Crossfire Server, Trunk
Walls usually block passage and sight.
Type defined by:
Attribute | Field | Description |
artifact | object::artifact | If defined, refers to an artifact to get values from. |
block view | FLAG_BLOCKSVIEW | If an item is set to block view, players (and monsters) cannot see beyond it unless they cross it or manage to stand on top. |
blocked movement | object::move_block | If set, the object cannot be passed by players nor monsters. |
blocks prayers | blocks_prayer | Similar to damned, but does not appear in detect curse. |
changing | FLAG_CHANGING | A <changing> object converts to <food> <other_arch> objects; when it's animation is done. For non-living objects <food> is checked: if it is zero, the change happens; otherwise <food> is decreased by one. I suggest you don't mess with this value - leave the default in place. |
client-sided randomized animation? | FLAG_CLIENT_ANIM_RANDOM | If defined, then the object's animation is client-sided. Similar objects are animated independently. |
client-sided synchronized animation? | FLAG_CLIENT_ANIM_SYNC | If defined, then the object's animation is client-sided. Similar objects are animated synchronized. |
elevation | elevation | The elevation (height above sea level) of this square. It is used for weather calculations and should be in the range -32000..32000. The elevation of a tile must be set in the bottom-most game object; elevation values for non-bottom-most game objects are ignored by the Crossfire server. |
glow radius | object::glow_radius | If <glow radius> is set to a value greater zero, the object appears lit up on dark maps. <glow radius> can be a value between 0 and 4, the higher, the more light does the object emit. |
identified | FLAG_IDENTIFIED | If an item is identified, the player has full knowledge about it. |
identified animation | identified_animation | If defined, then the object will take this animation when identified. |
identified animation speed | identified_anim_speed | If defined, then the object will have this animation speed when identified. |
identified image | identified_face | If defined, then the object will take this appareance when identified. |
identified random animation? | identified_anim_random | If defined, then the object's animation is in a random sequence when identified. |
identified_name | identified_name | If defined, then the object will take this name when identified. |
identified_name_pl | identified_name_pl | If defined, then the object will take this plural name when identified. |
image | object::face | The image-name defines what image is displayed for this object in-game. |
invisible | object::invisible | Generally makes the object invisible. Depending on the object-type, some can be made visible by the show_invisible spell. If in doubt, test it. Putting an invisible object under the floor always prevents it from being shown. |
is buildable | FLAG_IS_BUILDABLE | If set, usually for floors, players can use tools and building materials to build above this object. |
is used up | FLAG_IS_USED_UP | If set, decrement the <food> field at <speed>. When <food> reaches zero, remove the object. |
material | object::material | This bitmask-value informs the player of which material(s) the object consists. Material does also affect how likely the object can be destroyed by hazardous spell-effects. |
movable | FLAG_CAN_ROLL | If set, the object is able to "roll", so it can be pushed around. This setting is used for boulders and barrels. |
movement type | object::move_type | Must be set if the object has can_roll set. |
name | object::name | This is the name of the object, displayed to the player. |
non-pickable | FLAG_NO_PICK | If set, the object cannot be picked up (Neither by players nor monsters). |
price adjustment | price_adjustment | If set, this is the buy and sell price adjustment ratio for the item. |
price adjustment for buying | price_adjustment_buy | If set, this is the adjustment ratio when buying the item. Ignored if <price> adjustment is set. |
price adjustment for selling | price_adjustment_sell | If set, this is the adjustment ratio when selling the item. Ignored if <price> adjustment is set. |
restrict prayers | FLAG_DAMNED | This takes effect only with <blocksview> disabled. Restricting the use of spells to pass this wall. |
restrict spells | FLAG_NO_MAGIC | This takes effect only with <blocksview> disabled. Restricting the use of spells to pass this wall. |
smooth level | object::smoothlevel | If <smooth level> is set to a value greater zero, the object will be drawn partially over adjacent squares having a lower <smooth level> value. The value must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive); 0 means "never overlap adjacent squares". |
splitting | FLAG_SPLITTING | A <splitting> object converts to <food> <other_arch> objects; when it is hit physically. For non-living objects <food> is checked: if it is zero, the change happens; otherwise <food> is decreased by one. I suggest you don't mess with this value - leave the default in place. |
weight | object::weight | This value defines the object's weight in grams (1000g is 1kg). Objects with zero weight are not pickable for players. Still, set the "non-pickable"-flag for explicitly non-pickable objects (hey, this is open source... you never know ;) ). |