Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- u -
- u
: selection
, shared_string
- ubjson_prefix()
: nlohmann::detail::binary_writer< BasicJsonType, CharType >
- unapply
: player
- unarmed_skill
: player
- undefined()
: AssetsCollection< T, Key >
- undumped_chars
: nlohmann::detail::serializer< BasicJsonType >
- unexpect_eof()
: nlohmann::detail::binary_reader< BasicJsonType, InputAdapterType, SAX >
- unflatten()
: nlohmann::basic_json
, nlohmann::json_pointer< BasicJsonType >
- unget()
: nlohmann::detail::lexer< BasicJsonType, InputAdapterType >
- unique
: CFanimation
, mapstruct
- uniquedir
: Settings
- uniqueKey()
: CFDialog.Dialog
- untransformAll()
: CFMapTransformer.CFMapTransformer
- update()
: nlohmann::basic_json
- update_inventory
: socket_struct
- update_look
: socket_struct
- update_points()
: CFGuilds.CFGuildHouses
- updateArtifacts()
: AssetWithArtifacts< T >
- updateData()
: CRESubItemQuest
, CRESubItemToken
- updateEditorGeometry()
: CREMessageTypeDelegate
, CREPlayerRepliesDelegate
, CREPrePostConditionDelegate
, CREPrePostSingleConditionDelegate
, CREStringListDelegate
- updateFilters()
: CREMainWindow
, CREResourcesWindow
- updateItem()
: AnimationPanel
, ArtifactListPanel
, ArtifactPanel
, AssetSWrapperPanel< T >
, AssetTWrapperPanel< T >
, AttackMessagePanel
, CREFacePanel
, CREMapPanel
, CREMessagePanel
, CRERandomMapPanel
, CRETreasurePanel
, FacesetsPanel
, GameSoundPanel
, GameSoundsPanel
, RecipePanel
, SoundFilePanel
- updateListener
: Archetypes
- uptime
: MetaServer2_UpdateInfo
- use
: type_definition
- use_alchemy
: knowledge_type
- use_name
: body_locations_struct
- used_time
: pycode_cache_entry
- UseFilterAssetModel()
: UseFilterAssetModel
- usekeys
: player
- uses()
: AnimationsWrapper
, AnimationWrapper
, ArchetypesWrapper
, ArchetypeWrapper
, ArtifactListWrapper
, ArtifactsWrapper
, ArtifactWrapper
, AssetWrapper
- Uses
: AssetWrapper
- uses()
: CREMapInformation
, FacesWrapper
, FaceWrapper
, GameSound
, GameSounds
, GeneralMessagesWrapper
, GeneralMessageWrapper
, MessageFile
, MessageManager
, QuestsWrapper
, QuestWrapper
, RecipeListWrapper
, RecipesWrapper
, RecipeWrapper
, RegionsWrapper
, RegionWrapper
, TreasureListWrapper
, TreasuresWrapper
, TreasureWrapper
: nlohmann::detail::serializer< BasicJsonType >
- utf8_bytes
: nlohmann::detail::wide_string_input_adapter< BaseInputAdapter, WideCharType >
- utf8_bytes_filled
: nlohmann::detail::wide_string_input_adapter< BaseInputAdapter, WideCharType >
- utf8_bytes_index
: nlohmann::detail::wide_string_input_adapter< BaseInputAdapter, WideCharType >
: nlohmann::detail::serializer< BasicJsonType >