Artifact Weapons
This section shows the different artifact weapons which exist in Crossfire. Although the weapons are supposed to be unique, several of them can exist at one (or any) time.
Armour Class: What modification is applied to the wearer's AC, which relates to how protected the character is from being hit by any attack
Armour: What modification is applied to the wearer's Armour, which relates to wow much damage will be subtracted from successful hits made upon the character. This value ranges between 0 to 99%.
Weight: How heavy the object is. The heavier the object, the more likely the wearer will experience arcane spell failure. This also has an effect on the wearer's movement and attack speed.
Material: What the object is made of. This is useful when trying to determine item vulnerability to certain attacks, such as acid.
Max Speed: The maximum movement speed a character may have while wearing this object.
Magic: What kind of bonuses or effects the item will have on character stats (strength, dexterity, etc.) or other abilities.
Protection: How much damage will be subtracted from successful hits made upon the character by the listed attacktype. For non damaging attacktypes, the resistance value affects saving throw and reduces duration. Higher values are better. Related to Partial Resistance (PR).
Vulnerable: Indicates which attack type causes double damage to the character. For non damaging attacktypes, the resistance value affects saving throw and increases duration. Higher values (less negative) are more desirable. Related to Partial Resistance (PR).
Attuned: The item makes spells from the specified Path(s) easier to learn, take less mana or spell points to cast, and cause more damage. This is the opposite of Repelled.
Repelled: The item makes spells from the specified Path(s) harder to learn, take more mana or spell points to cast, and cause less damage. This is the opposite of Attuned.
Denied: The item prevents the character from casting any spells from the specified Path(s).
Story: In game information on the background or history of the item.

Axe of B1FF +3
Damage: +60
Speed: ??
Attacks: physical, weaponmagic
Material: metal wood
Weight: 32.000 kg

Baba Mal the War Hammer +2
Damage: +13
Speed: ??
Attacks: weaponmagic
Protected: resist electricity +30, resist weaponmagic +30, resist paralyzation
+100, resist fear +100
Vulnerable: resist magic -100
Material: metal
Weight: 30.000 kg

Belzebub's sword +5
Damage: 17
Speed: 7.00
Constitution +2, Intelligence +1, spell-point regeneration +1
Attacks: physical, acid
Protected: resist magic +30, resist confusion +100, resist drain +100
Material: ??
Weight: 30.000 kg

Bonecrusher +3
Damage: 50
Speed: 15.00
Attacks: physical
Material: stone
Weight: 150.000 kg

Burning Tail of many lashings of Ruggilli +15
Damage: 40
Speed: 8.00
Attacks: physical, fire, paralyze
Material: ?
Weight: ? kg

Chaos Sword +10
Damage: 100
Speed: 3.00
Strength +1, Constitution +1, Dexterity +1, Wisdom +1, Intelligence +1, Charisma
hit-point regeneration -5, Magic (spell-point regeneration) -4, luck -3, X-ray
Attacks: physical, chaos
Protected: resist magic +30, resist fire +30, resist electricity +30, resist cold
+30, resist acid +75
Vulnerable: resist confusion -50
Denied: Restoration, Creation
Material: metal
Weight: 20.000kg

Dagger of Fortune
Damage: 2
Charisma +4, Luck +3
Attacks: physical
Speed: 5.00
Weight: 2.000 kg
Material: metal

Darkblade +4
Damage: 10
Speed: 7.00
Charisma -1, Constitution +2, hit-point regeneration +1
Attacks: weaponmagic
Protected: resist drain +100, resist poison +30
It weighs 20.000 kg.

Deathbringer +3
Damage: 15
Speed: 9.00
Attacks: physical, depletion
Material: metal
Weight: 30.000 kg

Defender +3
Damage: 8
Speed: 8.00
Ac -1, armour +50
Attacks: physical
Protected: resist drain +50
Material: metal
Weight: 20.000 kg

Demonbane +3
Damage: 11
Speed: 9.00
Attacks: physical
Protected: resist fire +30
Material: metal
Weight: 32.000 kg

Demonslayer +7
Damage: 30
Speed: ??
Strength +2, Charisma +2, Intelligence +2, Power +2
Attacks: weaponmagic
Protected: resist magic +40, resist fire +40, resist drain +100, resist depletion
Vulnerable: resist cold -20
Material: adamant
Weight: 15.000 kg

Dragonslayer +3
Damage: 11
Speed: 9.00
Attacks: physical
Protected: resist fire +30
Material: metal
Weight: 35.000 kg

Dragonbane +9
Damage: 81
Speed: ??
Strength +3, speed +3
Attacks: physical
resist fire +30
Weight: 64.000 kg

Excalibur +5
Damage: 12
Speed: 7.00
Strength +1, Charisma +2
Attacks: weaponmagic
Protected: resist magic +30, resist drain +100
Material: metal
Weight: 25.000 kg

Firebrand +3
Damage: 9
Speed: 8.00
Attacks: fire
Protected: resist cold +30
Material: metal
Weight: 22.000 kg

Firestar +3
Damage: 23
Speed: 9.00
Attacks: physical, fire

Firestar +6
Damage: 35
Speed: 9.00
Attacks: physical, fire, weaponmagic
Protected: fire
Immune: drain, fear

Firestar named Fearless +6
Damage: 35
Speed: ??
Attacks: physical, fire, weaponmagic
Immune: drain, fear
Protected: fire

Fist of the Earth +4
Damage: 30
Speed: ??
Strength +2, Constitution +1, armour +20, AC +1
Attacks: physical
Earth Elemental-slaying
Material: stone
Weight: 75.000 kg

Flame Tongue +5
Damage: 25
Speed: ??
Constitution +2, Intelligence +1, speed +3, wc +3
Attacks: fire
Protected: resist fire +30, resist cold +20
Weight: 22.000 kg

Flametounge +7
Damage: 23
Speed: ??
Constitution +1, Power +1
Attacks: fire, weaponmagic
Protected: resist fire +45, resist cold +30
Vulnerable: resist magic -20
Attuned: fire
Weight: 17.000 kg

Frost Hammer +3
Damage: 10
Speed: 8.00
Power +3
Attacks: magical, cold
Protected: resist cold +30
It is made of: meta
l It weighs 30.000 kg

Frostbrand +3
Damage: 9
Speed: 8.00
Attacks: cold
Protected: resist fire +30
Material: metal
Weight: 22.000 kg

Gram +3
Damage: 18
Speed: 15.00
Speed +1, luck +1
Attacks: physical, confusion
Protected: resist ghosthit +30, resist fear +30
Material: metal
Weight: 30.000kg

Gray Unicorn Horn
Damage: 5
Speed: ??
Attacks: physical

Harakiri sword
Damage: 30
Speed: 6.00
Attacks: Physical
Weight: 5.0 kg
Material: metal
Magic: Strength +2, Dexterity +1

Holy Avenger +5
Damage: 15
Speed: 9.00
Strength +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2
Attacks: weaponmagic, blinding
Protected: resist magic +30, resist drain +100
Weight: 25.000 kg

Jessy Hammer +4
Damage: 30
Speed: 6.0
Strength +1
Attacks: electricity
Protected: resist electricity +30, resist confusion +100, resist acid +100, resist
slow +30, resist paralyzation +100, resist fear +30
Material: iron
Weight: 120.000 kg

Katana of Masamune +3
Damage: 25
Speed: 3.0
Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Constitution +2, Wisdom +1
Attacks: physical, weaponmagic
Protected: resist drain +100, resist ghosthit +100, resist depletion +30
Material: metal
Weight: 9.000 kg

Kitty's Bed
Damage: 12
Speed: ??
Attacks: weaponmagic
Material: wood
Weight: 1.000 kg

Kobold Dagger +3
Damage: 6
Speed: 2.0
Attacks: phyiscal
Material: metal
Weight: 6.000 kg

Lava Slasher +3
Damage: 30
Speed: 9.0
Strength +2, Constitution +2
Attacks: physical, fire
Protected: resist cold 75
Material: metal
Weight: 25.000 kg

Lightning Sticks +4
Damage: 3
Speed: ??
Dexterity +4, speed +5
Attacks: electricty
Protected: resist electricity +40
Weight: 5.500 kg

Mithrandir Staff +4
Damage: 5
Speed: ??
Wisdom +2, Charisma +2, Magic+2
Attacks: physical
Protected: magical, confusion, fear
Immune: drain

Mjøllnir +3
Damage: 10
Speed: 8.00
Strength +1
Attacks: electricity
Protected: resist electricity +30
Material: metal
Weight: 30.000 kg

Mournblade +4
Damage: 9
Speed: 8.00
Strength +1, spell-point regeneration +1
Attacks: drain, weaponmagic
Protected: magical
Immune: drain

Skullcleaver +3
Damage: 20
Speed: 11.00
Attacks: physical
Material: metal wood
Weight: 32.000 kg

Staff of Magi +5
Damage: 20
Speed: 0.00
Intelligence +1, Power +1, Magic +2, WC +5
Attacks: physical, weaponmagic
Protected: resist magic +30
Material: wood
Weight: 4.500 kg

Sting +3
Damage: 5
Speed: 6.00
Attacks: physical
Material: metal
Weight: 6.000 kg

Stormbringer +4
Damage: 9
Speed: 8.00
Strength +1, hit-point regeneration +1
Attacks: electricity, drain
Protected: resist magic +30, resist electricity +30, resist drain +100
Material: metal
Weight: 25.000 kg

Throwing Hammer of Magic Hitting +4
Damage: 6
Speed: ??
Attacks: physical, weaponmagic
Material: wood stone
Weight: 9.300 kg

Thunderfist +5
Damage: 22
Speed: ??
Strength +1, Constitution +1
Attacks: electricity, weaponmagic
Protected: resist electricity +45
Vulnerable: resist cold -20
Attuned: electricity
Weight: 17.000 kg

Trident of Sea Mastery +5
Damage: 25
Speed: ??
Charisma +3
Attacks: physical, confusion
Protected: resist confusion +100, resist acid +75
Vulnerable: resist drain -30
Material: metal
Weight: 23.000 kg

Undead Banisher +3
Damage: 5
Speed: ??
Attacks: physical
Weight: 6.000 kg
Story: The Banisher glows with fierce bright light. You feel its hunger for power.

Unicorn horn +3
Damage: 9
Speed: 9.00

Vardimar the Singing Axe +5
Damage: 18
Speed: ??
Attacks: physical, chaos
Protected: resist chaos +30
Vulnerable: resist confusion -100
Material: metal wood
Weight: 28.000 kg

Venomtooth +3
Damage: 30
Speed: ??
Speed +1, luck+1
Attacks: physical, poison, fear, depletion
Protected: resist ghosthit +30, resist poison +80, resist fear +30
Material: metal
Weight: 30.000 kg

Vorpal Blade +5
Damage: 15
Speed: ??
Dexterity +3
Attacks: physical, depletion
Material: Metal
Weight: 30.000 kg

Winterblade +5
Damage: 21
Speed: ??
Constitution +2, Magic +1
Attacks: cold, weaponmagic
Protected: resist fire +35, resist cold +40
Vulnerable: resist electricity -50
Attuned: frost
Material: ?
Weight: 15.000 kg