►Nage | |
Ccheckfailed | |
►NCFBank | |
CCFBank | |
►NCFBoard | |
CCFBoard | |
►NCFCampfire | |
CCFCampfire | |
►NCFDataBase | |
CCFDataBase | |
►NCFDataFile | |
CCFData | |
CCFDataFile | |
►NCFDialog | |
CDialog | |
CDialogRule | |
CIncludeRule | |
►NCFGamble | |
CSlotMachine | |
►NCFGuilds | |
CCFGuild | |
CCFGuildHouses | |
►NCFItemBroker | |
CItem | |
►NCFLog | |
CCFLog | |
►NCFMail | |
CCFMail | |
►NCFMapTransformer | |
CCFMapTransformer | |
►NCFTimeOfDay | |
CTimeOfDay | |
►Neliza | |
Celiza | |
►Nguild_dues | |
CGuildDues | |
►Ninja | |
CAstNode | Base node class for the abstract syntax tree (AST) |
CBlockNode | |
CBlockStatementNode | |
CEnvironment | Class for changing the configuration |
CExpressionListNode | |
CExpressionNode | |
CExtendsStatementNode | |
CFileError | |
CForArrayStatementNode | |
CForObjectStatementNode | |
CForStatementNode | |
CFunctionNode | |
►CFunctionStorage | Class for builtin functions and user-defined callbacks |
CFunctionData | |
CIfStatementNode | |
CIncludeStatementNode | |
CInjaError | |
CJsonError | |
CJsonNode | |
CLexer | Class for lexing an inja Template |
CLiteralNode | |
CNodeVisitor | |
CParser | Class for parsing an inja Template |
CParserError | |
CRenderer | Class for rendering a Template with data |
CRenderError | |
CSetStatementNode | |
CSourceLocation | |
CStatementNode | |
CStatisticsVisitor | A class for counting statistics on a Template |
CTemplate | The main inja Template |
CTextNode | |
CToken | Helper-class for the inja Lexer |
►Nnlohmann | Namespace for Niels Lohmann |
►Ndetail | Detail namespace with internal helper functions |
►Ncontainer_input_adapter_factory_impl | |
Ccontainer_input_adapter_factory | |
Ccontainer_input_adapter_factory< ContainerType, void_t< decltype(begin(std::declval< ContainerType >()), end(std::declval< ContainerType >()))> > | |
►Ndtoa_impl | Implements the Grisu2 algorithm for binary to decimal floating-point conversion |
Cboundaries | |
Ccached_power | |
Cdiyfp | |
►Nutility_internal | |
CExtend | |
CExtend< integer_sequence< T, Ints... >, SeqSize, 0 > | |
CExtend< integer_sequence< T, Ints... >, SeqSize, 1 > | |
CGen | |
CGen< T, 0 > | |
Cbinary_reader | Deserialization of CBOR, MessagePack, and UBJSON values |
Cbinary_writer | Serialization to CBOR and MessagePack values |
Cconjunction | |
Cconjunction< B1 > | |
Cconjunction< B1, Bn... > | |
Cdetector | |
Cdetector< Default, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | |
Cexception | General exception of the basic_json class |
Cexternal_constructor | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::array > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::binary > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::boolean > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::number_float > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::number_integer > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::number_unsigned > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::object > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::string > | |
Cfile_input_adapter | |
Cfrom_json_fn | |
Chas_from_json | |
Chas_from_json< BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t< !is_basic_json< T >::value > > | |
Chas_non_default_from_json | |
Chas_non_default_from_json< BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t< !is_basic_json< T >::value > > | |
Chas_to_json | |
Chas_to_json< BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t< !is_basic_json< T >::value > > | |
Cidentity_tag | |
Cinput_stream_adapter | |
Cinteger_sequence | |
Cinternal_iterator | Iterator value |
Cinvalid_iterator | Exception indicating errors with iterators |
Cis_basic_json | |
Cis_basic_json< NLOHMANN_BASIC_JSON_TPL > | |
Cis_compatible_array_type | |
Cis_compatible_array_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_array_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleArrayType, enable_if_t< is_detected< value_type_t, CompatibleArrayType >::value &&is_detected< iterator_t, CompatibleArrayType >::value &&!is_iterator_traits< iterator_traits< CompatibleArrayType > >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_integer_type | |
