DockWindow Client
Windows only Client for Crossfire: The Multiplayer Adventure Game
Current Version:
- Version 0.8.12 as of 2025-Mar-05
Screen Shot:
- A screen shot of the DockWindow Client is here.
Client Features
More Accessible for new and returning players
- Adheres more to Windows UI standards compared to other clients
- Consistent UX throughout the application
- Mouse friendly interface, with right click context menus for actions and command help
- Each dockable window has a toolbar and context menu with related options and actions (Also accessible via right click on the title or via down arrow in toolbar)
Utilizes a Dockable Window System
- Windows are movable, dockable, floatable, and rearrangeable on the fly
- Support for multiple saved window layouts (global, per character, and multiple custom layouts)
- Layouts are switchable via keybinds or when selecting a character to play
Completely Theme-able
- Background/Foreground colours, font styles and sizes are changeable on the fly
- Each dockable window provides additional customization, eg:
- Inventory item colours and display can be changed based on item info
- Message colors can be overridden based on category
- Row heights and icon sizes can be changed in listboxes
- List views can be sorted, grouped, and support multiple view types (details, icon, etc)
Other minor but useful changes
- Supports quest list and knowledge window like the Java client
- Open containers pop up a new inventory window to display their contents
- Map window scales to screen and is easily zoomable, or map scale can be changed via a fixed amount
- Message window display can be zoomed in or out
- Can hide or show any window via keybinds
- New Hotkey bar
- New Character Notes window
- New client only commands:
- Type 'usercommands' or 'usercommands help' to see the list
- Native windows application
- Minimal dependencies and dlls
- Small install size (~2mb)
Source Code: