- Release Notes - Index
- 1.75.0 Release
- 1.71.0 Release
- 1.70.0 Release
- 1.60.0 Release
- 1.50.0 Release
- 1.11.0 Release
- 1.10.0 Release
- 1.9.1 Release
- 1.9.0 Release
- 1.8.0 Release
- 1.7.0 Release
- 1.6.0 Release
- 1.5.0 Release
- 1.4.0 Release
- 1.3.0 Release
- 1.2.0 Release
- 1.1.0 Release
- 1.0.0 Release
- 0.98.0 Release
- 0.96.0 Release
- 0.95.8 Release
- 0.95.7 Release
- 0.95.6 Release
- 0.95.5 Release
- 0.95.4 Release
- 0.95.3 Release
- 0.95.2 Release
- 0.95.1 Release
- 0.95.0 Release
- 0.94.3 Release
- 0.94.2 Release
- 0.94.1 Release
- 0.94.0 Release
- 0.93.7 Release
- 0.93.6 Release
- 0.93.5 Release
- 0.93.4 Release
- 0.93.3 Release
- 0.93.2 Release
- 0.93.1 Release
- 0.93.0 Release
- 0.92.9 Release
- 0.92.8 Release
- 0.92.7 Release
- 0.92.6 Release
- 0.92.5 Release
- 0.92.4 Release
- 0.92.3 Release
- 0.92.2 Release
- 0.92.1 Release
- 0.92.0 Release
- 0.91.9 Release
- 0.91.8 Release
- 0.91.7 Release
FTP Sites throughout the world where Crossfire can be obtained.
The current version of the Crossfire server is 1.75.0 as of 2021-Jan-13.
- Announcement
- Source Code - Server
https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/crossfire-server/1.75.0/crossfire-1.75.0.tar.gz/download - Source Code - Maps
https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/crossfire-maps/1.75.0/crossfire-maps-1.75.0.tar.gz/download - Source Code - GTKv2 Client
Older Server Releases
- Windows - Server
https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/crossfire-server/snaspshot/crossfire-server-trunk-18572.exe - Windows - Maps & Archetypes
ATTENTION Linux Users:
- Note1: Refer to the Crossfire Wiki for a list of package dependencies for the server and client
- Note2: Refer to the Crossfire Wiki for a list of Linux distributions that have precompiled packages of the client and server, along with other instructions
ATTENTION Windows Users:
- Note1: A snapshot is available for the server and client, no compiling is needed - just download and install from the .exe file
- Note2: There are two (2) installation files required - the server and the maps, both available as .exe files
CVS support has phased out at SourceForge so for historic and archive purposes, a tarball of the CVS code repo is available for download.
- http://crossfire.real-time.com/download/crossfire-cvs-archive.tar.gz (215M)
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/53pe4dyum4bxu9p/crossfire-cvs-archive.tar.gz?dl=0 (215M)
- md5sum (crossfire-cvs-archive.tar.gz) = 65182fa0b1750ba3e42d828afc0217a3
- NOTE: Decompressed content size is 980M total
Crossfire migrated to Git on 2021-May-11, a tarball of the SVN code repo is available for download.
- http://crossfire.real-time.com/download/crossfire-svn-archive.tar.gz (531M)
- md5sum (crossfire-svn-archive.tar.gz) = 594b4faf5542d8ab6757062c64489eb0
- SHA1 hash sum = 2342fb0175189be69654425d88bfb1cc146801b7
- SHA256 hash sum= 27c31277df8d196ff54ebbb582d9bc9efd94753654e78ee2322de0f102faa898
- NOTE: Decompressed content size is 1.5G total
The general commands to check out a module (archtypes, client, maps, server, et al) is the following:
- git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-arch crossfire-crossfire-arch
- git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-client crossfire-crossfire-client
- git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/jxclient crossfire-jxclient
- git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-maps crossfire-crossfire-maps
- git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/metaserver crossfire-metaserver
- git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-server crossfire-crossfire-server
- git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-sounds crossfire-crossfire-sounds
See the Git page for more information on Git commands, syntax, options, etc.
Compile from Source:
See the Crossfire Wiki for more information on how to compile the server and client(s) from the source code.