Cis_compatible_integer_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_integer_type_impl< RealIntegerType, CompatibleNumberIntegerType, enable_if_t< std::is_integral< RealIntegerType >::value &&std::is_integral< CompatibleNumberIntegerType >::value &&!std::is_same< bool, CompatibleNumberIntegerType >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_object_type | |
Cis_compatible_object_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_object_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleObjectType, enable_if_t< is_detected< mapped_type_t, CompatibleObjectType >::value &&is_detected< key_type_t, CompatibleObjectType >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_string_type | |
Cis_compatible_string_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_string_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleStringType, enable_if_t< is_detected_exact< typename BasicJsonType::string_t::value_type, value_type_t, CompatibleStringType >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_type | |
Cis_compatible_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleType, enable_if_t< is_complete_type< CompatibleType >::value > > | |
Cis_complete_type | |
Cis_complete_type< T, decltype(void(sizeof(T)))> | |
Cis_constructible | |
Cis_constructible< const std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cis_constructible< const std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cis_constructible< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cis_constructible< std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cis_constructible_array_type | |
Cis_constructible_array_type_impl | |
Cis_constructible_array_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType, enable_if_t< !std::is_same< ConstructibleArrayType, typename BasicJsonType::value_type >::value &&is_default_constructible< ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&(std::is_move_assignable< ConstructibleArrayType >::value||std::is_copy_assignable< ConstructibleArrayType >::value)&&is_detected< value_type_t, ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&is_detected< iterator_t, ConstructibleArrayType >::value &&is_complete_type< detected_t< value_type_t, ConstructibleArrayType > >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_array_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType, enable_if_t< std::is_same< ConstructibleArrayType, typename BasicJsonType::value_type >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_object_type | |
Cis_constructible_object_type_impl | |
Cis_constructible_object_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleObjectType, enable_if_t< is_detected< mapped_type_t, ConstructibleObjectType >::value &&is_detected< key_type_t, ConstructibleObjectType >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_string_type | |
Cis_constructible_string_type_impl | |
Cis_constructible_string_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleStringType, enable_if_t< is_detected_exact< typename BasicJsonType::string_t::value_type, value_type_t, ConstructibleStringType >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_tuple | |
Cis_constructible_tuple< T1, std::tuple< Args... > > | |
Cis_default_constructible | |
Cis_default_constructible< const std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cis_default_constructible< const std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cis_default_constructible< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cis_default_constructible< std::tuple< Ts... > > | |
Cis_detected_lazy | |
Cis_getable | |
Cis_iterator_of_multibyte | |
Cis_iterator_traits | |
Cis_iterator_traits< iterator_traits< T > > | |
Cis_json_ref | |
Cis_json_ref< json_ref< T > > | |
Cis_sax | |
Cis_sax_static_asserts | |
Citer_impl | Template for a bidirectional iterator for the basic_json class This class implements a both iterators (iterator and const_iterator) for the basic_json class |
Citeration_proxy | Proxy class for the items() function |
Citeration_proxy_value | |
Citerator_input_adapter | |
Citerator_input_adapter_factory | |
