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FTP Sites throughout the world where Crossfire can be obtained.

The current version of the Crossfire server is 1.75.0 as of 2021-Jan-13.


Download Crossfire RPG game
Download Crossfire RPG game
Download Crossfire RPG game
Download Crossfire RPG game

Older Server Releases


ATTENTION Linux Users:

  • Note1: Refer to the Crossfire Wiki for a list of package dependencies for the server and client
  • Note2: Refer to the Crossfire Wiki for a list of Linux distributions that have precompiled packages of the client and server, along with other instructions

ATTENTION Windows Users:

  • Note1: A snapshot is available for the server and client, no compiling is needed - just download and install from the .exe file
  • Note2: There are two (2) installation files required - the server and the maps, both available as .exe files


CVS support has phased out at SourceForge so for historic and archive purposes, a tarball of the CVS code repo is available for download.


Crossfire migrated to Git on 2021-May-11, a tarball of the SVN code repo is available for download.


The general commands to check out a module (archtypes, client, maps, server, et al) is the following:

  • git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-arch crossfire-crossfire-arch
  • git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-client crossfire-crossfire-client
  • git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/jxclient crossfire-jxclient
  • git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-maps crossfire-crossfire-maps
  • git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/metaserver crossfire-metaserver
  • git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-server crossfire-crossfire-server
  • git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/crossfire/crossfire-sounds crossfire-crossfire-sounds

See the Git page for more information on Git commands, syntax, options, etc.

Compile from Source:

See the Crossfire Wiki for more information on how to compile the server and client(s) from the source code.

Linux Server & Clients:

Windows Server:

Windows GTK Client:

Windows Daily Build GTKv2 Client

  • Automated build - updated within 10 minutes of any code comit to GTKv2 Client code base, refer to this automated build server for the most current or recent client builds
  • Download archive link
  • NOTE: The .zip is the complete client with related .dll files, etc. while the .exe is the client wrapped in an NSIS installer

JX Client:

Windows .exe JX Client

The Windows .exe client contains the needed Java Runtime-Environment in addition to the client itself in a single download

Windows Daily Build .exe JX Client

Automated Daily Build of the Windows .exe client contains the needed Java Runtime-Environment in addition to the client itself in a single download
NOTE: May contain experimental and/or untested features or updates

DockWindow Client

Windows only Client for Crossfire: The Multiplayer Adventure Game

  • Version: 0.8.12
  • Release Date:2025-Mar-05
  • Download

macOS GTKv2 Client

The macOS GTKv2 Client is a relatively new release, so all informaiton for status and download is currently tracked on the Crossfire Wiki

Gridarta (formerly CF Java Editor):

Gridarta for Crossfire .jar file

Gridarta Windows .exe Map Editor snapshot

The Windows .exe map editor contains the needed Java Runtime-Environment in addition to the map editor itself in a single download
NOTE: May contain experimental and/or untested features or updates

Windows Daily Build .exe Map Editor

Automated Daily Build of the Windows .exe editor contains the needed Java Runtime-Environment in addition to the client itself in a single download