DM Commands
Table of Contents:
HOWTO Enable DM Access
The DM access file is found in {prefix}/etc/crossfire/dm_file
This file contains authorization for dm access.
There are 3 fields, like this: name:password:host
Any field can be ignored if a * is used instead of a normal value - this is the
extent of the wildcarding.
Lines that start with # are obviously ignored. This file is read each time someone attempts to become dm, so it can be changed after the server is running and results will apply to the present server that is running.
Example entries:
(name must be master, password is topsecret, allow any host)
(only matches password - any character can become a DM by type 'dm notelling)
It is pretty easy - you should be able to figure it out with few problems.
To activate DM access:
- Login as the character (ex: master) you specified in the dm_file
- Type the following: 'dm <password> (ex: 'dm topsecret)
- You should now have DM Access
Commands and Descriptions
The command list has been migrated to the wiki, located at
Sending Players to Jail
- Become the dm
- Go to the jail map (/city/misc/jail)
- Walk through eastern wall
- Choose the time (dont step on a teleporter)
- Summon the victim
- Wait till (s)he is jailed (victim will be summoned on teleporter)
In game instructions
As found in the Jail in Scorn...
Step into a box and stand next to the teleporter. Summon a character there and they will be teleported into a cell and will not be able to leave until their time has expired. Times are actual playing time, so a character has to be logged in in order for their time to expire. Saying 'sorry' in a cell will deliver bread and water to a character. Teleporters are damned, so the characters save bed will be changed to the center of their cell. They will not be able to suicide and get out early. The Warden's key will allow you to open cell doors when you are not flying (dm). Prisoners will not be able to leave even if the door is open.
- Time: 15 minutes
Message: You have been jailed for 15 minutes for your actions - Time: 30 minutes
Message: You have been jailed for 30 minutes for your actions - Time: 1 hour
Message: You have been jailed for 1 hour for your actions - Time: 2 hours
Message: You have been jailed for 2 hours for your actions - Time: 4 hours
Message: You have been jailed for 4 hours for your actions - Time: Life (Get comfortable.. you're here for life)
Message: You have been jailed for life for your actions