Citerator_input_adapter_factory< IteratorType, enable_if_t< is_iterator_of_multibyte< IteratorType >::value > > | |
Citerator_traits | |
Citerator_traits< T *, enable_if_t< std::is_object< T >::value > > | |
Citerator_traits< T, enable_if_t< !std::is_pointer< T >::value > > | |
Citerator_types | |
Citerator_types< It, void_t< typename It::difference_type, typename It::value_type, typename It::pointer, typename It::reference, typename It::iterator_category > > | |
Cjson_ref | |
Cjson_reverse_iterator | Template for a reverse iterator class |
Cjson_sax_acceptor | |
Cjson_sax_dom_callback_parser | |
Cjson_sax_dom_parser | SAX implementation to create a JSON value from SAX events |
Clexer | Lexical analysis |
Clexer_base | |
Cmake_void | |
Cnegation | |
Cnonesuch | |
Cother_error | Exception indicating other library errors |
Cout_of_range | Exception indicating access out of the defined range |
Coutput_adapter | |
Coutput_adapter_protocol | Abstract output adapter interface |
Coutput_stream_adapter | Output adapter for output streams |
Coutput_string_adapter | Output adapter for basic_string |
Coutput_vector_adapter | Output adapter for byte vectors |
Cparse_error | Exception indicating a parse error |
Cparser | Syntax analysis |
Cposition_t | Struct to capture the start position of the current token |
Cprimitive_iterator_t | |
Cpriority_tag | |
Cpriority_tag< 0 > | |
Cserializer | |
Cspan_input_adapter | |
Cstatic_const | |
Cto_json_fn | |
Ctype_error | Exception indicating executing a member function with a wrong type |
Cwide_string_input_adapter | |
Cwide_string_input_helper | |
Cwide_string_input_helper< BaseInputAdapter, 2 > | |
Cwide_string_input_helper< BaseInputAdapter, 4 > | |
Cadl_serializer | Default JSONSerializer template argument |
Cbasic_json | Class to store JSON values |
Cbyte_container_with_subtype | Internal type for a backed binary type |
Cjson_pointer | JSON Pointer |
Cjson_sax | SAX interface |
Cordered_map | |
►Nnonstd | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< nlohmann::json > | Hash value for JSON objects |
Cless<::nlohmann::detail::value_t > | |
Ctuple_element< N, ::nlohmann::detail::iteration_proxy_value< IteratorType > > | |
Ctuple_size<::nlohmann::detail::iteration_proxy_value< IteratorType > > | |
C_change_arch | |
CAccount_Char | |
CAccount_Chars | |
Caccount_struct | |
CAllAnimations | |
CAllAssets | |
CAnimationControl | |
CAnimationPanel | |
CAnimations | |
CAnimationsWrapper | |
CAnimationWidget | |
CAnimationWrapper | |
CAnimationWriter | |
Carchetype | |
CArchetypeComboBox | |
CArchetypeLoader | |
CArchetypePanel | |
CArchetypes | |
CArchetypesModel | |
CArchetypesWrapper | |
CArchetypeWrapper | |
CArchetypeWriter | |
Cartifact | |
Cartifactlist | |
CArtifactListPanel | |
CArtifactListWrapper | |
CArtifactLoader | |
CArtifactPanel | |
CArtifactsWrapper | |
CArtifactWrapper | |
CArtifactWriter | |
Carttypename | |
CAssetCollector | |
CAssetData | |
CAssetFieldCompleter | |
CAssetLoader | |
CAssetModel | |
CAssetOriginAndCreationDialog | |
CAssetsCollection | |
CAssetsCollectionWrapper | |
CAssetsManager | |
CAssetsTracker | |
CAssetSWrapperPanel | |
CAssetTextEdit | |
CAssetTWrapper | |
CAssetTWrapperPanel | |
CAssetUseTree | |
CAssetWithArtifacts | |
CAssetWrapper | |
CAssetWrapperManager | |
►CAssetWrapperPanel | |
CPropertyLink | |
CAssetWriter | |
Cattackmess_t | |
CAttackMessagePanel | |
CAttackMessagesWrapper | |
Cattribute_definition | |
Cattribute_type | |
Cblocks | |
Cbody_locations_struct | |
CBufferReader | |
CCFanimation | |
CCFanimationHook | |
CCFConstant | |
CCFmovement | |
CCFPContext | |
Ccftimer | |
CChangesDock | |
CChaos_Attacks | |
Cchars_names | |
Cclient_cmd_mapping | |
Cclient_spell | |
CCommand_Line_Options | |
CCRECombatSimulator | |
CCREExperienceWindow | |
CCREFacePanel | |
CCREFilterDefinition | |
CCREFilterDefinitionManager | |
CCREFilterDialog | |
CCREGeneralMessagePanel | |
CCREHPBarMaker | |
CCREMainWindow | |
CCREMapInformation | |
CCREMapInformationManager | |
CCREMapPanel | |
CCREMessageItemModel | |
CCREMessagePanel | |
CCREMessageTypeDelegate | |
CCREMultilineItemDelegate | |
CCREPixmap | |
CCREPlayerRepliesDelegate | |
CCREPlayerRepliesPanel | |
CCREPrePostConditionDelegate | |
CCREPrePostList | |
CCREPrePostPanel | |
CCREPrePostSingleConditionDelegate | |
CCREQuestPanel | |
CCRERandomMapPanel | |
CCREReportDisplay | |
CCREResourcesWindow | |
CCREScriptEngine | |
CCREScriptPanel | |
CCRESettings | |
CCRESettingsDialog | |
CCRESmoothFaceMaker | |
CCREStringListDelegate | |
CCREStringListPanel | |
CCRESubItemConnection | |
CCRESubItemList | |
CCRESubItemQuest | |
CCRESubItemToken | |
CCRESubItemWidget | |
CCRETreasurePanel | |
CCREUtils | |
CCrossfire_Archetype | |
CCrossfire_Map | |
CCrossfire_Object | |
CCrossfire_Party | |
CCrossfire_Player | |
Ccrossfire_plugin | |
CCrossfire_Region | |
CCS_Stats | |
Cdump | |
CEditMonstersDialog | |
CFace | |
Cface_info | |
Cface_sets | |
CFaceComboBox | |
CFaceLoader | |
CFaceMakerDialog | |
CFaces | |
CFacesetLoader | |
CFacesets | |
CFacesetsPanel | |
CFacesetsWrapper | |
CFacesetWriter | |
CFacesWrapper | |
CFaceWrapper | |
CFaceWriter | |
Cflag_definition | |
CFormulaeWriter | |
Cfree_spots_struct | |
Cfree_walls_struct | |
CGameSound | |
CGameSoundPanel | |
CGameSounds | |
CGameSoundsPanel | |
CGeneralMessage | |
CGeneralMessagesWrapper | |
CGeneralMessageWrapper | |
CHelpBrowser | |
CHelpManager | |
Chook_entry | |
CHookInformation | |
Chouse_zone_struct | |
Ci18n_file | |
Cignore_list | |
CJSONData | |
Ckey_value | |
Ckill_format | |
Cknowledge_item | |
Cknowledge_player | |
Cknowledge_type | |
Clayout | |
CLicenseManager | |
Clinked_char | |
Clisten_info | |
Cliving | |
CLocalMeta2Info | |
CMap | |
Cmap_cell_struct | |
CMap_Layer_Info | |
CMapSpace | |
Cmapstruct | |
Cmapzone | |
Cmatcher_params | |
Cmaterialtype_t | |
CMessageFile | |
CMessageLoader | |
CMessageManager | |
CMessageRule | |
CMessages | |
CMessageWriter | |
CMetaServer2_UpdateInfo | |
CmethodSignature | |
CMinHeap | |
CModifiedAssetsManager | |
Cmodule_information | |
Cmtar_header_t | |
Cmtar_raw_header_t | |
Cmtar_t | |
Cob_methods | |
Cobject | |
Cobjectlink | |
CObjectWrapper | |
Coblinkpt | |
COutputFile | |
CpageToRender | |
Cpaper_properties | |
Cparam_moveto | |
Cpartylist | |
Cpath_data | |
Cplayer | |
Cplayer_cmd_mapping | |
CPngLoader | |
CPos | |
CPrePostWidget | |
CpropertySignature | |
Cpycode_cache_entry | |
Cquest_condition | |
Cquest_definition | |
Cquest_player | |
Cquest_state | |
Cquest_step_definition | |
CQuestComboBox | |
CQuestConditionScript | |
CQuestLoader | |
CQuests | |
CQuestStepPanel | |
CQuestStepWrapper | |
CQuestsWrapper | |
CQuestWrapper | |
CQuestWriter | |
CQuickFilterDialog | |
CRandomMap | |
CRandomMaps | |
Creadable_message_type | |
Crecipe | |
Crecipelist | |
CRecipeListWrapper | |
CRecipePanel | |
CRecipesWrapper | |
CRecipeWrapper | |
CRegion | |
Cregion | |
CRegionPanel | |
CRegionsWrapper | |
CRegionWrapper | |
Cregistered_command | |
CResourcesManager | |
CRMParms | |
CRoom | |
Crv_vector | |
Cscore | |
Cscore_table | |
CScriptFile | |
CScriptFileManager | |
CScriptFilterAssetModel | |
Cselection | |
CSettings | |
Cshared_string | |
Cshopinv | |
Cshopitems | |
Cshutdown_s | |
CSingleAttackWrapper | |
CSocket_Info | |
Csocket_struct | |
CSockList | |
CSoundFile | |
CSoundFilePanel | |
CSoundFiles | |
CSoundFilesPanel | |
CSoundsDialog | |
Cspawn_point | |
Cspawn_zone | |
CStatistics | |
Cstatsinfo | |
Cstring_array | |
CStringBuffer | |
Cstruct_dialog_information | |
Cstruct_dialog_message | |
Cstruct_dialog_reply | |
Cstruct_equipment | |
Cstruct_map_in_quest | |
Cstruct_map_in_quest_list | |
Cstruct_map_info | |
Cstruct_map_list | |
Cstruct_npc_info | |
Cstruct_quest | |
Cstruct_race | |
Cstruct_race_list | |
Cstruct_region_info | |
Cstruct_slaying_info | |
Ctalk_info | |
CTarLoader | |
Cteleport_params | |
Ctimeofday_t | |
Ctitle | |
Ctitlelist | |
Ctreasure | |
Ctreasurelist | |
CTreasureListComboBox | |
CTreasureListWrapper | |
CTreasureLoader | |
CTreasurePanel | |
CTreasures | |
CTreasuresWrapper | |
CTreasureWrapper | |
CTreasureWriter | |
CTreasureYesNo | |
Ctype_attribute | |
Ctype_definition | |
Ctype_name | |
Ctypedata | |
Cunpaid_count | |
CUseFilterAssetModel | |
CUtils | |
CWrapperLoader | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |