationObjects, ArchetypeSet<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, GameObjectFactory<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, MultiPositionData) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.io.ArchetypeParser
Creates an ArchetypeParser.
- ArchetypeSet<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset
Interface that captures similarities between different ArchetypeSet
- ArchetypeSetListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype
Interface for listeners listening to ArchetypeSet changes.
- ArchetypeSetSpellLoader<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.spells
Extract spell definitions from an archetype set.
- ArchetypeSetSpellLoader(GameObjectFactory<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.ArchetypeSetSpellLoader
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeType - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
Contains the data of one Gridarta Object-Type.
- ArchetypeType(String, int, String, boolean, int[], boolean, String, String, ArchetypeAttributesDefinition) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeTypeChecks - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
- ArchetypeTypeList - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
A list definition.
- ArchetypeTypeList() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeList
- ArchetypeTypeListCellRenderer - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
- ArchetypeTypeListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.ArchetypeTypeListCellRenderer
- ArchetypeTypeParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeTypeParser(ArchetypeAttributeParser) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeParser
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeTypeSet - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeTypeSet() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
- ArchetypeTypeSetParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
- ArchetypeTypeSetParser(ArchetypeTypeParser) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSetParser
Creates a new instance.
- ArchetypeValidator - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset
- ArchetypeValidator(AnimationObjects, FaceObjects, ErrorView) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeValidator
Creates a new instance.
- ArchFaceProvider - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.face
Implementation of FaceProvider which reads images from the arch directory.
- ArchFaceProvider() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.ArchFaceProvider
- ArchTab<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes
The "Arch" tab in the archetype chooser.
- ArchTab(ArchetypeTypeSet, GameObjectAttributesModel<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.ArchTab
Creates a new instance.
- ArchTreasureObj - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist
- ArchTreasureObj(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.ArchTreasureObj
Creates a new instance.
- ArrayUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Utility class for array related functions.
- ArtifactParser<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.artifact
Parser for artifact definitions.
- ArtifactParser(ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>, ErrorView, AbstractArchetypeParser<G, A, R, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.artifact.ArtifactParser
Creates a new instance.
- ARTIFACTS_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.IGUIConstants
- ARTIFACTS_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.IGUIConstants
- asGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- asGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Returns this instance as a
if this
instance is not a game object.
- asGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- asGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
- askConfirm(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
Shows the given confirmation message as popup frame.
- askConfirmErrors(String, Component) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.ConfirmErrorsDialog
Open a popup dialog and ask the user to confirm (or modify) the
encountered syntax errors.
- AsynchronousProgress - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils
Implements a Progress
that forwards to another Progress
instance but can be used from threads other than EDT.
- AsynchronousProgress(Progress) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AsynchronousProgress
Creates a new instance.
- AtrinikArchetypeSetCollectable - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.collectable
that creates the
Atrinik specific "archetypes" file.
- AtrinikArchetypeSetCollectable(ArchetypeSet<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, GameObjectParser<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.collectable.AtrinikArchetypeSetCollectable
Creates a new instance.
- AtrinikDefaultProjectSettings - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings
Maintains path names to resources.
- AtrinikDefaultProjectSettings(EditorSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings.AtrinikDefaultProjectSettings
Creates a new instance.
- AtrinikEditor - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol
Main class, launches the level editor application.
- AtrinikServerActions - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.actions
- AtrinikServerActions(FileControl<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.actions.AtrinikServerActions
Creates a new instance.
- AttachTiledMaps<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.actions
Attaches maps to adjacent tiled maps.
- AttachTiledMaps(MapManager<G, A, R>, TileLink[]) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.actions.AttachTiledMaps
Creates a new instance.
- attachTiledMaps(MapModel<G, A, R>, String[], File, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.actions.AttachTiledMaps
Updates tile paths of a map.
- attribApply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialog
Action method for apply.
- attribCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialog
Action method for cancel.
- attribEdit() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialog
Turns the summary off.
- attribHelp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialog
Action method for help.
- attribOk() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialog
Action method for ok.
- attribSummary() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialog
Action method for summary.
- AttributeBitmask - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
This class manages bitmask values which appear in Gridarta archetype
- AttributeBitmask(boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AttributeBitmask
Constructor of a bitmask from XML element.
- AttributeGameObjectMatcher - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
- AttributeGameObjectMatcher(Operation) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.AttributeGameObjectMatcher
Creates an AttributeGameObjectMatcher
- AttributeListUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
Utility class for archetype attribute related functions.
- AttributeOtherValueMatchCriteria<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.select
that matches attribute values of all but a set of
- AttributeOtherValueMatchCriteria(String, String...) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.select.AttributeOtherValueMatchCriteria
Creates a new instance.
- AttributeRangeChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
A validator that checks for suspicious attribute values.
- AttributeRangeChecker(ValidatorPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.AttributeRangeChecker
Creates a new instance.
- AttributeRangeError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Indicate an attribute value that is out of range.
- AttributeRangeError(G, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.AttributeRangeError
Creates a new instance.
- Attributes - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject
A set of key/value pairs.
- AttributesPaneBuilder<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
Builder for game object attribute panels.
- AttributesPaneBuilder(Attributes, Component, ArchetypeTypeSet, CFTreasureListTree, FaceObjectProviders, AnimationObjects, ProjectSettings, FileFilter, FileFilter, FaceObjects, Spells<GameObjectSpell<G, A, R>>, Spells<NumberSpell>, int, TreasureTree, ImageIcon, ImageIcon, TextAreaDefaults) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.AttributesPaneBuilder
Creates a new instance.
- AttributeValueMatchCriteria<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.select
- AttributeValueMatchCriteria(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.select.AttributeValueMatchCriteria
Creates a new instance.
- AUTO_CHECK_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.updater.UpdaterManager
Preferences default value for AUTO_CHECK_KEY.
- AUTO_CHECK_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.updater.UpdaterManager
Preferences key whether to automatically check for updates.
- AUTO_CREATE_EXIT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
- AUTO_RUN_SMALL_ICON - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- autoCreateExitChanged(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModelListener
Called whenever the setting "automatically create exits" has changed.
- AutoInsertionMode - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Automatically guess the insertion position.
- AutoInsertionMode(GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AutoInsertionMode
Initializes the class.
- autojoinChanged(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettingsListener
The autojoin value has changed.
- AutojoinList<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin
Contains a list of (typically wall-)arches which do autojoining.
- AutojoinList(Iterable<List<R>>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinList
Creates a new instance.
- AutojoinLists<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin
- AutojoinLists() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinLists
- AutojoinListsParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin
- autoscroll(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.AutoscrollJTree
- AutoscrollJTree - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
A JTree
that supports auto-scrolling while drag and drop is active.
- AutoscrollJTree(TreeModel) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.AutoscrollJTree
Creates a new instance.
- AutoValidator<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.autovalidator
Implements the auto-validator for map validation.
- AutoValidator(DelegatingMapValidator<G, A, R>, boolean, DelayedMapModelListenerManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.autovalidator.AutoValidator
Creates a new instance.
- CacheFiles - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
Creates derived files for caching files.
- calculateNewCursorLocation(Point, Size2D, Direction) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.EnterMap
Calculate the map cursor location for the new viewport.
- calculateTilePath(Direction, MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- calculateTilePath(Direction, MapFile) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Calculate a single tile path in a particular direction.
- calculateTilePaths(MapFile, File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- calculateTilePaths(MapFile, File) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Calculates tiled paths for the map automatically.
- callExit(int) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.DefaultExiter
Calls System.exit(int)
or does nothing depending on the user's
- canApply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.ArchTab
- canApply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.EventsTab
- canApply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.FaceTab
- canApply() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesTab
Returns whether a selected game object exists and the current value
differs from the initially set value.
- canApply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.MsgTextTab
- canApply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.TextEditorTab
- canApplyChanges() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor.GameObjectTextEditor
Returns whether the current text field differs from the initial value.
- cancel() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.ExportMapProgress
Will be called regularly while exporting the map.
- cancelButton() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Replace.ReplaceDialog
Action method for cancel.
- canExit() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginController
Prompts the user for all unsaved plugins.
- canExit() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
Invoked when the user wants to exit the application.
- CannotLoadMapFileException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.actions
Exception thrown if a map file cannot be loaded.
- CannotLoadMapFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.actions.CannotLoadMapFileException
Creates a new instance.
- CannotSaveMapFileException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.actions
Exception thrown if a map file cannot be saved.
- CannotSaveMapFileException(File, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.actions.CannotSaveMapFileException
Creates a new instance.
- canRedo() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.undo.UndoModel
Return whether a "redo" operation is possible.
- canShift(Direction) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.ShiftProcessor
Checks whether shifting is possible.
- canShow(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.DefaultFilterControl
- canShow(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterControl
- canShow(GameObject<?, ?, ?>, NamedFilterConfig) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilter
- canUndo() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.undo.UndoModel
Return whether an "undo" operation is possible.
- canWriteCollected() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.resource.AbstractResources
Whether the resources can be written in collected form.
- CellRenderer<K> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview
for rendering
objects in
a list.
- CellRenderer() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.CellRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- CellRenderer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare
CellRenderer for rendering ArchObjects on a certain map square in a list.
- CellRenderer(FaceObjectProviders, Icon) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.CellRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- CENTER - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.ScrollLayout
- centerMapView(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.AbstractMapView
- centerMapView(Point) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Centers the map view on a map square.
- CFPythonPopup - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor
This class implements a popup window which shows all python methods in the
'CFPython' package.
- CFPythonPopup(ScriptEditControl, MenuEntries) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.CFPythonPopup
Creates a new instance.
- CFPythonPopupMenu - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor
MenuHelper class, inherits from JPopupMenu.
- CFPythonPopupMenu(JComboBox<Object>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.CFPythonPopupMenu
- CFTreasureListTree - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.treasurelist
The CFTreasureListTree class fully manages treasurelists.
- CFTreasureListTree(TreasureTree, Frame, ArchetypeSet<?, ?, ?>, FaceObjectProviders, ResourceIcons) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.treasurelist.CFTreasureListTree
Creates a new instance.
- change() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.utils.DelayedChangeListener
Called for forwarded change events.
- change() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.DelayedChangeManager
- changed() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPluginParameter
Notifies all listeners that this plugin parameter has changed.
- changed() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameterListener
A value of the plugin parameter has changed.
- children() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
- childrenNames(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.Storage
Returns the names of the children of a node.
- childrenNamesSpi() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- childSpi(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- chooseDefaultScriptName(File, String, String, PathManager) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptUtils
Try to create a reasonable default script name for lazy users.
- cleanCompletelyBlockedSquares() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.CleanCompletelyBlockedSquaresAction
The action method for "cleanCompletelyBlockedSquares".
- CleanCompletelyBlockedSquaresAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- CleanCompletelyBlockedSquaresAction(MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.CleanCompletelyBlockedSquaresAction
Creates a new instance.
- clear(MapView<G, A, R>, Rectangle) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.copybuffer.CopyBuffer
Executes the Clear command.
- clear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.TableModel
Clear the model's contents.
- clear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserModel
Removes all map files.
- clear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Clear" was selected from the Edit menu.
- clear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- clear() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
Clears all values from the index.
- clear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.SavedSquares
Forgets all saved squares.
- clear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaBrackets
Clears the highlighted bracket.
- clearAlpha() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- clearAlpha() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Clear the transparency.
- clearBackground(Graphics) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractIsoMapRenderer
Clears the window to background color if necessary.
- clearBackground(Graphics) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.IsoMapRenderer
- clearBackground(Graphics) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.IsoPickmapRenderer
- clearErrors() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Clears all error flags.
- clearMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- clearMap() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Clears this map completely.
- clearMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquareGrid
This implementation is very safe by recreating every single MapSquare as
new empty square with the trade-off of some strain of the
- clicked(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpListener
Mouse was clicked.
- clicked(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.DeletionTool
- clicked(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.InsertionTool
- clicked(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.SelectionTool
- clicked(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.VoidTool
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.MaskChangeAL
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.ViewTreasurelistAL
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.viewaction.ViewAction
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapdesktop.WindowAction
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTreeAction
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuAction
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AnimTreeChooseAction
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.FaceTreeChooseAction
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.TabButtonAction
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.TreeChooseAction
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- clone() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Creates a clone of this base object.
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.ColourFilter
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.SetEnabledAction
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AlphaImageFilter
- clone() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.archetype.Archetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.archetype.DefaultArchetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.archetype.UndefinedArchetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
- clone() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype.Archetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype.DefaultArchetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype.UndefinedArchetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
- clone() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.archetype.Archetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.archetype.DefaultArchetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.archetype.UndefinedArchetype
- clone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
- cloneAndClear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.SavedSquares
Creates a new instance having the same contents as this instance, then
forgets all saves squares in this instance.
- cloneGameObject(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractIsoGameObjectFactory
- cloneGameObject(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObjectFactory
Creates a copy of a game object.
- cloneGameObject(GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.DefaultGameObjectFactory
- cloneMultiGameObject(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObjectFactory
- cloneMultiGameObject(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObjectFactory
Creates a copy of a game object, including tail parts.
- clonePlugin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Returns a clone copy of this plugin.
- CLOSE_TAB_SMALL_ICON - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- CloseableTabbedPane - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin
- CloseableTabbedPane(ImageIcon) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.CloseableTabbedPane
Creates a new instance.
- closeActiveTab() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditControl
Close the active script-tab.
- closeActiveTab() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
Closes the active script-tab.
- closeAllMaps() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.CloseAllMapsAction
Closes all open map windows.
- closeAllMaps() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.DefaultFileControl
- closeAllMaps() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.FileControl
Invoked when the user wants to close all maps.
- CloseAllMapsAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- CloseAllMapsAction(DefaultFileControl<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.CloseAllMapsAction
Creates a new instance.
- closeAllTabs() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditControl
Close all opened script-tabs.
- closeAllViews() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViews
- closeMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapFileActions
Invoked when the user wants to close the map.
- closeMap(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
- closeMap(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManager
Closes the given map, ignoring modified status.
- closeMapView(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsManager
Invoked when the user wants to close a map view.
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapFileActions
Unregisters all registered listeners.
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.AbstractMapView
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.DefaultMapView
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.ErroneousMapSquares
Must be called when this instance is not used anymore.
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapCursorTracker
Must be called when this instance is not used anymore.
- closeNotify() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
This function must be called when the view is closed.
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractIsoMapRenderer
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractMapRenderer
Must be called when this renderer is not used anymore.
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.IsoMapRenderer
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.SimpleIsoMapRenderer
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapuserlistener.MapMouseListener
Must be called when this object is freed.
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.AbstractFlatMapRenderer
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.FlatMapRenderer
- closeNotify() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.SimpleFlatMapRenderer
- closeView(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViews
- closeView(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsManager
- ClosingIcon - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin
the idea for this class stems from limewire's CancelSearchIconProxy class,
thanks for going open source guys.
- ClosingIcon(Icon) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.ClosingIcon
- ClosingLabel - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes
A JLabel
that tracks the x coordinate at which it was painted last.
- ClosingLabel(Icon) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.ClosingLabel
Creates a new instance.
- ClosingListener - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin
- ClosingListener(JTabbedPane) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.ClosingListener
Creates a new instance.
- Codec - Class in net.sf.gridarta.preferences
Utility class to encode arbitrary Strings to fit in a single text line.
- collect(Progress, File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable.AbstractArchetypeSetCollectable
- collect(Progress, File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable.AnimationObjectsCollectable
Collects information.
- collect(Progress, File) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable.Collectable
Collects information.
- collect(Progress, File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable.FaceObjectsCollectable
Collects information.
- collect(Progress, File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable.SmoothFacesCollectable
- collect(ValidationError<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.DefaultErrorCollector
- collect(ValidationError<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.ErrorCollector
Collect an error.
- Collectable - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable
A Collectable has information that can be collected.
- collectArches() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.CollectArchesAction
Runs the archetype collection.
- CollectArchesAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- CollectArchesAction(ProjectSettings, AbstractResources<G, A, R>, Exiter, JFrame) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.CollectArchesAction
Creates a new instance.
- CollectArchesCommand - Class in net.sf.gridarta.commands
Run archetype collection.
- CollectArchesCommand(ProjectModel<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.commands.CollectArchesCommand
Creates a new instance.
- collectArchetype(R, Writer) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable.AbstractArchetypeSetCollectable
Collects an
: writes its definition into a writer.
- collectArchetype(Archetype, Writer) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.collectable.AtrinikArchetypeSetCollectable
- collectArchetype(Archetype, Writer) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.collectable.CrossfireArchetypeSetCollectable
- collectArchetype(Archetype, Writer) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.collectable.DaimoninArchetypeSetCollectable
- CollectedConfigSource - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings
- CollectedConfigSource() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings.CollectedConfigSource
- CollectedConfigSource - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings
- CollectedConfigSource() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings.CollectedConfigSource
- CollectedConfigSource - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.settings
- CollectedConfigSource() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.settings.CollectedConfigSource
- CollectedFaceProvider - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.face
Implementation of FaceProvider which reads images from the collected PNG
- CollectedFaceProvider(File) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.CollectedFaceProvider
Creates a new instance.
- CollectedFaceProvider(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.CollectedFaceProvider
Creates a new instance.
- CollectedResourcesReader - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.resource
Loads all resources from collected files.
- CollectedResourcesReader(File, ArchetypeSet<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, AbstractArchetypeParser<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype, ?>, FaceObjects, AnimationObjects) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.resource.CollectedResourcesReader
Creates a new instance.
- CollectedResourcesReader - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.resource
Loads all resources from collected files.
- CollectedResourcesReader(File, File, ArchetypeSet<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, AbstractArchetypeParser<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype, ?>, FaceObjects, AnimationObjects, SmoothFaces) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.resource.CollectedResourcesReader
Creates a new instance.
- CollectedResourcesReader - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.resource
Loads all resources from collected files.
- CollectedResourcesReader(File, ArchetypeSet<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, AbstractArchetypeParser<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype, ?>, FaceObjects, AnimationObjects) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.resource.CollectedResourcesReader
Creates a new instance.
- CollectedResourcesWriter - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.resource
Writes resources into a collection.
- CollectedResourcesWriter() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.resource.CollectedResourcesWriter
- collectHeads(int, int, int, int, Collection<GameObject<G, A, R>>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquareGrid
Adds all head parts for game object within an area to a collection.
- Collector - Class in net.sf.gridarta.commands
A Collector is capable of iterating over a collection of
and collecting
them in a separate
with a nice GUI.
- Collector(Progress, AbstractResources<?, ?, ?>, File) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.commands.Collector
Creates a new instance.
- collectSpells() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.CollectSpellsAction
The action method for "collectSpells".
- CollectSpellsAction - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- CollectSpellsAction(SpellsUtils, ProjectSettings, Component) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.CollectSpellsAction
Creates a new instance.
- collectTempList(List<G>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.AbstractGameObjectParser
- collectTempList(List<G>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.io.GameObjectParser
Browse first through the archetype list and attach map arches to it then
browse through the face list and try to find the pictures.
- ColourFilter - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.face
Class to filter images by simply applying a boolean OR operation.
- ColourFilter(int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.ColourFilter
Creates a new instance.
- Command - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.commands
Interface for command-line commands.
- COMMENT1 - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
Comment 1 token id.
- COMMENT2 - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
Comment 2 token id.
- CommonConstants - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Class with constants used in Gridarta and derivates.
- compare(GameObject<?, ?, ?>, GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.MapListCellRenderer
- compare(PickmapState<?, ?, ?>, PickmapState<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFileNameComparator
- compare(Archetype<G, A, R>, Archetype<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeIconCellRenderer
- compare(Archetype<G, A, R>, Archetype<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeNameCellRenderer
- compare(Archetype<G, A, R>, Archetype<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.DisplayNameCellRenderer
- compare(G, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.GameObjectFormatter
- compare(MapSquare<G, A, R>, MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MapSquareFormatter
- compare(ValidationError<G, A, R>, ValidationError<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.ValidationErrorComparator
- compareTo(NamedObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObject
- compareTo(NamedTreeNode<E>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
- compareTo(NamedObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
Overridden to sort bug.101 and bug.111 before all other
- compareTo(MapLocation) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maplocation.MapLocation
- compareTo(AbsoluteMapPath) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AbsoluteMapPath
- compareTo(RelativeMapPath) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.RelativeMapPath
- compareValue(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.AttributeGameObjectMatcher
Compares the attribute value of a given game object with the expected
- compareValue(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.IntAttributeGameObjectMatcher
- compareValue(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.StringAttributeGameObjectMatcher
- configChanged(FilterConfigChangeType, FilterConfig<?, ?>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.FilterConfigListener
- ConfigFileUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Loader for loading resources the user's home directory.
- ConfigSource - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource
Possible source locations for configuration files.
- ConfigSourceFactory - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource
- ConfirmErrorsDialog - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
Utility class for displaying a dialog to keep or dump invalid attributes of a
game object.
- confirmSaveChanges(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.DefaultFileControl
- confirmSaveChanges(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.FileControl
Asks the user whether to save changes of a map.
- ConnectedInsideContainerChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
A GameObjectValidator to assert that containers do not contain connected
- ConnectedInsideContainerChecker(ValidatorPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.ConnectedInsideContainerChecker
Creates a new instance.
- ConnectedInsideContainerError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
A MapValidator that checks for mobs outside spawn points.
- ConnectedInsideContainerError(G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectedInsideContainerError
Creates a new instance.
- ConnectedPickableChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
A Validator to assert that connected objects cannot be picked up.
- ConnectedPickableChecker(ValidatorPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.ConnectedPickableChecker
Creates a new instance.
- ConnectedPickableError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
A MapValidator that checks for mobs outside spawn points.
- ConnectedPickableError(G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectedPickableError
Creates a new instance.
- connectFaces() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
- connectFaces() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
- Connection<K> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview
- Connection(K) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.Connection
Creates a new instance.
- ConnectionChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
Checks that for each connection value at least one source and at least one
sink exists.
- ConnectionChecker(ValidatorPreferences, GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.ConnectionChecker
Creates a new instance.
- ConnectionControl<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview
The controller of the connection view control.
- ConnectionControl(MapViewManager<G, A, R>, DelayedMapModelListenerManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.ConnectionControl
Creates a new instance.
- ConnectionError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Validation for incorrectly connected objects.
- ConnectionError(MapModel<G, A, R>, int, Iterable<G>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectionError
Creates a new instance.
- Connections - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.connectionview
Utility class to parse "connected" fields in game objects.
- ConnectionUnknownError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Validation error for a connected object that is not supposed to be
- ConnectionUnknownError(G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectionUnknownError
Creates a new instance.
- ConnectionView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview
The view of the connection view control.
- ConnectionView(MapViewManager<G, A, R>, DelayedMapModelListenerManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.ConnectionView
Creates a new instance.
- ConnectionWithoutSinksError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Validation error for a set of connected objects for which no sinks exist.
- ConnectionWithoutSinksError(MapModel<G, A, R>, int, Iterable<G>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectionWithoutSinksError
Creates a new instance.
- ConnectionWithoutSourcesError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Validation error for a set of connected objects for which no sources exist.
- ConnectionWithoutSourcesError(MapModel<G, A, R>, int, Iterable<G>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectionWithoutSourcesError
Creates a new instance.
- ConsoleErrorView - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview
that reports all errors to the console.
- ConsoleErrorView() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.errorview.ConsoleErrorView
- Constants - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
Constants needed to parse "types.xml" files.
- contains(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.ClosingIcon
Returns whether xEvent
and yEvent
are within the icon's
- contains(byte[], int, byte[]) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ArrayUtils
Helper method that checks whether a region in a byte array at a given
offset contains the same as another byte array.
- containsArchetype(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserFolder
Returns whether an
is part of this folder.
- containsArchObjectMatcher(GameObjectMatcher) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.MutableOrGameObjectMatcher
- containsEncoding(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AttributeBitmask
Returns whether an external encoding for value exists.
- containsKey(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.IgnorelistsDefinition
Returns whether an ignore list name exists.
- containsKey(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObjects
- containsKey(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObjects
Check whether an object is defined.
- Control<K,G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview
Abstract controller base class for map view controls.
- Control(View<K, G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.Control
Creates a new instance.
- controlClear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ProcessRunner
Action method for clearing the log.
- controlClient() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ControlClientAction
The action method for "controlClient".
- ControlClientAction - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- ControlClientAction(AppPreferencesModel, Frame) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.ControlClientAction
Creates a new instance.
- controlServer() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ControlServerAction
The action method for "controlServer".
- ControlServerAction - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- ControlServerAction(AppPreferencesModel, Frame) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.ControlServerAction
Creates a new instance.
- controlStart() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ProcessRunner
Action method for starting.
- controlStop() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ProcessRunner
Action method for stopping.
- convertType(PluginParameter<G, A, R, ?>, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Changes the type of a plugin parameter.
- coordsInTile(long, int, int) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.StretchedImageFilter
Checks whether the specified coordinates are inside a (possibly
stretched) isometric tile.
- copy(MapView<G, A, R>, Rectangle) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.copybuffer.CopyBuffer
Executes the Copy command.
- copy() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Copy" was selected from the Edit menu.
- COPY - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
- Copy - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions
Action listener for COPY actions.
- Copy() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Copy
- copy() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.DefaultInputHandler
Returns a copy of this input handler that shares the same key bindings.
- copy() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.InputHandler
Returns a copy of this input handler that shares the same key bindings.
- CopyBuffer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.copybuffer
Common base implementation of CopyBuffer.
- CopyBuffer(MapViewSettings, GameObjectFactory<G, A, R>, MapArchObjectFactory<A>, MapModelFactory<G, A, R>, InsertionModeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.copybuffer.CopyBuffer
Creates a new instance.
- copyListType(TreasureObj) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.ArchTreasureObj
- copyListType(TreasureObj) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.FolderTreasureObj
- copyListType(TreasureObj) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.NoTreasureObj
- copyListType(TreasureObj) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureListTreasureObj
- copyListType(TreasureObj) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Copes the list type of a treasureone list.
- copyListType(TreasureObj) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.YesTreasureObj
- CopyMode - Enum in net.sf.gridarta.gui.copybuffer
Mode for operations.
- CopyReader - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Copies a Reader
into a String
- CopyReader(Reader) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.utils.CopyReader
Creates a new instance.
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.BlockedMobOrSpawnPointError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.BlockedSquareError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectedInsideContainerError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectedPickableError
- correct(Component) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.CorrectableError
Try to correct this error.
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.DoubleLayerError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.DoubleTypeError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.EmptySpawnPointError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.EnvironmentSensorSlayingError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MobOutsideSpawnPointError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SlayingError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SquareWithoutFloorError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SysObjectNotOnLayerZeroError
- correct(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.AbstractSuspiciousMsgError
- CorrectableError - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
This interface can be implemented by errors that provide a facility to
correct them.
- correctChance(double) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Updates the chance attribute by a corrector factor.
- countInvObjects() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- countInvObjects() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Counts the number of all inventory items (recursively).
- createAction(String, String, EditorAction) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorActionManager
Initializes a new action.
- createActionOptional(String, String, EditorAction) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorActionManager
Initializes a new action.