Linux Server & Clients:
Windows Server:
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/crossfire-server/snaspshot/crossfire-server-trunk-18572.exe
- Windows Server Map Set: (required)
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/crossfire-server/snaspshot/crossfire-server-bigworld-trunk-18572.exe
Windows GTK Client:
- Version: snapshot
- Release Date: 2025-Jan-13
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/crossfire-client/snapshot/CrossfireClient-git-c69f578.exe/download
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/crossfire-client/snapshot/README.txt/download
- md5sum =aa980f435886a9d6fe2c302fda70ac2c
- sha1 =7c9f01a023afaf83266ee6d75cb5f1636b8a96af
- sha256 =bff24de52d33d50405eaaee0f3ad8e8e314a4d35e667768204dcd6398e8b32d8
Windows Daily Build GTKv2 Client
- Automated build - updated within 10 minutes of any code comit to GTKv2 Client code base, refer to this automated build server for the most current or recent client builds
- Download archive link
- NOTE: The .zip is the complete client with related .dll files, etc. while the .exe is the client wrapped in an NSIS installer
JX Client:
- Version: snapshot
- Release Date: 2025-Jan-31
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/jxclient/jxclient.jar/download
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/jxclient/README.txt/download
- md5um = 556a524f47acea4d557bf04557bbf935
- sha1 = 11bb8a8696345175ec83dff761e4259fe5262be4
- sha256 = a3ac3d818d67a6a44852658ca180012ab09048eac53284fe3a9c20152241f2c3
Windows .exe JX Client
The Windows .exe client contains the needed Java Runtime-Environment in addition to the client itself in a single download
- Version: snapshot
- Release Date: 2025-Jan-31
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/jxclient/JXClientInstaller-2024-04-19.exe/download
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/jxclient/README-jxclientinstaller.txt/download
- md5sum =54507c52f7fc053216d970d7f329e734
- sha1 =73b0f194de265036c950cd47f3176d41bd75bb02
- sha256 =7e03bfcd0736d8731b251f2209e0d81694eed8d0fb9792b4e4144870bfbe296a
Windows Daily Build .exe JX Client
Automated Daily Build of the Windows .exe client contains the needed Java Runtime-Environment in addition to the client itself in a single download
NOTE: May contain experimental and/or untested features or updates
- http://crossfire.weeger.org/JXClientInstaller-latest.exe
- http://crossfire.weeger.org/JXClientInstaller-latest.exe.sha512
- ChangeLog
DockWindow Client
Windows only Client for Crossfire: The Multiplayer Adventure Game
- Version: 0.8.12
- Release Date:2025-Mar-05
- Download
macOS GTKv2 Client
The macOS GTKv2 Client is a relatively new release, so all informaiton for status and download is currently tracked on the Crossfire Wiki
Gridarta (formerly CF Java Editor):
Gridarta for Crossfire .jar file
- Version: snapshot
- Release Date: 2025-Jan-31
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/gridarta-crossfire/CrossfireEditor.jar/download
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/gridarta-crossfire/README.md/download
- md5sum = 46cfe109396006eebc98cb9095c180f1
- SHA1 hash sum = 740b066324776ae469f334bc38101193af36ddc9
- SHA256 hash sum = ba834fdb0596269438994a7db4f4345ea1fe03f4f4cf3ab04d1ef43b5c8bc96a
Gridarta Windows .exe Map Editor snapshot
The Windows .exe map editor contains the needed Java Runtime-Environment in addition to the map editor itself in a single download
NOTE: May contain experimental and/or untested features or updates
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/gridarta-crossfire/GridartaForCrossfireInstaller-2025-01-31.exe/download
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/crossfire/files/gridarta-crossfire/README-gridartainstaller.md/download
- md5sum = 5b98d9408cdd6601d1013afa5d51e67c
- SHA1 hash sum = 733cb5c7255b3c1a7b05c8c96cbde0e07a388ea30
- SHA256 hash sum = 4697df4ed83c2a6493e41080f2d6ee7ae848d055b100133e00804f35a160a173
Windows Daily Build .exe Map Editor
Automated Daily Build of the Windows .exe editor contains the needed Java Runtime-Environment in addition to the client itself in a single download