/ guides / handbook / appendixc /
Appendix C - Crossfire Pantheon
The following is a summary and description of the various cults in Crossfire. Use the command crossfire -m8 to check if the information presented here is accurate. (Note: you need to have compiled with the DUMP\_SWITCHES and MULTIPLE_GODS flags for this to work!) The boxed attributes have meaning as follows:
Table of Contents
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Gnarg | Father of Goblins, Lord Troll, Master of Poisons, Patron of Assassins, The Unclean One |
Name of the enemy god: | Mostrai |
Race: | Goblin, Giant, Troll |
Enemy race(s): |
Attacktype(s): | Poison |
Resistance(s): | Poison +30 |
Vulnerable: | Magic -20 |
Attuned: |
Repelled: |
Denied: | n/a |
Special: | n/a |
Granted Spell(s): |
Altar Effect(s): |
Holy Relics: | Gnarg's Orc Helmet (low level, rare)
Avatar: [Full Stats] |
1x1, 500 hp, ac -5 wc -3 dam 50 armour 40 Attacktypes: Poison, Physical |
Description: | Gnarg is definitely a god for warrior-priests, suiting low-levels for granting smallpox and poison resist. At higher levels, the magic -20 might hurt, but due to poison fog and the disease Gnarg remains a good choice for a whole player's life. |
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Lythander | Elven god of Luck, Huntsman of Goblins, Trollslayer, The Trickster |
Name of the enemy god: | Gnarg |
Race: | Faerie |
Enemy race(s): |
Attacktype(s): |
Resistance(s): | Confusion +100 |
Vulnerable: |
Attuned: | Missiles |
Repelled: | n/a |
Denied: | Detonation |
Special: |
Granted Spell(s): |
Altar Effect(s): |
Holy Relic(s): | Lythander's Elven Bow (medium level, rare)
Avatar: [Full Stats] |
1x1, 350 hp, ac -7 wc -1 dam 40 armour 50 Attacktypes: Confusion, Physical |
Description: | Lythander is an allarounder. An effective holy word (priest), increased spell-regen (wizards) and confuse-immu (warriors) are a powerful combo, especially for low level. The price to pay is denied detonation (no create bomb) and great troubles with acid/poison (Elves don't like "dirty" stuff). Real useful special-prayers for high levels are missing too. |
Additional Comments: | Attacktypes Slow and Confuse is a really useless attacktype on a weapon, it makes the opponent almost impossible to predict. Slow is useful, but confuse should make combat still abit tricky for the trickster. The resistances are just messed, -40 acid is stupid, and -40 poison is mean. Resist_Acid -15 (one cloak of acid resist and your items don't get destroyed, this seems alittle more reasonable). Resist_Poison -30 (not much less, but at least you can get to 0 with one low level item). Currently I will leave denied explosions, this of course denies one of the most useful spells in the game. The sp + might make up for it so I wont change this. |
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Gaea | Goddess of Peace, Guardian of Life, Mother of Nature |
Name of the enemy god: | Devourers |
Race: |
Enemy race(s): |
Attacktype(s): | NONE |
Resistance(s): |
Vulnerable: | Fear -100 |
Attuned: |
Repelled: | n/a |
Denied: |
Special: |
Granted Spell(s): |
Altar Effect(s): |
Holy Relic(s): | Gaea's Shield of Earth (high level, rare)
Gaea's Tears (high level, frequently),
Flowers (high level, frequently)
Gloves of the Sun (medium level, rare)
Avatar: [Full Stats] |
1x1, 500 hp, ac -5 wc -1 dam 50 armour 50 Attacktypes: Physical |
Description: | Gaea's disadvantage is well-known: "NO WEAPON". To balance this out, gaea grants a huge amount of special prayers, fast hp/grace-regen, valuable path-attunes and drain/deplete-immu. The "goddess of peace" is surely not designed for the newbies. But I think it is well possible to build a character from this cult. |
Additional Comments: | I have added Glove of the sun which will grant the monk the attack_type of fire (it is a pair of gloves) to make up for the massive hole there. |
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Devourers | Soul Eaters, Harbingers of Death, Nameless Lords of the Tomb |
Name of the enemy god: | Gaea |
Race: | Undead |
Enemy race(s): | n/a |
Attacktype(s): |
Resistance(s): |
Vulnerable: | Fire -5 |
Attuned: |
Repelled: |
Denied: |
Special: |
Granted Spell(s): |
Altar Effect(s): | Enchant Weapon, +7 |
Holy Relic(s): | n/a |
Avatar: [Full Stats] |
1x1, 350 hp, ac -12 wc -1 dam 50 armour -12 Attack Type: Cold, Drain, Depletion, Death |
Description: | Devourers fire vuln/path_denied make them very unattractive at first glance. The question is: Will the combo of "black/red death" and disease-immu make up for that? Might this even be an exploit or does it just suck? Anyway, at low levels devourers will be hard to play yet. |
Additional Comments: | Black and red death are under close watch. It would appear restoration
has come back as a spell for devourers. None the less, devourers
is not a god for those who enjoy magic, no fire causes a massive
hole. Life stealing works like this: dam/10 = damage dealt to monster damage dealt/3 = hp given to player NOTE: Once a player becomes a follower of Devourers, their race will change to Undead (along with all of it's penalties, specifically vulnerable to holy word spells!) Players who leave the Devourer's cult will revert back to their original race. |
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Ruggilli | Chaos god of Slaughter and Terror, Consuming Worm, Greedy Gut |
Name of the enemy god: | Ixalovh |
Race: | Fire Creatures |
Enemy race(s): | Chaotic water creatures |
Attacktype(s): |
Resistance(s): |
Vulnerable: | Cold -30 |
Attuned: |
Repelled: |
Denied: | Turning |
Special: |
Granted Spell(s): |
Altar Effect(s): |
Holy Relic(s): | Burning Tail of many lashings of Ruggilli (high, rare)
Avatar: [Full Stats] |
1x1, 400 hp, ac -5 wc -3 dam 60 armour 40 Attack Type(s): Physical, Fire |
Description: | Honestly, I have no idea how that ruggilli scheme will work out. Needs some testing. |
Additional Comments: | Ruggilli remains a problem, I have added a temple in scorn for those who wish to experiment. I must warn that it is very hard to play and should only be tried with fire born or Qs. Immolation adds massive damage with just a touch at high levels, Rage adds excessive speed and general improvement to everything. Flaming Aura and Ret. strike should add the real meat of the attack. No idea if Ruggilli is yet comparable, many relics yet to be added. |
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Gorokh | Demon King, Duke of Hell, Tempter and Tormentor |
Name of the enemy god: | Valriel |
Race: | Demon |
Enemy race(s): | Angel |
Attacktype(s): | Fear |
Resistance(s): |
Vulnerable: | Cold -5 |
Attuned: | Wounding |
Repelled: |
Denied: | n/a |
Special: |
Granted Spell(s): |
Altar Effect(s): |
Holy Relic(s): | n/a |
Avatar: [Full Stats] |
1x1, 350 hp, ac -5 wc -3 dam 50 armour 50, Attacktype(s): Fear, Physical |
Description: | Gorokh is the demon-god, and loves blood and pain. He is reluctant to answer prayers for healing or protection, but eagerly answers prayers to cause harm. Devotees receive magic resistance, and the extremely powerful vitriol spell at high levels. |
Additional Comments: | Recent changes: -2 hp regen (1 less than it was). -1 sp regen (1 less than it was) and -5 cold (just to slow down a high level gorokh player a little) |
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Valriel | Lord of Angels, Duke of the Heavens, Healer and Protector |
Name of the enemy god: | Gorokh |
Race: | Angel |
Enemy race(s): | Demon |
Attacktype(s): | Blinding |
Resistance(s): |
Vulnerable: | n/a |
Attuned: |
Repelled: | n/a |
Denied: |
Special: | Permanent Glow |
Granted Spell(s): |
Altar Effect(s): |
Holy Relic(s): | n/a |
Avatar: [Full Stats] |
1x1, 350 hp, ac -7 wc -1 dam 50 armour 50 Attacktype(s): Blinding, Physical |
Description: | Valriel is the god of light and "positive aura". This god has no serious penalties, in return he won't support you much in general combat. His advantages are a mighty slaying (demon) and vision on dark maps. However, the permanent glow of Valriel's disciples is a mixed blessing, since monsters will spot these players more easily. |
Additional Comments: | "Wrathful eye" is a cone based blinding spell, can basically be used like paralyze. Sunspear is now given only to Valriel players, a powerful firebolt like spell. All Valriel players now glow, when they enter a cave it is as if they always have a torch alight. |
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Sorig | Lord of Storms, King of Thunder and Lightning, Sky Lord |
Name of the enemy god: | n/a |
Race: | Lightning and Air Elementals |
Enemy race(s): | n/a |
Attacktype(s): | Electricity |
Resistance(s): | Electricity +30 |
Vulnerable: | n/a |
Attuned: |
Repelled: | Restoration |
Denied: |
Special: | n/a |
Granted Spell(s): |
Altar Effect(s): |
Holy Relic(s): | Mithril Chainmail of Electricity (high level, rare)
Avatar: [Full Stats] |
1x1, 300 hp, ac -5 wc -1 dam 40 armour 40 Attack Type(s): Electricity |
Description: | Sorig is one mighty god when it comes to attack-spells, very suitable for the "true" priests. Cause many wounds and divine shock can kill almost anything in short time. The high elec-resist is very helpful as well. To prevent everybody playing sorig again, I left him "deny protection". Lack of protection spells hurt, especially at low levels. |
Additional Comments: | Sorigs "Divine shock" is a very powerful weapon, perhaps the strongest god given spell |
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Mostrai | Dwarven Diety of Metal Smithing and Warcraft, Giant Basher, Delver of Secrets |
Name of the enemy god: | Gnarg |
Race: | Dwarf |
Enemy race(s): | Goblin, Giant |
Attacktype(s): | Weaponmagic |
Resistance(s): | Fire +20 |
Vulnerable: | Slow -50, Confusion -10 |
Attuned: | Creation, Transmutation |
Repelled: | Summoning |
Denied: | n/a |
Special: | n/a |
Granted Spell(s): |
Altar Effect(s): |
Holy Relic(s): | Thorin's Plate Mail (low level, rare)
Avatar: [Full Stats] |
1x1, 350 hp, ac -10 wc -6 dam 50 armour 75 Attack Type(s): Weaponmagic |
Description: | Good old mostrai. Having the most powerful holy word & avatar and maybe the most desirable blessing for weapons, leveling up with Mostrai seems like a cakewalk. Even more: fire +30! Mostrai is probably the best choice for newbies. But reaching higher levels, Mostrai has some drawbacks too: Confusion -10 looks harmless, but at a certain level it starts to hurt. Also, there are no great special-spells waiting at higher levels. |
Additional Comments: | No longer Paralyze -20, that was too extreme. Resist Fire was lowered to 20 (from 30). |
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