- createButton(String) - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
Creates an AbstractButton
for this location.
- createClone() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Creates a copy of this object.
- createClone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
- createClone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
- createClone() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
- createConfig() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.Filter
- createConfig() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilter
- createConfig() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedGameObjectMatcherFilter
- createConsole(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginView
- createDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialog
Creates a new JDialog
instance for this dialog.
- createDialog(Component, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginViewPane
Creates a new dialog.
- createDialog(Component, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
- createGameObject(R) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObjectFactory
- createGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.GameObjectSpell
Returns a copy of the game object.
- createGameObject(Archetype) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.DefaultGameObjectFactory
- createGameObject(Archetype) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.DefaultGameObjectFactory
- createGameObject(Archetype) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.DefaultGameObjectFactory
- createGameObjectPart(R, G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObjectFactory
- createGameObjectPart(Archetype, GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.DefaultGameObjectFactory
- createGameObjectPart(Archetype, GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.DefaultGameObjectFactory
- createGameObjectPart(Archetype, GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.DefaultGameObjectFactory
- createImage(MapFile, boolean, ExportMapProgress) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.MapImageCreator
Creates an image from a map file.
- createImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapFileActions
Invoked when the user wants to create an image file of the map.
- createImage(MapModel<G, A, R>, File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.ImageCreator
- createImage(MapModel<G, A, R>, Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.ImageCreator2
Creates an image of a map and save it as a file.
- createImage(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.AbstractFaceProvider
Creates an image not found in the cache.
- createImage(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.ArchFaceProvider
- createImage(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.CollectedFaceProvider
- createImage(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FilterFaceProvider
- createInventory(GameObject<G, A, R>, Iterable<G>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObjectFactory
- createInventory(GameObject<G, A, R>, Iterable<G>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObjectFactory
Copies inventory objects from an archetype into a game object.
- createLabel(String, Component) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.SwingUtils
Creates a JLabel
- createMapControl(List<G>, A, MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
- createMapControl(List<G>, A, MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.DefaultMapManager
- createMapControl(List<G>, A, MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.DefaultPickmapManager
- createMapNamePanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
- createMapNamePanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialog
- createMapNamePanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewPickmapDialog
- createMapNamePanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewPickmapFolderDialog
- createMapParametersPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
- createMapParametersPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewPickmapFolderDialog
- createMenuEntries(JMenu) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.DefaultFilterControl
- createMenuEntries(JMenu) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterControl
- createNew() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
Checks the given values and creates a new map.
- createNew() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialog
- createNew() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewPickmapDialog
- createNew() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewPickmapFolderDialog
- createOptionsView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.DeletionTool
- createOptionsView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.InsertionTool
- createOptionsView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.SelectionTool
- createOptionsView() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.Tool
Creates a view for changing the options of this tool.
- createOptionsView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.VoidTool
- createParameter(Element) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameterFactory
- createParameter(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameterFactory
- createPickmapFolder() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTreeActions
Action callback function to create a new pickmap folder.
- createPreferencesGroup(ProjectSettings, EditorSettings, DelegatingMapValidator<G, A, R>, AppPreferencesModel, ExitConnectorModel, ConfigSourceFactory) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Creates a new PreferencesGroup
- createPreferencesGroup(ProjectSettings, EditorSettings, DelegatingMapValidator<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, AppPreferencesModel, ExitConnectorModel, ConfigSourceFactory) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- createPreferencesGroup(ProjectSettings, EditorSettings, DelegatingMapValidator<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, AppPreferencesModel, ExitConnectorModel, ConfigSourceFactory) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- createPreferencesGroup(ProjectSettings, EditorSettings, DelegatingMapValidator<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, AppPreferencesModel, ExitConnectorModel, ConfigSourceFactory) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- createRunAction(Plugin<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginController
Creates an action to run a plugin plugin.
- createStringParameter(Element) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameterFactory
- createTileDown() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating down tiled map.
- createTileEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating east tiled map.
- createTileNorth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating north tiled map.
- createTileNorthEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating northeast tiled map.
- createTileNorthWest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating northwest tiled map.
- createTileSouth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating south tiled map.
- createTileSouthEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating southeast tiled map.
- createTileSouthWest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating southwest tiled map.
- createTileUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating up tiled map.
- createTileWest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for creating west tiled map.
- createToggleAction(String, String, EditorAction) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorActionManager
Initializes a new action.
- createTokenMarker(File) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.TokenMarkerFactory
- createTokenMarker(String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.TokenMarkerFactory
- CrossfireArchetypeSetCollectable - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.collectable
that creates the
Crossfire specific "archetypes" file.
- CrossfireArchetypeSetCollectable(ArchetypeSet<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, GameObjectParser<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.collectable.CrossfireArchetypeSetCollectable
Creates a new instance.
- CrossfireDefaultProjectSettings - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings
Maintains path names to resources.
- CrossfireDefaultProjectSettings(EditorSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings.CrossfireDefaultProjectSettings
Creates a new instance.
- CrossfireDialogTokenMarker - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker
for the message field of Crossfire objects allowing.
- CrossfireDialogTokenMarker() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.CrossfireDialogTokenMarker
- CrossfireEditor - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol
Main class, launches the level editor application.
- CSV_FILE_FILTER - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.FileFilters
Swing FileFilter for CSV files.
- CTokenMarker - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker
C token marker.
- CTokenMarker() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.CTokenMarker
Creates a new instance using default keywords.
- CTokenMarker(boolean, KeywordMap) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.CTokenMarker
Creates a new instance.
- currentMapChanged(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManagerListener
This event handler is called when the current map has changed.
- CustomTypeChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
Checks that a game object does not set a custom type.
- CustomTypeChecker(ValidatorPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.CustomTypeChecker
Creates a new instance.
- CustomTypeError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Validation error indicating a game object with a custom type.
- CustomTypeError(G, int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.CustomTypeError
Creates a new instance.
- cut(MapView<G, A, R>, Rectangle) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.copybuffer.CopyBuffer
Executes the Cut command.
- cut() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Cut" was selected from the Edit menu.
- CUT - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
- Cut - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions
Action listener for CUT actions.
- Cut() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Cut
- cut() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Deletes the selected text from the text area and places it into the
- GameObject<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
Reflects a game object (object on a map).
- GameObject - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject
Handles the Atrinik GameObjects.
- GameObject(Archetype, FaceObjectProviders, AnimationObjects, ArchetypeTypeSet) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
Creates a new instance.
- GameObject - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject
Handles the Crossfire GameObjects.
- GameObject(Archetype, FaceObjectProviders, AnimationObjects) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
Creates a new instance.
- GameObject - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject
Handles the Daimonin GameObjects.
- GameObject(Archetype, FaceObjectProviders, AnimationObjects, ArchetypeTypeSet) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectAttributesControl<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes
Common base class for the panel that allows users to edit a GameObject's
- GameObjectAttributesControl(GameObjectAttributesModel<G, A, R>, GameObjectAttributesDialogFactory<G, A, R>, ObjectChooser<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>, SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, GameObjectFactory<G, A, R>, MapViewSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControl
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectAttributesControlListener - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes
- GameObjectAttributesDialog<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
Common base class for game object attributes dialogs.
- GameObjectAttributesDialog(GameObjectAttributesDialogFactory<G, A, R>, ArchetypeTypeSet, G, Frame, CFTreasureListTree, FaceObjectProviders, AnimationObjects, ProjectSettings, FileFilter, FileFilter, FaceObjects, Spells<GameObjectSpell<G, A, R>>, Spells<NumberSpell>, int, TreasureTree, ImageIcon, ImageIcon, TextAreaDefaults, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialog
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectAttributesDialogFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
- GameObjectAttributesDialogFactory(ArchetypeTypeSet, Frame, CFTreasureListTree, FaceObjectProviders, AnimationObjects, ProjectSettings, FileFilter, FileFilter, FaceObjects, Spells<GameObjectSpell<G, A, R>>, Spells<NumberSpell>, int, TreasureTree, ImageIcon, ImageIcon, TextAreaDefaults, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialogFactory
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectAttributesModel<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes
The model of the game object attributes dialog.
- GameObjectAttributesModel() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesModel
- GameObjectAttributesModelListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes
- GameObjectAttributesTab<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes
A tab in the game object attributes panel.
- GameObjectAttributesTabListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes
- GameObjectContainer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject
Base class for classes that contain GameObjects as children in the sense of
- GameObjectContainer() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
Abstract factory for creating
- GameObjectFormatter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
- GameObjectFormatter() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.GameObjectFormatter
- GameObjectMatcher - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
- GameObjectMatcherParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
- GameObjectMatchers - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
- GameObjectMatchers() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.GameObjectMatchers
- GameObjectMatchersParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
Parser for the GameObjectMatchers.xml file.
- GameObjectParser<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
Interface for classes that read or write
- GameObjectParserFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
- GameObjectSpell<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.spells
Describes a numbered in-game spell.
- GameObjectSpell(R, GameObjectFactory<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.GameObjectSpell
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectsValidationError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Class for validation errors related to more than a single GameObject.
- GameObjectsValidationError(MapSquare<G, A, R>, G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.GameObjectsValidationError
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectTab<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mainwindow
- GameObjectTab(String, GameObjectAttributesControl<G, A, R>, Location, boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mainwindow.GameObjectTab
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectText - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject
A set of key/value attributes.
- GameObjectText() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectText
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectText(GameObjectText) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectText
Creates a new instance as a copy of another instance.
- gameObjectTextEditor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.MainViewActions
Action method to open the game object text editor.
- GameObjectTextEditor - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor
Implements the "Game Object Text Editor".
- GameObjectTextEditor(ArchetypeTypeSet) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor.GameObjectTextEditor
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectTextEditorTab<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mainwindow
displaying the game object text editor.
- GameObjectTextEditorTab(String, GameObjectTextEditor, Location, boolean, int, boolean, SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mainwindow.GameObjectTextEditorTab
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
- GameObjectValidationError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Class for validation errors related to a GameObject.
- GameObjectValidationError(G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.GameObjectValidationError
Creates a new instance.
- GameObjectValidator<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation
Interface for GameObject Validators.
- gc() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.GcAction
The action method for "gc".
- GcAction - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- GcAction(StatusBar<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.GcAction
Creates a new instance.
- GENERAL_SECTION - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSection
The name of the "General" section.
- genPreview() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapPreviewAccessory
Generate a preview.
- get(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesTableModel
Return one archetype.
- get(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.TableModel
Return one archetype.
- get(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserModel
Returns a map file by index.
- get(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeList
Returns an entry by index.
- get(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.IgnorelistsDefinition
Returns the ignored section names for a ignore list name.
- get(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObjects
- get(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObjects
Gets a AbstractNamedObject.
- get(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureTree
Returns a treasure list by name.
- get(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- getAboveFloorInsertionMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.InsertionModeSet
Returns the "above floor" insertion mode.
- getAbsolutePath(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.PathManagerUtils
Returns the given path in absolute form.
- getAction(MapMenuEntryMap) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.ActionFactory
- getAction(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
Returns a named text area action.
- getActionCategory(Action) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionUtils
Returns an Action
's category.
- getActionDescription(Action) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionUtils
Returns the description for an Action
- getActionIcon(Action) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionUtils
Returns an Icon
associated with the action.
- getActionId(Action) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionUtils
Returns an Action
's ID string.
- getActionName(Action) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionUtils
Returns the name of an Action
- getActiveMapCursor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
Return the map cursor of the current map view if it is active.
- getActiveMapFolder() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTree
Returns the active map folder.
- getActiveMapView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
Return the current map view.
- getActiveMapView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManager
Returns the active top map view we are working with.
- getActiveTab(Location, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.MainView
Returns the active
on a given
of the main
- getActiveTab(Location, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonLists
Returns the active
on a given
of the main
- getActiveTab(Location, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.TabbedPanel
Returns the active
on a given
of the main
- getActiveTextArea() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
- getActiveTitle() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
Returns the title of the active tab.
- getAfterLast(GameObjectMatcher) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the game object after the last occurrence of a matching game
- getAllActions() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.ViewGameObjectMatcherManager
Gets all actions.
- getAllGameObjects() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.copybuffer.CopyBuffer
Returns all game objects.
- getAllGameObjects() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- getAllGameObjects() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Returns all game objects.
- getAllowsChildren() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
- getAlternativeFaceName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
- getAlternativeFaceName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObject
Returns the alternative face name for image.a.nnn faces.
- getAlternativeIndex(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinList
Returns the index of an
if it is an alternative
archetype for any direction.
- getAlternativeShortcut(Action) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionUtils
Returns the alternative shortcut of an Action
- getAnimationObject() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.IllegalAnimationException
Returns the illegal animation object.
- getAnimationObjects() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getAnimList() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AnimationObject
Returns the animation list of this animation.
- getAnimList() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.DefaultAnimationObject
- getAnimName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AnimationComponent
Returns the current animation name.
- getAnimName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AnimationObject
Get the animName, which is the name of the animation as usable by the
"animations" attribute.
- getAnimName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.DefaultAnimationObject
- getAnimName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getAnimName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
DaiEditor only: Returns the name of the animation.
- getArchDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- getArchDirectory() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns the archetype directory.
- getArchDirectoryDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultEditorSettings
- getArchDirectoryDefault() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Returns the default archetype directory.
- getArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetypeBuilder
- getArchetype(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
Returns an Archetype by its name.
- getArchetype(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
- getArchetype(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinList
- getArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.InsertionResult
Returns the
that should be inserted.
- getArchetype() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the Archetype this GameObject is based on.
- getArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getArchetypeAttributeName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttribute
Returns the archetype attribute name.
- getArchetypeChooserModel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getArchetypeChooserPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypePanel
- getArchetypeCount() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
Returns the number of Archetypes available.
- getArchetypeCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
- getArchetypeName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getArchetypeName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetypeBuilder
- getArchetypeName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns the name of this archetype.
- getArchetypeName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.GameObjectSpell
Returns the archetype name of the spell object.
- getArchetypeNameForEventType(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptArchUtils
Returns the archetype for an event type.
- getArchetypeNameForEventType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.scripts.DefaultScriptArchUtils
- getArchetypeNameForEventType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.scripts.DefaultScriptArchUtils
- getArchetypeNameForEventType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.scripts.DefaultScriptArchUtils
- getArchetypes() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserFolder
- getArchetypes() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
- getArchetypes() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
- getArchetypes(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinList
Returns all archetypes for an index.
- getArchetypeSet() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getArchetypeType(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
- getArchetypeTypeByBaseObject(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
- getArchetypeTypeByName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
Finds and returns the type-structure (ArchetypeType
) that matches
the given 'typeName'.
- getArchetypeTypeCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
Returns the number of ArchetypeTypes in the list.
- getArchetypeTypeIndex(ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
- getArchetypeTypeSet() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getArchName() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.UndefinedEventArchetypeNameException
Returns the archetype that could not be found.
- getArchNames() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MassChangeDialog
Returns the arch names to affect.
- getAttribute() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfo
- getAttribute(CharSequence, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.StringUtils
Returns an attribute line from a set of attribute definitions.
- getAttributeDouble(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getAttributeDouble(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getAttributeDouble(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.Attributes
Returns an attribute value of this Archetype as double.
- getAttributeDouble(String, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the requested attribute value of this GameObject as double
- getAttributeInt(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getAttributeInt(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getAttributeInt(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.Attributes
Returns an attribute value of this Archetype as int.
- getAttributeInt(String, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the requested attribute value of this GameObject as int
- getAttributeKeys() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns all attribute keys of this archetype.
- getAttributeKeys() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
Returns all attribute keys of this object.
- getAttributeKeys() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectText
Returns all attribute keys of this object.
- getAttributeLong(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getAttributeLong(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getAttributeLong(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.Attributes
Returns an attribute value of this Archetype as long.
- getAttributeLong(String, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the requested attribute value of this GameObject as long
- getAttributeName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttribute
Returns the user interface attribute name.
- getAttributeOrderComparator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
- getAttributeString(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getAttributeString(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getAttributeString(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.Attributes
Returns the requested attribute value of this GameObject as String
- getAttributeString(String, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the requested attribute value of this GameObject as String
- getAttributeString(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
Returns an attribute value by attribute name.
- getAttributeValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectText
Returns an attribute value by attribute name.
- getAutoInsertionMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.InsertionModeSet
Returns the "auto" insertion mode.
- getAutojoinList(Archetype<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinLists
- getAutoscrollInsets() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.AutoscrollJTree
- getAxis() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
Returns the BoxLayout
axis of this location.
- getBackgroundMusic() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the name of the background music.
- getBackgroundMusic() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the background music to play.
- getBackgroundMusic() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the name of the background music.
- getBaseDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTree
Returns the base directory for creating new map folders.
- getBaseDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPathParameter
Returns the base directory.
- getBeforeFirst(GameObjectMatcher) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the game object before the first occurrence of a matching game
- getBelowFloorInsertionMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.InsertionModeSet
Returns the "below floor" insertion mode.
- getBestName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getBestName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the name which is best appropriate to describe this GameObject.
- getBiasLeft() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
- getBitmask() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBitmask
- getBitmask(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
Returns a bitmask type by name.
- getBitmaskName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeBitmask
Returns the bitmask name.
- getBitName(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AttributeBitmask
Returns the name of a bitmask value.
- getBlockCaret() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getBlockers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.BlockedMobOrSpawnPointError
- getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- getBoolean(ActionBuilder, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionBuilderUtils
Returns the value of a key as a boolean
- getBorderLocation() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
Returns the BorderLayout
constraint of this location.
- getBorderLocationAlternativeLocation() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
Returns the BorderLayout
constraint of this location for buttons
in the alternative location.
- getBorderLocationStandardLocation() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
Returns the BorderLayout
constraint of this location for buttons
in the standard location.
- getBorderOffsetX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.AbstractFlatMapRenderer
Returns the x offset to map borders.
- getBorderOffsetY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.AbstractFlatMapRenderer
Returns the y offset to map borders.
- getBottommostInsertionMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.InsertionModeSet
Returns the "bottommost" insertion mode.
- getBracketHighlight() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getBracketHighlightColor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getBracketLine() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaBrackets
Returns the line of the highlighted bracket (the bracket matching the one
before the caret).
- getBracketPosition() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaBrackets
Returns the position of the highlighted bracket (the bracket matching the
one before the caret).
- getButton() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.BtnPopup
- getButton() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
Returns the mouse button that changed.
- getButton() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Returns the AbstractButton
for showing or hiding the component.
- getButtonCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonList
Returns the total number of buttons.
- getButtonCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.DoubleButtonList
Returns the total number of buttons.
- getButtons() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonList
Returns the Container
that contains all buttons.
- getButtons() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.DoubleButtonList
Returns the Container
that contains all buttons.
- getCacheFile(File, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.io.CacheFiles
Returns the File
for caching a given file.
- getCacheFile(File, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.DirectoryCacheFiles
- getCacheFile(File, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.SubDirectoryCacheFiles
- getCacheFiles() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns the cache files for icon and preview images.
- getCacheFiles() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getCacheFiles() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getCacheFiles() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getCanonicalFile(File) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.IOUtils
Calls File.getCanonicalFile()
- getCanonicalPath(File) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.IOUtils
Calls File.getCanonicalPath()
- getCaretBlinks() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getCaretColor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getCaretLine() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the caret line.
- getCaretLine() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the caret line.
- getCaretPosition() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the caret position.
- getCaretPosition() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the caret position.
- getCaretVisible() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getChance() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Returns the chance attribute.
- getChanges() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MassChangeDialog
Returns the actual changes to apply.
- getCheckBoxMenuItem() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.viewaction.ViewAction
Returns the menu item for this action.
- getChild(Element, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.XmlUtils
Returns a child Element
of a parent element.
- getChildAt(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
- getChildCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
- getClickCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
- getClient() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Returns the client setting.
- getClientDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Returns the client setting's default value.
- getClone(boolean, List<TreasureTreeNode>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureTreeNode
Return a new cloned instance of this object.
- getCode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Returns the executable code of this plugin.
- getCollectedDirectory() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns the directory where collected archetypes are stored.
- getCollectedDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings.AtrinikDefaultProjectSettings
- getCollectedDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings.CrossfireDefaultProjectSettings
- getCollectedDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.settings.DaimoninDefaultProjectSettings
- getColor() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.Severity
Returns the tab color.
- getColor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxStyle
Returns the text color.
- getCols() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getColumnClass(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesTableModel
- getColumnCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesTableModel
- getColumnCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.TableModel
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesTableModel
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.TableModel
- getCompassIconName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns the icon name to display in the selected square view.
- getCompassIconName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getCompassIconName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getCompassIconName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfo
Returns the component to display in the second column or null
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoGlue
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoRow
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoTwoColumn
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditor
Returns the Component
for this plugin editor.
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.DefaultMapView
- getComponent() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Returns the component associated with this MapView that can be used as
parent for dialogs.
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapdesktop.MapDesktop
Returns the Component
that shows all map views.
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.MainToolbar
Returns the toolbar component.
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserControl
- getComponent() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooserTab
Returns the component to show in the object chooser.
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
- getComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Returns the Component
that is shown when this tab is active.
- getConfig(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilterConfig
- getConfigComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchetypeParameterView
- getConfigComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.BooleanParameterView
- getConfigComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameterView
- getConfigComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameterView
- getConfigComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterView
- getConfigComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.MapPathParameterView
- getConfigComponent() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.PluginParameterView
Returns a JComponent
for editing the parameter configuration.
- getConfigComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.StringParameterView
- getConfigComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditorRow
Returns the editor component for editing the parameter's configuration
- getConfigSource(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.ConfigSourceFactory
- getConfigSource(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.DefaultConfigSourceFactory
- getConfigSourceName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- getConfigSourceName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns the name of the configuration source.
- getConfigSources() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.ConfigSourceFactory
Returns all defined configuration sources.
- getConfigSources() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.DefaultConfigSourceFactory
- getConfigurationDirectory() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns the configuration directory which is used to load configuration
information like types.xml.
- getConfigurationDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings.AtrinikDefaultProjectSettings
- getConfigurationDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings.CrossfireDefaultProjectSettings
- getConfigurationDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.settings.DaimoninDefaultProjectSettings
- getContainer() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getContainer() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns container of this GameObject.
- getContainer() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.NotInsideContainerException
Returns the container that the GameObject was expected in.
- getContainerGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getContainerGameObject() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns the environment game object if this game object is in the
inventory or null
- getCurrentLineIndex() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Returns the currently painted line.
- getCurrentMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
Returns the current top map we are working with.
- getCurrentMap() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManager
Returns the current map.
- getCurrentSaveMapDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultVolatileSettings
- getCurrentSaveMapDirectory() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.VolatileSettings
Returns the default directory for saving maps.
- getCursorSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.DefaultObjectChooser
- getCursorSelection() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooser
Returns the selected archetype (if the archetype chooser is active) or
the game object selected by the map cursor (if the pickmap chooser) is
- getDarkness() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getDarkness() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the light / darkness of this map.
- getDefaultCharWidth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
This works only for fonts with fixed line height.
- getDefaultConfigSource() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.ConfigSourceFactory
- getDefaultConfigSource() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.DefaultConfigSourceFactory
- getDefaultFolder() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanel
- getDefaultImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCacheEntry
Returns the default image.
- getDefaultSyntaxStyles() - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxUtilities
Returns the default styles.
- getDeletedNode(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
Returns the last deleted node.
- getDescription() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.EditBookmarkDialog
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttribute
Returns the attribute's description.
- getDescription() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Returns the description.
- getDescription() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPluginParameter
- getDescription() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
The user-provided description of the value for the user interface.
- getDescription() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.HideFileFilterProxy
- getDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation.GoLocationDialog
Returns the Window
for this instance.
- getDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
Returns the JDialog
for this instance.
- getDialogAttributes() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.AttributesPaneBuilder
- getDifficulty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getDifficulty() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the map's difficulty.
- getDifficulty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MapDifficultyError
Returns the difficulty that was wrong.
- getDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolder
Returns the base directory.
- getDirection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
Returns the default direction for game objects created from archetypes.
- getDirection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getDirection() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the direction of this Archetype or GameObject.
- getDirectionMap() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns a map of relative direction to map window direction.
- getDirectionMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getDirectionMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getDirectionMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.BookmarkDirectoryDialog
Returns the directory name.
- getDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu.DeletedNode
Returns the entry's directory.
- getDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuLoader.Result
Returns the entry's directory.
- getDisplayIcon(NamedObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjectProviders
- getDisplayIconName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.DefaultAnimationObject
- getDisplayIconName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObject
Returns the face name of the display icon for this AbstractNamedObject.
- getDisplayIconName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
- getDisplayMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
Returns the current display mode.
- getDisplayName(Attributes) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Returns a description of this type.
- getDisplayName(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
Returns a description of this type.
- getDocument() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the document this text area is editing.
- getDocument() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getDocument() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the document this text area is editing.
- getDocumentLength() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the length of the document.
- getDocumentLength() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the length of the document.
- getDouble(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjectProviders
Returns the double face for a
as an
- getDouble(String, double) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- getDoubleFaceOffset() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectFactory
Returns the offset for drawing double faces.
- getDoubleFaceOffset() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getDoubleFaceOffset() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getDoubleFaceOffset() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getDoubleImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
Returns a double variant of the face for this GameObject.
- getDragOffset() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Get offset from start position of dragging.
- getDuplicate() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.DuplicateAnimationException
Returns the duplicate that caused this exception.
- getDuplicate() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DuplicateFaceException
Returns the duplicate that caused this exception.
- getDx() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.model.direction.Direction
Returns the relative x direction.
- getDy() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.model.direction.Direction
Returns the relative y direction.
- getDz() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.model.direction.Direction
Returns the relative z direction.
- getEditable() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getEditor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxEditor
- getEditor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Returns the editor setting.
- getEditorComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxEditor
- getEditorDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Returns the editor setting's default value.
- getEditorFolder() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getEditorFolder() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns the editor folder.
- getEditType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getEditType() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the edit type.
- getEditType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- getEditType() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Returns the currently set edit type.
- getEditType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.NamedGameObjectMatcher
Returns the edit type associated with this matcher.
- getEffectiveFaceName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getEffectiveFaceName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getEffectiveFaceName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getElectricScroll() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the number of lines from the top and button of the text area that
are always visible.
- getElectricScroll() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaConfig
- getElectricScroll() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getElementAt(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxModel
- getElementAt(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterComboBoxModel
- getEnter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getEnter() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the enter coordinates.
- getEnterX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getEnterX() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the enter x coordinate.
- getEnterY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getEnterY() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the enter y coordinate.
- getEntries() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilterConfig
Returns a Map
containing all configurations of sub-filters.
- getEolMarkerColor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getEolMarkers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getErrors() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- getErrors() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Gets the errors in this map.
- getErrors() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.DefaultErrorCollector
- getErrors() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.ErrorCollector
Get all errors.
- getEventArch() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptedEvent
Returns the underlying event game object.
- getEventArch() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getEventArch() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getEventArch() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getEventNames() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.AbstractScriptArchUtils
- getEventNames() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptArchUtils
Returns all event names.
- getEventType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.AbstractScriptArchUtils
Returns the type name for an event type.
- getEventType() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptedEvent
- getEventType() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.UndefinedEventArchetypeTypeException
Returns the event type that could not be found.
- getEventType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getEventType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getEventType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getExisting() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DuplicateFaceException
Returns the other duplicate that caused this exception.
- getExit(MapModel<G, A, R>, Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitMatcher
Returns an exit game object on a given map square.
- getExit(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitMatcher
Returns whether the given game object is an exit game object.
- getExitArchetypeName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- getExitArchetypeName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
Returns the archetype name when creating exit game objects.
- getExitLocation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- getExitLocation() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
Returns the remembered exit location.
- getFace(BaseObject<G, A, R, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjectProviders
- getFace() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface.SmoothFace
Returns the smoothed face.
- getFaceName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.FaceComponent
Returns the current face name.
- getFaceName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.TreeChooseAction
Returns the current face name.
- getFaceName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getFaceName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the name of the face of this Archetype or GameObject.
- getFaceName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
- getFaceName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObject
Get the faceName, which is the name of the face as usable by the "face"
- getFaceObject() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.face.IllegalFaceException
Returns the illegal face object.
- getFaceObjectProviders() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getFaceObjects() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getFaceObjName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getFaceObjName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the face name, can be from animation or face.
- getFaceObjSource() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getFaceObjSource() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
- getFacings() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AnimationObject
Get the facings, which is the number of different sub-animations, for
instance for different directions.
- getFacings() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.DefaultAnimationObject
- getFailure() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.CopyReader
Returns the failure reason.
- getFalseText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.BooleanParameter
Returns the string representation of the "false" value.
- getFalseValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeBoolSpec
Returns the false value.
- getFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.PickmapState
Returns the underlying map file.
- getFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.JFileField
Returns the currently selected file.
- getFile(ProjectSettings, String, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.AbstractConfigSource
- getFile(ProjectSettings, String, int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.ConfigSource
Returns a config file.
- getFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapFile
Returns a File
for this map file.
- getFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Returns the location to save this plugin to.
- getFile(File, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.IOUtils
Returns a File
instance for a resource that is a regular file on
the file system.
- getFileExtension() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeText
Returns the file extension.
- getFilename(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.ArchFaceProvider
Get the filename for a face.
- getFillDensity() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.RandomFillDialog
Returns the fill density.
- getFilter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.AbstractFilterConfig
- getFilter() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.FilterConfig
Returns the
this filter config belongs to.
- getFilters() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.GameObjectMatchers
Return all known game object matchers that should be used as filters.
- getFirst() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Returns the first GameObject contained in this container.
- getFirst() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Return the first GameObject contained in this container.
- getFirst(GameObjectMatcher) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the first occurrence of a matching game object.
- getFirst() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.Pair
Returns the first value.
- getFirstFrame(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AnimationObject
Get the first frame.
- getFirstFrame(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.DefaultAnimationObject
- getFirstLine() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the line displayed at the text area's origin.
- getFirstLine() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Returns the line displayed at the text area's origin.
- getFirstLoad() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the timestamp the Crossfire server has loaded this map.
- getFlags(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Returns the flags of a square.
- getFlags(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Returns the flags of a square.
- getFloat(String, float) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- getFolders() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanel
- getFontMetrics(Font, Graphics) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxStyle
Returns the font metrics for the styled font.
- getFontMetrics() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Returns the font metrics used by this component.
- getFrameCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.DefaultAnimationObject
Get the number of frames per facing.
- getFullImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractIsoMapRenderer
- getFullImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractSimpleIsoMapRenderer
- getFullImage() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.MapRenderer
Returns an image of the entire map view.
- getFullImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.AbstractFlatMapRenderer
- getFullImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.SimpleFlatMapRenderer
- getGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.InsertionResult
- getGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
- getGameObjectFactory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getGameObjectMatchers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getGameObjectParser() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getGameObjects() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.DefaultMapReader
- getGameObjects() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.io.MapReader
Return the decoded game objects.
- getGameObjects() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ValidationError
- getGameObjectSpells() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getGlue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfo
Returns the glue component to display filled both horizontally and
vertically or null
- getGlue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoGlue
- getGlue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoRow
- getGlue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoTwoColumn
- getGridartaJarFilename() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns the filename of the editor's .jar file.
- getGridartaJarFilename() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getGridartaJarFilename() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getGridartaJarFilename() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getGridSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Returns a
with the dimension of this grid.
- getHead() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getHead() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Return the head part of a multi-part object.
- getHead() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the head part of this multi-part object.
- getHeight(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionData
Returns the total height for a multi-square image.
- getHeight() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionEntry
Returns the total height of a multi-square image.
- getHeight() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.Size2D
Returns the height of the area.
- getHeightValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.TileStretchingDialog
Returns the height value.
- getHomeDir() - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ConfigFileUtils
Returns the user's home directory.
- getHomeFile(String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ConfigFileUtils
Return the filename to use when dealing with this application's and
current users' home directory.
- getHorizontalOffset() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Returns the horizontal offset of drawn lines.
- getHumidity() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the humidity.
- getIcon(MapMenuEntry) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.MapMenuEntryIcons
- getIcon(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCache
Returns the icon Image
for a given map file.
- getIconHeight() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.ClosingIcon
- getIconWidth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.ClosingIcon
- getId() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
Returns the event type.
- getId() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.BasicAbstractTool
- getId() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.Tool
Returns the id of this tool.
- getId() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.model.direction.Direction
Returns the identification string.
- getID() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.NamedGameObjectMatcher
Gets the ID of this NamedGameObjectMatcher
- getId() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
Returns the id of this token.
- getId() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.Node
Returns the id for this node.
- getId() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.Parameter
Returns the token id used to highlight the parameter name.
- getId() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.Spec
Returns the token id used to highlight this command.
- getImageDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultVolatileSettings
- getImageDirectory() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.VolatileSettings
Returns the directory to save images to.
- getImageIconForFacename(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.AbstractFaceProvider
- getImageIconForFacename(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.EmptyFaceProvider
- getImageIconForFacename(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjectProviders
Returns the ImageIcon
for a given face object name.
- getImageIconForFacename(String, long) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceProvider
Get an image from this FaceProvider.
- getImageSet() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
Returns the image set.
- getImageSet() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
- getImageSet() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- getImageSet() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns the image set.
- getImageSetDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultEditorSettings
- getImageSetDefault() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Returns the default image set.
- getImageSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractIsoMapRenderer
- getImageSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractSimpleIsoMapRenderer
- getImageSize() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.MapRenderer
Returns the size of an image of the entire map view in pixels.
- getImageSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.AbstractFlatMapRenderer
- getImageSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.SimpleFlatMapRenderer
- getIncludeFaceNumbers() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectFactory
Returns whether the face file contains face numbers.
- getIncludeFaceNumbers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getIncludeFaceNumbers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getIncludeFaceNumbers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getIndex(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinList
Looks up the given node in the archetype array of this class.
- getIndex(TreeNode) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
- getIndexOf(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterComboBoxModel
- getInput() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBitmask
Returns the input ui component for editing the value.
- getInputComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AnimationComponent
Returns the input field component.
- getInputComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.FaceComponent
Returns the input field component.
- getInputHandler() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the input handler.
- getInputHandler() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getInputLength() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttribute
Returns the input length in characters for text input fields.
- getInputOptions() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ScriptedEventEditor
- getInputPluginName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ScriptedEventEditor
- getInputScriptPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ScriptedEventEditor
- getInt(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- getInt(ActionBuilder, String, int) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionBuilderUtils
Returns the value of a key as an int
- getInternalFrame() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.DefaultMapView
- getInternalFrame() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Returns the JInternalFrame
instance for this map view.
- getInv() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Returns which archetype types allow this archetype type in their
- getInvObjects() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.artifact.ArtifactParser
Returns all collected inventory objects.
- getItem() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxEditor
- getItem() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.NotInsideContainerException
Returns the game object that was not inside a container but should have
- getJavaScriptKeywords() - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.JavaScriptTokenMarker
- getKey() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.Connection
Returns the key.
- getKey(EditorSettingsKey, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultEditorSettings
- getKey(EditorSettingsKey, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Returns a settings value.
- getKey() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettingsKey
Returns the settings key name.
- getKey() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.AbstractValidator
- getKey() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.Validator
Get a Key that uniquely identifies this Validator.
- getKeys(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.Storage
Returns all of the keys that have an associated value in a node.
- getKeyStroke() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.KeyStrokeDialog
Returns the currently shown key stroke.
- getKeyStroke() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.KeyStrokeField
Returns the currently shown KeyStroke
- getLabel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfo
Returns the label to display in the first column or null
- getLabel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoGlue
- getLabel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoRow
- getLabel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoTwoColumn
- getLast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Returns the last GameObject contained in this container.
- getLast() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Return the last GameObject contained in this container.
- getLast(GameObjectMatcher) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the last occurrence of a matching game object.
- getLastOfLeadingSpan(GameObjectMatcher) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the last game object of the initial segment of matching game
- getLayers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MassChangeDialog
Returns the layers to affect.
- getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.DirectionLayout
- getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.DirectionLayout
- getLayoutOrientation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeIconCellRenderer
- getLayoutOrientation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeNameCellRenderer
- getLayoutOrientation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.DisplayNameCellRenderer
- getLayoutOrientation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.DisplayMode
Returns the layout orientation.
- getLength() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
Returns the length of this token.
- getLevel() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.Severity
Returns the severity level.
- getLightRadius() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns the effective light radius of this game object.
- getLightRadius() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the maximum light radius of all light emitting objects within
this map square.
- getLightRadius() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
- getLightRadius() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
- getLightRadius() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
- getLightSquareIcon() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
Returns the ImageIcon
for highlighting map squares that are
affected by nearby light emitting game objects.
- getLineCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the number of lines in the document.
- getLineCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the number of lines in the document.
- getLineEndOffset(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the end offset of the specified line.
- getLineEndOffset(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the end offset of the specified line.
- getLineHighlight() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getLineHighlightColor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getLineLength(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the length of the specified line.
- getLineNumber() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.AnimationParseException
Returns the number of the erroneous line.
- getLineOfOffset(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the line containing the specified offset.
- getLineStartOffset(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the start offset of the specified line.
- getLineStartOffset(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the start offset of the specified line.
- getLineText(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the text on the specified line.
- getLineText(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the text on the specified line.
- getLineText(int, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Copies the text on the specified line into a segment.
- getLinkDirection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.tiles.MapLink
- getList(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
Returns a list type definition.
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.ArchetypeTypeListCellRenderer
This is the only method defined by ListCellRenderer.
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.MapListCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.MapListCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeIconCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeNameCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.DisplayNameCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.FolderListCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.CellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?>, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.CellRenderer
- getListName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeList
Returns the list name.
- getListName1() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeList2
Returns the list name for bits 0-3.
- getListName2() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeList2
Returns the list name for bits 4+.
- getListType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureListTreasureObj
Returns the list type.
- getLocalMapDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
- getLocalMapDir() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManager
Returns a guess for a script directory to use.
- getLocation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Returns the tab's location.
- getLocation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Get position of cursor.
- getLockedItemsTypeNumbers() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns the type numbers of game objects being locked items.
- getLockedItemsTypeNumbers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getLockedItemsTypeNumbers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getLockedItemsTypeNumbers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getLong(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- getLore() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the map lore.
- getLoreText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getLoreText() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the map lore.
- getMagic() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Returns the magic attribute.
- getMagicCaret() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaConfig
- getMagicCaretPosition() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the `magic' caret position.
- getMapArchObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.DefaultMapReader
- getMapArchObject() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.io.MapReader
Returns the MapArchObject read from this MapFileDecode.
- getMapArchObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- getMapArchObject() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Returns the Map Arch Object with the meta information about the map.
- getMapArchObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.undo.UndoState
Returns the map arch object before the operation started.
- getMapArchObjectFactory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getMapComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AbsoluteMapPath
- getMapComponent() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapPath
Returns the initial path component of a map path.
- getMapComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.RelativeMapPath
- getMapControl() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
- getMapControl() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.DefaultMapView
- getMapControl() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Return the controller of this view.
- getMapCoordinate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitLocation
Returns the coordinate of the remembered exit.
- getMapCoordinate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maplocation.MapLocation
Returns the map coordinate.
- getMapCursor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
- getMapCursor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.AbstractMapView
- getMapCursor() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
- getMapDirection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.tiles.MapLink
- getMapFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.LayoutInfo
Returns the
that identifies the map.
- getMapFile() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.actions.CannotSaveMapFileException
Returns the map file that could not be saved.
- getMapFile() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.actions.MapSizeMismatchException
Returns the map File
of the first map.
- getMapFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntryMap
Returns the map file.
- getMapFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitLocation
Returns the file of the map that contains the remembered exit.
- getMapFile(AbsoluteMapPath) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.PathManager
- getMapFile(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.PathManager
Returns a
instance for a
- getMapFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- getMapFile(MapPath) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- getMapFile() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Returns the map file.
- getMapFile(MapPath) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Returns the map file for a map that can be reached by following a
from this map.
- getMapFileFilter() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns the file filter for map files.
- getMapFileFilter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getMapFileFilter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getMapFileFilter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getMapGrid() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.AbstractMapView
- getMapGrid() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
- getMapHeight() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractMapsizeNewMapDialog
Returns the current map height value.
- getMapLinks() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.tiles.TileLink
- getMapLocation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
- getMapLocation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMapLocation() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the coordinate of this GameObject on its map.
- getMapLocation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the coordinate on the map.
- getMapLocation(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the coordinate on the map.
- getMapLocation(Point, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the coordinate with an offset on the map.
- getMapManager() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getMapMenu() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.AbstractMapMenuPreferences
- getMapMenu() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuPreferences
- getMapMenuEntry() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuLoader.Result
Returns the entry.
- getMapModel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.DefaultMapControl
- getMapModel() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.MapControl
Returns the map model.
- getMapModel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the
this map square is part of.
- getMapModel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ValidationError
Return the map on which the error occurred.
- getMapModelFactory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getMapName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getMapName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the map name.
- getMapPath() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.actions.CannotLoadMapFileException
Returns the map path that could not be loaded.
- getMapPath(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.PathManager
Returns a map path for a File
- getMapPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maplocation.MapLocation
Returns the map path.
- getMapPath(GameObject<?, ?, ?>, boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maplocation.MapLocation
- getMapPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapFile
- getMapPath(File, File) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.PathManagerUtils
Returns a relative path path for a File
- getMapReaderFactory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getMapsDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapFile
Returns the base directory this map file is part of.
- getMapsDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- getMapsDirectory() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns the default maps directory.
- getMapsDirectoryDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultEditorSettings
- getMapsDirectoryDefault() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Returns the default maps directory.
- getMapSize() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.actions.MapSizeMismatchException
Returns the size of the first map.
- getMapSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractMapsizeNewMapDialog
Validate the map size fields and return the result.
- getMapSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialog
Validate the map size fields and return the result.
- getMapSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getMapSize() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the map size.
- getMapSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquareGrid
Returns the size of this map grid in map squares.
- getMapSquare() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getMapSquare() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Returns the
this game object is part of.
- getMapSquare() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getMapSquare() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns the
this game object is part of.
- getMapSquare(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- getMapSquare(Point) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Get the square at a specified location.
- getMapSquare() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
- getMapSquare(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquareGrid
- getMapSquareOptional() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getMapSquareOptional() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Returns the
this game object is part of.
- getMapSquareOptional() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getMapSquareOptional() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns the
this game object is part of.
- getMapSquareOptional() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
- getMapSquares() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ValidationError
- getMapTransactionListener() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.undo.UndoModel
- getMapView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
Returns the map view on which this event occurred.
- getMapView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.PickmapState
Returns the
instance for this pickmap.
- getMapView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.View
Returns the current map view.
- getMapViewFrame() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViews
- getMapViewFrame(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsManager
- getMapViewIterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViews
Returns an
returning all
- getMapViewIterator(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsManager
- getMapViews() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViews
- getMapWidth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractMapsizeNewMapDialog
Returns the current map width value.
- getMapX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMapX() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the X coordinate of this GameObject on its map.
- getMapX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the x coordinate on the map.
- getMapY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMapY() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the Y coordinate of this GameObject on its map.
- getMapY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns the y coordinate on the map.
- getMarkPosition() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the mark position.
- getMarkPosition() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the mark position.
- getMatcher(String...) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.GameObjectMatchers
Returns a matcher by id; returns null
if the matcher does not
- getMatcherWarn(ErrorViewCollector, String...) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.GameObjectMatchers
Returns a matcher by id; prints a warning if the matcher does not exist.
- getMax() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.Range
Returns the maximum allowed value.
- getMax() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameter
Returns the maximal allowed value.
- getMax() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameter
Returns the maximal allowed value.
- getMaxCheckValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeInt
Returns the logical maximum allowed value.
- getMaxUndoStates() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.undo.UndoControl
Returns the maximum number of undo states saved for each map.
- getMaxValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeInt
Returns the maximum allowed value.
- getMaxValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AttributeBitmask
Returns the maximum allowed bitmask value.
- getMaxX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMaxX() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Determines the maximum x-coordinate of any part relative to the head
- getMaxX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the maximum x-coordinate of any part.
- getMaxY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMaxY() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Determines the maximum y-coordinate of any part relative to the head
- getMaxY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the maximum y-coordinate of any part.
- getMediaDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- getMediaDirectory() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns the media directory.
- getMediaDirectoryDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultEditorSettings
- getMediaDirectoryDefault() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Returns the default media directory.
- getMenu(JMenuBar, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.MenuUtils
Returns a named JMenu
entry of a JMenuBar
- getMenu() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.CFPythonPopup
- getMenuBarComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterMenuEntry
- getMenuItem() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.MenuItemCreator
Returns the menu item.
- getMessage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ValidationError
Returns the error message for this validation error.
- getMin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.Range
Returns the minimum allowed value.
- getMin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameter
Returns the minimal allowed value.
- getMin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameter
Returns the minimal allowed value.
- getMinCheckValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeInt
Returns the logical minimum allowed value.
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
- getMinValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeInt
Returns the minimum allowed value.
- getMinX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMinX() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Determines the minimum x-coordinate of any part relative to the head
- getMinX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the minimum x-coordinate of any part.
- getMinY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMinY() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Determines the minimum y-coordinate of any part relative to the head
- getMinY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the minimum y-coordinate of any part.
- getMobsOrSpawnPoints() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.BlockedMobOrSpawnPointError
- getModifiedFields(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.io.GameObjectParser
- getModifiedFields(GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.io.DefaultGameObjectParser
- getModifiedFields(GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.io.DefaultGameObjectParser
- getModifiedFields(GameObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.io.DefaultGameObjectParser
- getModifiers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
- getMoveToMenu() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Returns the "Move To" menu within the button's context menu.
- getMsgText(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMsgText(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the message bound to this object.
- getMulti() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMultiNext() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMultiNext() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the next of this multi-part object.
- getMultiPartNr() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getMultiPartNr() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns the multi part id.
- getMultiRefCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getMultiRefCount() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the number of parts for multi-part heads.
- getMultiRefCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the number of parts this multi-part object contains.
- getMultiShapeID() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getMultiShapeID() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns the multi shape id.
- getMultiShapeID() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the shape ID of this object.
- getMultiX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getMultiX() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns the x-distance of this part to the head part.
- getMultiY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- getMultiY() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns the y-distance of this part to the head part.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.viewaction.ViewAction
Returns the name for sorting the menu entries.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolder
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
Returns a name for building resource keys.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.DefaultAnimationObject
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserFolder
Returns the folder name.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanel
Returns the panel name.
- getName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.ConfigSource
Returns the internal name.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObjects
- getName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObject
Get the name of this AbstractNamedObject.
- getName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObjects
Returns the tree name.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
Returns the name.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
- getName(V) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- getName(V) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
Returns the name associated with a value.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.MutableNameGameObjectMatcher
Returns the archetype name matched by this matcher.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.NamedGameObjectMatcher
Gets the name of this NamedGameObjectMatcher
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.Spell
Returns the spell name.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.tiles.TileLink
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Returns the name of this treasure object.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.undo.UndoState
Return the name of the operation.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPluginParameter
- getName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
The name of the parameter.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Returns the name of this plugin.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.Parameter
Returns the parameter name.
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings.CollectedConfigSource
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings.FilesConfigSource
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings.CollectedConfigSource
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings.FilesConfigSource
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.settings.CollectedConfigSource
- getName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.settings.FilesConfigSource
- getNamedObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
Returns the AbstractNamedObject of this node.
- getNames() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MassChangeDialog
Returns the object names to affect.
- getNearestMatch(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxModel
- getNewValue() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface.DuplicateSmoothFaceException
Returns the new value.
- getNext(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Returns the
succeeding a given game object.
- getNext() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getNext() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns the game object succeeding this game object.
- getNext(T) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the part following a given part.
- getNormalImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getNormalImage() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the normal face for this GameObject.
- getNumber() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AttributeBitmask
Returns the number of bitmask entries (not counting zero).
- getNumber() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.NumberSpell
Returns the spell number.
- getNumberSpells() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getObj() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.LineInfo
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttribute
Returns the attribute text for this attribute.
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeAnimationName
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBitmask
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBool
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBoolSpec
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeFaceName
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeFloat
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeInt
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeInvSpell
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeList
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeList2
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeLong
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeMapPath
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeScriptFile
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeSpell
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeString
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeText
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeTreasure
- getObjectText(G, Archetype<G, A, R>, String[], ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeZSpell
- getObjectText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getObjectText() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the object text of this GameObject as String.
- getObjectText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectText
Returns the object text.
- getObjName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getObjName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the name of the object as shown to the player.
- getOffset() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
Returns the offset of this face in the actual file.
- getOldValue() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface.DuplicateSmoothFaceException
Returns the existing value.
- getOpenedMaps() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
- getOpenedMaps() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManager
Returns all opened maps.
- getOpenMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
- getOpenMap() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManager
Returns one open map.
- getOptions() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptedEvent
- getOptions() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getOptions() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getOptions() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getOrCreateArchetype(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
Returns an archetype by its name.
- getOrCreateArchetype(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
- getOrCreateDirectory(MutableTreeNode, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
- getOrCreateIcon(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCache
Returns an icon Image
for a given map file.
- getOrCreateIcon(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCache
Returns an icon Image
for a given map.
- getOrCreatePreview(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCache
Returns a preview Image
for a given map file.
- getOrCreatePreview(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCache
Returns a preview Image
for a given map.
- getOriginalFilename() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
- getOriginalFilename() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObject
Get the original filename of this face.
- getOtherMapSize() - Method in exception net.sf.gridarta.actions.MapSizeMismatchException
Returns the size of the second map.
- getOutput() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.CopyReader
Returns the reader's output.
- getOutputFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.exportmap.ExportMapAsImageDialog
Returns the file for saving the image file.
- getPaintInvalid() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getPaintX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.ClosingLabel
Returns the x coordinate at which this label was painted last.
- getPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.ArchTab
- getPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.EventsTab
- getPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.FaceTab
- getPanel() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesTab
Creates the contents panel.
- getPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.MsgTextTab
- getPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.TextEditorTab
- getPanel(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
- getPanels() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptFailureError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptIOError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptMapError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptMapSquareError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptMissingError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.NonAbsoluteExitPathError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.AttributeRangeError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.BlockedMobOrSpawnPointError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.BlockedSpawnPointError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.BlockedSquareError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectedInsideContainerError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectedPickableError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectionError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ConnectionUnknownError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.CustomTypeError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.DuplicateMonsterOnSquareError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.EmptySpawnPointError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.EnvironmentInvError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.EnvironmentMapError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.EnvironmentSensorSlayingError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ExitInvalidCoordinateError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ExitInvalidPathError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.GameObjectsValidationError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MapDifficultyError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MapEnterLocationInvalidCoordinateError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MobOutsideSpawnPointError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.PaidItemShopSquareError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ShopSquare2Error
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ShopSquareError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SlayingError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SquareWithoutFloorError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SysObjectNotOnLayerZeroError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.TilePathsError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.UndefinedAnimError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.UndefinedArchetypeError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.UndefinedFaceError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.UnsetSlayingError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ValidationError
Returns a parameter string to be used in the error message.
- getParameter(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Returns the index for a plugin parameter name.
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
- getParameter(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.Spec
Returns the parameter specification for a parameter name.
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.AbstractSuspiciousMsgError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.SuspiciousMsgKeywordError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.SuspiciousMsgRegExError
- getParameter(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.SuspiciousMsgSyntaxError
- getParameterDescriptionEditor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditorRow
Returns the editor component for editing the parameter's description.
- getParameterNameEditor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditorRow
Returns the editor component for editing the parameter's name.
- getParameterType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.ArchetypeParameter
- getParameterType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.BooleanParameter
- getParameterType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameter
- getParameterType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameter
- getParameterType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapParameter
- getParameterType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapPathParameter
- getParameterType() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
Returns the parameter type name.
- getParameterType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.StringParameter
- getParameterType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.Parameter
Returns the parameter type for the value of this parameter.
- getParameterTypeEditor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditorRow
Returns the editor component for editing the parameter's type.
- getParent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolder
Returns the parent folder.
- getParent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
- getParentComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AsynchronousProgress
- getPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObject
- getPath() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObject
Get the path of this AbstractNamedObject.
- getPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AbsoluteMapPath
- getPath() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapPath
Returns the map path information.
- getPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.RelativeMapPath
- getPathFor(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
Get the path for a node.
- getPathManager() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getPattern() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.ParameterType
Returns the pattern matching valid parameter values.
- getPickmap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.PickmapState
- getPickmap(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserModel
Returns the pickmap by file name.
- getPickmapDir() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns the pickmap directory.
- getPickmapDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings.AtrinikDefaultProjectSettings
- getPickmapDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings.CrossfireDefaultProjectSettings
- getPickmapDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.settings.DaimoninDefaultProjectSettings
- getPickmapManager() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getPickmapPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserView
Returns the JTabbedPane
with all pickmaps.
- getPickmaps() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolder
Returns the number of pickmaps in this folder.
- getPlugin(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginModel
- getPlugin(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginModel
- getPluginAsFilter(PluginParameters) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
- getPluginCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginModel
- getPluginModel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getPluginName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptedEvent
- getPluginName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getPluginName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getPluginName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getPopup() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Returns the button's context menu.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
- getPrefix() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.preferences.NodeType
Returns the prefix for building key names.
- getPressure() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the pressure.
- getPrev(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Returns the
preceding a given game object.
- getPrev() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getPrev() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns the game object preceding this game object.
- getPreview(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCache
Returns a preview Image
for a given map file.
- getProjectSettings() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getProperties() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedGameObjectMatcherFilterConfig
- getProperty(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedGameObjectMatcherFilterConfig
- getProxy() - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.NetPreferences
Returns the currently preferred proxy.
- getRecChange() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Returns a rectangle where the grid was changed.
- getRef() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttribute
Returns the attribute data.
- getRegion() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the region attribute.
- getRegion() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the region the map is in.
- getRelativeMapFileTo(MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapFile
Returns a map path of an another map file relative to this map file.
- getRelativeMapPathFrom(AbsoluteMapPath) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AbsoluteMapPath
- getRelativeMapPathFrom(AbsoluteMapPath) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapPath
Returns this map path relative to another map path.
- getRelativeMapPathFrom(AbsoluteMapPath) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.RelativeMapPath
- getRenderer() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.DefaultMapView
- getRenderer() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
- getRepeatCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.InputHandler
Returns the number of times the next action will be repeated.
- getResetAction() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.ViewGameObjectMatcherManager
Gets the reset action.
- getResetGroup() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the reset group.
- getResetTimeout() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getResetTimeout() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the reset timeout (in seconds).
- getResource(File, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.IOUtils
Get the URL
of a resource.
- getResourceIcon(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
Returns the image icon for the given icon name.
- getResources() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getRevLink() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.tiles.TileLink
Returns the index for reverse map linking.
- getRoot() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
Returns the root node.
- getRoot() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureTree
Returns the root node for normal treasure lists.
- getRow() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfo
Returns the row component to display filled horizontally or null
- getRow() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoGlue
- getRow() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoRow
- getRow() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoTwoColumn
- getRowCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesTableModel
- getRowCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.TableModel
- getRows() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getRunValues(Plugin<G, A, R>, Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginView
Asks the user for input parameter to run a plugin.
- getSavedSquares() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.undo.UndoState
Returns the map squares that have changed in the operation.
- getScriptedEvent(int, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.DefaultScriptArchData
- getScriptedEvent(int, G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptArchData
Search the owner game object for an event object of the specified event
- getScriptExtension() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns the extension for script files.
- getScriptExtension() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptExtension() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptExtension() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptFileFilter() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns the FileFilter
for script files.
- getScriptFileFilter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptFileFilter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptFileFilter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns the display name for script files.
- getScriptName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptPath() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptedEvent
- getScriptPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getScriptPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getScriptPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- getScriptsDir() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectFactory
Returns the default directory for editor scripts.
- getScriptsDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptsDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScriptsDir() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor.ScrollingTextPane
- getScrollPane() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.DefaultMapView
- getScrollPane() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapCursorTracker
Returns the JScrollPane
of the renderer.
- getScrollPane() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Returns the JScrollPane
of this map view.
- getSecond() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.Pair
Returns the second value.
- getSectionName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSection
Returns this section's name.
- getSelectedArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserFolder
- getSelectedButton() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonList
Returns the currently selected button.
- getSelectedButton(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.DoubleButtonList
Returns the currently selected button.
- getSelectedConnections() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.View
Returns a list of all selected connections.
- getSelectedFolder() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanel
- getSelectedGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.AbstractMapView
- getSelectedGameObject() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Return one selected game object.
- getSelectedGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab
- getSelectedGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesModel
Returns the selected game object.
- getSelectedGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareModel
Returns the currently selected
within this list
(currently selected MapSquare).
- getSelectedGameObjects() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.AbstractMapView
- getSelectedGameObjects() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Return all selected game objects.
- getSelectedIndex() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserView
Returns the selected index.
- getSelectedIndex() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
- getSelectedItem() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxModel
- getSelectedItem() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterComboBoxModel
- getSelectedMapSquare() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareModel
Returns the currently selected map square.
- getSelectedPanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
- getSelectedRec() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Returns the smallest rectangle containing selection.
- getSelectedSquares() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.AbstractMapView
- getSelectedSquares() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Returns the selected squares.
- getSelectedTab() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControl
Returns the selected tab.
- getSelectedText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the selected text, or null if no selection is active.
- getSelectedText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the selected text, or null if no selection is active.
- getSelectedTool() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.ToolSelector
Returns the tool that is currently selected.
- getSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserControl
- getSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.DefaultObjectChooser
- getSelection() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooser
Returns the active arch in the left-side panel.
- getSelection() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooserTab
Returns the selected game object.
- getSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
- getSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Returns the selection.
- getSelectionColor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
- getSelectionEnd() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the selection end offset.
- getSelectionEnd() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the selection end offset.
- getSelectionEndLine() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the selection end line.
- getSelections() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserControl
- getSelections() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.DefaultObjectChooser
- getSelections() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooser
Returns the selected arches in the left-side panel.
- getSelections() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooserTab
Returns the selected game objects.
- getSelections() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
- getSelectionStart() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the selection start offset.
- getSelectionStart() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the selection start offset.
- getSelectionStartLine() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the selection start line.
- getServer() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Returns the server setting.
- getServerDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Returns the server setting's default value.
- getSeverity() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControl
- getSeverity() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
- getShopGreed() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the greed of the shop.
- getShopItems() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the item spec for the shop.
- getShopMax() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the maximum price the shop will trade for.
- getShopMin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the minimum price the shop will trade for.
- getShopRace() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the preferred race of the shop.
- getShortcut(Action) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionUtils
Returns the shortcut of an Action
- getShortcutDescription(Action, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionUtils
Returns a description of the shortcut of an Action
- getShrinkFlags(MapModel<?, ?, ?>) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeUtils
Returns which borders contain empty squares.
- getSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxModel
- getSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterComboBoxModel
- getSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Returns the tab's size.
- getSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
Returns the size of this face in the actual file.
- getSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Returns size of grid.
- getSize2(Location) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.BorderPanelListener
Returns the preferred position of the inner split pane.
- getSizeX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getSizeX() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Determines the horizontal extent in squares.
- getSizeX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the horizontal extent in squares.
- getSizeY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getSizeY() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Determines the vertical extent in squares.
- getSizeY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Returns the vertical extent in squares.
- getSky() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the sky settings.
- getSmoothFace(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface.SmoothFaces
- getSmoothFaces() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getSource() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGridEvent
- getSpell(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.Spells
Return one spell object by index.
- getSpellFile() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectFactory
Returns the spell file name to load.
- getSpellFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getSpellFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getSpellFile() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getSpellType() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectFactory
Returns the archetype type for game object spells.
- getSpellType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getSpellType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getSpellType() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getSpi(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- getSplitPaneOppositeOrientation() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
Returns the opposite orientation for a JSplitPane
- getSplitPaneOrientation() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
Returns the orientation for a JSplitPane
- getSplitPaneResizeWeight() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
Returns the resize weight for a JSplitPane
- getSquareBounds(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractIsoMapRenderer
- getSquareBounds(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractSimpleIsoMapRenderer
- getSquareBounds(Point) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.MapRenderer
Returns coordinates, length and width of map square.
- getSquareBounds(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.AbstractFlatMapRenderer
- getSquareBounds(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.SimpleFlatMapRenderer
- getSquareLocationAt(Point, Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractIsoMapRenderer
- getSquareLocationAt(Point, Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractSimpleIsoMapRenderer
- getSquareLocationAt(Point, Point) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.MapRenderer
Returns the map location at the given point.
- getSquareLocationAt(Point, Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.AbstractFlatMapRenderer
- getSquareLocationAt(Point, Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.SimpleFlatMapRenderer
- getStorage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
Returns the storage instance used for loading/saving values.
- getStretched(GameObject<?, ?, ?>, long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjectProviders
Returns the stretched face for a
as an
- getStretchedImage(long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
Returns a stretched variant of the face for this floor-type GameObject.
- getStretchFactor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
Acquire stretch factor of the object.
- getString(ActionBuilder, String, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionBuilderUtils
Returns the value of a key.
- getString(ActionBuilder, String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionBuilderUtils
Returns the value of a key.
- getStringValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractStringPluginParameter
- getStringValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.BooleanParameter
- getStringValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameter
- getStringValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameter
- getStringValue() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
Returns the string representation of the current value of the parameter.
- getStringValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.StringParameter
- getStyle(byte) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxStyles
Returns a style for a token id.
- getStyles() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaDefaults
Returns the syntax styles used to paint colorized text.
- getStyles() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Returns the syntax styles used to paint colorized text.
- getSubLayers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MassChangeDialog
Returns the sub-layers to affect.
- getSubLayers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.TileStretchingDialog
Returns the sub-layers to affect.
- getSwapTime() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getSwapTime() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the swap time (in ticks).
- getSyntaxErrors(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>, ArchetypeType) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObjectUtils
This method checks the objectText for syntax errors.
- getTabbedPane() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.AttributesPaneBuilder
Returns the JTabbedPane
that contains all attribute tabs.
- getTabCount() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
- getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.TableHeaderCellRenderer
- getTabSeverity() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab
- getTabSeverity() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesTab
Returns the tab severity.
- getTemperature() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the temperature.
- getText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.TilePanel
Returns the text.
- getText(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.AttributeBitmask
Generate the text to be displayed for a given bitmask value.
- getText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getText() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the message text.
- getText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the entire text of this text area.
- getText(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the specified substring of the document.
- getText(int, int, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Copies the specified substring of the document into a segment.
- getText(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the specified substring of the document.
- getText(int, int, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Copies the specified substring of the document into a segment.
- getText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the entire text of this text area.
- getTextArea(EventObject) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.InputHandler
Returns the text area that fired the specified event.
- getTextPane() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor.GameObjectTextEditor
Returns the text input pane.
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
Returns this
as its real type.
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.AbstractFilterConfig
Returns this filter config.
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilterConfig
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedGameObjectMatcherFilterConfig
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.archetype.DefaultArchetype
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.archetype.UndefinedArchetype
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype.DefaultArchetype
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype.UndefinedArchetype
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.archetype.DefaultArchetype
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.archetype.UndefinedArchetype
- getThis() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
- getTilePanel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.MapTilePanel
- getTilePath(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.AbstractMapTilePane
Returns one tile path.
- getTilePath(Direction) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getTilePath(Direction) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns a tile path.
- getTilePaths() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- getTilePaths() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the number of tile paths.
- getTilesetId() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the tileset id attribute.
- getTilesetId() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the tileset id.
- getTilesetX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the tileset x attribute.
- getTilesetX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the tileset x coordinate.
- getTilesetY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the tileset y attribute.
- getTilesetY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the tileset y coordinate.
- getTitle() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntry
Returns the entry's title.
- getTitle() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserControl
- getTitle() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooserTab
Returns the title to display in the object chooser.
- getTitle() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
- getToken() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.LineInfo
- getTokenMarker() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxDocument
Returns the token marker that is to be used to split lines of this
document up into tokens.
- getTokenMarker() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns the document's token marker.
- getTool(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.ToolPalette
- getToolbarComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterMenuEntry
- getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractMapRenderer
- getTopContainer() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- getTopContainer() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Get the topmost container of this GameObject (in Game sense, which means
being in a MapSquare isn't, but being in a GameObject is).
- getTopmostInsertionMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.InsertionModeSet
Returns the "topmost" insertion mode.
- getTopmostInsertionMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getTrans(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjectProviders
Returns the transparent face for a
as an
- getTransactionDepth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- getTransactionDepth() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
- getTransDouble(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjectProviders
Returns the transparent double face for a
as an
- getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.TransferableTreeNode
- getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.TransferableTreeNode
- getTransparentDoubleImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
Returns a transparent variant of the face for this GameObject.
- getTransparentImage() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
Returns a transparent variant of the face for this GameObject.
- getTreasureObj() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureTreeNode
- getTreasureTree() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.data.NamedNodeTreeCellRenderer
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntryTreeCellRenderer
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.treasurelist.TreasureCellRenderer
- getTreeNode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu.DeletedNode
Returns the tree node.
- getTreeRoot() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObjects
- getTreeRoot() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObjects
Get the object tree root.
- getTristateModel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tristate.TristateCheckBox
- getTristateState() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tristate.TristateButtonModel
Returns the internal state.
- getTristateState(boolean) - Static method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tristate.TristateState
Returns the tristate state for a boolean state.
- getTrueText() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.BooleanParameter
Returns the string representation of the "true" value.
- getTrueValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeBoolSpec
Returns the true value.
- getTypeName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Returns the type name (artificial).
- getTypeNo() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Returns the type number.
- getTypeNo() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- getTypeNo() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns the type number of this Archetype.
- getTypes() - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameterFactory
Returns all available plugin parameter type names.
- getUndefinedSpellIndex() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns the index for "no spell".
- getUndefinedSpellIndex() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getUndefinedSpellIndex() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getUndefinedSpellIndex() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- getUnsavedPickmaps(Collection<MapControl<G, A, R>>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolder
Returns all unsaved
in this folder.
- getUnsavedPickmaps(Collection<MapControl<G, A, R>>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTree
Returns all unsaved map controls of this model.
- getUnsavedPickmaps(Collection<MapControl<G, A, R>>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.PickmapState
Returns this pickmap if it has been loaded and is modified.
- getUse() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Returns the usage notes.
- getUseCounter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.DefaultMapControl
- getUseCounter() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.MapControl
Returns the use counter.
- getUserName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- getUserName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns the user name.
- getUserNameDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultEditorSettings
- getUserNameDefault() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Returns the default user name.
- getValidators() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.project.ProjectModel
- getValidExit(MapModel<G, A, R>, Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitMatcher
Returns an exit game object on a given map square having exit
- getValidExit(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitMatcher
Returns whether the given game object is an exit game object having exit
- getValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBitmask
Get the active bitmask value.
- getValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface.SmoothFace
Returns the smooth information.
- getValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPathParameter
- getValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractValuePluginParameter
- getValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.ArchetypeParameter
- getValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapParameter
- getValue() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapPathParameter
- getValue() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
Returns the current value of this parameter.
- getValue(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.Storage
Returns the value associated with the specified key at a node, or null
if there is no association for this key.
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesTableModel
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.TableModel
- getValueComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchetypeParameterView
- getValueComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.BooleanParameterView
- getValueComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameterView
- getValueComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameterView
- getValueComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterView
- getValueComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.MapPathParameterView
- getValueComponent() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.PluginParameterView
Returns a JComponent
for editing the parameter value.
- getValueComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.StringParameterView
- getValueComponent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditorRow
Returns the editor component for editing the parameter's value.
- getValueOrNull() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPathParameter
- getValueOrNull() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractValuePluginParameter
- getValueOrNull() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.ArchetypeParameter
- getValueOrNull() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapParameter
- getValueOrNull() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapPathParameter
- getValueOrNull() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
Returns the current value of this parameter.
- getView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginController
- getView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.Control
Returns the view for this controller.
- getViewPositions() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViews
Returns the current view positions of all views of a
- getVisibleLines() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns the number of lines visible in this text area.
- getVisibleLines() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
- getWarningSquareIcon() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- getWeather() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the weather attribute.
- getWidth(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionData
Returns the total width for a multi-square image.
- getWidth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionEntry
Returns the total width of a multi-square image.
- getWidth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.Size2D
Returns the width of the area.
- getWindDirection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the wind direction.
- getWindowTitle() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.DefaultMapView
- getWindowTitle() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Returns the title for the map window.
- getWindSpeed() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the wind speed.
- getWords() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks.RegExParser
- getX() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.LayoutInfo
Returns the x coordinate of the left border of the map within the final
- getX(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.PendingInfo
Returns the x coordinate of the next map.
- getX(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.TableHeaderCellRenderer
Returns the x coordinate of a closing icon.
- getXLen() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.IsoMapSquareInfo
Returns the horizontal size of a square.
- getXLen2() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.IsoMapSquareInfo
Returns the horizontal center of a square.
- getXOffset(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionData
Calculate the x-offset from the leftmost pixel of the big face image and
the default x-position (The default position is where a single-square
image would be put).
- getXOffset(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionEntry
Returns the x offset from the left-most pixel of the multi-square image
and the default x position.
- getY() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.LayoutInfo
Returns the y coordinate of the top border of the map within the final
- getY(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.PendingInfo
Returns the y coordinate of the next map.
- getYLen() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.IsoMapSquareInfo
Returns the vertical size of a square.
- getYLen2() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.IsoMapSquareInfo
Returns the vertical center of a square.
- getYOffset() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
Acquire Y offset of the object for rendering purposes.
- getYOffset(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionData
Calculate the y-offset from the topmost pixel of the big face image and
the default y-position (The default position is where a single-square
image would be put).
- getYOffset(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionEntry
Returns the y offset from the left-most pixel of the multi-square image
and the default y position.
- GLOW_RADIUS - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
The name of the "glow_radius" attribute.
- goExit() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialogManager
Action method to open the "go exit" dialog.
- goExitApply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for apply.
- goExitCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for cancel.
- GoExitDialog<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit
A dialog to ask the user for a map to open.
- GoExitDialog(Component, MapView<G, A, R>, GameObjectMatcher, EnterMap<G, A, R>, FaceObjectProviders) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Creates a new instance.
- GoExitDialogManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit
- GoExitDialogManager(Window, MapManager<G, A, R>, MapViewManager<G, A, R>, GameObjectMatcher, EnterMap<G, A, R>, FaceObjectProviders) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialogManager
Creates a new instance.
- goExitScrollBottom() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for scroll bottom.
- goExitScrollDown() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for scroll down.
- goExitScrollPageDown() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for scroll page down.
- goExitScrollPageUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for scroll page up.
- goExitScrollTop() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for scroll top.
- goExitScrollUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for scroll up.
- goExitSelectDown() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for select down.
- goExitSelectUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Action method for select up.
- goLocation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.GoLocationAction
Opens the "go location" dialog.
- GoLocationAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- GoLocationAction(MapViewManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.GoLocationAction
Creates a new instance.
- goLocationApply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation.GoLocationDialog
Action method for apply.
- goLocationCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation.GoLocationDialog
Action method for cancel.
- GoLocationDialog<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation
A dialog to ask the user for coordinates to move the cursor to.
- GoLocationDialog(AbstractPerMapDialogManager<G, A, R, GoLocationDialog<G, A, R>>, MapView<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation.GoLocationDialog
Creates a new instance.
- GoLocationDialogManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation
- GoLocationDialogManager(MapViewManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation.GoLocationDialogManager
Creates a new instance.
- goLocationOkay() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation.GoLocationDialog
Action method for okay.
- goMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialogManager
Action method to open the "go map" dialog.
- goMapApply() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for apply.
- goMapCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for cancel.
- GoMapDialog<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap
A dialog to ask the user for a map to open.
- GoMapDialog(Window, MapsIndex, MapViewsManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Creates a new instance.
- GoMapDialogManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap
- GoMapDialogManager(Window, MapManager<G, A, R>, MapViewsManager<G, A, R>, ProjectSettings, Exiter) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialogManager
Creates a new instance.
- GoMapListModel - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap
A DefaultListModel
that can be disabled during updates.
- GoMapListModel() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapListModel
- goMapScrollBottom() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for scroll bottom.
- goMapScrollDown() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for scroll down.
- goMapScrollPageDown() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for scroll page down.
- goMapScrollPageUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for scroll page up.
- goMapScrollTop() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for scroll top.
- goMapScrollUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for scroll up.
- goMapSelectDown() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for select down.
- goMapSelectUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Action method for select up.
- goTo(boolean, Direction) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Moves the cursor one square relative to current position.
- GREEN_MASK - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.ColourFilter
The mask for selecting the green bits.
- GRID_FLAG_CONNECTION - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Flag to highlight as part of a connection group.
- GRID_FLAG_CURSOR - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Flag to highlight cursor position.
- GRID_FLAG_ERROR - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Flag to highlight as error.
- GRID_FLAG_FATAL - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Flag to highlight as fatal.
- GRID_FLAG_INFORMATION - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Flag to highlight as information.
- GRID_FLAG_SELECTING - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Pre-selection - used to preselect squares.
- GRID_FLAG_SELECTION - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Selection - marks all selected squares.
- GRID_FLAG_SELECTION_EAST - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Selection - is set for squares at the east edge of the selected area.
- GRID_FLAG_SELECTION_NORTH - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Selection - is set for squares at the north edge of the selected area.
- GRID_FLAG_SELECTION_SOUTH - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Selection - is set for squares at the south edge of the selected area.
- GRID_FLAG_SELECTION_WEST - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Selection - is set for squares at the west edge of the selected area.
- GRID_FLAG_WARNING - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Flag to highlight as warning.
- GridartaEditor<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol
Main class of the editor; parses command-line arguments, initializes and
starts the editor.
- GridartaEditor(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.GridartaEditor
Creates a new instance.
- GridartaRunMode - Enum in net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol
Main run mode of the editor.
- GridMapSquarePainter - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
Paints overlays for map grids.
- GridMapSquarePainter(ResourceIcons) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.GridMapSquarePainter
Creates a new instance.
- gridVisibleChanged(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettingsListener
This event handler is called when the grid visibility has changed.
- growSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.GrowSelectionAction
Grows the current map selection by one map square.
- GrowSelectionAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that grows the current selection by one map square.
- GrowSelectionAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.GrowSelectionAction
- GSplitPane - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils
A JSplitPane
that keeps its size even upon ancestor layout changes
and is restored upon editor restarts.
- GSplitPane(int, Component, Component, String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.GSplitPane
Creates a new instance.
- GUIConstants - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils
Defines common UI constants used in different dialogs.
- GuiFileFilters - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Utility class defining FileFilters
- GuiInfo<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,T extends ArchetypeAttribute> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
- GuiInfo(DialogAttribute<G, A, R, T>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfo
Creates a new instance.
- GuiInfoGlue<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,T extends ArchetypeAttribute> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
that fills one component both horizontally and vertically.
- GuiInfoGlue(DialogAttribute<G, A, R, T>, Component) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoGlue
Creates a new instance.
- GuiInfoRow<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,T extends ArchetypeAttribute> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
that fills one component horizontally.
- GuiInfoRow(DialogAttribute<G, A, R, T>, Component) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoRow
Creates a new instance.
- GuiInfoTwoColumn<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,T extends ArchetypeAttribute> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
that displays a label and another component in two
- GuiInfoTwoColumn(DialogAttribute<G, A, R, T>, Component, Component) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GuiInfoTwoColumn
Creates a new instance.
- GUIMainControl<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol
Creates the main GUI of Gridarta.
- GUIMainControl(ProjectModel<G, A, R>, EditorSettings, ErrorView, ResourceIcons, EditorFactory<G, A, R>, ConfigSourceFactory) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.GUIMainControl
Creates a new instance.
- GUIPreferences - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs
Preferences Module for user interface preferences.
- GUIPreferences(EditorSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.GUIPreferences
Creates a new instance.
- iconChanged(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCacheListener
Called whenever the icon of a map has changed.
- ID_COUNT - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
The total number of defined token ids.
- IgnorelistsDefinition - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
The contents of an <ignorelists> element of a types.xml file.
- IgnorelistsDefinition() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.IgnorelistsDefinition
- IGUIConstants - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik
Defines common UI constants used in different dialogs and all used icon
- IGUIConstants - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire
Defines common UI constants used in different dialogs and all used icon
- IGUIConstants - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin
Defines common UI constants used in different dialogs and all used icon
- IllegalAnimationException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.model.anim
Exception thrown to indicate that an animation object is not acceptable.
- IllegalAnimationException(NamedObject, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.anim.IllegalAnimationException
Creates a new instance.
- IllegalAutojoinListException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin
- IllegalAutojoinListException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.IllegalAutojoinListException
Creates a new instance.
- IllegalFaceException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.model.face
Exception thrown to indicate that a face object is not acceptable.
- IllegalFaceException(FaceObject, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.face.IllegalFaceException
Creates a new instance.
- IllegalNamedObjectException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.model.data
Exception thrown to indicate that a named object is not acceptable.
- IllegalNamedObjectException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.data.IllegalNamedObjectException
Creates a new instance.
- imageComplete(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DoubleImageFilter
- imageComplete(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.StretchedImageFilter
- ImageCreator<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
Creates images from map instances.
- ImageCreator(MapManager<G, A, R>, RendererFactory<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.ImageCreator
Creates a new instance.
- ImageCreator2<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
Creates images from map instances.
- ImageCreator2(VolatileSettings, ImageCreator<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.ImageCreator2
Creates a new instance.
- ImageCreatorFactory - Class in net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol
- ImageType - Enum in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache
The types of images that are cached.
- ImageUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Utility class for image related functions.
- importPlugin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ImportPluginAction
Import a plugin from a file.
- ImportPluginAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts
The action for importing a plugin from a file.
- ImportPluginAction(PluginModel<G, A, R>, Component) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ImportPluginAction
Creates a new instance.
- importSpells(File, Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.spells.SpellsUtils
Opens a file chooser to select the spell list file, then import spells.
- Index<V> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.index
An index of values.
- indexingFinished() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- indexingFinished() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
Should be called after indexing has finished.
- indexingFinished() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.IndexListener
Called after indexing has finished.
- IndexListener<V> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.index
Interface for listeners interested in
related events.
- indexOf(PickmapState<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserModel
Returns the index of a map file.
- indexToEventType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.AbstractScriptArchUtils
- indexToEventType(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptArchUtils
Converts a combo box index to an event type.
- init(Iterable<NamedGameObjectMatcher>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.viewaction.ViewActions
Creates the view actions.
- init(R, ErrorViewCollector) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetypeBuilder
- init() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.AbstractFlatMapRenderer
Finishes initialization of this instance.
- init1(Component, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
Initializes the dialog.
- init2() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
Initializes the dialog.
- init2() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialog
- initChance() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Initializes the chance attribute.
- initialize(String, File) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferencesFactory
Initialize the module.
- initParseArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.AbstractArchetypeParser
Called when a new archetype starts.
- initParseArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.io.ArchetypeParser
- initParseArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.io.ArchetypeParser
- initParseArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.io.ArchetypeParser
- initRecent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuManager
Initializes the recent state.
- InputActions - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions
- InputActions(ScriptEditControl, MenuEntries) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- InputHandler - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea
An input handler converts the user's key strokes into concrete actions.
- InputHandler() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.InputHandler
- InputHandler.NonRepeatable - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea
If an action implements this interface, it should not be repeated.
- insert(G, MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AboveFloorInsertionMode
- insert(G, MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.AutoInsertionMode
- insert(G, MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.BelowFloorInsertionMode
- insert(G, MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.BottommostInsertionMode
- insert(G, MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.InsertionMode
- insert(G, MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.TopmostInsertionMode
- insertAfter(G, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Adds a game object after another.
- insertAfter(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- insertAfter(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Insert a GameObject after this GameObject.
- insertArch() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.InsertArchAction
Action method for "insert arch".
- InsertArchAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that inserts a new game object into the current map.
- InsertArchAction(ObjectChooser<G, A, R>, MapViewSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.InsertArchAction
Creates a new instance.
- insertArchToMap(BaseObject<G, A, R, ?>, G, Point, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- insertArchToMap(BaseObject<G, A, R, ?>, G, Point, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Insert a game object to the map at a specified position.
- insertBaseObject(BaseObject<G, A, R, ?>, Point, boolean, boolean, InsertionMode) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- insertBaseObject(BaseObject<G, A, R, ?>, Point, boolean, boolean, InsertionMode) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
- insertBefore(G, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Adds a game object before another.
