Monsters: M to P
The monsters are your opponents in Crossfire. Actually the only way to gain experience in this game is to bash monsters (or your fellow players, but you probably won't last long if you choose that route to "fame.") The more hitpoints the monsters have, the longer it takes to kill the suckers. Unfortunately, the monsters tend to strike back... Thus the stronger the monsters are -- the more damage you take, and vice versa.
Monster Navigation Index:
M | N | O | P |
Stat Definitions & Descriptions:
Name: What the monster is known as.
Generator: Particular object that causes the monster population to increase at certain intervals. Sometimes monster are able to replicate themselves.
Race: Which classification or category the monster belongs to. This information is helpful when determining slay_ effectiveness from spells or weapons.
Experience: The number of points added to your character's score for slaying a particular monster. Higher values are better, but usually means the monster is tougher, too.
Hit Points: Measures of how much damage the monster can take before dying. Higher values are better.
AC: Stands for Armour Class. Indicates how protected the monster is from being hit by any attack. Lower values are better.
Abilities: Skills and other enhancements that a monster is capable of using.
Spell Abilities: Various spells that the monster is able to cast or has in effect.
Attacks: Lists the different types of damage caused by the creature.
Protection: How much damage will be subtracted from successful hits made upon the monster by the listed attacktype. For non damaging attacktypes, the resistance value affects saving throw and reduces duration. Higher values are better. Related to Partial Resistance (PR).
Vulnerable: Indicates which attack type causes double damage to the monster. For non damaging attacktypes, the resistance value affects saving throw and increases duration. Higher values (less negative) are more desirable. Related to Partial Resistance (PR).

Mabu suke
Generator: n/a
Race: giant
Experience: 1500
Hit Points: 250
AC: 1
Abilities: Slow movement, wield weapon, skill user
Attacks: ?
Protection: resist electricity +50

Race: human
Experience: 45
Hit Points: 20
AC: 7
Abilities: Slow movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read scroll,
fires wand/rod/horn, skill user
Attacks: ?

Major djinn
Generator: n/a
Race: giant
Experience: 300000
Hit Points: 5000
AC: -20
Abilities: Extremely fast movement, see invisible, wield weapon, wear armour,
wear ring, read scroll, fires wand/rod/horn, use rod, use horn, spellcaster
Spell abilities, paralyze spells, major healing, fear, make dance, lightning spells,
ice spells, ice, hellfire, summon fire, summon water, summon earth, summon air,
slow spell
Attacks: physical, magical, fire, electricity
Protection: armour +100, resist magic +100, resist fire +100, resist electricity
+100, resist cold +100, resist acid +100, resist drain +50, resist ghosthit +100,
resist poison +100, resist fear +100, resist chaos +50

Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 25
Hit Points: 18
AC: 8
Abilities: Normal movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read
scroll, fires wand/rod/horn, skill user, spellcaster, unaggressive
Attacks: ?

Medium guard
Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 250
Hit Points: 120
AC: 1
Abilities: Very slow movement, reflect missiles, see invisible, wield weapon,
wear armour, spellcaster, unaggressive
Attacks: ?
Protection: armour +65, resist magic +30

Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 20
Hit Points: 10
AC: 6
Abilities: Fast movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read scroll,
fires wand/rod/horn, skill user, spellcaster, unaggressive
Attacks: ?

Generator: n/a
Race: angel
Experience: 80000
Hit Points: 500
AC: -5
Abilities: Extremely fast movement, levitate, see invisible, wield weapon, archer,
wear armour, wear ring, read scroll, fires wand/rod/horn, skill user, spellcaster
Attacks: physical, fire
Protection: armour +30, resist fire +30, resist cold +30

Minor Chaos Priest
Generator: n/a
Race: misc
Experience: 1500
Hit Points: 100
AC: -1
Abilities: Normal movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read
scroll, fires wand/rod/horn, skill user, spellcaster
Spell abilities: paralyze spells, poison spell, paralyze spells, magic missile
spell, create pool of chaos
Attacks: ?
Protection: resist magic +50, resist chaos +100
Vulnerable: resist confusion -100, resist weaponmagic -100, resist god power -100

Minor djinn
Generator: n/a
Race: giant
Experience: 70000
Hit Points: 2500
AC: -15
Abilities: Very fast movement, see invisible, wield weapon, wear armour, wear
ring, read scroll, fires wand/rod/horn, spellcaster
Spell abilities: paralyze spells, fear, major healing, make dance, lightning spells,
ice, summon fire, summon earth, slow spell
Attacks: physical, magical
Protection: armour +50, resist magic +50, resist fire +50, resist electricity
+50, resist cold +50, resist confusion +100, resist acid +100, resist ghosthit
+100, resist poison +100, resist fear +100
Vulnerable: resist drain -100, resist weaponmagic -100, resist chaos -100

Race: ?
Experience: 1
Hit Points: 350
AC: -10
Abilities: Fast movement, wield weapon, wear armour, spellcaster
Attacks: weaponmagic
Attuned: Creation, Transmutation
Repelled: Summoning
Protection: resist fire +20
Vulnerable: resist confusion -10, resist slow -50

Mostrai avatar
Generator: n/a
Race: ?
Experience: 1
Hit Points: 350
AC: -10
Abilities: Fast movement, wield weapon, wear armour, spellcaster
Attacks: weaponmagic
Attuned: Creation, Transmutation
Repelled: Summoning
Protection: armour +75, resist fire +60

Generator: and
Race: animal
Experience: 5
Hit Points: 1
AC: 7
Abilities: Slow movement
Attacks: ?

Mud para-elemental
Generator: n/a
Race: elemental/para-elemental
Experience: 200
Hit Points: 150
AC: 8
Abilities: Slow movement
Attacks: physical
Protection: resist cold +100
Vulnerable: resist fire -100

Generator: n/a
Race: misc
Experience: 50000
Hit Points: 1000
AC: -4
Abilities: Slow movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, fires
wand/rod/horn, spellcaster
Attacks: physical, poison, slow, paralyze
Protection: resist cold +50, resist acid +50, resist poison +100, resist slow
+100, resist paralyzation +100

Mystic Fist
Generator: n/a
Race: magic
Experience: 200
Hit Points: 50
AC: 5
Abilities: Extremely fast movement
Attacks: ?

Generator: n/a
Race: undead
Experience: 2000
Hit Points: 200
AC: 0
Abilities: Lightning fast movement, levitate, infravision, reflect spells, undead
Attacks: confusion, drain
Protection: armour +100, resist magic +50, resist cold +50, resist drain +100,
resist fear +100

Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 0
Hit Points: 1800
AC: 10
Abilities: Lightning fast movement, see invisible, skill user, spellcaster, unaggressive
Attacks: ?

Neko chan
Generator: n/a
Race: animal
Experience: 1000
Hit Points: 2
AC: 18
Abilities: Fast movement
Attacks: ?

Generator: n/a
Race: undead
Experience: 800
Hit Points: 50
AC: 10
Abilities: Fast movement, levitate, infravision, undead
Attacks: ghosthit, depletion
Protection: armour +100, resist confusion +50, resist drain +100, resist fear
Vulnerable: resist magic -100, resist turn undead -100

Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 30
Hit Points: 30
AC: 0
Abilities: Fast movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read scroll,
fires wand/rod/horn, skill user, spellcaster, unaggressive
Attacks: ?

Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 30
Hit Points: 30
AC: 0
Abilities: Fast movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read scroll,
fires wand/rod/horn, skill user, spellcaster, unaggressive
Attacks: ?

Race: goblin
Experience: 100
Hit Points: 50
AC: 10
Abilities: Slow movement, infravision, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear
ring, read scroll, fires wand/rod/horn, skill user
Attacks: ?
Protection: resist electricity +30

Ogre Champion
Generator: n/a
Race: goblin
Experience: 150
Hit Points: 75
AC: 8
Abilities: Slow movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read scroll,
fires wand/rod/horn, skill user
Attacks: ?
Protection: resist electricity +50

Ogre Chief
Generator: n/a
Race: goblin
Experience: 200
Hit Points: 160
AC: 6
Abilities: Slow movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read scroll,
fires wand/rod/horn, skill user
Attacks: ?
Protection: armour +30, resist electricity +30

Generator: n/a
Race: goblin
Experience: 100
Hit Points: 5000
AC: -100
Abilities: Fast movement, infravision
Attacks: ?
Protection: armour +100
Vulnerable: resist magic -100, resist electricity -100

Race: goblin
Experience: 15
Hit Points: 4
AC: 16
Abilities: Normal movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, fires
Attacks: ?

Orc Champion
Generator: n/a
Race: goblin
Experience: 35
Hit Points: 16
AC: 15
Abilities: Normal movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, fires
Attacks: ?

Orc Chief
Generator: n/a
Race: goblin
Experience: 75
Hit Points: 24
AC: 14
Abilities: Normal movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, fires
Attacks: ?
Protection: armour +30

Race: animal
Experience: 70
Hit Points: 50
AC: 4
Abilities: Very slow movment, hitback
Attacks: ?
Protection: Fast movement, infravision

Generator: n/a
Race: misc/chess
Experience: 20
Hit Points: 10
AC: 5
Abilities: Fast movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read scroll,
fires wand/rod/horn, spellcaster
Attacks: ?

Pet of Necromancer
Generator: n/a
Race: acid
Experience: 300
Hit Points: 100
AC: -10
Abilities: Lightning fast movement, hitback
Attacks: physical
Vulnerable: resist fire -100

Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 45
Hit Points: 20
AC: 7
Abilities:Slow movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read scroll,
fires wand/rod/horn, skill user
Attacks: ?

Pirate lass
Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 60
Hit Points: 50
AC: 1
Abilities: Normal movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read
scroll, fires wand/rod/horn, skill user, spellcaster
Attacks: ?

Race: misc
Experience: 10
Hit Points: 8
AC: 6
Abilities: Fast movement, levitate, see invisible, fires wand/rod/horn, spellcaster
Attacks: ?

Polar bear
Generator: n/a
Race: Animal
Experience: 1300
Hit Points: 250
AC: 1
Attacks: physical
Protection: resist cold +50

Race: human
Experience: 40
Hit Points: 15
AC: 6
Abilities: Fast movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read scroll,
fires wand/rod/horn, use rod, skill user
Attacks: ?
Vulnerable: resist slow -100

Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 500
Hit Points: 50
AC: 5
Abilities: Normal movement, wield weapon, wear armour, read scroll, fires wand/rod/horn,
use rod, spellcaster, unaggressive
Spell abilities: paralyze spells, cause medium wounds, petsummoning, magic missile
Attacks: ?
Protection: resist magic +30

Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 20
Hit Points: 30
AC: 5
Abilities: Normal movement, wield weapon, archer, wear armour, wear ring, read
scroll, fires wand/rod/horn, spellcaster, unaggressive
Attacks: ?

Generator: n/a
Race: human
Experience: 1
Hit Points: 10
AC: 8
Abilities: Unaggressive
Attacks: ?