1999 Website Updates
Log of all the changes and updates with the website
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
November 28, 1999
- Based off the mailing list - Lower numbers indicate faster
Weapon Speed with the Win32 client
- Higher values indicate faster Weapon speed with the other clients (GTK, CF, and Java)
- Map updates for Maze House and Darcap Inn - all found in Darcap (Dtabb)
- Map screen shots of Darcap and Dtabb available Update for the proposed world map as well
November 23, 1999
- New map summaries and updates for Cameron's Tavern, Church, Court House, High Volcano, Water Well, Earth Tower, and Air Tower all found in Darcap (Dtabb)
October 20, 1999
- Updated version of the Win32 client (Cfc06121) now available
- Compiler (publishing) problem solved, website is back to being viewable
September 27, 1999
- New Server in the UK - Read about it on the Servers page
September 8, 1999
- New page at this site of a proposed world map
- More help is needed (and detailed) on the page Opinions and thoughts needed on changes to see if they should be submitted to the CVS tree, a recent topic on the E-mail list See the post here
August 31, 1999
- New map summaries for Air House, Water House, Fire House, and a start for Water Well, all located in Darcap (Dtabb)
August 27, 1999
- Read about the graduated protection code by visiting:
August 25, 1999
- E-mail list topics for July were moved to the E-mail Topic List page
- New Server - see the information on the Servers page
August 23, 1999
- The crossfire.oc.humbug.org.au server has some changes
- Updates are on the Servers page, and announced in the mailing list
August 20, 1999
- Map summary for the Museum of Arms in the City of Navar
- Map summary for Earth House in Darcap (Dtabb).
August 19, 1999
- More forumulae added to the Alchemy Spoiler section
August 16, 1999
- More forumulae added to the Alchemy Spoiler section
August 13, 1999
- Map Summaries for Slave Pit 1, Slave Pit 2, Slave Pit 3, all found in Wolfsburg
- A little more information for Mercenaries Agency in the City of Scorn
August 11, 1999
- Map Summaries for The Red Light District, Wolfsburg Prison, Run Down Church, Twin Towers, Pirate´s Den, Old Tower, and Warehouse all found in Wolfsburg
August 10, 1999
- Map summary for Tower of the Stars
- Map summary for Island Tours found in Wolfsburg
- To save room on this page, you can view some of the subjects on the E-mail list at the page E-mail Topic List
- The Unfinished Area list has been updated
August 6, 1999
- See the recent topics in the E-mail list about the new patches
- The patches are also available at the CVS repository
August 4, 1999
August 2, 1999
- The Submit Page now works
- More areas are listed (many with locations) in the Darcap (Dtabb) section However, they still need to be explored
- Example of how to bind a command (praying, for example) now shown in the Survival Guide, under the heading of Useful Binding and Such
- Link to the E-mail posts in August added to the E-mail Archive page
July 28 & 29, 1999
- Status bar messages (Java) have been added to the site
- Hold your mouse cursor over one of the links uner the summary section and look at the bottom of your web browser
- More of this to be added soon Screen shots of the Win32 version client are here
- Updates summaries for City Hall, Zoo, Bank of Skud, and the Jones´ all in Scorn
- Update for Wayfarers Rest in Port Joseph
- Map summary for Newbie House, or make that Beginners (I have no idea how that one was missed)
- Map updates for The Arena, Animal Quarantine, and Port Inn (used to be Adventures Inn)
- Location descriptions on how to get to Pupland, Wolfsburg, Stoneville, and Lake Country
July 26, 1999
- Small updates for the Alchemy Spoiler section, and all the pages that
list commands It has to do with an addition that I overlooked a while
- Thanks to Raphael Quinet and Preston.F.Crow for pointing it out
July 23, 1999
- Added a new area to the Spoiler section called Alchemy
July 13, 1999
- New update for Crossfire, version 0.95.4 - read more here
- Working on a online submit form for map summaries and general comments
- Some compliance problems with a perl script is slowing this down
- Reference link to Babelfish at AltaVista at the top of every page now
July 6, 1999
- Map summary for the Dark Forest (Dark Temple) just added
July 1, 1999
- View the Crossfire page in the following languages: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish by visiting Babelfish at AltaVista Add the translation tool directly to your browser when you visit here
June 29, 1999
- Updates for two maps in Scorn: Yarids House and Old Mansion
June 24 & 25, 1999
- Search capability of the website and E-mail list has been added
- This site has been added to Prospector - Directory of Free stuff
- See the actual section here
June 17, 1999
- All the tables for the Monsters in the Spoiler section have been updated.