- insertBefore(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- insertBefore(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Insert a GameObject before this GameObject.
- insertBreak - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- InsertBreak - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions
- InsertBreak() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InsertBreak
- insertChar - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- InsertChar - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions
- InsertChar() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InsertChar
- insertGameObject(boolean, BaseObject<G, A, R, ?>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Inserts a
before the selected game object.
- InsertionMode - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Insertion modes.
- InsertionModeSet<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
- InsertionModeSet(InsertionMode, GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.InsertionModeSet
Creates a new instance.
- InsertionResult<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin
The result of an insertion operation involving autojoining.
- InsertionResult() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.InsertionResult
Creates an empty new instance.
- InsertionResult(G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.InsertionResult
Creates a new instance for a game object.
- InsertionResult(R) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.InsertionResult
Creates a new instance for an archetype.
- InsertionTool<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools
MouseOpListener for insertion.
- InsertionTool(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, ObjectChooser<G, A, R>, PickmapSettings, InsertionModeSet<G, A, R>, MapViewSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.InsertionTool
Creates a new instance.
- insertLines(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.TokenMarker
Informs the token marker that lines have been inserted into the document.
- insertNodeInto(MapMenuEntry, DefaultMutableTreeNode, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
Inserts a new node into the tree.
- insertTab - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- InsertTab - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions
- InsertTab() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InsertTab
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFileNameComparator
- IntAttributeGameObjectMatcher - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
- IntAttributeGameObjectMatcher(String, Operation, String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.IntAttributeGameObjectMatcher
Creates an AttributeGameObjectMatcher
- IntegerParameter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
- IntegerParameter() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameter
Creates a new instance.
- IntegerParameterView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter
- IntegerParameterView(Component, IntegerParameter<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameterView
Creates a new instance.
- INTERNAL_FIRST - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
The first id that can be used for internal state in a token marker.
- INTERNAL_LAST - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
The last id that can be used for internal state in a token marker.
- INTERVAL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.updater.UpdaterManager
Preferences default value for INTERVAL_KEY.
- INTERVAL_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.updater.UpdaterManager
Preferences key for selected update interval.
- INVALID - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
Invalid token id.
- invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.DirectionLayout
- invalidateLine(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Marks a line as needing a repaint.
- invalidateLineRange(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Marks a range of lines as needing a repaint.
- invalidateSelectedLines() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Repaints the lines containing the selection.
- InvalidAttributeException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
Indicates that an attribute cannot be encoded.
- InvalidAttributeException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.InvalidAttributeException
Creates a new instance.
- InvalidAttributeException(ArchetypeAttribute, String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.InvalidAttributeException
Creates a new instance.
- InvalidCheckException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
An Exception
indicating that an attribute check is invalid.
- InvalidCheckException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.InvalidCheckException
Creates a new instance.
- InvalidMapFormatException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
Exception that's thrown when a
read a file and detected
that it's in the wrong format.
- InvalidMapFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.io.InvalidMapFormatException
Creates a new instance.
- InvalidMapFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.io.InvalidMapFormatException
Creates a new instance.
- InvalidNameException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles
Indicates that a folder or pickmap name is invalid.
- InvalidNameException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.InvalidNameException
Creates a new instance.
- InvalidPathNameException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.actions
Exception thrown if a map path cannot be converted.
- InvalidPathNameException(File, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.actions.InvalidPathNameException
Creates a new instance.
- InvalidValueException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
An exception that is thrown if the string representation of value in a
cannot be converted to an object.
- InvalidValueException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.InvalidValueException
Creates a new instance.
- InvalidValueException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.InvalidValueException
Creates a new instance.
- invertSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
Invoked when the user wants to invert all selected squares from a map.
- invertSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Inverts all selected squares.
- INVISIBLE - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
The name of the "invisible" attribute.
- IOUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Utility-class for Gridarta's I/O.
- IS_ANIMATED - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
The attribute name of the "is_animated" flag.
- IS_TURNABLE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
The name of the "is_turnable" attribute.
- isAbsolute(String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.PathManagerUtils
Check whether a path is absolute.
- isAllowRandomMapParameters() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns whether exit paths may point to random map parameters.
- isAllowRandomMapParameters() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- isAllowRandomMapParameters() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- isAllowRandomMapParameters() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- isAllowsAllInv() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Returns whether this archetype type allows any inventory game objects,
regardless whether these types have "inv" specifications.
- isAlphaType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isAlphaType(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Returns whether the specified edit type is to be shown transparent.
- isAlternativeLocation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Returns whether the button is shown in the alternative location.
- isAnyTransactionActive() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- isAnyTransactionActive() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Returns whether a transaction is currently active.
- isArchDirectoryInputFieldEnabled() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.configsource.ConfigSource
Whether the "archetype directory" input field in the settings dialog
should be enabled.
- isArchDirectoryInputFieldEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings.CollectedConfigSource
- isArchDirectoryInputFieldEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.settings.FilesConfigSource
- isArchDirectoryInputFieldEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings.CollectedConfigSource
- isArchDirectoryInputFieldEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.settings.FilesConfigSource
- isArchDirectoryInputFieldEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.settings.CollectedConfigSource
- isArchDirectoryInputFieldEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.settings.FilesConfigSource
- isAreaEmpty(int, int, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- isAreaEmpty(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Checks whether an area of a map is completely empty.
- isArtifact() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- isArtifact() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns whether this GameObject is an Artifact.
- isAutoBoot() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Returns whether this plugin is run whenever the editor starts.
- isAutoCreateExit() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- isAutoCreateExit() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
Returns whether exit game objects should be auto-created when needed.
- isAutoGeneratePreviews() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapPreviewAccessory
Get whether to automatically generate previews.
- isAutoJoin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "autojoin".
- isAutojoin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isAutojoin() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Returns whether "autojoin" is enabled.
- isAutoUpdate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.UpdatePreferences
Returns the auto-update state.
- isAutoValidatorDefault() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns whether the auto validator is enabled by default.
- isAutoValidatorDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- isAutoValidatorDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- isAutoValidatorDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- isBlockCaretEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Returns whether the caret should be drawn as a block.
- isBlocked(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.BlockedMatrix
Returns whether a given location is blocked.
- isBold() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxStyle
Returns true
if boldface is enabled.
- isBottom(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Returns whether this game object is the bottom-most one.
- isBottom() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- isBottom() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns whether this game object is the bottom-most one.
- isBracketHighlightEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Returns whether bracket highlighting is enabled.
- isCaretVisible() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaCaret
Returns true if the caret is visible, false otherwise.
- isChanged() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.AppPreferences
- isChanged() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.DevPreferences
- isChanged() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.GUIPreferences
- isChanged() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.MapValidatorPreferences
- isChanged() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.MiscPreferences
- isChanged() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.NetPreferences
- isChanged() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.ResPreferences
- isChanged() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.UpdatePreferences
- isConsoleMode() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.GridartaRunMode
Returns whether this mode uses console-mode.
- isCreateDirectionPane() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.maincontrol.EditorFactory
Returns whether the direction panel should be created.
- isCreateDirectionPane() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- isCreateDirectionPane() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- isCreateDirectionPane() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DefaultEditorFactory
- isCurrentMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapParameter
Returns whether the current map is selected.
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.TransferableTreeNode
- isDefaultEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.AbstractValidator
- isDefaultEnabled() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.Validator
Get whether this Validator should be enabled per default.
- isDefaultGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- isDefaultGameObject() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns whether this game object is unmodified from its underlying
- isDefaultGameObject() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
- isDeletionToolExceptionsIgnoreFloors() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.DeletionTool
Returns whether floors should not be deleted.
- isDeletionToolExceptionsIgnoreMonsters() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.DeletionTool
Returns whether monsters should not be deleted.
- isDeletionToolExceptionsIgnoreWalls() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.DeletionTool
Returns whether walls should not be deleted.
- isDouble() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
- isDouble() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObject
Return whether this face is a double face.
- isDoubleFaces() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "double faces".
- isDoubleFaces() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isDoubleFaces() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Get whether double faces are drawn double height.
- isDragging() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Returns whether the cursor is currently being dragged.
- isDrawDouble(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
Returns whether to draw this game object with double height.
- isDrawDouble(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
- isDrawDouble(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
- isEditable() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns true if this text area is editable, false otherwise.
- isEditable() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaConfig
- isEditType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isEditType(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isEditType(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Get information on the current state of edit type.
- isEditType(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Get information whether the gameObject is edited.
- isEditTypeSet() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isEditTypeSet() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Returns whether a editType value is set so that not all squares are
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.copybuffer.CopyBuffer
Returns whether this copy buffer contains any game objects.
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserModel
Returns whether no pickmaps exist in the current folder.
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributesDefinition
Returns whether no attribute definitions exist.
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSection
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Check whether this square is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Check whether this square is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- isEmpty() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Returns whether the map is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquareGrid
Returns whether the map is empty.
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.SavedSquares
Returns whether no saved squares exist.
- isEmpty(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.DefaultScriptArchData
- isEmpty(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptArchData
Returns whether this ScriptArchData is empty (contains no events).
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.MenuEntries
Returns whether no menu entries have been loaded.
- isEnabled() - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.autovalidator.AutoValidator
Returns whether the auto-validator is enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.AbstractFilterConfig
- isEnabled() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.FilterConfig
Returns whether the filter is enabled.
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.AbstractValidator
- isEnabled() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.Validator
Get whether this Validator is enabled.
- isEqual(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- isEqual(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Compares this object to another game object.
- isEqual(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
- isEqual(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
- isExportMapAsImageIncludeTiledMaps() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.exportmap.ExportMapAsImageDialog
Returns whether tiled maps are included in the image.
- isFallbackArchetypeType(ArchetypeType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
Returns whether a given
is the fallback archetype
type used for game objects not matching any defined archetype type.
- isFile(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.JFileField
Returns whether the input field contains the given file.
- isFilter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Returns whether this plugin is a filter.
- isFixedLogin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the fixed login attribute.
- isFixedLogin() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the fixed login attribute.
- isFixedReset() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- isFixedReset() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns whether this map uses a fixed reset.
- isFixedResetTime() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the fixed reset time attribute.
- isGameObjectVisible(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractIsoMapRenderer
Checks whether a game object is visible according to current editor
- isGameObjectVisible(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.IsoMapRenderer
- isGameObjectVisible(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.IsoPickmapRenderer
- isGridVisible() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "grid visible".
- isGridVisible() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isGridVisible() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Get the visibility of the grid.
- isHead() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- isHead() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns whether this object is a single-part object or the head of the
multi-part object.
- isHeightDiff() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the height diff attribute.
- isHighlightedSquare(FilterState, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.DefaultFilterControl
- isHighlightedSquare(FilterState, int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterControl
- isHighlightedSquare(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterState
Returns whether the given path should be highlighted.
- isIncludeFaceNumbers() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObjects
Returns whether the images file contains face numbers.
- isIncludeFaceNumbers() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjects
Returns whether the images file contains face numbers.
- isIncludeTiledMaps() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.exportmap.ExportMapAsImageDialog
Returns whether to include tiled maps in the image file.
- isInContainer() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- isInContainer() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Check whether this GameObject is in a Container (in Gridarta sense, which
means being in a MapSquare isn't, but being is a GameObject is).
- isInitialized() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.CFPythonPopup
Returns whether this popup menu has been fully initialized and is ready
for use.
- isInverted() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilterConfig
Returns whether the filter should match if all sub-filters match or if at
least one sub-filter does not match.
- isItalic() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxStyle
Returns true
if italics is enabled.
- isLeaf() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedTreeNode
- isLight() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Returns whether this map square is affected by any light emitting game
- isLightVisible() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.LightVisibleAction
Action method for "light visible".
- isLightVisible() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractMapRenderer
Returns whether the setting for lighted map squares should be inverted.
- isLightVisible() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isLightVisible() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Get the visibility of the light.
- isLoadedFromArchive() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
Returns whether the Archetypes in this ArchetypeSet were loaded from an
- isLoadedFromArchive() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
- isLockAllPickmaps() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
Returns whether all pickmaps are locked.
- isLocked() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings.AbstractPickmapSettings
- isLocked() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings.PickmapSettings
Returns whether pickmaps are immutable.
- isLowestPart() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- isLowestPart() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns whether this part has the smallest y coordinate when painting the
- isMainIndex(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinList
Returns the index of an
if it is a main archetype for
any direction.
- isMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Returns whether this archetype is allowed on maps.
- isMapSizeDefault() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialog
Set whether to override the default map size.
- isMatching(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserControl
- isMatching(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.DefaultObjectChooser
Returns whether a given game object matches the selection.
- isMatching(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooser
Returns whether the current selection matches a given game object.
- isMatching(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooserTab
Returns whether the current selection matches the given game object.
- isMatching(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitMatcher
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.AndGameObjectMatcher
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.AttributeGameObjectMatcher
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.match.GameObjectMatcher
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.MutableNameGameObjectMatcher
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.MutableOrGameObjectMatcher
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.NamedGameObjectMatcher
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.NotGameObjectMatcher
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.OrGameObjectMatcher
- isMatching(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.TypeNrsGameObjectMatcher
- isModified() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- isModified() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
Returns whether the state was modified since last save.
- isModified() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- isModified() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Return whether the map has been modified from the on-disk state.
- isModified() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Returns whether the plugin contents have been modified since last save.
- isModified() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Return whether the text content has been modified from the "unmodified"
- isMulti() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- isMulti() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Returns whether this Archetype is a multi-part object.
- isMultiArchFittingToMap(Archetype<G, A, R>, Point, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- isMultiArchFittingToMap(Archetype<G, A, R>, Point, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Checks whether a GameObject (multi-arch) would still fit on this map.
- isNextLineRequested() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.TokenMarker
Returns true if the next line should be repainted.
- isNoHarm() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the no harm attribute.
- isNoHarm() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the no harm attribute.
- isNoMagic() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the no magic attribute.
- isNoMagic() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the no magic attribute.
- isNoPriest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the no priest attribute.
- isNoSave() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the no save attribute.
- isNoSave() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the no save attribute.
- isNoSmooth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns whether this map is no smooth.
- isNoSummon() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the no summon attribute.
- isNoSummon() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the no summon attribute.
- Iso3DMapTilePane<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane
A Panel for managing the tiling of maps.
- Iso3DMapTilePane(MapManager<G, A, R>, ProjectSettings, MapModel<G, A, R>, FileFilter) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.Iso3DMapTilePane
Creates a new instance.
- isOkButtonEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
Returns whether the "OK" button is enabled depending on the dialog's
- isOkButtonEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialog
- isOkButtonEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewPickmapDialog
- isOkButtonEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewPickmapFolderDialog
- IsoMapRenderer<G extends DefaultIsoGameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
- IsoMapRenderer(int, MapViewSettings, FilterControl<G, A, R>, MapModel<G, A, R>, MapGrid, MultiPositionData, IsoMapSquareInfo, GridMapSquarePainter, GameObjectParser<G, A, R>, ResourceIcons) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.IsoMapRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- IsoMapSquareInfo - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
Provides information about isometric map squares.
- IsoMapSquareInfo(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.IsoMapSquareInfo
Creates a new instance.
- IsoMapTilePane<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane
A Panel for managing the tiling of maps.
- IsoMapTilePane(MapManager<G, A, R>, ProjectSettings, MapModel<G, A, R>, FileFilter) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.IsoMapTilePane
Creates a new instance.
- isOnGrid(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Check if point is on grid.
- isOpen() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Returns the tab's open status.
- IsoPickmapRenderer<G extends DefaultIsoGameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
- IsoPickmapRenderer(int, MapViewSettings, MapModel<G, A, R>, MapGrid, MultiPositionData, IsoMapSquareInfo, GridMapSquarePainter, GameObjectParser<G, A, R>, Icon) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.IsoPickmapRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- isOptionalSpell() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeInvSpell
Returns whether the spell game object is optional.
- isOutdoor() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- isOutdoor() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns whether the map is an "outdoor" map.
- isOverwrite() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaConfig
Returns whether overwrite mode is active.
- isOverwriteEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns whether overwrite mode is active.
- isPasteExitName() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- isPasteExitName() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
Returns whether the exit name should be updated.
- isPerformingRealChecks() - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.MapFileFilter
Get whether to actually perform real checks or just file endings.
- isPermDeath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the permanent death attribute.
- isPickmap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.DefaultMapControl
- isPickmap() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.MapControl
Return flag that indicates whether this is a pickmap or not.
- isPickmapActive() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.DefaultObjectChooser
- isPickmapActive() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooser
Return if the Pickmap Chooser is active.
- isPlain() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxStyle
Returns true
if no font styles are enabled.
- isPlayerNoSave() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the player no save attribute.
- isPluginEditorIsAutoRun() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditor
Action method for option to run the editor script automatically.
- isPluginIsEditorFilter() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditor
Action method for option to make an editor script a map filter.
- isPluginIsScript() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditor
Action method for option to add an editor script to the plugins menu.
- isPointValid(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- isPointValid(Point) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Checks whether the given coordinate is within map bounds.
- isPvp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the pvp attribute.
- isPvp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the pvp attribute.
- isRandomFillSkipAdjacentSquares() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.RandomFillDialog
Action method for "skip adjacent squares" action.
- isRealChild() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Returns whether this node is no a yes or no node.
- isRelative(String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.PathManagerUtils
Check whether a path is relative.
- isRepeatEnabled() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.InputHandler
Returns if repetition is enabled.
- isScript() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Returns whether this plugin is a stand-alone plugin.
- isScripted() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns whether this GameObject has one or more scripted events defined.
- isScripted() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
- isScripted() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
- isScripted() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
- isSelectedGameObjects(Iterable<G>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareModel
- isSelectedMapSquares(Iterable<MapSquare<G, A, R>>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareModel
- isSelectionRectangular() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Returns true if the selection is rectangular, false otherwise.
- isSelectionRectangular() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Returns true if the selection is rectangular, false otherwise.
- isSelectionToolAutoFill() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.SelectionTool
Returns whether auto-fill is enabled.
- isShowMainToolbar() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultEditorSettings
- isShowMainToolbar() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Returns whether the main toolbar should be shown.
- isShrinkMapSizeDialogEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
Action method for "shrinkMapSizeDialogEast".
- isShrinkMapSizeDialogSouth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
Action method for "shrinkMapSizeDialogSouth".
- isSmoothing() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "smoothing".
- isSmoothing() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isSmoothing() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Returns the smoothing setting.
- isStartLine(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.AbstractArchetypeParser
Returns whether a give input line denotes the start of a new archetype.
- isStartLine(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.io.ArchetypeParser
- isStartLine(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.io.ArchetypeParser
- isStartLine(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.io.ArchetypeParser
- isStretched(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
Returns whether to draw this game object with stretching transformation.
- isStretched(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.gameobject.GameObject
- isStretched(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.gameobject.GameObject
- isSubFilterEnabled(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilterConfig
Returns whether a sub-filter is enabled.
- isSuccess() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.BshRunnable
Returns whether the plugin has been executed successfully.
- isSystemMatcher() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.NamedGameObjectMatcher
Returns whether this matcher is a system matcher.
- isTabSplitMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.MoveToActions
Action method to query split mode.
- isTail() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- isTail() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Determines if this part is a tail part.
- isTemplate() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns whether this map is a template map.
- isTilePathAuto(Direction, MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- isTilePathAuto(Direction, MapFile) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Determines whether a tiled map in the specified direction is automatic
tiled path or not.
- isTileShow() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "tile show".
- isTileStretching() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "tile-stretching".
- isTileStretching() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- isTileStretching() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Returns the tile-stretching setting.
- isTileStretchingAbsolute() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.TileStretchingDialog
Action method for "absolute" action.
- isTop(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Returns whether this game object is the top-most one.
- isTop() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- isTop() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Returns whether this game object is the top-most one.
- isTopOrBottom() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
- isTopOrLeft() - Method in enum net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.Location
- isTreasureList() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Returns whether this treasure object is a "treasure" or "treasureone"
- isUltimateDeath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the ultimate death attribute.
- isUltraDeath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the ultra death attribute.
- isUndefinedArchetype() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Return whether this archetype denotes an undefined archetype.
- isUndefinedArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.archetype.DefaultArchetype
- isUndefinedArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.archetype.UndefinedArchetype
- isUndefinedArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype.DefaultArchetype
- isUndefinedArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype.UndefinedArchetype
- isUndefinedArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.archetype.DefaultArchetype
- isUndefinedArchetype() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.archetype.UndefinedArchetype
- isUnique() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Returns the unique attribute.
- isUnique() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Get whether this map is unique.
- isUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DefaultFaceObject
- isUp() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObject
Return whether this face is an up face.
- isValidDirectory(String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntryDir
Returns whether a title is valid.
- isValidEntry(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.resource.AbstractFilesResourcesReader
Returns whether a file name should be processed.
- isValidEntry(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.resource.FilesResourcesReader
- isValidEntry(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.resource.FilesResourcesReader
- isValidEntry(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.resource.FilesResourcesReader
- isValidPickmapName(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.PickmapState
Returns whether a pickmap name is valid.
- isWithinRange(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.Range
Returns whether a given attribute value is within the valid attribute
values range.
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.NetPreferences
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsManager
Returns all Actions
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManager
Returns all opened map views.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolder
Returns an Iterator
returning all pickmaps of this folder in
arbitrary order.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTree
Returns an Iterator
returning all map folders.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserControl
Returns all archetypes in the panel.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.Connection
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserModel
- iterator() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Returns all inventory objects.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributesDefinition
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSection
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSections
Returns a read-only
returning all
in display order.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeList
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeSet
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
The Iterator returned does not recurse, it only contains
objects on the first level.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObjects
- iterator() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObjects
NamedObjects are iterated in Unicode (=case sensitive
ASCII) order.
- iterator() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
The Iterator returned does not recurse, it only contains
objects on the first level.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.GameObjectMatchers
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface.SmoothFaces
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.Spells
Return all known spell objects.
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.DefaultErrorCollector
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.DelegatingMapValidator
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginModel
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.MenuEntries
- iterator() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.xml.ElementsIterable
- MagicEarValidator<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks
Checks for suspicious text lines in magic ears.
- MagicEarValidator() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks.MagicEarValidator
Creates a new instance.
- main(String...) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.maincontrol.AtrinikEditor
The main method that is invoked by the Java Runtime.
- main(String...) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.maincontrol.CrossfireEditor
The main method that is invoked by the Java Runtime.
- main(String...) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.maincontrol.DaimoninEditor
The main method that is invoked by the Java Runtime.
- MainActions<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.mainactions
Encapsulates actions and related functions.
- MainActions(FindDialogManager<G, A, R>, ReplaceDialogManager<G, A, R>, JFrame, MapViewSettings, ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>, CopyBuffer<G, A, R>, ObjectChooser<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>, InsertionModeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
Creates a new instance.
- MainControl - Interface in net.sf.gridarta
Interface used as preferences location.
- MainToolbar - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc
The main toolbar of the application.
- MainToolbar(EditorSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.MainToolbar
Creates a new instance.
- MainView - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc
Main window of the level editor.
- MainView(JFrame, ActionListener, Component, ImageIcon, Exiter) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.MainView
Constructs the main view and registers the given main controller.
- MainViewActions<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc
Implements actions related to the
- MainViewActions(MainView, GameObjectAttributesControl<G, A, R>, Tab, TextEditorTab<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.MainViewActions
Creates a new instance.
- makeImage(File, File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.ImageCreator
- manageBookmarks() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ManageBookmarksAction
Action method for "manage bookmarks".
- ManageBookmarksAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- ManageBookmarksAction(MapMenu, MapImageCache<G, A, R>, Component) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.ManageBookmarksAction
Creates a new instance.
- manageBookmarksClose() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.ManageBookmarksDialog
Action method for "close bookmarks dialog".
- ManageBookmarksDialog<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks
A dialog that displays existing bookmarks and allows to edit or remove them.
- ManageBookmarksDialog(Component, MapImageCache<G, A, R>, MapMenu) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.ManageBookmarksDialog
Creates a new instance.
- manageBookmarksEdit() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.ManageBookmarksDialog
Action method for "edit bookmark".
- manageBookmarksNewDirectory() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.ManageBookmarksDialog
Action method for "new directory".
- manageBookmarksRemove() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.ManageBookmarksDialog
Action method for "remove bookmark".
- manageBookmarksUnDelete() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.ManageBookmarksDialog
Action method for "undo deletion".
- MAP_ENCODING - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.IOUtils
Encoding to use for maps and other data.
- MAP_FILE_FILTER - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.GuiFileFilters
Swing FileFilter for map files.
- MAP_NAME_UNNAMED - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
The name of an unnamed map.
- MAP_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptChecker
The placeholder in the command's arguments for the map to check.
- MapActions<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions
Manages actions in the "map" menu.
- MapActions(Frame, MapManager<G, A, R>, MapViewManager<G, A, R>, ExitMatcher<G, A, R>, FileFilter, SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, boolean, MapPropertiesDialogFactory<G, A, R>, MapViewSettings, MapViewsManager<G, A, R>, EnterMap<G, A, R>, ProjectSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Creates a new instance.
- mapArchAddEnv() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControl
Action method for adding the currently selected object to the inventory
of a new object.
- mapArchAddInv() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControl
Action method for adding an object to the inventory of the currently
selected object.
- mapArchAttrib() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControl
Action method for displaying the attributes of the currently selected
- MapArchObject<A extends MapArchObject<A>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject
Interface for MapArchObjects.
- MapArchObject - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject
MapArchObject contains the specific meta data about a map that is stored in
the map-arch, at the very beginning of the map file.
- MapArchObject() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Creates a new instance.
- MapArchObject - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject
MapArchObject contains the specific meta data about a map that is stored in
the map-arch, at the very beginning of the map file.
- MapArchObject() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Creates a new instance.
- MapArchObject - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject
MapArchObject contains the specific meta data about a map that is stored in
the map-arch, at the very beginning of the map file.
- MapArchObject() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Creates a new instance.
- MapArchObjectFactory<A extends MapArchObject<A>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject
- MapArchObjectListener - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject
Interface for listeners listening on map arch object changes.
- MapArchObjectParser<A extends MapArchObject<A>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
Interface for classes that read or write
- MapArchObjectParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.io
- MapArchObjectParser() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.io.MapArchObjectParser
- MapArchObjectParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.io
- MapArchObjectParser() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.io.MapArchObjectParser
- MapArchObjectParser - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.io
- MapArchObjectParser() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.io.MapArchObjectParser
- MapArchObjectParserFactory<A extends MapArchObject<A>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
- mapCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
Action method for cancel.
- mapCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for cancel.
- mapCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for cancel.
- mapCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for cancel.
- MapCheckerScriptChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
Executes a script to check a map.
- MapCheckerScriptChecker(ValidatorPreferences, MapWriter<G, A, R>, String[]) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptChecker
Creates a new instance.
- MapCheckerScriptFailureError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
- MapCheckerScriptFailureError(MapModel<G, A, R>, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptFailureError
Creates a new instance.
- MapCheckerScriptIOError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
- MapCheckerScriptIOError(MapModel<G, A, R>, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptIOError
Creates a new instance.
