Helmets, or other head apparell, compliment other forms of armour available in Crossfire. The basic idea is that the less ac (armour class) you have -- the more difficult you are to hit. The armour value represents the reduction in physical damage in percent. Only one helmet, or other head apparell, can be worn at a time.
Armour Class: What modification is applied to the wearer's AC, which relates to how protected the character is from being hit by any attack
Armour: What modification is applied to the wearer's Armour, which relates to wow much damage will be subtracted from successful hits made upon the character. This value ranges between 0 to 99%.
Weight: How heavy the object is. The heavier the object, the more likely the wearer will experience arcane spell failure. This also has an effect on the wearer's movement and attack speed.
Material: What the object is made of. This is useful when trying to determine item vulnerability to certain attacks, such as acid.
Max Speed: The maximum movement speed a character may have while wearing this object.
Magic: What kind of bonuses or effects the item will have on character stats (strength, dexterity, etc.) or other abilities.
Protection: How much damage will be subtracted from successful hits made upon the character by the listed attacktype. For non damaging attacktypes, the resistance value affects saving throw and reduces duration. Higher values are better. Related to Partial Resistance (PR).
Vulnerable: Indicates which attack type causes double damage to the character. For non damaging attacktypes, the resistance value affects saving throw and increases duration. Higher values (less negative) are more desirable. Related to Partial Resistance (PR).
Attuned: The item makes spells from the specified Path(s) easier to learn, take less mana or spell points to cast, and cause more damage. This is the opposite of Repelled.
Repelled: The item makes spells from the specified Path(s) harder to learn, take more mana or spell points to cast, and cause less damage. This is the opposite of Attuned.
Denied: The item prevents the character from casting any spells from the specified Path(s).
Story: In game information on the background or history of the item.

Ac: 0
Armour: 3
Weight: 12.3 kg
Material: metal

Crown of the Elements
Ac: 0
Armour: 3
Weight: 12.3 kg
Material: metal
Protected: reist fire +30, resist electricity +30, resist cold +30
Attuned: electricity

Crown of Fire
Ac: 0
Armour: 3
Weight: 12.3 kg
Material: metal
Protected: fire +30
Attuned: fire
Repelled: frost

Crown of Ice
Ac: 0
Armour: 3
Weight: 12.3 kg
Material: metal
Protected: cold +30
Attuned: frost
Repelled: fire

Crown of Lordliness
Ac: 0
Armour: 3
Weight: 12.3 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Wisdom +2, Charisma +2, Intelligence +1

Crown of Magi
Ac: 0
Armour: 3
Weight: 12.3 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Intelligence +2, magic+2

Crown of Might
Ac: 0
Armour: 3
Weight: 12.3 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +1

Crown of Odo
Ac: 0
Armour: 4
Weight: 33.0 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Intelligence +1

Eye glasses
Ac: 0
Armour: 0
Weight: 0.1
Magic: Dexterity +2, Charisma -2

Feather Crown
Ac: 0
Armour: 3
Weight: 0.001 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Levitate

Full helmet
Ac: 1
Armour: 10
Weight: 12.0 kg
Material: metal

Gnarg's Orc Helmet
Ac: 3
Armour: 0
Weight: 7.0 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Dexterity +1

Ac: 1
Armour: 5
Weight: 5.0 kg
Material: metal

Ac: 1
Armour: 5
Weight: 5.0 kg
Material: metal

Helmet of Xray Vision
Ac: 2
Armour: 5
Weight: 6.000 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Xray vision

Helmet of Brilliance +1
Ac: 2
Armour: 5
Weight: 7.0 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Intelligence +2, Power +2, spell-point regeneration +1

Horned Helmet
Ac: 1
Armour: 5
Weight: 10.0 kg
Material: metal

Horned Helmet
Ac: 1
Armour: 2
Weight: 6.0
Material: metal

Kabuto of Geisya
Ac: 3
Armour: 10
Weight: 2.000 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Wisdom +1, Charisma +2, Intelligence +1

Sorcer's hat
Ac: 1
Armour: 0
Weight: 1.0 kg
Magic: Spell-point regeneration +4

Purple Turban of Brilliance
Ac: 0
Armour: 1
Weight: 0.500 kg
Material: cloth
Magic: Intelligence +2

Shimmering Turban of Heaven
Ac: 2
Armour: 5
Weight: 0.5
Material: cloth
Magic: Constitution +2, Charisma +2, Xray Vision
Protected: resist fire +30, resist electricity +30, resist cold +30
Vulnerable: resist weaponmagic -20

Ac: 0
Armour: 1
Weight: 0.5

Ac: 0
Armour: 0
Weight: 0.5 kg
Magic: Charisma +1

Wig of Comliness
Ac: 0
Armour: 0
Weight: 0.500 kg
Material: organics
Magic: Charisma +3

Wizard Hat
Ac: 1
Armour: 0
AC: 1
Weight: 1.0 kg
Material: cloth
Magic: Intelligence +2, spell-point regeneration +4
Protected: resist fire +15, resist cold +15, resist drain +30, resist slow +30,
resist paralyzation +30