June 15, 1999
- Minor corrections throughout the site
- Updated the table for the Spoiler Section, Monsters: A to D
- The other tables for the monsters in the Spoiler section will also get
the same update
- It looks the same but it´s actually much easier to work with
- New site style If you have links to any other page besides the home page, you might want to double check on them
- Added a few more ideas in the Survival guide, under the Technical Things heading
June 4, 1999
- More maps, listed by suggested level are available in the section Maps by Level
May 27 & 28, 1999
- Entire map of Scorn now viewable, actually I forgot I had it saved.
- WARNING: It may take some time to load. (105 Kb image, ~60 seconds @ 14.4K, ~30 seconds @ 28.8K, ~15 seconds @ 56K )
- Click on a structure to read a map summary (if it is available.)
- Requires more work too
- Mail Archive link problem(s) fixed
- A couple of links added to the Screen Shot page
May 24, 1999
An updated summary for Old City
May 19 & 21, 1999
- Recent post on the future development and changes for Crossfire, read it here
- Read the first response, here, read the next response, here
- New information in the Survival Guide about enchanting weapons while praying over a god´s alter is here
- All the Old Announcements (more then 1 month old) can be found here
- Information provided for the Old City quest in Scorn
- Small updates for map summaries on Devourer´s Temple, The Arena, and Animal Quarantine (formerly Zoo Warehouse)
May 18, 1999
- New information added to the Survival Guide, explaining more on protection and immunities provided by priest spells and gods, read it here.
May 14, 1999
- A new server has been added to the Server Page
- The section, Game Areas, now has most of Scorn listed by suggested level
- Problem with the Mail Archive has been solved, and changed a little
- Test out new maps for Crossfire, see the post here
- Bug reports as well Further down the page is a spoiler also
- A way to fix the Healing Hall exit bug (in Scorn) is here
May 13, 1999
- Map summaries for Stronghold and Yarid´s House, and the Help reflect these updates
May 11 & 12, 1999
- The server sunbroy53.informatik.tu-muenchen.de is no longer available, read more here
- A follow-up response is here
- A new section is being worked on All areas will be listed by
suggested level
- Not much there right now..
- Server page has been updated, can anyone provide more information for me there?
- Map summary for Harry´s Place
May 6, 1999
- Suggested changes to the Crossfire Mailing List, read it here
- Read a follow-up post here
- Visit the early stages (you could almost say the testing stage)
of the Crossfire FAQ-O-Matic
- Send me some E-mail if you run into any problems with it
- Find more on Crossfire at Links2Go
- Practice logos for this site
April 30, 1999
- The Spoiler section on Magic has two sections now; one that is graphic intensive, and the other is just text
April 29, 1999
- Another server has been added to the list More posts concerning CVS
- The spell listing in the Tome of Magic has been updated; alot of spells still need descriptions though
April 26, 1999
- New Map summaries for the Kingdom Palace in Brest, also called "Nine Gates of Hell," Titan´s Castle (Castle/Fortress) found north of Navar, and Tower of Demonology
- A section for Pupland just started with a summary for Raffle 1
- Updates for the Wizard Spell List and Prayer List for all
spells up to and including 0.93.4
- I will have to fix the Magic Spoiler section now, along with the Tome of Magic as well
April 23, 1999
- Background information about the gtk client (gcfclient) added to the Clients page.
April 20, 1999
- Latest Win32 client, version now available on the Clients page.