- MapCheckerScriptMapError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
- MapCheckerScriptMapError(MapModel<G, A, R>, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptMapError
Creates a new instance.
- MapCheckerScriptMapSquareError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
- MapCheckerScriptMapSquareError(MapSquare<G, A, R>, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptMapSquareError
Creates a new instance.
- MapCheckerScriptMissingError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
- MapCheckerScriptMissingError(MapModel<G, A, R>, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapCheckerScriptMissingError
Creates a new instance.
- mapClosed(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManagerListener
This event handler is called when a map has been closed.
- mapClosed() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- mapClosed() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
This function must be called if this instance is freed.
- mapClosing(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManagerListener
This event handler is called when a map is to be closed.
- MapControl<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol
Currently nothing more than a marker interface for unification.
- MapControlFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol
- MapControlListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol
Interface for listeners listening on changes in
- mapCreated(MapControl<G, A, R>, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManagerListener
This event handler is called when a map was created.
- mapCreateView() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "create view".
- MapCursor<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor
MapCursor provides methods to move and drag on map.
- MapCursor(MapGrid, MapModel<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Construct a MapCursor.
- MapCursorActions<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor
Cursor related actions.
- MapCursorActions(MapActions<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
Creates a new instance.
- mapCursorChangedGameObject(MapSquare<G, A, R>, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
- mapCursorChangedGameObject(MapSquare<G, A, R>, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
- mapCursorChangedGameObject(MapSquare<G, A, R>, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
- mapCursorChangedGameObject(MapSquare<G, A, R>, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
- mapCursorChangedGameObject(MapSquare<G, A, R>, G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursorListener
Called whenever the selected game object has changed.
- mapCursorChangedMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
- mapCursorChangedMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
- mapCursorChangedMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
- mapCursorChangedMode() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
- mapCursorChangedMode() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursorListener
This event handler is called when
changes mode (drag,
- mapCursorChangedPos(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
- mapCursorChangedPos(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
- mapCursorChangedPos(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
- mapCursorChangedPos(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
- mapCursorChangedPos(Point) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursorListener
This event handler is called when
has moved.
- mapCursorChangedSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
- mapCursorChangedSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
- mapCursorChangedSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
- mapCursorChangedSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
- mapCursorChangedSize() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursorListener
Called whenever the map cursor's map grid size has changed.
- MapCursorListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor
Interface for listeners listening to
related events.
- MapCursorTracker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview
- MapCursorTracker(boolean, int, int, MapCursor<G, A, R>, AbstractMapRenderer<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapCursorTracker
Creates a new instance.
- MapDesktop<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapdesktop
The JDesktopPane
containing all map views.
- MapDesktop(MapViewManager<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>, MapImageCache<G, A, R>, MapViewsManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapdesktop.MapDesktop
Creates a new instance.
- MapDifficultyChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
Validator that checks whether the map has a valid difficulty.
- MapDifficultyChecker(ValidatorPreferences, int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapDifficultyChecker
Creates a new instance.
- MapDifficultyError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Validation error that's used when a map has wrong tile paths.
- MapDifficultyError(MapModel<G, A, R>, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MapDifficultyError
Creates a new instance.
- MapEnterLocationChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
Validator that checks whether the map has a valid difficulty.
- MapEnterLocationChecker(ValidatorPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MapEnterLocationChecker
Creates a new instance.
- MapEnterLocationInvalidCoordinateError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Validation error that's used when a map's default enter coordinate is
- MapEnterLocationInvalidCoordinateError(MapModel<G, A, R>, String, Size2D) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MapEnterLocationInvalidCoordinateError
Creates a new instance.
- MapFile - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
The location of a map file with a map directory.
- MapFile(File) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapFile
Creates a new instance for the maps directory.
- MapFile(MapFile, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapFile
Creates a new instance for a child of a parent map file.
- MapFile(MapFile, MapPath) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapFile
Creates a new instance.
- MapFileActions<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map
Implements actions for the "file" menu attached to maps.
- MapFileActions(ImageCreator2<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>, MapViewsManager<G, A, R>, MapViewManager<G, A, R>, FileControl<G, A, R>, Component) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapFileActions
Creates a new instance that tracks the map state.
- mapFileChanged(MapFile) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModelListener
The map file has changed.
- MapFileFilter - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Swing FileFilter implementation that filters map files.
- MapFileFilter(boolean, String, String...) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.utils.MapFileFilter
Creates a new instance.
- MapFileNameComparator - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles
for comparing
by pickmap
- MapFolder<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles
Model class representing a folder of
- MapFolder(MapFolder<G, A, R>, String, File, MapViewsManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolder
Creates a new instance.
- MapFolderListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles
Interface for listeners interested in events of
- MapFolderNotEmptyException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles
Indicates that a folder contains sub-folders.
- MapFolderNotEmptyException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderNotEmptyException
Creates a new instance.
- MapFolderTree<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles
- MapFolderTree(File) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTree
Creates a new instance.
- MapFolderTreeAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles
An action for the entry in the pickmaps folder menu.
- MapFolderTreeAction(MapFolderTree<G, A, R>, MapFolder<G, A, R>, AbstractButton) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTreeAction
Creates a new instance.
- MapFolderTreeActions<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles
Encapsulates functionality related to actions for pickmap folder selection.
- MapFolderTreeActions(MapFolderTree<G, A, R>, PickmapSettings, NewMapDialogFactory<G, A, R>, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTreeActions
Creates a new instance.
- MapFolderTreeListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles
- MapGrid - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid
2D-Grid containing flags for selection, pre-selection, cursor, warnings and
- MapGrid(Size2D) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Creates a new instance.
- mapGridChanged(MapGridEvent) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGridListener
This event handler is called when flags on
have changed.
- MapGridEvent - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid
- MapGridEvent(MapGrid) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGridEvent
Creates a new instance.
- MapGridListener - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid
- mapGridResized(MapGridEvent) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGridListener
This event handler is called when size of
has changed.
- mapHelp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for help.
- mapHelp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for help.
- mapHelp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for help.
- MapImageCache<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache
Caches icon and preview images for map files.
- MapImageCache(MapManager<G, A, R>, Image, Image, RendererFactory<G, A, R>, CacheFiles) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCache
Creates a new instance.
- MapImageCacheEntry - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache
- MapImageCacheEntry(CacheFiles, Image, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCacheEntry
Creates a new instance.
- MapImageCacheListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache
Interface for listeners interested in
related events.
- MapImageCreator<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap
Creates images from maps.
- MapImageCreator(MapManager<G, A, R>, RendererFactory<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.MapImageCreator
Creates a new instance.
- MapKeyListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapuserlistener
Tracks key presses and maps them to actions.
- MapKeyListener(MapViewManager<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapuserlistener.MapKeyListener
Creates a new instance.
- MapLink - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.tiles
- MapLink(Direction, Direction) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.tiles.MapLink
- MapListCellRenderer - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit
- MapListCellRenderer(FaceObjectProviders) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.MapListCellRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- MapListCellRenderer - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap
that renders values of a
- MapListCellRenderer(MapsIndex) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.MapListCellRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- MapLocation - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.maplocation
Represents a location on a map consisting of a map path and a map
- MapLocation(GameObject<?, ?, ?>, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.maplocation.MapLocation
Creates a new instance from a
- MapManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager
A MapManager manages all opened maps.
- MapManagerListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager
Interface for listeners listening to
- MapMenu - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
Manages the contents of a recent or bookmark menu.
- MapMenu(String, PathManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
Creates a new instance.
- MapMenu.DeletedNode - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
Result value consisting of a TreeNode
and its location
- MapMenuAction - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
- MapMenuAction(MapMenuEntryMap, MapViewsManager<?, ?, ?>, FileControl<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuAction
Creates a new instance.
- MapMenuEntry - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
Abstract base class for recent and bookmark menu entries.
- MapMenuEntry(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntry
Creates a new instance.
- MapMenuEntryDir - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
- MapMenuEntryDir(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntryDir
Creates a new instance.
- MapMenuEntryIcons - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks
- MapMenuEntryIcons(MapImageCache<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.MapMenuEntryIcons
Creates a new instance.
- MapMenuEntryMap - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
- MapMenuEntryMap(MapFile, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntryMap
Creates a new instance.
- MapMenuEntryTreeCellRenderer - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
for rendering
- MapMenuEntryTreeCellRenderer(MapImageCache<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntryTreeCellRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- MapMenuEntryVisitor - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
- MapMenuLoader - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
Saves or restores
contents to
- MapMenuLoader(String, PathManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuLoader
Creates a new instance.
- MapMenuLoader.Result - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
Result value consisting of a
and its location
- MapMenuLoader.Type - Enum in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
Preferences values for entries.
- MapMenuManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
Manages the recent menu entries.
- MapMenuManager(MapMenu, MapViewsManager<?, ?, ?>, FileControl<?, ?, ?>, MapImageCache<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuManager
Creates a new instance.
- MapMenuPreferences - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
Manages a
instance, implementing constraints for recent or
bookmark menus.
- MapMenuUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu
Utility class for
related functions.
- mapMetaChanged() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObjectListener
Meta information of a map has changed.
- MapModel<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
A MapModel reflects the data of a map.
- mapModelChanged(MapModel<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.delayedmapmodel.DelayedMapModelListener
Called whenever a
has been changed.
- MapModelFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
A factory for creating
- MapModelFactory(ArchetypeChooserModel<G, A, R>, AutojoinLists<G, A, R>, GameObjectFactory<G, A, R>, GameObjectMatchers, InsertionMode) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModelFactory
Creates a new instance.
- MapModelListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Interface for listeners listening on
- MapMouseListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapuserlistener
- MapMouseListener(MapRenderer, ToolPalette<G, A, R>, MapView<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapuserlistener.MapMouseListener
Creates a new instance.
- mapObjectsChanged(Set<G>, Set<G>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModelListener
One or more GameObjects on a map have changed.
- mapOkay() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
Action method for okay.
- mapOkay() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for okay.
- mapOkay() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for okay.
- mapOkay() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for okay.
- MapParameter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
- MapParameter(MapManager<G, A, R>, PathManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapParameter
Creates a new instance.
- MapParameterCellRenderer - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map
- MapParameterCellRenderer(MapManager<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterCellRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- MapParameterComboBoxModel<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map
- MapParameterComboBoxModel(MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterComboBoxModel
Creates a new instance.
- MapParameterView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map
- MapParameterView(MapParameter<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterView
Creates a new instance.
- MapPath - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Represents a maps directory local map path.
- MapPathParameter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
- MapPathParameter(PathManager, ProjectSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapPathParameter
Creates a new instance.
- MapPathParameterView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter
- MapPathParameterView(Component, MapPathParameter<G, A, R>, PathManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.MapPathParameterView
Creates a new instance.
- MapPathUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Utility class for
related functions.
- MapPreview - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc
The map preview of the level editor.
- MapPreview(Image) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.MapPreview
Constructs the user interface.
- MapPreviewAccessory - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map
Abstract base class for MapPreviewAccessories which are used for previewing
maps in JFileChoosers.
- MapPreviewAccessory(MapImageCache<?, ?, ?>, JFileChooser) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapPreviewAccessory
Creates an MapPreviewAccessory.
- mapProperties() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "map properties".
- MapPropertiesDialog - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.mappropertiesdialog
A dialog to change the properties of a map, like several flags and settings
about the environment and the map tiles.
- MapPropertiesDialog(Frame, MapManager<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, ProjectSettings, MapModel<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, FileFilter) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Creates a new instance.
- MapPropertiesDialog - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.mappropertiesdialog
A dialog to change the properties of a map, like several flags and settings
about the environment and the map tiles.
- MapPropertiesDialog(Frame, MapManager<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, ProjectSettings, MapModel<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, FileFilter) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Creates a map-options dialog.
- MapPropertiesDialog - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.mappropertiesdialog
A dialog to change the properties of a map, like several flags and settings
about the environment and the map tiles.
- MapPropertiesDialog(Frame, MapManager<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, ProjectSettings, MapModel<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, FileFilter) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Creates a map-options dialog.
- MapPropertiesDialogFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.mapproperties
Factory for creating map property dialog instances.
- MapReader<G extends GameObject<G,A,?>,A extends MapArchObject<A>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
Interface for classes that read map files.
- MapReaderFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,?>,A extends MapArchObject<A>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
- MapRenderer - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
Common interface for renderers of map control instances.
- mapRestore() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for restore.
- mapRestore() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for restore.
- mapRestore() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Action method for restore.
- mapsDirectoryChanged(File) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettingsListener
Called whenever the maps directory has changed.
- MapsIndex - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.index
Indexes maps by map name.
- MapsIndex() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.MapsIndex
- MapsIndexer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.index
Maintains a
for the maps directory.
- MapsIndexer(MapsIndex, MapManager<G, A, R>, ProjectSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.MapsIndexer
Creates a new instance.
- mapSizeChanged(Size2D) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObjectListener
The map size has changed.
- mapSizeChanged(Size2D) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModelListener
The size of a map has changed.
- mapSizeChanging(Size2D, Size2D) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.LightMapModelTracker
Called whenever the tracked map is about to change size.
- MapSizeMismatchException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.actions
Exception thrown if the size of a map file is unexpected.
- MapSizeMismatchException(File, Size2D, Size2D) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.actions.MapSizeMismatchException
Creates a new instance.
- MapSquare<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
A single Map Square.
- MapSquare(MapModel<G, A, R>, int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Creates a new instance.
- MapSquareFormatter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
- MapSquareFormatter() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MapSquareFormatter
- MapSquareGrid<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
- MapSquareGrid(MapModel<G, A, R>, Size2D) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquareGrid
Creates a new instance.
- MapSquareIterator<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Iterator for iterating over all squares of a model.
- MapSquareIterator(MapModel<G, A, R>, Point, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquareIterator
Creates a new instance.
- mapSquaresChanged(Iterable<MapSquare<G, A, R>>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.LightMapModelTracker
Called whenever some game objects have changed.
- mapSquaresChanged(Set<MapSquare<G, A, R>>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModelListener
Squares of a map have changed.
- mapTileChoose() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.TilePanel
Action method for choosing the path.
- mapTileClear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.TilePanel
Action method for deleting the path.
- MapTilePanel - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane
A MapTilePanel extends a
with a border and makes focus
traversal work within the map tile pane.
- MapTilePanel(int, int[], TilePanel, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.MapTilePanel
Creates a new instance.
- mapTileRevert() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.TilePanel
Action method for reverting to stored path.
- mapTilesAttach() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.AbstractMapTilePane
Action method for tiles attaching automatically.
- mapTilesClear() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.AbstractMapTilePane
Action method for tiles clearing paths.
- MapTransactionListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Interface for listeners listening on map transactions of
- MapUserListenerManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapuserlistener
- MapUserListenerManager(ToolPalette<G, A, R>, MapViewsManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapuserlistener.MapUserListenerManager
Creates a new instance.
- MapValidationError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Base Class for validation errors on maps.
- MapValidationError(MapModel<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MapValidationError
Creates a new instance.
- MapValidator<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation
Interface for Map Validators.
- MapValidatorPreferences - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs
Preferences Module for map validator preferences.
- MapValidatorPreferences(DelegatingMapValidator<?, ?, ?>, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.MapValidatorPreferences
Creates a new instance.
- MapView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview
A map view consists of a map grid and a map cursor, and is attached to a map
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AddBookmarkAction
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.GrowSelectionAction
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShrinkSelectionAction
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.actions.AbstractServerActions
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.exitconnector.ExitConnectorController
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManagerListener
This event handler is called when a map view is to be closed.
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsListener
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
- mapViewClosing(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMapCursorAction
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AddBookmarkAction
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.GrowSelectionAction
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShrinkSelectionAction
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.actions.AbstractServerActions
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.exitconnector.ExitConnectorController
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManagerListener
This event handler is called when a map view was created.
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsListener
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
- mapViewCreated(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
- MapViewFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview
A factory for creating
- MapViewManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview
Maintains all map views.
- MapViewManager() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManager
- MapViewManagerListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview
Interface for listeners interested in events related to
- mapViewRaise(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsListener
has been moved to the top.
- MapViews<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview
- MapViews() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViews
- MapViewSettings - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings
Container for settings that affect the rendering of maps.
- MapViewSettingsListener - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings
Interface for event listeners that are interested in changes on
- MapViewsListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview
- MapViewsManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview
- MapViewsManager(MapViewSettings, MapViewFactory<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>, PathManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsManager
Creates a new instance.
- MapWriter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
Interface for classes that write map files.
- markModified() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- markModified() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Marks this game object as "modified".
- markTokens(Segment, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.TokenMarker
A wrapper for the lower-level markTokensImpl
method that is
called to split a line up into tokens.
- markTokensImpl(byte, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.CrossfireDialogTokenMarker
- markTokensImpl(byte, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.CTokenMarker
- markTokensImpl(byte, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.DaimoninAITokenMarker
- markTokensImpl(byte, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.EmptyTokenMarker
- markTokensImpl(byte, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.HTMLTokenMarker
- markTokensImpl(byte, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.LuaTokenMarker
- markTokensImpl(byte, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.PythonTokenMarker
- markTokensImpl(byte, Segment) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.TokenMarker
An abstract method that splits a line up into tokens.
- MaskChangeAL<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
ActionListener for the change buttons of bitmasks.
- MaskChangeAL(String, DialogAttributeBitmask<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.MaskChangeAL
- massChange() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Mass change" was selected from the Edit menu.
- massChangeCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MassChangeDialog
Action method to close the dialog with "Cancel".
- MassChangeDialog - Class in net.sf.gridarta.mainactions
Displays a dialog asking for parameters for the "mass change" function.
- MassChangeDialog() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MassChangeDialog
Creates a new instance.
- massChangeOkay() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MassChangeDialog
Action method to close the dialog with "OK".
- match(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.AbstractFilterConfig
- match(C, GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.Filter
Tells whether we got a match on specific
- match(GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.FilterConfig
Tells whether we got a match on specific
- match(NamedFilterConfig, GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilter
- match(NamedGameObjectMatcherFilterConfig, GameObject<?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedGameObjectMatcherFilter
- match(ErrorGenerator<G, A, R>, Iterable<String>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks.KeywordValidator
Processes a @match line.
- match(ErrorGenerator<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks.MagicEarValidator
Processes a @match line.
- match() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks.ReplyValidator
Processes a @match line.
- match(ErrorGenerator<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks.TextValidator
Processes a @match line.
- MatchCriteria<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.select
Criteria for game object matchers.
- matches(Attributes) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeDefinition
Returns whether a base object matches this attribute definition.
- matches(Attributes) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributesDefinition
Checks whether an
instance matches all type
- matches(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeType
Checks whether a
matches all type attributes.
- matches(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.select.ArchetypeNameMatchCriteria
- matches(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.select.AttributeOtherValueMatchCriteria
- matches(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.select.AttributeValueMatchCriteria
- matches(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.select.MatchCriteria
- matches(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.select.ObjectNameMatchCriteria
- MathUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Utility class for mathematical functions.
- MAX_HIGHLIGHT - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterControl
- MAX_SUB_LAYERS - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
- maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.DirectionLayout
- MenuEntries - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor
List of menu entries (all CFPython commands).
- MenuEntries() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.MenuEntries
Creates a new instance.
- MenuItemCreator - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter
Creates menu items for
- MenuItemCreator(FilterConfig<?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.MenuItemCreator
Creates a new instance.
- MenuUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils
Utility class implementing menu related functions.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.StackLayout
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.DirectionLayout
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.ScrollLayout
- MiscPreferences - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs
Preferences Module for miscellaneous preferences.
- MiscPreferences(ExitConnectorModel, ProjectSettings, EditorSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.MiscPreferences
Creates a new instance.
- MissingAttributeException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype
An Exception
thrown if an attribute key does not exist.
- MissingAttributeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.MissingAttributeException
Creates a new instance.
- MobOutsideSpawnPointChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
GameObjectValidator to assert that mobs are not outside spawn points.
- MobOutsideSpawnPointChecker(ValidatorPreferences, Integer...) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.MobOutsideSpawnPointChecker
Creates a new instance.
- MobOutsideSpawnPointError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
A MapValidator that checks for mobs outside spawn points.
- MobOutsideSpawnPointError(G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.MobOutsideSpawnPointError
Creates a new instance.
- mod(int, int) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.MathUtils
Calculates the remainder of a/b
- ModelUpdater<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare
Updates a
instance to reflect the contents of a
- ModelUpdater(DefaultListModel<G>, MapViewSettings) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.ModelUpdater
Creates a new instance.
- modifiedChanged() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModelListener
The modified flag has changed.
- modifyEventPath() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.ScriptedEvent
Set event path and plugin name according to user input from popup
- modifyEventPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- modifyEventPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- modifyEventPath() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- modifyEventScript(int, ScriptTask, JList<String>, MapManager<?, ?, ?>, Frame, Iterable<G>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ScriptArchDataUtils
If there is a scripted event of the specified type, the script pad is
opened and the appropriate script displayed.
- modifyMapProperties() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.AbstractMapTilePane
Invoke this method if the dialog using this pane is confirmed with OK to
write the information from this pane back to the map.
- MonsterCellRenderer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview
- MonsterCellRenderer() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.MonsterCellRenderer
- MonsterControl<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview
The controller of the monster view control.
- MonsterControl(MapViewManager<G, A, R>, DelayedMapModelListenerManager<G, A, R>, GameObjectMatcher) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.MonsterControl
Creates a new instance.
- MonsterView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview
The view of the connection view control.
- MonsterView(MapViewManager<G, A, R>, DelayedMapModelListenerManager<G, A, R>, GameObjectMatcher) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.MonsterView
Creates a new instance.
- MouseOpEvent<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event
A MouseOpEvent is an event triggered for a MouseOpListener.
- MouseOpEvent(MapView<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
Creates an empty instance.
- MouseOpListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event
Interface for Mouse Operations.
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.ClosingListener
- moveArchetypeChooserToFront() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.DefaultObjectChooser
- moveArchetypeChooserToFront() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooser
Move the Archetype Chooser in front of the Pickmap Chooser.
- moveBottom(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Moves a game object to bottom.
- moveBottom() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- moveBottom() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Move this GameObject bottom.
- moveCursorEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
Action method for "move cursor east".
- moveCursorNorth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
Action method for "move cursor north".
- moveCursorNorthEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
Action method for "move cursor north east".
- moveCursorNorthWest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
Action method for "move cursor north west".
- moveCursorSouth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
Action method for "move cursor south".
- moveCursorSouthEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
Action method for "move cursor south east".
- moveCursorSouthWest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
Action method for "move cursor south west".
- moveCursorWest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
Action method for "move cursor west".
- moved(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpListener
Mouse was moved.
- moved(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.DeletionTool
- moved(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.InsertionTool
- moved(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.SelectionTool
- moved(MouseOpEvent<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.VoidTool
- moveDown(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Moves a game object down.
- moveDown() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- moveDown() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Move this GameObject down.
- moveEnv(G, Point, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- moveEnv(G, Point, G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
- moveInv(G, GameObject<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- moveInv(G, GameObject<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Moves a
to the inventory of another game object.
- movePickmapChooserToFront() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.DefaultObjectChooser
- movePickmapChooserToFront() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooser
Move the Pickmap Chooser in front of the Archetype Chooser.
- moveSquareBottom() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareBottomAction
Action method that moves the selected game object to the bottom.
- MoveSquareBottomAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- MoveSquareBottomAction(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareBottomAction
Creates a new instance.
- moveSquareDown() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareDownAction
Action method for moving an arch down within its square.
- MoveSquareDownAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- MoveSquareDownAction(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareDownAction
Creates a new instance.
- moveSquareEnv() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareEnvAction
Action method that moves the selected game object to its environment.
- MoveSquareEnvAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- MoveSquareEnvAction(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareEnvAction
Creates a new instance.
- moveSquareInv() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareInvAction
Action method that moves the selected game object to its inventory.
- MoveSquareInvAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- MoveSquareInvAction(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareInvAction
Creates a new instance.
- moveSquareNext() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareNextAction
Action method that selects the next game object.
- MoveSquareNextAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- MoveSquareNextAction(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareNextAction
Creates a new instance.
- moveSquarePrev() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquarePrevAction
Action method that selects the previous game object.
- MoveSquarePrevAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- MoveSquarePrevAction(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquarePrevAction
Creates a new instance.
- moveSquareTop() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareTopAction
Action method that moves the selected game object to the top.
- MoveSquareTopAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- MoveSquareTopAction(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareTopAction
Creates a new instance.
- moveSquareUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareUpAction
Action method for moving an arch up within its square.
- MoveSquareUpAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- MoveSquareUpAction(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, MapManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.MoveSquareUpAction
Creates a new instance.
- moveTab(Tab, Location) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonLists
Moves a
to a new location.
- moveTab(Tab, Location) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.TabbedPanel
Moves the tab to the given location.
- MoveToActions - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel
Defines ActionMethods
to move tab locations.
- MoveToActions(Tab, TabbedPanel) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.MoveToActions
Creates a new instance.
- moveTop(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Moves a game object to top.
- moveTop() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- moveTop() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Move this GameObject top.
- moveUp(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
Moves a game object up.
- moveUp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- moveUp() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Move this GameObject up.
- MsgTextTab<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes
The "Msg Text" tab in the game object attributes panel.
- MsgTextTab(GameObjectAttributesModel<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.MsgTextTab
Creates a new instance.
- MultiArchData<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>,T extends BaseObject<G,A,R,T>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
Class related to
to store multi-part information.
- MultiArchData(T, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Creates a new instance.
- MultiPositionData - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
The MultiPositionData class stores an array of numbers which is required in
order to calculate display positions of ISO multi-part objects.
- MultiPositionData(IsoMapSquareInfo) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionData
Creates a new instance.
- MultiPositionEntry - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject
Encapsulated information about a multi-square image.
- MultiPositionEntry(IsoMapSquareInfo, Dimension) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiPositionEntry
Creates a new instance.
- MutableNameGameObjectMatcher - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
- MutableNameGameObjectMatcher(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.MutableNameGameObjectMatcher
Creates a new instance.
- MutableOrGameObjectMatcher - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
- MutableOrGameObjectMatcher(boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.MutableOrGameObjectMatcher
Creates a new instance.
- SameMapException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Exception thrown if the destination path points to the source map.
- SameMapException() - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.SameMapException
- sanitizeCurrentDirectory(JFileChooser) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.FileChooserUtils
Makes sure the current directory of a JFileChooser
is valid.
- save() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.PickmapState
Saves this pickmap.
- save() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
Saves the contents to preferences if modified since last save.
- save(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.DefaultFileControl
- save(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- save(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
Saves the state to an ObjectOutputStream
- save(Appendable, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.AbstractGameObjectParser
- save(Appendable, G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.io.GameObjectParser
Write a game object object to a stream.
- save(Appendable, A, MapFile) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.io.MapArchObjectParser
Write a map arch object to a stream.
- save() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.DefaultMapControl
- save() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.MapControl
Saves the map to a file.
- save(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.FileControl
Save one map.
- Save - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions
Action listener for SAVE actions.
- Save(ScriptEditControl) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.Save
Creates a new instance.
- save(Appendable, MapArchObject, MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.io.MapArchObjectParser
- save(Appendable, MapArchObject, MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.io.MapArchObjectParser
- save(Appendable, MapArchObject, MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.io.MapArchObjectParser
- saveActiveTab() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditControl
Save the active script-tab to the stored file path.
- saveAllMaps() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SaveAllMapsAction
Saves all modified maps.
- saveAllMaps() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.DefaultFileControl
- saveAllMaps() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.FileControl
Saves all maps.
- SaveAllMapsAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- SaveAllMapsAction(DefaultFileControl<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.SaveAllMapsAction
Creates a new instance.
- saveAllPlugins() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginController
Saves all modified plugins.
- saveAlphaType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- saveAlphaType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.DefaultMapViewSettings
- saveAlways() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
Saves the contents to preferences.
- saveAs(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.DefaultFileControl
- saveAs(MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.DefaultMapControl
- saveAs(MapFile) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.MapControl
Saves the file with the given map file.
- saveAs(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.FileControl
Asks the user for a filename, then saves the map.
- saveAsActiveTab() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditControl
Open a file browser and prompt the user for a location/name to store this
- saveAsCsv(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesTableModel
Saves the current contents as a CSV file.
- saveAutoCreateExit(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- saveAutoCreateExit(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.DefaultExitConnectorModel
- saveAutojoin(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
Saves the autojoin value.
- saveAutojoin(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.DefaultMapViewSettings
- saved(DefaultMapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcontrol.MapControlListener
The map file has been saved.
- saveDoubleFaces(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- saveDoubleFaces(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.DefaultMapViewSettings
- SavedSquares<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel
Records a set of changed map squares.
- SavedSquares(GameObjectFactory<G, A, R>, GameObjectMatchers) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.SavedSquares
Creates a new instance.
- saveEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.DefaultValidatorPreferences
- saveEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.ValidatorPreferences
Saves the "enabled" attribute.
- saveEntry(int, String, String, String, MapMenuLoader.Type) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuLoader
Saves an entry to preferences.
- saveExitArchetypeName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- saveExitArchetypeName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.DefaultExitConnectorModel
- saveGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- saveGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.DefaultMapViewSettings
- saveIndices() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- saveIndices() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Returns whether indices should be saved to disk.
- saveLightVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- saveLightVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.DefaultMapViewSettings
- saveLocation() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.GSplitPane
Saves the current divider location into the preferences.
- saveLocked(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings.AbstractPickmapSettings
- saveLocked(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings.DefaultPickmapSettings
- saveMap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapFileActions
Invoked when the user wants to save the map.
- saveMapAs() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapFileActions
Invoked when the user wants to save the map to a file.
- saveNumEntries(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuLoader
Sets the number of entries present in the preferences.
- savePasteExitName(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- savePasteExitName(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.DefaultExitConnectorModel
- savePickmap() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
Saves the current active pickmap.
- savePlugin(Plugin<G, A, R>, File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginModel
Saves a plugin to a given file.
- savePluginAs(Plugin<G, A, R>, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginController
Prompts the user for a file name to save a plugin.
- savePlugins() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.SavePluginsAction
Saves all unsaved plugins.
- SavePluginsAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts
The action for saving modified plugins.
- SavePluginsAction(PluginController<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.SavePluginsAction
Creates a new instance.
- saveShortcuts() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsManager
Saves all shortcuts to the preferences.
- saveSmoothing(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- saveSmoothing(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.DefaultMapViewSettings
- saveTileStretching(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- saveTileStretching(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.DefaultMapViewSettings
- scaleImage(File, Image, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapimagecache.MapImageCacheEntry
Scales an Image
to the given size and updates the cache.
- scaleImage(Image, int, int) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ImageUtils
Returns a scaled version of an Image
- scanGameObjectForConnections(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.ConnectionView
- scanGameObjectForConnections(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.LockedItemsView
- scanGameObjectForConnections(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.MonsterView
- scanGameObjectForConnections(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.connectionview.View
Scans the given game object for connections.
- scheduleAllMapModels() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.delayedmapmodel.DelayedMapModelListenerManager
- ScriptArchData<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts
Stores and manages information about scripted events.
- ScriptArchDataUtils<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts
- ScriptArchDataUtils(int, ScriptArchUtils, ScriptedEventFactory<G, A, R>, ScriptedEventEditor<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ScriptArchDataUtils
Creates a new instance.
- ScriptArchEditor<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts
Dialog to create events linked to item scripting.
- ScriptArchEditor(ScriptedEventFactory<G, A, R>, String, String, ScriptArchUtils, FileFilter, ProjectSettings, MapManager<?, ?, ?>, PathManager, ScriptEditControl) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ScriptArchEditor
Creates a new instance.
- ScriptArchUtils - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts
- ScriptedEvent<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts
Class which stores information about one scripted event.
- ScriptedEventEditor<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts
Dialog to edit events linked to item scripting.
- ScriptedEventEditor(ProjectSettings, ScriptEditControl) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ScriptedEventEditor
Creates a new instance.
- ScriptedEventFactory<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts
- scriptEditClose() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "close".
- scriptEditCloseAll() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "close all".
- ScriptEditControl - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor
ScriptEditControl - Manages events and data flow for the script editor
- ScriptEditControl(FileFilter, String, Frame, File, Preferences, Exiter, AppPreferencesModel, ScriptEditControlCallback) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditControl
- ScriptEditControlCallback - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor
- scriptEditCopy() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "copy".
- scriptEditCut() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "cut".
- scriptEditFind() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "find".
- scriptEditFindAgain() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "find again".
- scriptEditNewScript() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "new script".
- scriptEditOpen() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "open".
- scriptEditPaste() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "paste".
- scriptEditRedo() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditUndoActions
Action method for "redo".
- scriptEditReplace() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "replace".
- scriptEditSave() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "save".
- scriptEditSaveAs() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.Actions
Action for "save as".
- scriptEditUndo() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditUndoActions
Action method for "undo".
- ScriptEditUndoActions - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor
Implements undo and redo actions.
- ScriptEditUndoActions() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditUndoActions
- ScriptEditView - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor
The script editor frame.
- ScriptEditView(ScriptEditControl, Frame, Preferences, Exiter) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
Builds a frame but keep it hidden (it is shown when first file is
- SCRIPTS_DIR - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.IGUIConstants
The directory that contains all scripts.
- SCRIPTS_DIR - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.IGUIConstants
The directory that contains all scripts.
- SCRIPTS_DIR - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.IGUIConstants
The directory that contains all scripts.
- ScriptTask - Enum in net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts
- ScriptUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts
- ScrollingTextPane - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor
A JTextPane
that always extends horizontally.
- ScrollingTextPane() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor.ScrollingTextPane
- ScrollLayout - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea
- ScrollLayout(Container) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.ScrollLayout
- scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.MapRenderer
Ensures that a rectangular area is visible.
- ScrollToVisibleFocusListener - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
- ScrollToVisibleFocusListener() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.ScrollToVisibleFocusListener
- select(Point, SelectionMode) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Selects or deselects a single square.
- select(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Selects from the start offset to the end offset.
- selectAbove(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
- selectAll() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxEditor
- selectAll() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
Invoked when the user wants to select all squares from a map.
- selectAll() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Marks all squares as selected.
- selectAll() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Selects all text in the document.
- selectArchAbove() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SelectArchAboveAction
Action method for "select arch above".
- selectArchAbove() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SelectArchBelowAction
Action method for "select arch above".
- SelectArchAboveAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that selects the game object above the current game
- SelectArchAboveAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.SelectArchAboveAction
- SelectArchBelowAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that selects the game object below the current game
- SelectArchBelowAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.SelectArchBelowAction
- selectArchetype(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserControl
Select an archetype.
- selectArchetype(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypePanel
Selects an archetype.
- selectArea(Point, Point, SelectionMode) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Selects or deselects all squares in an area.
- selectBelow(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
- selectButton(AbstractButton) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonList
Selects a button.
- selectButton(AbstractButton, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.DoubleButtonList
Selects a button.
- selectDocEnd - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectDocHome - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectedArchetypeChanged(R) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserFolderListener
- selectedArchetypeChanged(R) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModelListener
The selected archetype has changed.
- selectedArchetypeChanged(R) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanelListener
- selectedButtonChanged(AbstractButton, AbstractButton) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.ButtonListListener
The selected button has changed.
- selectedFolderChanged(ArchetypeChooserFolder<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModelListener
The selected folder has changed.
- selectedFolderChanged(ArchetypeChooserFolder<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanelListener
- selectedGameObjectChanged(G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesModelListener
Called whenever the selected game object has changed.
- selectedPanelChanged(ArchetypeChooserPanel<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModelListener
The selected panel has changed.
- SelectedSquareModel<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare
The model component of the selected square control.
- SelectedSquareModel() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareModel
- SelectedSquareModelListener<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare
- SelectedSquareView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare
The panel that displays the game objects of the currently selected map
- SelectedSquareView(SelectedSquareModel<G, A, R>, GameObjectAttributesDialogFactory<G, A, R>, ObjectChooser<G, A, R>, MapViewManager<G, A, R>, MapViewSettings, ImageIcon, FaceObjectProviders, Icon, Action...) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareView
Creates a new instance.
- selectEnd - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectHome - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectionChanged(BaseObject<G, A, R, ?>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooserListener
- selectionChanged(MapSquare<G, A, R>, G) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareModelListener
The selected game object has changed.
- selectionForKey(char, ComboBoxModel) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.StringKeyManager
- SelectionMode - Enum in net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid
Modes that describe how squares get selected.
- SelectionTool<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools
Tool for Selection.
- SelectionTool(ObjectChooser<G, A, R>, InsertionModeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.SelectionTool
Creates a new instance.
- selectNextChar - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectNextLine - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectNextPage - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectNextWord - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectPrevChar - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectPrevLine - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectPrevPage - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectPrevWord - Variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
- selectSquare() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SelectSquareAction
Toggles the current pre-selection in the selection.
- SelectSquareAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that toggles the current pre-selection in the
- SelectSquareAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.SelectSquareAction
- selectTab(GameObjectAttributesTab<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControl
Selects a tab.
- SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapPath
A Pattern
to split a map path's string representation into
- set(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaBrackets
Sets the highlighted bracket.
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AbstractMoveSquareAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AddBookmarkAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.AddToSelectionAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ArchAttributesAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.BrowseArchetypesAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.CleanCompletelyBlockedSquaresAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.CloseAllMapsAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.CollectArchesAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.CollectSpellsAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ControlClientAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ControlServerAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.DeleteArchAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.DisplayArchetypeNamesAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.DisplayGameObjectNamesAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.DisplayIconsOnlyAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.EditScriptAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ExitAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.ExportMapAsImageAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.FindArchetypesAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.GcAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.GoLocationAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.GrowSelectionAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.InsertArchAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.LightVisibleAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ManageBookmarksAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.NewMapAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.OpenFileAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.OptionsAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ReleaseDragAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ReloadFacesAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SaveAllMapsAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SelectArchAboveAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SelectArchBelowAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SelectSquareAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShortcutsAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShowHelpAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShrinkSelectionAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.StartStopDragAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SubFromSelectionAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.TipOfTheDayAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ValidateMapAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ViewTreasurelistsAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ZoomAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.actions.AbstractServerActions
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialogManager
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialogManager
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginController
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginManagerFactory
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.exitconnector.ExitConnectorController
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapFileActions
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.viewaction.ViewActions
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapcursor.MapCursorActions
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapdesktop.MapDesktop
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTreeActions
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.About
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.MainViewActions
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.ImportPluginAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.scripts.SavePluginsAction
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.undo.UndoControl
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditControl
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.updater.UpdaterManager
- setAction(Action, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.utils.EditorAction
Sets the Action
instance for this editor action.
- setActionNextFocus(JTextField, Component) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.TextComponentUtils
Transfers the focus to another component when ENTER is pressed.
- setActionShortcut(Action, KeyStroke) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ActionUtils
Sets the shortcut of an Action
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserControl
- setActive(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchooser.ObjectChooserTab
Called whenever this tab becomes active or inactive.
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
- setActiveMapFolder(MapFolder<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTree
Sets the active map folder.
- setActiveMapView(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewManager
Sets the active map view.
- setAlphaType(int, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- setAlphaType(int, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Sets whether the specified edit type is to be shown transparent.
- setAlternativeLocation(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Sets whether the button is shown in the alternative location.
- setAnimName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AnimationComponent
Sets the current animation name.
- setArchDirectory(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- setArchDirectory(File) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Sets the archetype directory.
- setArchetype(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- setArchetype(R) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Set the Archetype of this GameObject.
- setArchetypeName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- setArchetypeName(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Sets the name of this archetype.
- setArmed(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tristate.TristateButtonModel
- setArtifact() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- setArtifact() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Converts this game object into an artifact.
- setAttributeInt(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setAttributeInt(String, int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.Attributes
Sets an int value attribute.
- setAttributeString(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setAttributeString(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Sets the String of an archetype attribute in the objectText.
- setAttributeValue(String, boolean, String, AbstractBaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectText
Updates an attribute's value.
- setAutoBoot(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Sets whether this plugin is run whenever the editor starts.
- setAutoCreateExit(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- setAutoCreateExit(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
Sets whether exit game objects should be auto-created when needed.
- setAutoGeneratePreviews(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.MapPreviewAccessory
Switch automatic preview generation.
- setAutoJoin(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "autoJoin".
- setAutojoin(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- setAutojoin(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Sets the "autojoin" state.
- setAutoSelectOnFocus(JTextComponent) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.TextComponentUtils
Selects all text of a JTextComponent
when the component gains the
- setAutoUpdate(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.prefs.UpdatePreferences
Sets the auto-update state.
- setBackgroundMusic(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the name of the background music.
- setBackgroundMusic(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the background music to play.
- setBackgroundMusic(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the name of the background music.
- setBitmask(AttributeBitmask) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBitmask
- setBlink(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaCaret
- setButton(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
Sets the mouse button that changed.
- setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.CFPythonPopup
Set the caret position where this menu has been invoked.
- setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Sets the caret position.
- setCaretVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaCaret
Sets if the caret should be visible.
- setChance(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Sets the chance attribute.
- setClickCount(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
- setClient(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Sets the client setting.
- setCode(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Sets the executable code of this plugin.
- setCommand(String[]) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ProcessRunner
Sets the command to be executed by this ProcessRunner.
- setComponent(Location, Component, boolean, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.BorderPanel
Sets the optional Component
for a location.
- setConfigSourceName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- setConfigSourceName(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Sets the name of the configuration source.
- setContainer(GameObjectContainer<G, A, R>, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.AbstractGameObject
- setContainer(GameObjectContainer<G, A, R>, int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.GameObject
Sets container of this GameObject.
- setCurrentDirectory(JFileChooser, File) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.FileChooserUtils
Calls JFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(File)
- setCurrentDocument(Document) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditUndoActions
Sets the current document.
- setCurrentLine(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks.ErrorGenerator
Sets the line currently being analyzed.
- setCurrentLineIndex(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Sets the currently painted line.
- setCurrentMap(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
- setCurrentMap(MapControl<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.MapManager
Sets the given map as the current one.
- setCurrentMapView(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapdesktop.MapDesktop
Sets the given level view as the current one.
- setCurrentSaveMapDirectory(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultVolatileSettings
- setCurrentSaveMapDirectory(File) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.VolatileSettings
Sets the default directory for saving maps.
- setCursor(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Highlights the given cursor position.
- setCursorLocation(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.AbstractMapView
- setCursorLocation(Point) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Sets the cursor location.
- setDarkness(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setDarkness(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the light / darkness of this map.
- setDeletionToolExceptionsIgnoreFloors(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.DeletionTool
Sets whether floors should not be deleted.
- setDeletionToolExceptionsIgnoreMonsters(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.DeletionTool
Sets whether monsters should not be deleted.
- setDeletionToolExceptionsIgnoreWalls(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.DeletionTool
Sets whether walls should not be deleted.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPluginParameter
- setDescription(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
Sets the user-provided description of the value for the user interface.
- setDifficulty(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setDifficulty(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the map's difficulty.
- setDifficulty(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
- setDifficulty(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
- setDifficulty(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DoubleImageFilter
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.StretchedImageFilter
- setDirection(Integer) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
Sets the default direction for game objects created from archetypes.
- setDisplayMode(DisplayMode<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
Updates the display mode.
- setDividerLocation(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.GSplitPane
- setDoubleFaces(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Sets whether double faces on the current map should be shown.
- setDoubleFaces(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- setDoubleFaces(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Sets whether double faces should be drawn double height.
- setEditingFocus() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Sets the focus to this TextArea, so this component is instantly
registered for key press events.
- setEditor(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Sets the editor setting.
- setEditorFolder(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- setEditorFolder(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Set the editor folder.
- setEditType(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setEditType(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Sets the edit type.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.autovalidator.AutoValidator
Set whether the auto-validator is enabled.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AnimationComponent
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AnimTreeChooseAction
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.DirectionComponent
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.FaceComponent
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.FaceTreeChooseAction
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.JFileField
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tristate.TristateButtonModel
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.AbstractFilterConfig
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.FilterConfig
Enables or disables the filter.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.AbstractValidator
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.Validator
Set whether this Validator should be enabled.
- SetEnabledAction - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
Action for adding / removing a
from this a
- SetEnabledAction(MutableOrGameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.SetEnabledAction
Creates a new instance.
- setEncodedValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBitmask
Set the active bitmask value in external file representation.
- setEnterX(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setEnterX(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the enter x coordinate.
- setEnterY(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setEnterY(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the enter y coordinate.
- setErroneousMapSquares(Map<MapSquare<G, A, R>, ValidationError<G, A, R>>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractMapRenderer
Sets the MapSquares that are known to contain errors.
- setError(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapgrid.MapGrid
Sets the error flag at given coordinates.
- setErrors(ErrorCollector<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- setErrors(ErrorCollector<G, A, R>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Sets the errors in this map.
- setEventData(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.scripts.AbstractScriptedEvent
- setEventData(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- setEventData(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- setEventData(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.scripts.DefaultScriptedEvent
- setExitArchetypeName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- setExitArchetypeName(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
Sets the archetype name for creating exit game objects.
- setExitLocation(ExitLocation) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- setExitLocation(ExitLocation) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
Sets the remembered exit location.
- setExportMapAsImageIncludeTiledMaps(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.exportmap.ExportMapAsImageDialog
Sets whether to include tiled maps in the image.
- setFaceName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.FaceComponent
Sets the current face name.
- setFalseText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.BooleanParameter
Sets the string representation of the "false" value.
- setFile(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.JFileField
Sets the currently selected file.
- setFile(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPathParameter
Sets the current File
- setFile(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapPathParameter
Sets the value from a File
- setFile(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Sets the location to save this plugin to.
- setFileControl(FileControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsManager
- setFileControl(FileControl<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmanager.AbstractMapManager
- setFilter(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxModel
- setFilter(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Sets whether this plugin is a filter.
- setFirstLine(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Sets the line displayed at the text area's origin without updating the
scroll bars.
- setFirstLine(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
- setFirstLoad(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the timestamp the Crossfire server has loaded this map.
- setFixedLogin(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the fixed login attribute.
- setFixedLogin(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the fixed login attribute.
- setFixedReset(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setFixedReset(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets whether this map uses a fixed reset.
- setFixedResetTime(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the fixed reset time attribute.
- setFocus(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViews
- setFocus(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapViewsManager
- setFont(Font) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Set the TextArea font
- setFont(Font) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
- setGameObject(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
- setGraphicsFlags(Graphics, Font) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxStyle
Sets the text color and font of the specified graphics context to that
specified in this style.
- setGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Sets whether the grid of the current map should be visible.
- setGridVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- setGridVisible(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Set the visibility of the grid.
- setHasLoop(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Sets whether this treasure object contains itself.
- setHeightDiff(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the height diff attribute.
- setHighlightedSquare(int, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.filter.FilterState
Sets the highlighted state for a given path.
- setHints(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DoubleImageFilter
- setHints(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.StretchedImageFilter
- setHorizontalOffset(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
- setHumidity(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the humidity.
- setId(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
Sets the event type.
- setId(byte) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
Sets the id of this token.
- setId(byte) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.Node
Sets the id to return for this node.
- setImageDirectory(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultVolatileSettings
- setImageDirectory(File) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.VolatileSettings
Sets the directory to save created image to.
- setImageSet(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- setImageSet(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Sets the image set.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapdesktop.WindowAction
Sets the index of this action so this Action knows what Mnemonic and
Accelerator to use.
- setIndex(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.TabButtonAction
Sets the accelerator index.
- setInterpreterValues(Interpreter, PluginRunMode) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.PluginParameters
Adds variables to a Interpreter
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilterConfig
Sets whether the filter should match if all sub-filters match or if at
least one sub-filter does not match.
- setItem(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxEditor
- setKey(EditorSettingsKey, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultEditorSettings
- setKey(EditorSettingsKey, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Saves a settings value.
- setLabel(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AsynchronousProgress
- setLength(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.Token
Sets the length of this token.
- setLightRadius(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
Sets the maximum light radius of all light emitting objects within this
map square.
- setLightVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.LightVisibleAction
Sets whether the light of the current map should be visible.
- setLightVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.AbstractMapRenderer
- setLightVisible(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.MapRenderer
- setLightVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- setLightVisible(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Set the visibility of the light.
- setListType(TreasureListTreasureObjType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureListTreasureObj
Sets the list type.
- setLoadedFromArchive(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.ArchetypeSet
Sets whether Archetypes were loaded from an archive.
- setLoadedFromArchive(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypeset.DefaultArchetypeSet
- setLocation(Location) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Sets the tab's location.
- setLocation(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Move cursor to a new location.
- setLocationSafe(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
Move cursor to a new location.
- setLockAllPickmaps(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
Sets whether all pickmaps are locked.
- setLocked(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings.AbstractPickmapSettings
- setLocked(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.pickmapsettings.PickmapSettings
Sets whether pickmaps are immutable.
- setLore(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the map lore.
- setLoreText(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setLoreText(CharSequence) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Sets the map lore.
- setLoreText(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype.DefaultArchetypeBuilder
- setLowestPart(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- setLowestPart(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Sets whether this part has the smallest y coordinate when painting the
- setMagic(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Sets the magic attribute.
- setMagicCaret(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaConfig
- setMagicCaretPosition(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Sets the `magic' caret position.
- setMapFile(MapFile) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.DefaultMapModel
- setMapFile(MapFile) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapModel
Sets the map file.
- setMapLocation(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
- setMapName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setMapName(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the map name.
- setMapsDirectory(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- setMapsDirectory(File) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Sets the default maps directory.
- setMapSize(Size2D) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setMapSize(Size2D) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the map size.
- setMapSizeDefault(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialog
Set whether to override the default map size.
- setMapSizeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractMapsizeNewMapDialog
Enables or disables the map size input fields.
- setMapSquare(MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapcursor.MapCursor
- setMapX(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setMapX(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Sets the X coordinate of this GameObject on its map.
- setMapY(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setMapY(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Sets the Y coordinate of this GameObject on its map.
- setMax(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.ExportMapProgress
Sets the number of tiled maps that have been discovered so far.
- setMax(double) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameter
Sets the maximal allowed value.
- setMax(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameter
Sets the maximal allowed value.
- setMaxUndoStates(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.undo.UndoControl
Sets the maximum number of undo states saved for each map.
- setMediaDirectory(File) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- setMediaDirectory(File) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Sets the media directory.
- setMenu(JMenu) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginView
Set the menu to add script commands to.
- setMenu(Container) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.viewaction.ViewActions
Sets the menu to add the actions to.
- setMenu(JMenu) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuManager
Sets the menu to update.
- setMin(double) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameter
Sets the minimal allowed value.
- setMin(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameter
Sets the minimal allowed value.
- setModel(ButtonModel) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tristate.TristateCheckBox
- setModified() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
Marks this map arch object as changed.
- setModifiers(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.event.MouseOpEvent
- setMsgText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetypeBuilder
- setMsgText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setMsgText(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Sets the message text.
- setMulti(MultiArchData<G, A, R, T>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setMulti(MultiArchData<G, A, R, T>) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
- setMultiPartNr(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- setMultiPartNr(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Sets the multi part id.
- setMultiPartNr(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.archetype.DefaultArchetypeBuilder
- setMultiPartNr(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.archetype.DefaultArchetypeBuilder
- setMultiShapeID(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- setMultiShapeID(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Sets the multi shape id.
- setMultiShapeID(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.MultiArchData
Sets the shape ID of this object.
- setMultiX(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- setMultiX(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetypeBuilder
- setMultiX(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Sets the x-position of this part of a multi-part object.
- setMultiY(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetype
- setMultiY(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.AbstractArchetypeBuilder
- setMultiY(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.archetype.Archetype
Sets the y-position of this part of a multi-part object.
- setName(V, long, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- setName(V, long, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
Associates a value with a name.
- setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.MutableNameGameObjectMatcher
Sets the archetype name to match.
- setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractPluginParameter
- setName(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
Sets the name of the parameter.
- setNoHarm(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the no harm attribute.
- setNoHarm(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the no harm attribute.
- setNoMagic(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the no magic attribute.
- setNoMagic(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the no magic attribute.
- setNoPriest(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the no priest attribute.
- setNormal(FaceProvider) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FaceObjectProviders
- setNoSave(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the no save attribute.
- setNoSave(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the no save attribute.
- setNoSmooth(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets whether this map is no smooth.
- setNoSummon(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the no summon attribute.
- setNoSummon(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the no summon attribute.
- setNrof(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.treasurelist.TreasureObj
Sets the maximum number of generated items.
- setObj(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.LineInfo
- setObjectChooser(ObjectChooser<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialogFactory
- setObjectFace() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setObjectFace() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
We set here the real face of the objects, depending on the set face and
the set animation.
- setObjectFace() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
- setObjectText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setObjectText(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
Sets objectText
as object text of this GameObject.
- setObjectText(String, AbstractBaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectText
Sets the object text.
- setOpen(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Sets the tab's open status.
- setOptionalComponent(Component, boolean, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.BorderSplitPane
Sets the optional Component
- setOutdoor(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setOutdoor(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets whether the map is an "outdoor" map.
- setOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaConfig
Sets whether overwrite mode is active.
- setOverwriteEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Sets whether overwrite mode is active.
- setParent(FaceProvider) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.FilterFaceProvider
Sets a new provider as parent.
- setPasteExitName(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.AbstractExitConnectorModel
- setPasteExitName(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.exitconnector.ExitConnectorModel
Sets whether the exit name should be updated.
- setPath(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObject
- setPath(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObject
Set the path of this AbstractNamedObject.
- setPending(V) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- setPending(V) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
Marks a value as pending.
- setPerformingRealChecks(boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.MapFileFilter
Set whether to actually perform real checks or just file endings.
- setPermDeath(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the permanent death attribute.
- setPickmapFoldersMenu(JMenu) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapfiles.MapFolderTreeActions
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DoubleImageFilter
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.DoubleImageFilter
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.StretchedImageFilter
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.StretchedImageFilter
- setPlayerNoSave(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the player no save attribute.
- setPluginEditorIsAutoRun(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditor
Action method for option to run the editor script automatically.
- setPluginIsEditorFilter(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditor
Action method for option to run the editor script automatically.
- setPluginIsScript(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginEditor
Action method for option to add the script to the plugins menu.
- setPopupMenu(JPopupMenu) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserControl
Sets the popup menu to show.
- setPopupMenu(JPopupMenu) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.pickmapchooser.PickmapChooserView
Sets the popup menu to show.
- setPressed(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tristate.TristateButtonModel
- setPressure(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the pressure.
- setProperty(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedGameObjectMatcherFilterConfig
- setPvp(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the pvp attribute.
- setPvp(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the pvp attribute.
- setRandomFillSkipAdjacentSquares(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.RandomFillDialog
Action method for "skip adjacent squares" action.
- setRegion(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the region attribute.
- setRegion(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the region the map is in.
- setRepeatCount(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.InputHandler
Sets the number of times the next action will be repeated.
- setRepeatEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.InputHandler
Sets the enabled state of repetition.
- setResetGroup(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the reset group.
- setResetTimeout(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setResetTimeout(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the reset timeout (in seconds).
- setSavedSquares(SavedSquares<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.undo.UndoState
Records the affected map squares.
- setScript(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.Plugin
Sets whether this plugin is a stand-alone plugin.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tristate.TristateButtonModel
- setSelectedArchetype(R) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserFolder
- setSelectedFolder(ArchetypeChooserFolder<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserPanel
- setSelectedGameObject(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesModel
If a game object is selected, the MapArchPanels (bottom right windows)
get updated.
- setSelectedGameObject(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareModel
- setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.archetype.ArchComboBoxModel
- setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.map.MapParameterComboBoxModel
- setSelectedMapSquare(MapSquare<G, A, R>, G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.selectedsquare.SelectedSquareModel
Sets the currently selected map square.
- setSelectedPanel(ArchetypePanel<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserView
Selects an archetype panel.
- setSelectedPanel(ArchetypeChooserPanel<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypechooser.ArchetypeChooserModel
- setSelectedText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Replaces the selection with the specified text.
- setSelectedText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Replaces the selection with the specified text.
- setSelectedTool(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.ToolSelector
Makes a tool the currently selected tool to edit its options.
- setSelection(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
- setSelectionRectangular(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Sets if the selection should be rectangular.
- setSelectionRectangular(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Sets if the selection should be rectangular.
- setSelectionToolAutoFill(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.tools.SelectionTool
Sets whether auto-fill is enabled.
- setServer(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Sets the server setting.
- setSeverity(Severity) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
- setShopGreed(double) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the greed of the shop.
- setShopItems(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the item spec for the shop.
- setShopMax(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the maximum price the shop will trade for.
- setShopMin(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the minimum price the shop will trade for.
- setShopRace(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the preferred race of the shop.
- setShowMainToolbar(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.DefaultEditorSettings
- setShowMainToolbar(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Sets whether the main toolbar should be shown.
- setShrinkMapSizeDialogEast(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
Action method for "shrinkMapSizeDialogEast".
- setShrinkMapSizeDialogSouth(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
Action method for "shrinkMapSizeDialogSouth".
- setSize(Dimension) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjecttexteditor.ScrollingTextPane
- setSize(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Sets the tab's size.
- setSky(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the sky settings.
- setSmoothing(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Sets whether smoothing of the current map is active.
- setSmoothing(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- setSmoothing(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Sets the smoothing setting.
- setSplitModeAction(ToggleAction) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.Tab
Sets the ToggleAction
to update if the "split mode" state
- setState(A) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setState(A) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Resets the state of this object to the state of the given map arch
- setState(MapArchObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
- setState(MapArchObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
- setState(MapArchObject) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
- setStatusText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.StatusBar
Sets the level status text, which usually displays arch numbers.
- setStretchedFactor(long) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.StretchedImageFilter
Set the stretch factor for this instance.
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractStringPluginParameter
Updates the parameter value.
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.BooleanParameter
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameter
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameter
- setStringValue(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.PluginParameter
Sets the parameter value from string representation.
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.StringParameter
- setStyles(SyntaxStyles) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaPainter
Sets the syntax styles used to paint colorized text.
- setSubFilterEnabled(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.filter.NamedFilterConfig
Sets whether a sub-filter is enabled.
- setSwapTime(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setSwapTime(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the swap time (in ticks).
- setTabSeverity(Severity) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.AbstractGameObjectAttributesTab
Sets the tab severity.
- setTabSplitMode(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.MoveToActions
Action method set split mode.
- setTabSplitMode(Tab, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.TabbedPanel
Toggles split mode for the given tab.
- setTemperature(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the temperature.
- setTemplate(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets whether this map is a template map.
- setText(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.maptilepane.TilePanel
Sets the text.
- setText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setText(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the map text.
- setText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.JEditTextArea
Sets the entire text of this text area.
- setText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.TextAreaSelection
Sets the entire text of this text area.
- setTextAreaDefaults(TextAreaDefaults) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditControl
- setTextAreaDefaults(TextAreaDefaults) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
- setThisContainer(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.AbstractBaseObject
- setThisContainer(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.GameObjectContainer
- setThisContainer(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapmodel.MapSquare
- setTilePath(Direction, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.AbstractMapArchObject
- setTilePath(Direction, String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets a tile path.
- setTilesetId(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the tileset id attribute.
- setTilesetId(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the tileset id.
- setTilesetX(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the tileset x attribute.
- setTilesetX(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the tileset x coordinate.
- setTilesetY(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the tileset y attribute.
- setTilesetY(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the tileset y coordinate.
- setTileShow(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "tile show".
- setTileStretching(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Sets whether tile-stretching of the current map is active.
- setTileStretching(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.AbstractMapViewSettings
- setTileStretching(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettings
Sets the tile-stretching setting.
- setTileStretchingAbsolute(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.TileStretchingDialog
Action method for "absolute" action.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenuEntry
Sets the entry's title.
- setTitleAt(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
Sets the title of the tab at specified index.
- setToken(byte) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.LineInfo
- setTokenMarker(TokenMarker) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxDocument
Sets the token marker that is to be used to split lines of this document
up into tokens.
- setTristateState(TristateState) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tristate.TristateButtonModel
Sets the state.
- setTrueText(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.BooleanParameter
Sets the string representation of the "true" value.
- setType(FindType) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.FindAgain
Sets the operation to perform.
- setUltimateDeath(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the ultimate death attribute.
- setUltraDeath(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the ultra death attribute.
- setUnique(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the unique save attribute.
- setUnique(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Set whether this map is unique.
- setUserName(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.AbstractDefaultProjectSettings
- setUserName(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.ProjectSettings
Sets the user name.
- setValue(int, BufferedImage) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.action.exportmap.ExportMapProgress
Sets the number of tiled maps that have been rendered so far.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.ManageBookmarksDialog
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.exportmap.ExportMapAsImageDialog
- setValue(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.DialogAttributeBitmask
Set the active bitmask value.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.golocation.GoLocationDialog
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.AbstractNewMapDialog
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginViewPane
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.KeyStrokeDialog
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsDialog
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
- setValue(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.AsynchronousProgress
- setValue(V) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.AbstractValuePluginParameter
Updates the parameter value.
- setValue(Double) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.DoubleParameter
- setValue(Integer) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.IntegerParameter
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
- setValueToCurrent() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.MapParameter
Selects the current map.
- setViewPosition(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.DefaultMapView
Sets the view position.
- setViewPosition(Point) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapCursorTracker
Sets the view position.
- setViewPosition(Point) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapview.MapView
Sets the view position.
- setWeather(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the weather attribute.
- setWindDirection(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
sets the wind direction.
- setWindSpeed(int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.maparchobject.MapArchObject
Sets the wind speed.
- Severity - Enum in net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils
Severity levels for colors of tabs.
- severityChanged(Severity) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesControlListener
- severityChanged(Severity) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.tabbedpanel.TabListener
Called whenever the tab's severity has changed.
- shift(Direction) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.ShiftProcessor
Shifts the map contents by one square.
- shiftEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Shift East" was selected from the Edit menu.
- shiftNorth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Shift North" was selected from the Edit menu.
- shiftNorthEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Shift North East" was selected from the Edit menu.
- shiftNorthWest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Shift North West" was selected from the Edit menu.
- ShiftProcessor<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc
Performs a "shift" operation in a map: shift all selected squares into the
given direction.
- ShiftProcessor(MapViewSettings, MapView<G, A, R>, MapModel<G, A, R>, InsertionModeSet<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.ShiftProcessor
Creates a new instance.
- shiftSouth() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Shift South" was selected from the Edit menu.
- shiftSouthEast() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Shift South East" was selected from the Edit menu.
- shiftSouthWest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Shift South West" was selected from the Edit menu.
- shiftWest() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MainActions
"Shift West" was selected from the Edit menu.
- ShopSquare2Error<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
for shop tiles that have an adjacent map
square that is not blocked and does allow spells or prayers.
- ShopSquare2Error(MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ShopSquare2Error
Creates a new instance.
- ShopSquareChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
to detect shop
squares which allow magic or prayers.
- ShopSquareChecker(ValidatorPreferences, GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher, GameObjectMatcher) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.ShopSquareChecker
Creates a new instance.
- ShopSquareError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
- ShopSquareError(MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.ShopSquareError
Creates a new instance.
- shortcuts() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShortcutsAction
The action method for "shortcuts".
- ShortcutsAction - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- ShortcutsAction(ShortcutsManager, Component) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShortcutsAction
Creates a new instance.
- shortcutsDefaults() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsDialog
Action method for restore to defaults.
- ShortcutsDialog - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts
- ShortcutsDialog(Component, ShortcutsManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsDialog
Creates a new instance.
- ShortcutsManager - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts
Manager for shortcuts of all Actions
in an ActionBuilder
- ShortcutsManager(ActionBuilder) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsManager
Creates a new instance.
- shortcutsOkay() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsDialog
Action method for okay.
- shortcutsSetShortcut() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsDialog
The action method for the "set shortcut" button.
- shortcutsUnsetShortcut() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsDialog
The action method for the "set shortcut" button.
- show() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.FindArchetypesDialog
Shows the dialog.
- show() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.PluginManager
Shows the plugin manager window.
- SHOW_MAIN_TOOLBAR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettings
Default value for whether the main window's toolbar is shown.
- showAttributeDialog(G) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.GameObjectAttributesDialogFactory
Shows the game object attributes dialog for a given
- showDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.BookmarkDirectoryDialog
Opens the dialog.
- showDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.EditBookmarkDialog
Opens the dialog.
- showDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.bookmarks.ManageBookmarksDialog
Opens the dialog.
- showDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesDialog
Opens the dialog.
- showDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.browsearchetypes.BrowseArchetypesDialogManager
- showDialog(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.find.FindDialogManager
Displays the replace dialog.
- showDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.FindArchetypesDialogManager
- showDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.goexit.GoExitDialog
Opens the dialog.
- showDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gomap.GoMapDialog
Opens the dialog.
- showDialog(Component, Frame, MapModel<G, A, R>, FileFilter) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.mapproperties.MapPropertiesDialogFactory
Show a dialog querying the user for map properties.
- showDialog(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.replace.ReplaceDialogManager
Displays the replace dialog.
- showDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.KeyStrokeDialog
Opens the dialog.
- showDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsDialog
Opens the dialog.
- showDialog(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialogManager
Shows a dialog to shrink the map size.
- showDialog(MapView<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.AbstractPerMapDialogManager
Show a dialog for positioning the cursor of a map.
- showDialog(JTextComponent, Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.treasurelist.CFTreasureListTree
Shows the dialog window containing this tree.
- showDialog() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.DialogManager
Displays the dialog.
- showDialog(Frame) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ProcessRunner
Show a dialog if not already visible.
- showDialog(Component, Frame, MapModel<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, FileFilter) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.mappropertiesdialog.DefaultMapPropertiesDialogFactory
- showDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Creates and displays the map properties dialog.
- showDialog(Component, Frame, MapModel<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, FileFilter) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.mappropertiesdialog.DefaultMapPropertiesDialogFactory
- showDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Creates and displays the map properties dialog.
- showDialog(Component, Frame, MapModel<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, FileFilter) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.mappropertiesdialog.DefaultMapPropertiesDialogFactory
- showDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.gui.mappropertiesdialog.MapPropertiesDialog
Creates and displays the map properties dialog.
- showHelp() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShowHelpAction
Shows the help dialog.
- ShowHelpAction - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- ShowHelpAction(Frame) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShowHelpAction
Creates a new instance.
- showMainToolbarChanged(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.settings.EditorSettingsListener
Called whenever the visibility of the main toolbar has changed.
- showMassChangeDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.MassChangeDialog
Displays the mass change dialog.
- showMessage(String, String, int) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
Shows the given message in the UI.
- showMessage(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditView
- showNewMapDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialogFactory
Shows a dialog for creating a new map.
- showNewPickmapDialog() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialogFactory
Shows a dialog for creating a new pickmap.
- showNewPickmapFolderDialog(MapFolderTree<G, A, R>, MapFolder<G, A, R>) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.newmap.NewMapDialogFactory
Shows a dialog for creating a new pickmap folder.
- showNodeChooserDialog(Component, String, FaceObjectProviders, NamedObjects<E>) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.data.NamedObjectsUtils
Show a dialog for choosing from the object tree.
- showObjectChooserQuickObject(BaseObject<?, ?, ?, ?>, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.panel.objectchoicedisplay.ObjectChoiceDisplay
Displays information about the selected game object.
- showRandomFillDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.RandomFillDialog
Displays the random fill dialog.
- showShortcutsDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shortcuts.ShortcutsManager
Displays a dialog to edit shortcuts.
- showTileStretchingDialog(Component) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.mainactions.TileStretchingDialog
Displays the tile stretching dialog.
- SHRINK_EAST - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeUtils
Flag value: remove empty space from east border.
- SHRINK_SOUTH - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeUtils
Flag value: remove empty space from south border.
- shrinkMap(MapModel<?, ?, ?>, int) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeUtils
Removes empty squares from a map's border.
- shrinkMapSize() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.mapactions.MapActions
Action method for "shrink map size".
- ShrinkMapSizeDialog<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize
Dialog to ask which empty borders to remove from a map.
- ShrinkMapSizeDialog(ShrinkMapSizeDialogManager<G, A, R>, MapView<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
Creates a new instance.
- shrinkMapSizeDialogCancel() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
Action method for cancel.
- ShrinkMapSizeDialogManager<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize
- ShrinkMapSizeDialogManager(MapViewManager<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialogManager
Creates a new instance.
- shrinkMapSizeDialogOk() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize.ShrinkMapSizeDialog
Action method for ok.
- ShrinkMapSizeUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.shrinkmapsize
Utility class to remove empty squares from a map's border.
- shrinkSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShrinkSelectionAction
Grows the current map selection by one map square.
- ShrinkSelectionAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that shrinks the current selection by one map
- ShrinkSelectionAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.ShrinkSelectionAction
- SimpleFlatMapRenderer - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer
Renders maps without MapGrid.
- SimpleFlatMapRenderer(MapModel<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, ResourceIcons, SmoothingRenderer) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.SimpleFlatMapRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- SimpleIsoMapRenderer<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer
Renders maps without MapGrid or validation errors.
- SimpleIsoMapRenderer(int, MapModel<G, A, R>, MultiPositionData, IsoMapSquareInfo, ImageIcon) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.map.renderer.SimpleIsoMapRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- SinglePngCommand - Class in net.sf.gridarta.commands
Run in single png mode.
- SinglePngCommand(File, File, ImageCreator<?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.commands.SinglePngCommand
Creates a new instance.
- size() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.mapmenu.MapMenu
Returns the number of entries in this menu.
- size() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeTypeList
Returns the number of entries.
- SIZE - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinList
The number of archetypes in an autojoin list.
- size() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.data.AbstractNamedObjects
- size() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.data.NamedObjects
Get the number of objects.
- size() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.ArchFaceProvider
Returns the number of faces.
- size() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.AbstractIndex
- size() - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.index.Index
Returns the number of values in this cache.
- size() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.Spells
Return the number of existing spell objects.
- size2Changed(Location, int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.BorderPanelListener
The position of a the inner split pane has changed.
- size2Changed(int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.BorderSplitPaneListener
The size of the inner split pane separating two optional components has
- Size2D - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
The class Size2D represents a 2d rectangular area.
- Size2D(int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.utils.Size2D
Creates a new instance.
- sizeChanged(Component, int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.BorderPanelListener
The size of a Component
has changed.
- sizeChanged(Component, int) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils.borderpanel.BorderSplitPaneListener
The size of the split pane has changed.
- SLAYING - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
The name of the "slaying" attribute.
- SlayingChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
A GameObjectValidator to assert that game objects do not have critical
slaying strings.
- SlayingChecker(ValidatorPreferences, Pattern) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.SlayingChecker
Creates a new instance.
- SlayingError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Validation error that's used when the SlayingChecker detected a possible
error on the map.
- SlayingError(G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SlayingError
Creates a new instance.
- SMART_HOME_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.actions.InputActions
If this client property is set to Boolean.TRUE on the text area, the
home/end keys will support 'smart' BRIEF-like behaviour (one press =
start/end of line, two presses = start/end of view screen, three presses
= start/end of document).
- SMOOTH_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.IGUIConstants
- SmoothFace - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface
Smoothing information for one face name.
- SmoothFace(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface.SmoothFace
Creates a new instance.
- SmoothFaces - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface
Collection of all smoothing information.
- SmoothFaces(FaceObjects) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface.SmoothFaces
Creates a new instance.
- SmoothFacesCollectable - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable
that creates the Crossfire specific smooth faces file.
- SmoothFacesCollectable(SmoothFaces, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.collectable.SmoothFacesCollectable
Creates a new instance.
- SmoothFacesLoader - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.smoothface
Loader for smooth files.
- smoothingChanged(boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.mapviewsettings.MapViewSettingsListener
This event handler is called when the smoothing setting has changed.
- SmoothingRenderer - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer
Renderer for smoothed faces as used by Crossfire.
- SmoothingRenderer(MapModel<GameObject, MapArchObject, Archetype>, SmoothFaces, FaceObjectProviders) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.gui.map.renderer.SmoothingRenderer
Creates a new instance.
- SMOOTHLEVEL - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.gameobject.GameObject
The name of the "smoothlevel" attribute.
- sort() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.Spells
Sort the added spells after loading is finished.
- sortLines(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.StringUtils
Sorts newline separated lines in a string.
- sortTable() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.findarchetypes.TableModel
Sort the table contents by name.
- SOUTH - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.autojoin.AutojoinList
- SP - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.baseobject.BaseObject
The attribute name of the "sp" attribute.
- SPACE_PICKMAP_ARCHETYPE_TOP - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.CommonConstants
The height of rigid area between the two tab-panes on the pickmap- and
- Spec - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker
Describes a command (excluding the command name).
- Spec(byte, Parameter...) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.tokenmarker.Spec
Creates a new instance.
- SPECIAL_SECTION - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.archetypetype.ArchetypeAttributeSection
The name of the "Special" section.
- Spell - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.spells
Describes an in-game spell.
- Spell(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.Spell
Creates a new instance.
- SPELL_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.atrinik.IGUIConstants
Name of the files the spell information (names and numbers).
- SPELL_FILE - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.daimonin.IGUIConstants
Name of the files the spell information (names and numbers).
- Spells<S extends Spell> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.spells
Common base class for spells and spell lists.
- Spells() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.spells.Spells
- SpellsUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.spells
- SpellsUtils(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.spells.SpellsUtils
Creates a new instance.
- splitCommand(String) - Static method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.AppPreferencesModel
Splits a command string into an array.
- SQUARE_CURSOR - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_EMPTY - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.IGUIConstants
The height of a square in pixels.
- SQUARE_NO_ARCH - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_NO_FACE - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_PRE_SELECTED_SQUARE - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_SELECTED_SQUARE - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_SELECTED_SQUARE_EAST - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_SELECTED_SQUARE_NORTH - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_SELECTED_SQUARE_SOUTH - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_SELECTED_SQUARE_WEST - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_WARNING - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
- SQUARE_WIDTH - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.IGUIConstants
The width of a square in pixels.
- SquareValidationError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
Class for validation errors on a MapSquare.
- SquareValidationError(MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SquareValidationError
Creates a new instance.
- SquareValidator<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Interface in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation
Interface for Square Validators.
- SquareWithoutFloorChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
A SquareValidator to assert that squares have a floor.
- SquareWithoutFloorChecker(ValidatorPreferences, Integer...) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.SquareWithoutFloorChecker
Creates a new instance.
- SquareWithoutFloorError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
A MapValidator that checks for squares without a floor.
- SquareWithoutFloorError(MapSquare<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SquareWithoutFloorError
Creates a new instance.
- StackLayout - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin
A layoutManager which stacks components one on top of the other, regardless
of their size.
- StackLayout(int) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.StackLayout
Creates a new instance.
- start() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.commands.Collector
Starts collecting.
- start() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.delayedmapmodel.DelayedMapModelListenerManager
Starts execution.
- start() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.MapsIndexer
Starts indexing.
- start() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.CopyReader
Starts reading.
- START_ARCH_NAME - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.model.io.ArchetypeParser
Name of the system-archetype containing path of starting map.
- startStopDrag() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.StartStopDragAction
Action method for "start stop drag".
- StartStopDragAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
- StartStopDragAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.StartStopDragAction
- startup() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.updater.UpdaterManager
Eventually perform an update during startup.
- StatusBar<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc
Implements the main status bar of the application.
- StatusBar(MapManager<G, A, R>, MapViewManager<G, A, R>, ArchetypeSet<G, A, R>, NamedObjects<FaceObject>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.StatusBar
Constructs a status bar that has the given main controller object set as
its controller.
- statusMessage(String) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.gui.misc.StatusBar
- statusMessage(String) - Method in interface net.sf.gridarta.textedit.scripteditor.ScriptEditControlCallback
A message that should be reported to the user.
- stop() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.model.index.MapsIndexer
Stops indexing.
- stop() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.CopyReader
Stops reading.
- Storage - Class in net.sf.gridarta.preferences
Maintains a set of preference values.
- Storage(String, File) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.Storage
Creates a new instance.
- StretchedImageFilter - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.face
An ImageFilter
that produces stretched faces.
- StretchedImageFilter() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.face.StretchedImageFilter
- StringAttributeGameObjectMatcher - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.match
- StringAttributeGameObjectMatcher(String, Operation, String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.match.StringAttributeGameObjectMatcher
Creates a new instance.
- StringKeyManager - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes
KeySelectionManager to manage the select-per-keystroke in a JComboBox (The
default KeySelectionManager fails because all strings start with whitespace '
- StringKeyManager(JComboBox<?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.gameobjectattributes.StringKeyManager
Creates a new instance.
- StringParameter<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter
- StringParameter() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.plugin.parameter.StringParameter
Creates a new instance.
- StringParameterBuilder - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Replaces placeholders in strings.
- StringParameterBuilder() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.utils.StringParameterBuilder
- StringParameterView<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter
- StringParameterView(StringParameter<G, A, R>) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.gui.dialog.plugin.parameter.StringParameterView
Creates a new instance.
- StringUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Utility class for string manipulation.
- SUB_LAYER - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
The name of the "sub_layer" attribute.
- SubDirectoryCacheFiles - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.io
implementation that stores all files in sub-directories
right next to the original files.
- SubDirectoryCacheFiles(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.io.SubDirectoryCacheFiles
Creates a new instance.
- subFromSelection() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.action.SubFromSelectionAction
Removes the current pre-selection from the selection.
- SubFromSelectionAction<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.action
that removes the current pre-selection from the
- SubFromSelectionAction() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.action.SubFromSelectionAction
- SUBTYPE_EVENT_CONNECTOR_TRIGGER - Static variable in interface net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.archetype.Archetype
- SuspiciousMsgChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks
- SuspiciousMsgChecker(ValidatorPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.checks.SuspiciousMsgChecker
Creates a new instance.
- SuspiciousMsgKeywordError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors
A line contains a keyword related problem.
- SuspiciousMsgKeywordError(G, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.SuspiciousMsgKeywordError
Creates a new instance.
- SuspiciousMsgMagicEarWithoutMessageError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors
A magic ear that does not contain a @match line.
- SuspiciousMsgMagicEarWithoutMessageError(G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.SuspiciousMsgMagicEarWithoutMessageError
Creates a new instance.
- SuspiciousMsgMatchAllTextError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors
A '@match *' line has text following the '*'.
- SuspiciousMsgMatchAllTextError(G, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.SuspiciousMsgMatchAllTextError
Creates a new instance.
- SuspiciousMsgRegExError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors
A @match line contains an invalid regular expression.
- SuspiciousMsgRegExError(G, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.SuspiciousMsgRegExError
Creates a new instance.
- SuspiciousMsgSyntaxError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors
A line contains a general syntax error.
- SuspiciousMsgSyntaxError(G, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.var.crossfire.model.validation.errors.SuspiciousMsgSyntaxError
Creates a new instance.
- SwingUtils - Class in net.sf.gridarta.gui.utils
Utility class for Swing related functions.
- sync() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- sync(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.Storage
Saves changes to the underlying file.
- syncSpi() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferences
- SyntaxDocument - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea
A document implementation that can be tokenized by the syntax highlighting
- SyntaxDocument() - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxDocument
- SyntaxErrorException - Exception in net.sf.gridarta.utils
Exception thrown for incorrect arguments.
- SyntaxErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.gridarta.utils.SyntaxErrorException
Creates a new instance.
- SyntaxStyle - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea
A simple text style class.
- SyntaxStyle(Color, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxStyle
Creates a new instance.
- SyntaxStyles - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea
A set of
instances for painting colorized text.
- SyntaxStyles(SyntaxStyle[]) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea.SyntaxStyles
Creates a new instance.
- SyntaxUtilities - Class in net.sf.gridarta.textedit.textarea
Class with several utility functions used by jEdit's syntax colorizing
- SYS_OBJECT - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.model.gameobject.DefaultIsoGameObject
The name of the "sys_object" attribute.
- SysObjectNotOnLayerZeroChecker<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks
A GameObjectValidator to assert that sys objects are only in layer 0.
- SysObjectNotOnLayerZeroChecker(ValidatorPreferences) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.checks.SysObjectNotOnLayerZeroChecker
Creates a new instance.
- SysObjectNotOnLayerZeroError<G extends GameObject<G,A,R>,A extends MapArchObject<A>,R extends Archetype<G,A,R>> - Class in net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors
ValidationError that's used if a GameObject that is a SysObject is found on
a layer other than 0.
- SysObjectNotOnLayerZeroError(G) - Constructor for class net.sf.gridarta.model.validation.errors.SysObjectNotOnLayerZeroError
Creates a new instance.
- SYSTEM_DIR - Static variable in class net.sf.gridarta.utils.ResourceIcons
The directory that contains the system icons.
- systemRoot() - Method in class net.sf.gridarta.preferences.FilePreferencesFactory