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Crossfire 0.93.4 Announcement

Like several of the prior versions, there is not major functional changes, but many minor functional changes.

So on to the real release information:

There are five separate tar archives in the Crossfire 0.93.4 distribution:

sums (bsd) filename

  • 54680 14 crossfire-0.93.3-0.93.4.patch.gz
  • 33447 4 crossfire-0.93.4-README
  • 35187 873 crossfire-0.93.4.arch.tar.gz
  • 55063 835 crossfire-0.93.4.doc.tar.gz
  • 45821 2004 crossfire-0.93.4.maps.tar.gz
  • 17034 2262 crossfire-0.93.4.tar.gz
  • 40250 2 crossfire-

There was no change in the client archive.

crossfire-0.93.4.tar.gz contains the actual program code. See the CHANGES file in this archive for everything that has changed. It also contains pre-made archetypes and image files (along with postscript spoiler and handbook), so that the crossfire-0.93.4.arch.tar.gz file is not needed.

crossfire-0.93.4.arch.tar.gz contains the unpacked archetype (arch) directory. This file is not needed if you just want to compile the games and play. The contents of this archive is used to create the archetypes, bmaps, font, and X PixMap (XPM) files. You only need it if you want to add new archetypes, mess around with the existing ones, or recreate some files. You also need this if you want to create the images for the html versions of the playbook and handbook, but read the notes about the doc archive below. Many new images and some archetypes added by David Sundqvist.

crossfire-0.93.4.doc.tar.gz: This contains all the preformatted documentation from the doc directory (really, everything there is.) What you get is postscript versions of the spoiler and handbook, along with html versions WITH all images premade (this is the only archive that has the GIF images premade). What you don't get is the source code for the latex spoiler and handbook. If you just play the game but would like full documentation, this is the archive to get. Everything in here can be recreated if with tar and arch archives.

crossfire-0.93.4.maps.tar.gz contains all the maps. Many maps updated to look better in XPM mode.

crossfire-0.93.3-0.93.4.patch.gz is a source code patch. It does not include files that can be recreated from the archetypes. I believe you can keep version 0.93.3 archetypes without any harm.

crossfire- This is a patch release for 0.93.3. Version 93.3 is the starting 'reliable' release, and I will make patch releases for this version that only fix compile or fatal errors. New features will not be added to this. This gives users an oppurtunity to have a stable version without getting features that change the play or balance of the game.

FOR FIRST TIME USERS: You will need the crossfire-0.93.4.tar.gz and crossfire-0.93.4.maps.tar.gz file. You do not need the crossfire-0.93.4.arch.tar.gz file. If you just want to play the game at some remote server and have no interesting in compiling it, you may then want to get the crossfire-0.93.4.doc.tar.gz file.

There are no changes to the sound or client - you can safely get an older version of those if needed.

Crossfire is avaible on the following ftp sites


  • ra.pyramid.com:/pub/crossfire (
  • ftp.ifi.uio.no:/pub/crossfire (


  • ftp.real-time.com/pub/games/crossfire (
  • yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au:/pub/crossfire (
  • ftp.cs.city.ac.uk:/pub/games/crossfire/
  • ftp.sunet.se:/pub/unix/games/crossfire (
  • ftp.cs.titech.ac.jp:/pub/games/crossfire

I uploaded this version to just ra - it should be on the other ftp sites in a short time.

Mark Wedel